![... | by Fermin Guzman]()
Quetzalcóatl... CDMX 2018...: photo by Fermin Guzman, 24 February 2018
![... | by Fermin Guzman]()
![... | by Fermin Guzman]()
Quetzalcóatl... CDMX 2018...: photo by Fermin Guzman, 24 February 2018
President Donald Trump talks with a U.S. Customs and Border Protection Border Patrol Agent while touring prototypes for the U.S.-Mexico border wall in San Diego Photo Kevin Lamarque: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 13 March 2018
Reading The Pictures Retweeted Steve Holland
image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 13 March 2018
Clashes erupted between protesters and security forces in Soura area of Srinagar, after the funeral prayers of a B.tech student turned militant Eesa Fazili.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018
Clashes erupted between protesters and security forces in Soura area of Srinagar, after the funeral prayers of a B.tech student turned militant Eesa Fazili.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018
Clashes erupted between protesters and security forces in Soura area of Srinagar, after the funeral prayers of a B.tech student turned militant Eesa Fazili.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018
Clashes erupted between protesters and security forces in Soura area of Srinagar, after the funeral prayers of a B.tech student turned militant Eesa Fazili.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018
Restrictions in parts of Srinagar, Kashmir on March 07, 2018 #ShopianKillings @lookaround81 #childrenofkashmir: image via Faisal Khan @lookaround81, 7 March 2018
![France Louvre Protest]()
An activist lies on the floor inside the Louvre museum, as he stages a protest trying to call attention to migration driven by climate change, and notably to criticize activities of French oil giant Total, a prominent sponsor of Louvre activities, in Paris, Monday, March 12, 2018.: photo by Christophe Ena/AP, 12 March 2018
![France Louvre Protest]()
From Junkets on a Sad Planet: False Confidences at Sea (Aboard the Maria Crowther, September 1820)
Herring gull in flight, south coast of England: photo by Arpingstone, 2003
Tom Clark: False Confidences at Sea (Aboard the Maria Crowther September 1820), from Junkets on a Sad Planet: Scenes From the Life of John Keats (1994)
HMS Dauntless in a following wind, Nov 17, 1850: gouache by Capt. Cowper Phipps Coles, RN (National Maritime Museum)
Seascape: Simon de Vlieger, 1640-1645 (National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.)
From Junkets on a Sad Planet: Gravesend (September 1820)
Tom Clark: Gravesend (September 1820), from Junkets on a Sad Planet: Scenes From the Life of John Keats (1994)

Quetzalcóatl... CDMX 2018...: photo by Fermin Guzman, 24 February 2018

Quetzalcóatl... CDMX 2018...: photo by Fermin Guzman, 24 February 2018

Quetzalcóatl... CDMX 2018...: photo by Fermin Guzman, 24 February 2018

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson exits down a hallway after speaking at a news conference at the State Department. @realDonaldTrump has fired Tillerson in a major staff reshuffle just as Trump dives into high-stakes talks with North Korea. @AP_Images (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik): image via Andrew Harnik @andyharnik, 13 March 2018

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson exits down a hallway after speaking at a news conference at the State Department. @realDonaldTrump has fired Tillerson in a major staff reshuffle just as Trump dives into high-stakes talks with North Korea. @AP_Images (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik): image via Andrew Harnik @andyharnik, 13 March 2018
@realDonaldTrump speaks to reporters before boarding Marine One at the WH. Trump fired Sec. of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday and will nominate CIA Director Mike Pompeo to replace him, a reshuffle as Trump dives into high-stakes talks with North Korea. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik): image via Andrew Harnik @andyharnik, 13 March 2018
Reading @davidbutow's #Pompeo Insta as commentary (and landscape), the future is grave: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 13 March 2018

Reading @davidbutow's #Pompeo Insta as commentary (and landscape), the future is grave: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 13 March 2018

