
#Gaza July 2014, by Hosam Salem: image via HosamSalemG, 22 July 2017
the decisive moment could always be just around the corner
you'll either know when it arrives or you won't
nobody's waiting foryou just around the corner
the kids thought balloons would be a lot of fun
they didn't understand where the weird old balloon man was coming from
in the cartoon you saw the old balloon man looking up into the sky
in the cartoon you now saw the kids with their balloons just around the corner
in the cartoon you saw the old balloon man looking up into the sky
at the kids with their balloons, who were drifting off and away into the now very deep sky
the decisive moment could always be just around the corner
you'll either know when it arrives or you won't
nobody's waiting foryou just around the corner
the kids thought balloons would be a lot of fun
they didn't understand where the weird old balloon man was coming from
in the cartoon you saw the old balloon man looking up into the sky
in the cartoon you now saw the kids with their balloons just around the corner
in the cartoon you saw the old balloon man looking up into the sky
at the kids with their balloons, who were drifting off and away into the now very deep sky

An armored vehicle hits demonstrators during clashes in Venezuela: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 22 July 2017

Dying, Varanasi (Benares): photo by fredcan, May 2009
photographer's comment:
Varanasi (Bénarès) est aussi la cité de la mort. Plus que n'importe où ailleurs, la vie et la mort s'y juxtaposent, comme pour nous rappeler que rien n'est permanent et que la mort est la seule certitude qui existe.
Je suis tombé sur cette vache à l'agonie, alors que je descendais Harichandra Ghat en direction du Gange, un matin à l'aube. Il n'est pas rare que les vaches tombent en descendant les ghats, se cassent les membres et finissent paralysées. Elles sont alors laissées là, agonisantes. Dans ces cas là, certains viennent s'occuper d'elles, les nourrissent, leur donnent des calmants et les couvrent de couvertures, jusqu'au bout. Il ne viendrait à l'idée de personne de mettre un terme à leur souffrance, puisque, on s'en doute, tuer une vache représenterait un terrible péché pour un hindou.
Varanasi is also the city of death. More than anywhere else, death and life are side by side, as if to remind us that nothing is permanent and that death is the only certainty that exists.
I came across this dying cow one morning at dawn, as I was walking down Harichandra Ghat, towards the Ganga. Sometimes, cows fall down the ghats and break their legs. They end up paralysed and are left there dying. When this happens, some people come and take care of them, feed them, give them drugs and cover them with blankets, until the end. It wouldn't cross anyone's mind to put an end to the animal's suffering, since, unsurprisingly, killing a cow would be seen as a terrible sin for a Hindu.
William Blake: The Human Abstract
Pity would be no more,
If we did not make somebody Poor:
And Mercy no more could be,
If all were as happy as we;
If we did not make somebody Poor:
And Mercy no more could be,
If all were as happy as we;
And mutual fear brings peace;
Till the selfish loves increase.
Then Cruelty knits a snare,
And spreads his baits with care.
Till the selfish loves increase.
Then Cruelty knits a snare,
And spreads his baits with care.
He sits down with holy fears,
And waters the ground with tears:
Then Humility takes its root
Underneath his foot.
And waters the ground with tears:
Then Humility takes its root
Underneath his foot.
Soon spreads the dismal shade
Of Mystery over his head;
And the Catterpiller and Fly,
Feed on the Mystery.
Of Mystery over his head;
And the Catterpiller and Fly,
Feed on the Mystery.
And it bears the fruit of Deceit,
Ruddy and sweet to eat;
And the Raven his nest has made
In its thickest shade.
Ruddy and sweet to eat;
And the Raven his nest has made
In its thickest shade.
The Gods of the earth and sea,
Sought thro' Nature to find this Tree
But their search was all in vain:
There grows one in the Human Brain.
Sought thro' Nature to find this Tree
But their search was all in vain:
There grows one in the Human Brain.
William Blake (1757-1827): The Human Abstract, from Songs of Experience, 1794

