A competitor walks on tightrope during a performance in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, China: photo by China Daily / Reuters, 7 May 2016
that one last transit of mercury
on the night of a yellow moon
a broken rack in the old curiosity shop
no place to put away a friend
A jet airliner leaves a vapor trail as the planet Mercury is seen, lower left quadrant, transiting across the face of the sun in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mercury passes between Earth and the sun only about 13 times a century, with the previous transit taking place in 2006.: photo by David Becker / Reuters, 9 May 2016
El rejoneador Rodrigo Santos recoge un clavel. Villa de Álvarez, Colima, México: photo by Emigdio Salgado (Millo Salgado), 27 April 2009
Terrorism Stunt Prompts Hotel du Cap Panic: photo by Splash News, 14 May 2016
Actors play the part of casualties during a simulation of an attack by a suicide bomber inside a shopping center in Manchester, England. Police in Greater Manchester joined forces with other agencies to carry out a simulated terror attack to test the emergency response to a major terror incident.: photo by Sean Hansford / MEN / AFP, 10 May 2016
Terrorism Stunt Prompts Hotel du Cap Panic: Oraxy's commando boat buzzes Steven Spielberg's yacht, the Seven Seas: photo by Splash News, 14 May 2016
Russia will act to neutralize U.S. missile shield threat: Putin: image via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 12 May 2016
Terrorism Stunt Prompts Hotel du Cap Panic: Oraxy's commando boat buzzes Steven Spielberg's yacht, the Seven Seas: photo by Splash News, 14 May 2016
Remarkable evidence of ancient humans found under Florida river: image via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 13 May 2016
Terrorism Stunt Prompts Hotel du Cap Panic: photo by Splash News, 14 May 2016
French firemen wearing chemical protective suits take part in a mock chemical attack exercise at the Geoffroy Guichard Stadium in Saint-Etienne, France, in preparation of security measures for the UEFA 2016 European Championship.: photo by Robert Pratta / Reuters, 4 April 2016
Actors hired by a French internet start up stormed a top celebrity hotel as part of a sickening PR stunt: photo by Xposure Photos via Hollywood Reporter, 14 May 2016
The stunt was arranged by new French internet start up company Oraxy designed for the super rich: image by Oraxy via Hollywood Reporter, 14 May 2016
The men were wearing military fatigues and body armour and had their faces hidden by balaclavas: photo by Xposure Photos via Hollywood Reporter, 14 May 2016
The military-style men raced up to the Hotel du Cap Eden-Roc, 30 minutes outside Cannes in a high-speed boat: photo by Xposure Photos via Hollywood Reporter, 14 May 2016
The six actors patrolled the French Riviera and circled huge yachts near the shore: photo by Splash News via Hollywood Reporter, 14 May 2016
The boat approached one of the hotels on the coast near the Cannes Film Festival: photo by Splash News via Hollywood Reporter, 14 May 2016
The boat, steered by one of the actors, came close to Steven Spielberg's Seven Seas, one of the large yachts in the French Riviera: photo by Splash News via Hollywood Reporter, 14 May 2016
Their presence comes as Cannes was placed on high alert after the world's stars descended on the city for the well-known 12-day film festival: photo by Splash News via Hollywood Reporter, 14 May 2016
The vessel approached a number of expensive yachts near the Cannes Film Festival: photo by Splash News via Hollywood Reporter, 14 May 2016
The six actors approached the five-star Eden Roc Hotel in Antibes: photo by Splash News via Hollywood Reporter, 14 May 2016
Cannes has drafted in hundreds of extra security guards, soldiers and police officers to guard the city during the festival: photo by AFP via Hollywood Reporter, 14 May 2016
The whole of France has been on high alert since the November terror attacks in Paris, which left 130 dead: photo by AFP via Hollywood Reporter, 14 May 2016
L#edenroc fête ses 100 #ans #antibes #monde: image via Routeur News @Routeur News, 21 May 2014
Police special forces advance on a ring road near the scene: photo by Youssef Boudlal/Reuters, 9 January 2015