Y'all know @TheDemocrats are about to help confirm a torturer, right? #GinaHaspel should be in prison.: image via #deMOCKracy @BernieUpstateNY, 13 March 2018
Better not give this woman a pen, Donnie, never know where it might end up

@realDonaldTrump hands out pens to steel workers after signing an order imposing stiff and sweeping new tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. #tariffs @nytimes: image via Doug Mills @dougmillsnyt, 8 March 2018
That’s some strange affect. Photo @MandelNgan @GettyImages @CNNPolitics #tariffs: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 13 March 2018
Pat my aura and see what happens but don't push this box off the desk or you're fired

That’s some strange affect. Photo @MandelNgan @GettyImages @CNNPolitics #tariffs: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 13 March 2018
Pat my aura and see what happens but don't push this box off the desk or you're fired

President Donald Trump talks with a U.S. Customs and Border Protection Border Patrol Agent while touring prototypes for the U.S.-Mexico border wall in San Diego Photo Kevin Lamarque: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 13 March 2018
The fat c_t with the fake flight deck cum baby duck tail haircut
dropped into san diego today and said he
thinks california wants a border wall, but alas
california doesn't think so, and but what would a moron like you know
anyway flubbo. The fact is donnie, what california doesn't
want is you, but you already knew that. Or would were
you not a moron. So it's farewell rex hellorockface mike hello torture lady. Are
we having fun yet. No donnie no we are not. By the way
if you ever visit the rich people in the hills up this way
you'll quickly learn that without cheap Mexican labor
no work would ever get done. Mexicans will work cheap
and all day long for you donzo, you freakin moron you.
Without them this town is dead. They ride up the hill all day
in their brokedown pickups with their equipment and tools
in the back, doing all the dirt work for the rich white
people who hurry up and down the freeway feeder getting
and spending and never getting their hands dirty. They are
universally polite because they know they are here only
on sufferance from you. It's a really precarious life.
In the past week alone donnie I've witnessed
two nasty crashes involving yard workers in beat up pickups
two nasty crashes involving yard workers in beat up pickups
and big white SUVs. In the first a truck coming down marin at los angeles
and hitting the last steepest bit of18 degree decline
crunched into the back of an SUV, bounced a bit and
and hitting the last steepest bit of18 degree decline
crunched into the back of an SUV, bounced a bit and
exploded (blown out brakes) a few feet from
my ancient shocked person as I attempted to traverse
the insane eight spoke Circle, producing fire and sparks and smoke
blooming and showering all about, and fear
blooming and showering all about, and fear
and confusion. I reeled back. Soon enough the driver and
another man and a woman, a crew of yard workers, were beside me,
standing on the corner, amid the shattered glass and tangled metal,
experiencing the abomination of whiteworld desolation.
They had smartphones and were fiddling with them.
They had smartphones and were fiddling with them.
When I commiserated the driver assured me
it was okay, he is covered. The white person in the SUV
departed the scene leaving the wretched workers stranded
there, awaiting the police, forlorn. Yesterday the incessant rain
and rush hour insanity combined to produce another, worse
crash just in front of the haunted house, which rocked
and shook upon heavy impact, as always happens when the freeway
feeder claims another victim. All five cats in house at the time
immediately went to ground. High pitched alarm signal
triggered by impact pierced air
with nutty sound like parakeet nervous breakdown and did not stop.
Here again an unequal contest large white tanklike SUV
immediately went to ground. High pitched alarm signal
triggered by impact pierced air
with nutty sound like parakeet nervous breakdown and did not stop.
Here again an unequal contest large white tanklike SUV
vs small banged up pickup. The pickup came out of it
with a crushed rear end and two very scared occupants, driver
and another, standing downcast in the rain under the garage awning
of Bob from Oklahoma, who, being a solid citizen, assisted
in the arrest by rolling up his big foreboding front gate
to allow the interrogation to take place
out of the rain. The cop was asking the driver his address.
Not getting a good answer, and the interrogated man
now began, nervously, to recite addresses, and more addresses, and soon
it became clear that this was not going to end well
for the workmen. On the crushed back end of their little
red pickup was inscribed, in white paint,
"Mi Homita", surrounded by a large wobbly outlined heart.

