![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
Mountainair, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, 9 March 2018
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
![Purim Police | by Gisele Duprez]()

Mountainair, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, 9 March 2018

Mountainair, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, 9 March 2018

Mountainair, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, 9 March 2018

Purim Police [Williamsburg, Brooklyn]: photo by Gisele Duprez, 1 March 2018
Purim Police [Williamsburg, Brooklyn]: photo by Gisele Duprez, 1 March 2018
![Bottomless Mimosas - The Chicagoans Series | by cpplunkett]()
![Bottomless Mimosas - The Chicagoans Series | by cpplunkett]()
Bottomless Mimosas - from The Chicagoans series | Taken on Illinois St. outside of Fremont (home to a wild weekend brunch party) in the Gold Coast, Chicago on Sunday, March, 4, 2018.[Magnificent Mile, Chicago]: photo by C.P. Plunkett, 4 March 2018
![Bottomless Mimosas - The Chicagoans Series | by cpplunkett]()
Bottomless Mimosas - from The Chicagoans series | Taken on Illinois St. outside of Fremont (home to a wild weekend brunch party) in the Gold Coast, Chicago on Sunday, March, 4, 2018.[Magnificent Mile, Chicago]: photo by C.P. Plunkett, 4 March 2018![Life is good, 1943 | by MichaelRyerson]()
![Sin embargo, queda un rayo de esperanza | by Robert Saucier]()
Sin embargo, queda un rayo de esperanza [Mexico]: photo by Robert Saucier, 5 March 2018
![Sin embargo, queda un rayo de esperanza | by Robert Saucier]()
Sin embargo, queda un rayo de esperanza [Mexico]: photo by Robert Saucier, 5 March 2018
![Sin embargo, queda un rayo de esperanza | by Robert Saucier]()
Motel view, Twentynine Palms: photo by Andrew Murr, 11 March 2018
![Rainy desert Motel lot | by ADMurr]()
Rainy desert Motel lot: photo by Andrew Murr, 11 March 2018
![Granite | by ADMurr]()
![Industrial light | by ADMurr]()
Industrial light [Eastside, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 2March 2018
![Under the fire escape | by ADMurr]()
Under the fire escape [Macarthur Park, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 4March 2018
![big island, hawai'i. | by Tag Frésquez]()
![Flash | by channelldarren]()
Flash: photo by darren channell, 22 July 2016
![Flash | by channelldarren]()
![Flash | by channelldarren]()
Flash: photo by darren channell, 22 July 2016
![© Spiros Soueref. Cairo. Egypt. 2018 | by Spiros Soueref]()
Cairo, Egypt, 2018: photo by Spiros Soueref, 9 February 2018
nascent promise before new dawn fades but was any thing ever real in the long parade of important days in the history of the world
xymphora @xymphora29 Jan 2011
The Pharaoh has murdered too many protesters for the people to leave with the nothing he has offered them.xymphora @xymphora29 Jan 2011
Today and tomorrow will be important days in the history of the world.
xymphora @xymphora28 Jan 2011
Hosni wants more protests.
xymphora @xymphora28 Jan 2011
What happened to Hosni's speech?
xymphora @xymphora28 Jan 2011
Big fires at big buildings but not a hint of firefighters.
xymphora @xymphora28 Jan 2011
There's a big fire at Mubarak's party's headquarters.
xymphora @xymphora28 Jan 2011
The Pharaoh is going to broadcast to the nation. Better be good.
![#17 | by RAB THANASORN]()
Bangkok, 2017: photo by THANASORN JANEKANJIT, 21 October 2017
![Phuket town | by danilamel]()
Phuket town: photo by danilamel, 17 February 2018
![© Spiros Soueref, Cape Coast, Ghana, 2017 www.instagram.com/spiros_soueref / www.spirossoueref.com | by Spiros Soueref]()
![Vologda 2013 | by Emil Gataullin]()
Vologda 2013: photo by Emill Gataullin, 7 February 2018
![Myanmar | by jure_maticic]()
Myanmar: photo by Jure Maticic, 25 May 2017
![Myanmar | by jure_maticic]()
Myanmar: photo by Jure Maticic, 25 May 2017
![Myanmar | by jure_maticic]()
Myanmar: photo by Jure Maticic, 25 May 2017
CDMX 2018... [Centro, Mexico City]: photo by Ferrmin Guzman, 16 February 2018
Landscape with Aeneas at Delos: Claude Lorrain, 1672 (National Gallery, London)

Bottomless Mimosas - from The Chicagoans series | Taken on Illinois St. outside of Fremont (home to a wild weekend brunch party) in the Gold Coast, Chicago on Sunday, March, 4, 2018.[Magnificent Mile, Chicago]: photo by C.P. Plunkett, 4 March 2018

Bottomless Mimosas - from The Chicagoans series | Taken on Illinois St. outside of Fremont (home to a wild weekend brunch party) in the Gold Coast, Chicago on Sunday, March, 4, 2018.[Magnificent Mile, Chicago]: photo by C.P. Plunkett, 4 March 2018

Bottomless Mimosas - from The Chicagoans series | Taken on Illinois St. outside of Fremont (home to a wild weekend brunch party) in the Gold Coast, Chicago on Sunday, March, 4, 2018.[Magnificent Mile, Chicago]: photo by C.P. Plunkett, 4 March 2018