Police special forces advance on a ring road near the scene: photo by Youssef Boudlal/Reuters, 9 January 2015
A label reading “Dead” is pictured attached to the leg of a dummy hanging from a London Underground train in rubble during the Exercise Unified Response (EUR) planned training exercise combining all aspects of British emergency services, in Dartford, England. Britain's emergency services and search and rescues teams took part in a training exercise simulating a building collapse onto a London underground station.: photo by Justin Tallis / AFP, 1 March 2016
Police at Porte de Vincennes: photo by Dan Kitwood via The Guardian, 9 January 2015
Police at Porte de Vincennes: photo by Dan Kitwood via The Guardian, 9 January 2015
George Clooney and his wife Amal Alamuddin arrive at the Eden Roc Hotel in Cap d'Antibes ahead of the start of the festival: photo by AFP via Hollywood Reporter, 14 May 2016
#Cannes: Organizers of Hotel du Cap Terror Stunt Apologize: image via Hollywood Reporter @THR, 14 May 2016
Paris, France. President Francois Hollande wears 3D glasses to watch the Philae probe as it lands on comet 67P: photo by Jacques Brinon/Reuters, 13 November 2014
Paris, France. President Francois Hollande wears 3D glasses to watch the Philae probe as it lands on comet 67P: photo by Jacques Brinon/Reuters, 13 November 2016
Emergency forces and shoppers take part in a simulated terror attack at the Trafford Center in Manchester, England, on May 10, 2016. Police in Greater Manchester joined forces with other agencies to carry out a simulated terror attack to test the emergency response to a major incident.: photo by Sean Hansford, 10 May 2016
Students are hit by a riot police water cannon during a demonstration to demand changes in the education system in Santiago, Chile: photo by Ivan Alvarado / Reuters, 11 May 2016
A reveler takes part in Correfoc in Barcelona, Spain. Correfoc, or fire-run, originates from a form of medieval street theater that represents the fight of good against evil through parades using fireworks and effigies of the devil. During the Correfoc, a group of individuals dress as devils and light fireworks. While dancing to the drums, they will set off their fireworks among crowds of spectators.: photo by Manu Fernandez / AP, 7 May 2016
A pilgrim walks on her knees to fulfill her vows, as pilgrims attend the 99th anniversary of the appearance of the Virgin Mary to three shepherd children, at the Catholic shrine of Fatima, Portugal: photo by Rafael Marchante / Reuters, 12 May 2016
Visitors shout during their visit to the Quinta Nova da Assuncao mansion, where Reflexo theatre company performs the show Casa Assombrada, or haunted house, in Belas, near Sintra, Portugal. During a tour of the empty Quinta Nova da Assuncao mansion, there are apparitions, shadows, and the sound of doors randomly shutting. All accompanied by the terrified shrieks from the group of visitors.: photo by Rafael Marchante / Reuters, 13 May 2016
A model stands next to a German BMW M3 car on display at an auto show in Hanoi, Vietnam: photo by Hoang Dinh Nam / AFP, 7 May 2016
The former mayor of London and Vote Leave campaigner Boris Johnson wears protective equipment as he visits Reid Steel during a campaign stop in Christchurch, England: photo byDarren Staples / Reuters, 12 May 2016
A French Internet company's fake terrorism stunt prompted panic at the famed Hotel du Cap: photo by Splash News 14 May 2016
Ce n'est qu'un au revoir. #HotelDuCapEdenRoc #HDCER #EdenRoc #TimelessLuxury #OetkerCollection #Antibes #France: image via André xoxo @AndreLuvsU, 29 September 2014 Antibes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
In die plasmmarket
Man of the hour, one way or another. (Also, Kristen Stewart.): image via Steven Zeitchik @ZeitchikLAT, 11 May 2016
#Cannes2016 Guests arrive for screening during the 69th film festival #AFP Photo by@ACPoujoulat: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 12 May 2016
#Cannes2016 Eva Longoria arrives for the Money Monster Screening. By @antotweettweet #AFP #EvaLongoria #MoneyMonster: image via AFP Entertainment @AFPceleb, 12 May 2016