William Blake:title page of Songs of Innocence and of Experience, 1794
![Morocco Protests]()
Kashmiri villagers comfort the wailing mother, center, of a civilian Tanveer Ahmed Wani during his funeral procession in Beerwah about 40 kilometers (25 miles) west of Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Friday, July 21, 2017. The Indian army fired at worshippers outside a mosque in disputed Kashmir on Friday, killing one man and injuring another, after some threw rocks, police and residents said.: photo by Dar Yasin/AP, 21 July 2017
Kashmiri villagers comfort the wailing mother, center, of a civilian Tanveer Ahmed Wani during his funeral procession in Beerwah about 40 kilometers (25 miles) west of Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Friday, July 21, 2017. The Indian army fired at worshippers outside a mosque in disputed Kashmir on Friday, killing one man and injuring another, after some threw rocks, police and residents said.: photo by Dar Yasin/AP, 21 July 2017

Kashmiri villagers comfort the wailing mother, center, of a civilian Tanveer Ahmed Wani during his funeral procession in Beerwah about 40 kilometers (25 miles) west of Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Friday, July 21, 2017. The Indian army fired at worshippers outside a mosque in disputed Kashmir on Friday, killing one man and injuring another, after some threw rocks, police and residents said.: photo by Dar Yasin/AP, 21 July 2017

Kashmiri villagers comfort the wailing mother, center, of a civilian Tanveer Ahmed Wani during his funeral procession in Beerwah about 40 kilometers (25 miles) west of Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Friday, July 21, 2017. The Indian army fired at worshippers outside a mosque in disputed Kashmir on Friday, killing one man and injuring another, after some threw rocks, police and residents said.: photo by Dar Yasin/AP, 21 July 2017
the decisive moment could always be just around the corner
you'll either know when it arrives oryou won't

Still from today's film footage of an Israeli "soldier" kicking a Palestinian man while he's praying #Alaqsa: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017
US tax money paid for this settler's weapon. He just shot and killed a Palestinian trying to go to prayers in #Jerusalem: image via Samar Jarrah @SamarDJarrah, 21 July 2017
US tax money paid for this settler's weapon. He just shot and killed a Palestinian trying to go to prayers in #Jerusalem: image via Samar Jarrah @SamarDJarrah, 21 July 2017
بعد ثلاثين سنة على اغتيالك مازال الوضع كما هو أو أسوأ!: image via @atimadsalam, 21 July 2017
The InterceptVerified account @theintercept
So where is @jaredkushner from what is going on in #Jerusalem?: image via Samar Jarrah @SamarDJarah, 21 July 2017
Israeli soldier hitting a man praying in Jerusalem, imagine a policeman hitting a man in church in the USA
image via Ali Dahmash @AliDahmash, 21 July 2017

US tax money paid for this settler's weapon. He just shot and killed a Palestinian trying to go to prayers in #Jerusalem: image via Samar Jarrah @SamarDJarrah, 21 July 2017

US tax money paid for this settler's weapon. He just shot and killed a Palestinian trying to go to prayers in #Jerusalem: image via Samar Jarrah @SamarDJarrah, 21 July 2017

بعد ثلاثين سنة على اغتيالك مازال الوضع كما هو أو أسوأ!: image via @atimadsalam, 21 July 2017

The InterceptVerified account @theintercept
Fourteen Democrats, @SenSchumer and @SenGillibrand included, support the anti-boycott bill criminalizing free speech
Samar Jarrah Retweeted The Intercept
Samar Jarrah added,
image via Samar Jarrah @SamarJarrah, 22 July 2017
Samar Jarrah Retweeted The Intercept
Samar Jarrah added,
الكونجرس الامريكي يحاول تمرير قانون يجرم مقاطعة اسرائيل. عقوبة ربع مليون دولار وحبس ٢٠ سنة. مرعوبة اسرائيل من المقاطعة لانها تهدد وجودها

Our prayer threatens them. #FreePalestine #Alaqsa: image via Samar Saeed @Samar Saeed, 21 July 2017

So where is @jaredkushner from what is going on in #Jerusalem?: image via Samar Jarrah @SamarDJarah, 21 July 2017

This young #Palestinian was killed in #Jerusalem using our #US #Taxes We pay $8,000,000 a day for these crimes.: image via Samar Jarrah @SamarDJarah, 21 July 2017

هذه ليست لقطة من فيلم درامي، هؤلاء مقدسيون يهربون جثمان الشهيد محمد أبو غنام من فوق السور خوفا من احتجاز الاحتلال لجثته.: image via @AsemAlnabeh, 21 July 2017