Reading The Pictures Retweeted Steve Holland
Reading The Pictures added,
All the world’s a final round beauty contest.image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 13 March 2018

When he makes his first presidential visit to California on Tuesday, Donald Trump will see prototypes of the wall he wants to build on the border with Mexico. @ProyectoElCerco (el cerco = the fence) is a photo project documenting the state of fences already along the border: image via Sophie Nicholson @sohnic, 13 March 2018
#Mexico Undaunted by Trump's wall, migrants vow to go over it. #AFP Photo: image via AFP photo @AFPphoto, 13 March 2018
#Mexico Undaunted by Trump's wall, migrants vow to go over it. #AFP Photo: image via AFP photo @AFPphoto, 13 March 2018
#Mexico Undaunted by Trump's wall, migrants vow to go over it. #AFP Photo: image via AFP photo @AFPphoto, 13 March 2018
![... | by Fermin Guzman]()
Texcoco, Edomex 2018...: photo by Fermin Guzman, 26 February 2018
![... | by Fermin Guzman]()
![... | by Fermin Guzman]()
![... | by Fermin Guzman]()
Chimalhuacán, EDOMEX 2018...: photo by Fermin Guzman, 7 March 2018
![... | by Fermin Guzman]()
Chimalhuacán, EDOMEX 2018...: photo by Fermin Guzman, 7 March 2018
![... | by Fermin Guzman]()
Chimalhuacán, EDOMEX 2018...: photo by Fermin Guzman, 7 March 2018 ![]()
#Syria Syria war has killed more than 350,000 in 7 years: monitor #AFP Photo @Ammar Suleiman: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 12 March 2018
Syrie: la France demande à la Russie de faire "arrêter le bain de sang" (ambassadeur ONU) #AFP: image via Agence France-Presse @afpfr, 12 March 2018
Hitler's war crimes in #Russia's Stalingrad 1942 #Putin's war crimes in #EasternGhouta #Syria today: image via Amer almohibany @amer_almohibany, 13 March 2018
Hitler's war crimes in #Russia's Stalingrad 1942 #Putin's war crimes in #EasternGhouta #Syria today: image via Amer almohibany @amer_almohibany, 13 March 2018
Hitler's war crimes in #Russia's Stalingrad 1942 #Putin's war crimes in #EasternGhouta #Syria today: image via Amer almohibany @amer_almohibany, 13 March 2018
Hitler's war crimes in #Russia's Stalingrad 1942 #Putin's war crimes in #EasternGhouta #Syria today: image via Amer almohibany @amer_almohibany, 13 March 2018

#Mexico Undaunted by Trump's wall, migrants vow to go over it. #AFP Photo: image via AFP photo @AFPphoto, 13 March 2018

#Mexico Undaunted by Trump's wall, migrants vow to go over it. #AFP Photo: image via AFP photo @AFPphoto, 13 March 2018

#Mexico Undaunted by Trump's wall, migrants vow to go over it. #AFP Photo: image via AFP photo @AFPphoto, 13 March 2018

Texcoco, Edomex 2018...: photo by Fermin Guzman, 26 February 2018

Texcoco, Edomex 2018...: photo by Fermin Guzman, 26 February 2018

Texcoco, Edomex 2018...: photo by Fermin Guzman, 26 February 2018

Chimalhuacán, EDOMEX 2018...: photo by Fermin Guzman, 7 March 2018

Chimalhuacán, EDOMEX 2018...: photo by Fermin Guzman, 7 March 2018

Chimalhuacán, EDOMEX 2018...: photo by Fermin Guzman, 7 March 2018

#Syria Syria war has killed more than 350,000 in 7 years: monitor #AFP Photo @Ammar Suleiman: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 12 March 2018