#Cannes2016 Jessica Chastain arrives for 'Money Monster' Screening. By @AlbertoPizzoli @LoicVenance @ACPoujoulat: image via AFP Entertainment @AFPceleb, 12 May 2016
#Cannes2016 Actress Araya A. Hargate arrives for 'Money Monster' Screening. By @ACPoujoulat: image via AFP Entertainment @AFPceleb, 12 May 2016
#Cannes2016 Julia Roberts walked barefoot up the @FestivalCannes stairs By @ACPoujoulat #AFP #MoneyMonster: image via AFP Entertainment @AFPceleb, 12 May 2016
#Cannes2016 Julia Roberts and George Clooney arrive for the Money Monster Screening. By @AlbertoPizzoli #AFP: image via AFP Entertainment @AFPceleb, 12 May 2016
#Cannes2016 George Clooney and his wife Amal arrive for the Money Monster Screening. By @ValeryHache #AFP: image via AFP Entertainment @AFPceleb, 12 May 2016
#Cannes2016 Julia Roberts and George Clooney arrive for the Money Monster Screening. By @AlbertoPizzoli #AFP: image via AFP Entertainment @AFPceleb, 12 May 2016
George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin on a Venetian water taxi: photo by Andrea Merola/EPA, 26 September 2014
George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin on a Venetian water taxi: photo by Andrea Merola/EPA, 26 September 2014
St Mark’s Square is seen behind the Clooney weddingwater taxi: photo by AGF/Rex, 26 September 2014
US actor George Clooney told journalists at Cannes, "There is not going to be a President Donald Trump": photo by Loic Venance/AFP, 12 May 2016
On the trading floor of the open outcry pit
Traders and brokers speak on telephones on the trading floor of the open outcry pit at the London Metal Exchange Ltd, after an official opening ceremony of the LME’s new premises by Chilean President Michelle Bachelet in London: photo by Chris Ratcliffe / Bloomberg, 13 May 2016
Traders and brokers speak on telephones on the trading floor of the open outcry pit at the London Metal Exchange Ltd, after an official opening ceremony of the LME’s new premises by Chilean President Michelle Bachelet in London: photo by Chris Ratcliffe / Bloomberg, 13 May 2016 A helicopter drops water over tyres burning in an uncontrolled dump near the town of Sesena, after a fire broke out in a huge waste ground near Madrid where tyres have been dumped: photo by Pedro Armestre/AFP, 13 May 2016
A helicopter drops water over tyres burning in an uncontrolled dump near the town of Sesena, after a fire broke out in a huge waste ground near Madrid where tyres have been dumped: photo by Pedro Armestre/AFP, 13 May 2016
Tires burn in an uncontrolled dump near the town of Sesena, after a fire broke out early on May 13, 2016. A huge waste ground near Madrid where millions of tires have been dumped burned Thursday, releasing a thick black cloud of toxic fumes that officials worry could harm residents nearby.: photo by Pedro Armestre / AFP, 13 May 2016
A helicopter drops water over tyres burning in an uncontrolled dump near the town of Sesena, after a fire broke out in a huge waste ground near Madrid where tyres have been dumped: photo by Pedro Armestre/AFP, 13 May 2016
A Shape within the watry gleam appeard
Cast members (L-R) Melanie Thierry, Lily-Rose Melody Depp and Soko pose during a photocall for the film “La danseuse” in competition for the category “Un Certain Regard” at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France: photo by Yves Herman/Reuters, 13 May 2016
Cast members (L-R) Melanie Thierry, Lily-Rose Melody Depp and Soko pose during a photocall for the film “La danseuse” in competition for the category “Un Certain Regard” at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France: photo by Yves Herman/Reuters, 13 May 2016
Not distant far from thence a murmuring sound
Of waters issu'd from a Cave and spread Into a liquid Plain, then stood unmov'd Pure as th' expanse of Heav'n; I thither went With unexperienc't thought, and laid me downe On the green bank, to look into the cleer Smooth Lake, that to me seemd another Skie. As I bent down to look, just opposite, A Shape within the watry gleam appeard Bending to look on me, I started back, It started back, but pleas'd I soon returnd, Pleas'd it returnd as soon with answering looks Of sympathie and love; there I had fixt Mine eyes till now, and pin'd with vain desire...