International journalists in Jerusalem say Israeli police are forbidding them from entering the old city....They don't want you to see this.: image via Rula Jebreal @rulajebreal, 21 July 2017

International journalists in Jerusalem say Israeli police are forbidding them from entering the old city....They don't want you to see this.: image via Rula Jebreal @rulajebreal, 21 July 2017

International journalists in Jerusalem say Israeli police are forbidding them from entering the old city....They don't want you to see this.: image via Rula Jebreal @rulajebreal, 21 July 2017

Ali Dahmash Retweeted Mohâḿḿad AlqâìḿâriAli Dahmash added,
Israeli soldier hitting a man praying in Jerusalem, imagine a policeman hitting a man in church in the USA
image via Ali Dahmash @AliDahmash, 21 July 2017

A few dozen miles and an apartheid regime away.: image via Ben White @benyabyad, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

Photos from #Jerusalem and #WestBank yesterday: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017

#AlAqsa Mosque Under #Israeli Terror..!!: image via Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine, 21 July 2017
![Untitled | by BΘRIS THE FLASH]()
Untitled: photo by BORIS THE FLASH, 10 August 2016
![Untitled | by BΘRIS THE FLASH]()
Untitled: photo by BORIS THE FLASH, 25 May 2016
![Untitled | by Barry Talis]()
Untitled: photo by Barry Talis, 25 May 2016
![Untitled | by Barry Talis]()
Untitled: photo by Barry Talis, sometime in 2017
![Untitled | by Street photographer - http://www.gabibest.com/]()
Untitled [Tel Aviv]: photo by Gabi Ben avraham, 9 June 2017
![Untitled | by Street photographer - http://www.gabibest.com/]()
Untitled [Tel Aviv]: photo by Gabi Ben avraham, 15 June 2017
![Untitled | by Street photographer - http://www.gabibest.com/]()
Untitled [Tel Aviv]: photo by Gabi Ben avraham, 23 June 2017
![Untitled | by Street photographer - http://www.gabibest.com/]()
Untitled [Tel Aviv]: photo by Gabi Ben avraham, 16 June 2017
![Untitled | by ilan burla]()
[Jerusalem]: photo by Ilan Burla, 13 March 2017
![Untitled | by ilan burla]()
[Tel Aviv]: photo by Ilan Burla, 23 March 2016
![DSC_8103sofi | by ilanbenyehuda]()
DSC_8103sofi: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 15 June 2017
![DSC_8103sofi | by ilanbenyehuda]()
DSC_8103sofi: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 15 June 2017
![DSC_8103sofi | by ilanbenyehuda]()
DSC_8103sofi: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 15 June 2017
![DSC_7501color | by ilanbenyehuda]()
DSC_7501color: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 9 June 2017
![DSC_7501color | by ilanbenyehuda]()
DSC_7501color: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 9 June 2017
![DSC_7501color | by ilanbenyehuda]()
DSC_7501color: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 9 June 2017
![DSC_9552 | by ilanbenyehuda]()
DSC_9522: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 25 June 2017
![DSC_9552 | by ilanbenyehuda]()
DSC_9522: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 25 June 2017
![DSC_9552 | by ilanbenyehuda]()
DSC_9522: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 25 June 2017
![ms-63 | by ilanbenyehuda]()
ms-63: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 22 June 2017
![ms-63 | by ilanbenyehuda]()
ms-63: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 22 June 2017
![ms-63 | by ilanbenyehuda]()
ms-63: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 22 June 2017
![DSC_7382sofi | by ilanbenyehuda]()
DSC_7382sofi: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 9 June 2017
![DSC_7382sofi | by ilanbenyehuda]()
DSC_7382sofi: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 9 June 2017
![DSC_7382sofi | by ilanbenyehuda]()
DSC_7382sofi: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 9 June 2017
![Work out | by Violet Kashi]()
Work out [Tel Aviv]: photo by Violet Kashi, 16 August 2014