Syrie: la France demande à la Russie de faire "arrêter le bain de sang" (ambassadeur ONU) #AFP: image via Agence France-Presse @afpfr, 12 March 2018

Hitler's war crimes in #Russia's Stalingrad 1942 #Putin's war crimes in #EasternGhouta #Syria today: image via Amer almohibany @amer_almohibany, 13 March 2018

Hitler's war crimes in #Russia's Stalingrad 1942 #Putin's war crimes in #EasternGhouta #Syria today: image via Amer almohibany @amer_almohibany, 13 March 2018

Hitler's war crimes in #Russia's Stalingrad 1942 #Putin's war crimes in #EasternGhouta #Syria today: image via Amer almohibany @amer_almohibany, 13 March 2018

Hitler's war crimes in #Russia's Stalingrad 1942 #Putin's war crimes in #EasternGhouta #Syria today: image via Amer almohibany @amer_almohibany, 13 March 2018

Bnei Brak, Israel.Israeli border police scuffle with ultra-Orthodox Jews taking part in a protest against army conscription: photo by Heidi Levine/Sipa/Rex/Shutterstock, 13 March 2018
![India Kashmir Fighting]()
Kashmiri men carry a youth who fell unconscious during the funeral of rebel Easa Fazili, on the outskirts of Srinagar, Indian-controlled Kashmir, Monday, March 12, 2018. A gun-battle between Indian troops and rebels early Monday killed three insurgents in disputed Kashmir and triggered more anti-India protests and clashes, officials said.: photo by Mukhtar Khan/AP, 12 March 2018
![India Kashmir Fighting]()
Kashmiri men carry a youth who fell unconscious during the funeral of rebel Easa Fazili, on the outskirts of Srinagar, Indian-controlled Kashmir, Monday, March 12, 2018. A gun-battle between Indian troops and rebels early Monday killed three insurgents in disputed Kashmir and triggered more anti-India protests and clashes, officials said.: photo by Mukhtar Khan/AP, 12 March 2018
People gather around the body of a Slain militant Eesa Fazili, during his funeral procession in Srinagar.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018
Thousands of people participated in the funeral prayers of slain militant Eesa Fazili in Ahmednagar area of Soura.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018
Thousands of people participated in the funeral prayers of slain militant Eesa Fazili in Ahmednagar area of Soura.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018
Thousands of people participated in the funeral prayers of slain militant Eesa Fazili in Ahmednagar area of Soura.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018
Thousands of people participated in the funeral prayers of slain militant Eesa Fazili in Ahmednagar area of Soura.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018
A Kashmiri masked boy takes pictures with mobile phone during the funeral procession of militant Eesa Fazili in Srinagara.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018

Kashmiri men carry a youth who fell unconscious during the funeral of rebel Easa Fazili, on the outskirts of Srinagar, Indian-controlled Kashmir, Monday, March 12, 2018. A gun-battle between Indian troops and rebels early Monday killed three insurgents in disputed Kashmir and triggered more anti-India protests and clashes, officials said.: photo by Mukhtar Khan/AP, 12 March 2018

Kashmiri men carry a youth who fell unconscious during the funeral of rebel Easa Fazili, on the outskirts of Srinagar, Indian-controlled Kashmir, Monday, March 12, 2018. A gun-battle between Indian troops and rebels early Monday killed three insurgents in disputed Kashmir and triggered more anti-India protests and clashes, officials said.: photo by Mukhtar Khan/AP, 12 March 2018

People gather around the body of a Slain militant Eesa Fazili, during his funeral procession in Srinagar.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018

Thousands of people participated in the funeral prayers of slain militant Eesa Fazili in Ahmednagar area of Soura.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018

Thousands of people participated in the funeral prayers of slain militant Eesa Fazili in Ahmednagar area of Soura.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018

Thousands of people participated in the funeral prayers of slain militant Eesa Fazili in Ahmednagar area of Soura.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018