John Milton (1608-1674): from Paradise Lost: A Poem in Ten Books (1667), 4. 453-69 (cf. Ovid, Metamorphoses 3. 407-36)
Narcissus: Caravaggio, 1598-99, oil on canvas, 110 x 92 cm (Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome)
Narcissus: Caravaggio, 1598-99, oil on canvas, 110 x 92 cm (Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome)
Roman de la Rose: French Miniaturist, c. 1380, manuscript (MS e Mus. 65), 295 x 225 mm (folio size) (Bodleian Library, Oxford)
Julia Roberts goes barefoot on the red carpet at Cannes #CannesFilmFestival #Cannes2016: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 12 May 2016
The Singer: Edouard Vuillard,1891, pastel, 28 x 20 cm (Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid)
#Cannes2016 Julia Roberts walked barefoot up the @FestivalCannes stairs By @ACPoujoulat #AFP #MoneyMonster: image via AFP Entertainment @AFPceleb, 12 May 2016
Julia Roberts goes barefoot on the red carpet at Cannes #CannesFilmFestival #Cannes2016: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 12 May 2016
Julia Roberts goes barefoot on the red carpet at Cannes #CannesFilmFestival #Cannes2016: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 12 May 2016
Julia Roberts goes barefoot on the red carpet at Cannes #CannesFilmFestival #Cannes2016: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 12 May 2016
Receptionist gets 120,000 signatures on petition to outlaw making women wear heels at work: image via Reuters UK @Reuters, 12 May 2016
A photocall for Goosebumps
Queen Elizabeth II studies the programme as she attends the third day of the Royal Windsor Horse Show, which is held in the grounds of Windsor Castle in Berkshire: photo by Petras Malukas/AFP, 13 May 2016
Queen Elizabeth II studies the programme as she attends the third day of the Royal Windsor Horse Show, which is held in the grounds of Windsor Castle in Berkshire: photo by Petras Malukas/AFP, 13 May 2016
Slappy the Dummy rests on a chair prior to a photo call for Goosebumps in West Hollywood, California: photo by Mario Anzuoni / Reuters, 2 October 2015
French officials show off ‘Ocean One,’ an underwater humanoid diving robot, at the history museum in Marseille, France: photo by Claude Paris / AP, 28 April 2016
Migrant children help volunteers to hang a tarpaulin between containers at the Athens port of Piraeus: photo by Thanassis Stavrakis/AP, 13 May 2016
Migrant children help volunteers to hang a tarpaulin between containers at the Athens port of Piraeus: photo by Thanassis Stavrakis/AP, 13 May 2016
An opposition supporter falls as she clashes with Venezuelan National Guards during a rally to demand a referendum to remove President Nicolas Maduro in Caracas, Venezuela: photo by Carlos Garcia Rawlins / Reuters, 11 May 2016
Venezuela looters target chicken, flour amid worsening shortages: image via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 12 May 2016
A man helps to erect an inflatable doll depicting late President Hugo Chavez during a rally of PDVSA workers with President Nicolas Maduro (unseen) outside the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, Venezuela: photo by Juan Barreto / AFP, 12 January 2016
A Venezuelan opposition activist waves a flag in front of a police line during a demonstration in San Cristobal: photo by George Castellanos / AFP, 12 May 2016
A man stands on the roof of one of the buildings in the capital's main ceremonial square before a mass dance and torchlight procession, a day after the ruling Workers' Party of Korea wrapped up its first congress in 36 years, in Pyongyang, North Korea: photo by Damir Sagolj / Reuters, 10 May 2016
Protesters from Code Pink for Peace gather near Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s motorcade outside the Republican National Committee headquarters on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.: photo by Chip Somodevilla, 12 May 2016
Protesters from Code Pink for Peace gather near Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s motorcade outside the Republican National Committee headquarters on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.: photo by Chip Somodevilla, 12 May 2016
A boy plays with a machine gun during an event in remembrance of the upcoming Victory Day, marking the anniversary of the Allied victory over Nazi Germany, in the southern city of Ashdod, Israel: photo by Amir Cohen / Reuters, May 2016
Activists of right-wing Hindu Sena, or Hindu Army, conduct Hindu rituals to ensure a win for U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump in New Delhi, India. While Trump has dominated the Republican primary race to decide the party's candidate for the November election, his calls for temporarily banning Muslims from America and cracking down on terrorist groups abroad have earned him some fans in India.: photo by Saurabh Das / AP, 11 May 2016