Life is good, 1943 |Unmarked Kodachrome. She's a pretty girl, is wearing a ring, the car seems to be in good shape. Headed for the malt shop?: photo by Michael Ryerson, 12March 2018

Sin embargo, queda un rayo de esperanza [Mexico]: photo by Robert Saucier, 5 March 2018

Sin embargo, queda un rayo de esperanza [Mexico]: photo by Robert Saucier, 5 March 2018

Sin embargo, queda un rayo de esperanza [Mexico]: photo by Robert Saucier, 5 March 2018
Motel view, Twentynine Palms: photo by Andrew Murr, 11 March 2018

Rainy desert Motel lot: photo by Andrew Murr, 11 March 2018

Granite [Joshua Tree National Park, CA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 9 March 2018

Industrial light [Eastside, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 2March 2018

Under the fire escape [Macarthur Park, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 4March 2018

big island, hawai'i: photo by Tag Christof, 11 March 2018

Flash: photo by darren channell, 22 July 2016

Flash: photo by darren channell, 22 July 2016

Flash: photo by darren channell, 22 July 2016

Cairo, Egypt, 2018: photo by Spiros Soueref, 9 February 2018
nascent promise before new dawn fades but was any thing ever real in the long parade of important days in the history of the world
xymphora @xymphora29 Jan 2011
The Pharaoh has murdered too many protesters for the people to leave with the nothing he has offered them.xymphora @xymphora29 Jan 2011
Today and tomorrow will be important days in the history of the world.
xymphora @xymphora28 Jan 2011
Hosni wants more protests.
xymphora @xymphora28 Jan 2011
What happened to Hosni's speech?
xymphora @xymphora28 Jan 2011
Big fires at big buildings but not a hint of firefighters.
xymphora @xymphora28 Jan 2011
There's a big fire at Mubarak's party's headquarters.
xymphora @xymphora28 Jan 2011
The Pharaoh is going to broadcast to the nation. Better be good.

Bangkok, 2017: photo by THANASORN JANEKANJIT, 21 October 2017
Bangkok, 2017: photo by THANASORN JANEKANJIT, 21 October 2017

Phuket town: photo by danilamel, 17 February 2018

Cape Coast, Ghana, 2017: photo by Spiros Soueref, 28 August 2017

Vologda 2013: photo by Emill Gataullin, 7 February 2018

Myanmar: photo by Jure Maticic, 25 May 2017

Myanmar: photo by Jure Maticic, 25 May 2017

Myanmar: photo by Jure Maticic, 25 May 2017

CDMX 2018... [Centro, Mexico City]: photo by Ferrmin Guzman, 16 February 2018
![... | by Fermin Guzman]()

CDMX 2018... [Centro, Mexico City]: photo by Ferrmin Guzman, 16 February 2018

CDMX 2018... [Centro, Mexico City]: photo by Ferrmin Guzman, 16 February 2018
From Junkets on a Sad Planet: Premonitory (Teignmouth, Spring 1818)
Landscape with Aeneas at Delos: Claude Lorrain, 1672 (National Gallery, London)
Mariners don’t think about the deeps too much.
The canvas of my reverie: maritime,
With promontory, cave, and little antique
Town that’s emptied for a sacrifice.
A boat tacks round the cove and disappears
Into my mind’s eye, where the scene plays over
And over: a small town beside an immense sea,
A white sail tacks around the promontory.
Mariners don’t think too much about the deeps,
Poets were once thought premonitory.
The canvas of my reverie is
Maritime, with a promontory, a town:
The town has emptied for a sacrifice.
The canvas of my reverie: maritime,
With promontory, cave, and little antique
Town that’s emptied for a sacrifice.
A boat tacks round the cove and disappears
Into my mind’s eye, where the scene plays over
And over: a small town beside an immense sea,
A white sail tacks around the promontory.
Mariners don’t think too much about the deeps,
Poets were once thought premonitory.
The canvas of my reverie is
Maritime, with a promontory, a town:
The town has emptied for a sacrifice.
I close my eyes, but the same scene plays over:
Above the victim’s head the priest suspends
A blade, light plays cleanly upon bronze,
The sun beats down, the confused heifer lows,
The pipe shrills, the bright libation flows,
Those of the faithful with weak nerves look away,
The blue paint splashed beneath a glowing sky
Bleeds across the harbor to the bobbing skiff
Whose white sail shows above the green head cliff,
Moves round the point, and seems to freeze in time
The unison hymn of sailors who forget
All that they know but their songs’ chiming,
Chanting as we did when poetry was young,
Trying not to think too much about the deeps,
Our fear of death, and this abandoned town
Which itself has lost all memory of
The qualities of life vacated when we die.
A blade, light plays cleanly upon bronze,
The sun beats down, the confused heifer lows,
The pipe shrills, the bright libation flows,
Those of the faithful with weak nerves look away,
The blue paint splashed beneath a glowing sky
Bleeds across the harbor to the bobbing skiff
Whose white sail shows above the green head cliff,
Moves round the point, and seems to freeze in time
The unison hymn of sailors who forget
All that they know but their songs’ chiming,
Chanting as we did when poetry was young,
Trying not to think too much about the deeps,
Our fear of death, and this abandoned town
Which itself has lost all memory of
The qualities of life vacated when we die.
Tom Clark: Premnonitory (Teignmouth, Spring 1818), from Junkets on a Sad Planet: Scenes From the Life of John Keats (1994)