Thousands of people participated in the funeral prayers of slain militant Eesa Fazili in Ahmednagar area of Soura.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018

A Kashmiri masked boy takes pictures with mobile phone during the funeral procession of militant Eesa Fazili in Srinagara.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018

Clashes erupted between protesters and security forces in Soura area of Srinagar, after the funeral prayers of a B.tech student turned militant Eesa Fazili.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018

Clashes erupted between protesters and security forces in Soura area of Srinagar, after the funeral prayers of a B.tech student turned militant Eesa Fazili.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018

Clashes erupted between protesters and security forces in Soura area of Srinagar, after the funeral prayers of a B.tech student turned militant Eesa Fazili.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018

Clashes erupted between protesters and security forces in Soura area of Srinagar, after the funeral prayers of a B.tech student turned militant Eesa Fazili.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @basiitzargar, 12 March 2018

If Eisa Fazili's funeral tells us one thing, it is the magnitude of people simply wishing to see a #FreeKashmir A sea of mourners bid farewell to Eisa Fazili today in #Srinagar #Kashmir Lens Syed Vikar: image via Bea @HerNameIs_Bea, 12 March 2018

In Mumbai thousands of farmers march together in pain and anger. In Kashmir thousands of people do the same. And our chosen representatives don’t give a damn. Media is there’s. And then they have trolls.: image via Pradeepika Saraswat @iampradeepika, 12 March 2018

In Mumbai thousands of farmers march together in pain and anger. In Kashmir thousands of people do the same. And our chosen representatives don’t give a damn. Media is theirs. And then they have trolls.: image via Pradeepika Saraswat @iampradeepika, 12 March 2018

Funeral of a local militant Eesa Fazili in Soura area of Srinagar, Kashmir on March 12, 2018. Fazili an engineering student was killed in a gunfight along with his two associates in Hakura village of south Kashmir's Anantnag. Police said. @lookaround81: image via Faisal Khan @lookaround81, 12 March 2018

Funeral of a local militant Eesa Fazili in Soura area of Srinagar, Kashmir on March 12, 2018. Fazili an engineering student was killed in a gunfight along with his two associates in Hakura village of south Kashmir's Anantnag. Police said. @lookaround81: image via Faisal Khan @lookaround81, 12 March 2018

Funeral of a local militant Eesa Fazili in Soura area of Srinagar, Kashmir on March 12, 2018. Fazili an engineering student was killed in a gunfight along with his two associates in Hakura village of south Kashmir's Anantnag. Police said. @lookaround81: image via Faisal Khan @lookaround81, 12 March 2018

Funeral of a local militant Eesa Fazili in Soura area of Srinagar, Kashmir on March 12, 2018. Fazili an engineering student was killed in a gunfight along with his two associates in Hakura village of south Kashmir's Anantnag. Police said. @lookaround81: image via Faisal Khan @lookaround81, 12 March 2018

Your emotional life is not written in cement during childhood. You write each chapter as you go along. (Harry Stack Sullivan) - Schools reopened across Srinagar, Kashmir after remaining closed for more than two months for winter break. @lookaround81 March 10,2018. : image via Faisal Khan @lookaround81, 10 March 2018

Your emotional life is not written in cement during childhood. You write each chapter as you go along. (Harry Stack Sullivan) - Schools reopened across Srinagar, Kashmir after remaining closed for more than two months for winter break. @lookaround81 March 10,2018. : image via Faisal Khan @lookaround81, 10 March 2018

Restrictions in parts of Srinagar, Kashmir on March 07, 2018 #ShopianKillings @lookaround81 #childrenofkashmir: image via Faisal Khan @lookaround81, 7 March 2018

An activist lies on the floor inside the Louvre museum, as he stages a protest trying to call attention to migration driven by climate change, and notably to criticize activities of French oil giant Total, a prominent sponsor of Louvre activities, in Paris, Monday, March 12, 2018.: photo by Christophe Ena/AP, 12 March 2018