Untitled: photo by BORIS THE FLASH, 10 August 2016

Untitled: photo by BORIS THE FLASH, 25 May 2016

Untitled: photo by Barry Talis, 25 May 2016

Untitled: photo by Barry Talis, sometime in 2017

Untitled [Tel Aviv]: photo by Gabi Ben avraham, 9 June 2017

Untitled [Tel Aviv]: photo by Gabi Ben avraham, 15 June 2017

Untitled [Tel Aviv]: photo by Gabi Ben avraham, 23 June 2017

Untitled [Tel Aviv]: photo by Gabi Ben avraham, 16 June 2017

[Jerusalem]: photo by Ilan Burla, 13 March 2017

[Tel Aviv]: photo by Ilan Burla, 23 March 2016

DSC_8103sofi: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 15 June 2017

DSC_8103sofi: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 15 June 2017

DSC_8103sofi: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 15 June 2017

DSC_7501color: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 9 June 2017

DSC_7501color: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 9 June 2017

DSC_7501color: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 9 June 2017

DSC_9522: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 25 June 2017

DSC_9522: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 25 June 2017

DSC_9522: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 25 June 2017

ms-63: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 22 June 2017

ms-63: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 22 June 2017

ms-63: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 22 June 2017

DSC_7382sofi: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 9 June 2017

DSC_7382sofi: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 9 June 2017

DSC_7382sofi: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 9 June 2017

Work out [Tel Aviv]: photo by Violet Kashi, 16 August 2014
My kind of patriotic parade
![Peru Parade]()
Larco Herrera Psychiatric Hospital patients wait to take part in the hospital's Independence Day parade, in Lima, Peru, Friday, July 21, 2017. Patients and staff at Peru's largest psychiatric hospital put on the annual patriotic parade to celebrate the country's July 28, 1821 proclamation of independence from Spain.: photo by Rodrigo Abd/AP, 21 July 2017

Larco Herrera Psychiatric Hospital patients wait to take part in the hospital's Independence Day parade, in Lima, Peru, Friday, July 21, 2017. Patients and staff at Peru's largest psychiatric hospital put on the annual patriotic parade to celebrate the country's July 28, 1821 proclamation of independence from Spain.: photo by Rodrigo Abd/AP, 21 July 2017

Wilfredo Silva, a patient at the Larco Herrera Psychiatric Hospital, stands at the entrance of his wing as he waits for the start of the Independence Day parade, in Lima, Peru, Friday, July 21, 2017.: photo by Rodrigo Abd/AP, 21 July 2017

Medicines and balloons decorate a parade float on the grounds of the Larco Herrera Psychiatric Hospital, in Lima, Peru, Friday, July 21, 2017.: photo by Rodrigo Abd/AP, 21 July 2017

Larco Herrera Psychiatric Hospital patients, their faces painted mirroring colors of the Peruvian flag, gather to march in the hospital's Independence Day parade, in Lima, Peru, Friday, July 21, 2017.: photo by Rodrigo Abd/AP, 21 July 2017

Larco Herrera Psychiatric Hospital patients dressed as soldiers, prepare as they wait to march in the hospital's Independence Day parade, in Lima, Peru, Friday, July 21, 2017.: photo by Rodrigo Abd/AP, 21 July 2017

Larco Herrera Psychiatric Hospital patients, dressed as soldiers, wait to march in the hospital's Independence Day parade, in Lima, Peru, Friday, July 21, 2017.: photo by Rodrigo Abd/AP, 21 July 2017

Larco Herrera Psychiatric Hospital patient Julio Pena is dressed as independence hero Gen. Jose de San Martin, for the hospital's Independence Day parade, in Lima, Peru, Friday, July 21, 2017.: photo by Rodrigo Abd/AP, 21 July 2017

A patient from the Larco Herrera Psychiatric Hospital sings as she takes part in the hospital's Independence Day parade, in Lima, Peru, Friday, July 21, 2017.: photo by Rodrigo Abd/AP, 21 July 2017

A patient from the Larco Herrera Psychiatric Hospital marches in the hospital's Independence Day parade, in Lima, Peru, Friday, July 21, 2017.: photo by Rodrigo Abd/AP, 21 July 2017

Patients are returned to their wing on a parade float at the end of the Independence Day parade celebrated on the grounds of the Larco Herrera Psychiatric Hospital in Lima, Peru, Friday, July 21, 2017.: photo by Rodrigo Abd/AP, 21 July 2017

Patients from the Larco Herrera psychiatric hospital return to their wing after marching in the hospital's Independence Day parade, in Lima, Peru, Friday, July 21, 2017.: photo by Rodrigo Abd/AP, 21 July 2017