A bird flies over the Statue of Liberty in New York: photo by Jewel Samad / AFP, 13 May 2016
Bids soar for gun used to kill Trayvon Martin. Bidding on Zimmerman’s 9mm Kel-Tec PF-9 pistol began at $5,000.: image via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 12 May 2016
Dubious bidders vie for ’Trayvon’ gun: image via Reuters TV @ReutersTV, 13 May 2016
A group of people who tried to cross the border walk back to a makeshift camp for refugees and migrants at the Greek-Macedonian border near the village of Idomeni, Greece: photo by Marko Djurica/Reuters, 10 May 2016
A man who tried to cross the border takes a rest as he walks back to a makeshift camp for refugees and migrants at the Greek-Macedonian border near the village of Idomeni, Greece: photo by Marko Djurica/Reuters, 10 May 2016
A group of people who tried to cross the border walk back to a makeshift camp for refugees and migrants at the Greek-Macedonian border near the village of Idomeni, Greece: photo by Marko Djurica/Reuters, 10 May 2016
A woman who tried to cross the border takes a rest as she walks back to a makeshift camp for refugees and migrants at the Greek-Macedonian border near the village of Idomeni, Greece: photo by Marko Djurica/Reuters, 10 May 2016
Zookeepers hold up a large net barricade to capture a zoo staff member dressed as a zebra at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, Japan: photo by Christopher Jue, 2 February 2016
People use Samsung Gear VR devices during the presentation of the new Samsung Galaxy S7 and Samsung Galaxy S7 edge, in Barcelona, Spain: photo by David Ramos, 21 February 2016
A young Palestinian waits at the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, in the southern Gaza Strip, after it was opened for two days by Egyptian authorities on Thursday: photo by AFP, 12 May 2016
A young Palestinian waits at the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, in the southern Gaza Strip, after it was opened for two days by Egyptian authorities on Thursday: photo by AFP, 12 May 2016
Chinese sculptor Tian Yongjun works on a Mao Zedong sculpture outside his workshop in Shaoshan, China: photo by How Hwee Young/EPA, 12 May 2016
Chinese sculptor Tian Yongjun works on a Mao Zedong sculpture outside his workshop in Shaoshan, China: photo by How Hwee Young/EPA, 12 May 2016
A worker stands in front of containers at a port in Shanghai: photo by Aly Song / Reuters, 10 May 2016
A worker sorts through silk at a silk factory in Pyongyang, North Korea: photo by Ed Jones / AFP, 9 May 2016
A woman attends a so-called “Victorian Picnic” during the Wave-Gotik-Treffen festival in Leipzig, Germany: photo by Tobias Schwarz / AFP, 13 May 2016
Cars driving on the winding L401 country road past rapeseed fields near Nienstedt Germany: photo by Julian Straten/AFP, 12 May 2016
Cars driving on the winding L401 country road past rapeseed fields near Nienstedt Germany: photo by Julian Straten/AFP, 12 May 2016
Cars driving on the winding L401 country road past rapeseed fields near Nienstedt, central Germany: photo by Julian Stratenschulte / dpa / AFP, 12 May 2016
Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff, accompanied by Chief of Staff Jaques Wagner, looks from a window at Planalto Palace in Brasilia, Brazil: photo by Adriano Machado/Reuters, 12 May 2016
Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff, accompanied by Chief of Staff Jaques Wagner, looks from a window at Planalto Palace in Brasilia, Brazil: photo by Adriano Machado/Reuters, 12 May 2016
A guard stands watch at the Planalto presidential palace while a special session is being held in the Brazilian Senate determining whether to accept impeachment charges against embattled Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff: photo by Mario Tama, 12 May 2015
A guard stands watch at the Planalto presidential palace while a special session is being held in the Brazilian Senate determining whether to accept impeachment charges against embattled Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff: photo by Mario Tama, 12 May 2015
A Brazilian army soldier on the ramp of the Palacio do Planalto in Brasilia, Brazil: photo by Igo Estrela, 12 May 2016
Indigenous people demonstrate against the impeachment of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff in front of the National Congress in Brasilia: photo by Andressa Anholete / AFP, 11 May 2016
Brazil's Rousseff bows out defiantly after historic Senate vote to put her on trial: image via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 12 May 2016
A Kashmiri man sleeps in a boat along the algae-covered Anchar Lake on Thursday: photo by Danish Ismail/Reuters, 12 May 2016
A Kashmiri man sleeps in a boat along the algae-covered Anchar Lake on Thursday: photo by Danish Ismail/Reuters, 12 May 2016