An activist lies on the floor inside the Louvre museum, as he stages a protest trying to call attention to migration driven by climate change, and notably to criticize activities of French oil giant Total, a prominent sponsor of Louvre activities, in Paris, Monday, March 12, 2018.: photo by Christophe Ena/AP, 12 March 2018
From Junkets on a Sad Planet: False Confidences at Sea (Aboard the Maria Crowther, September 1820)
Herring gull in flight, south coast of England: photo by Arpingstone, 2003
The second day out, at Gravesend, a pretty young female consumptive passenger, also bound for Italy, came on board, and joined their little English traveling party. She was just Fanny Brawne's age, and just as obviously as Keats himself, not long for this world. Looking upon her with a haunted fascination as if looking into a mirror, he talked himself into exhaustion that second night at sea for her benefit and his own as well -- and to Severn, later in their cabin, confided she appeared to be at a more advanced stage of wasting than himself; as identically in her turn did the female passenger, Miss Cotterell, when for a moment they were alone together on deck, confide to Severn that poor sad Keats' state seemed to her much more pitiable than her own.
But following these alternating empty confidences, both desperately self-deceived invalids were constantly sick on the high seas, Miss Cotterell fainting like clockwork when the portholes of their common cabin were left shut, Keats swept by gales of coughing when they were left open -- as if their respective morbidities were in syzygy -- and Severn remembers Keats' face never lost that starved haunted expression after this time.
But following these alternating empty confidences, both desperately self-deceived invalids were constantly sick on the high seas, Miss Cotterell fainting like clockwork when the portholes of their common cabin were left shut, Keats swept by gales of coughing when they were left open -- as if their respective morbidities were in syzygy -- and Severn remembers Keats' face never lost that starved haunted expression after this time.
Tom Clark: False Confidences at Sea (Aboard the Maria Crowther September 1820), from Junkets on a Sad Planet: Scenes From the Life of John Keats (1994)

HMS Dauntless in a following wind, Nov 17, 1850: gouache by Capt. Cowper Phipps Coles, RN (National Maritime Museum)
From Junkets on a Sad Planet: En Route (Aboard the Maria Crowther, September 1820)

Seascape: Simon de Vlieger, 1640-1645 (National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.)
Woodhouse, Haslam, Taylor came aboard with us
Then left the boat at Gravesend waving goodbyes.
Directed by the eyes of others, I look inside myself
And that smothering sensation in my chest aside
Find now only giddy depths in which to fall
Freely. And once again after all here comes the night.
In the green distance the open sea reflects
An iron fate wedged against a flame grey sky.
Then left the boat at Gravesend waving goodbyes.
Directed by the eyes of others, I look inside myself
And that smothering sensation in my chest aside
Find now only giddy depths in which to fall
Freely. And once again after all here comes the night.
In the green distance the open sea reflects
An iron fate wedged against a flame grey sky.
Tom Clark: En Route (Aboard the Maria Crowther, September 1820), from Tom Clark: Junkets on a Sad Planet: Scenes from the Life of John Keats (1994)
![]() |
Seascape: Simon de Vlieger, 1640-1645 (National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.)
From Junkets on a Sad Planet: Gravesend (September 1820)
Severn visited the chemist for laudanum at Gravesend,
Sent to buy cold solace in a bottle for Keats.
They were becalmed. He fell into frequent fevers.
Slowly they drifted past lights airs bright towns
Again, the death boat held in doubtful suspension
Like opium in alcohol. Listless passage
Toward awareness' blockaded harbor,
Temptation to lose control, go overboard,
Desperate recognition of his love situation
In which the very thing he wants
To live for the most will be his death's occasion
And yet he cannot help it. Who can help it?
Tom Clark: Gravesend (September 1820), from Junkets on a Sad Planet: Scenes From the Life of John Keats (1994)

Untitled [Newark]: photo by J Perez, 25 May 2013

Untitled [Newark]: photo by J Perez, 25 May 2013