Palestinians shout slogans as they protest outside Jerusalem's Old city.: photo by Ronen Zvulun/Reuters, 21 July 2017
Palestinians react following tear gas that was fired by Israeli forces after Friday prayers on a street outside Jerusalem's Old City.: photo by Ammar Awad/Reuters, 21 July 2017
Clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police have erupted in Jerusalem. It is the latest in a series of unrest prompted by Israel's decision to place metal detectors at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound.
According to Israeli police, at least 3,000 officers had been deployed to the area.

A fly, above, and an ant feed on chamomile nectar in a field in Belarus, July 21, 2017, during a sunny summer's day. #AP Photo Sergei Grits: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 21 July 2017
William Blake: The Fly
Little fly,
Thy summer’s play
My thoughtless hand
Has brush'd away.
Am not I
A fly like thee?
Or art not thou
A man like me?
For I dance
And drink & sing,
Till some blind hand
Shall brush my wing.
If thought is life
And strength & breath,
And the want
Of thought is death,
Then am I
A happy fly,
If I live,
Or if I die.
William Blake (1757-1827): The Fly, from Songs of Experience, 1794
William Blake: Songs of Experience (1794), plate 12: The Fly
To be clear #Israel is not sovereign over #Alaqsa mosque but an illegal #occupier since 1967. All its actions there are illegal. #Alquds.: image via Kamel Hawwash @kamelhawwash, 20 July 2017

JERUSALEM - Clashes after Israel restricts Jerusalem Old City prayers Photo Jack Guez: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 July 2017
Palestinians run for cover from tear gas shot by Israeli soldiers during clashes in the West Bank city of Bethlehem, July 21, 2017: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 21 July 2017
#AlAqsa Palestinian worshippers have come under attack during Friday prayers at Al Aqsa Mosque. Pictures @palinfoen #Palestine: image via Faizel Patel @FaizelPatel143, 21 July 2017
#AlAqsa Palestinian worshippers have come under attack during Friday prayers at Al Aqsa Mosque. Pictures @palinfoen #Palestine: image via Faizel Patel @FaizelPatel143, 21 July 2017

Palestinians run for cover from tear gas shot by Israeli soldiers during clashes in the West Bank city of Bethlehem, July 21, 2017: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 21 July 2017

#AlAqsa Palestinian worshippers have come under attack during Friday prayers at Al Aqsa Mosque. Pictures @palinfoen #Palestine: image via Faizel Patel @FaizelPatel143, 21 July 2017

#AlAqsa Palestinian worshippers have come under attack during Friday prayers at Al Aqsa Mosque. Pictures @palinfoen #Palestine: image via Faizel Patel @FaizelPatel143, 21 July 2017

Palestinians shout slogans as they protest outside Jerusalem's Old city.: photo by Ronen Zvulun/Reuters, 21 July 2017

A wounded Palestinian protester is helped by a medic during clashes with Israeli troops in the West Bank city of Bethlehem.: photo by Mussa Qawasma/Reuters, 21 July 2017

Israeli border police officers detain a Palestinian man during clashes outside Jerusalem's Old City.: photo by Ronen Zvulun/Reuters, 21 July 2017

Palestinians pray on a street near a roadblock outside Jerusalem's Old City.: photo by Ammar Awad/Reuters, 21 July 2017

A Palestinian protester uses a slingshot to hurl stones at Israeli troops during clashes in the West Bank city of Bethlehem.: photo by Mussa Qawasma/Reuters, 21 July 2017

Palestinians react following tear gas that was fired by Israeli forces after Friday prayers on a street outside Jerusalem's Old City.: photo by Ammar Awad/Reuters, 21 July 2017

Palestinians pray on a street near a roadblock outside Jerusalem's Old City. Over the past week, there have been daily demonstrations and clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians.: photo by Ronen Zvulun/Reuters, 21 July 2017

Palestinians carry a person during clashes with Israeli security forces outside Jerusalem's Old City. : photo by Ronen Zvulun/Reuters, 21 July 2017

Israeli police check a Palestinian man at the entrance to Jerusalem's Old City on Damascus Gate.: photo by Amir Cohen/Reuters, 21 July 2017

Palestinian women gather inside Jerusalem's Old City.: photo by Amir Cohen/Reuters, 21 July 2017
Al-Aqsa: Clashes in Jerusalem's Old City: At least three Palestinians killed and over a hundred protestors injured in clashes over the al-Aqsa Mosque controversy: Al Jazeera, 21 July 2017
At least three Palestinians have been killed in the clashes.
According to Israeli police, at least 3,000 officers had been deployed to the area.
Around 140 Palestinians have been injured in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent.
Funeral prayers of Tanveer Ahmad, a 22 year old youth who was killed in Army firing at Beerwah in Budgam.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @BASIIPJ, 21 July 2017
Funeral prayers of Tanveer Ahmad, a 22 year old youth who was killed in Army firing at Beerwah in Budgam.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @BASIIPJ, 21 July 2017
Funeral prayers of Tanveer Ahmad, a 22 year old youth who was killed in Army firing at Beerwah in Budgam.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @BASIIPJ, 21 July 2017
Funeral prayers of Tanveer Ahmad, a 22 year old youth who was killed in Army firing at Beerwah in Budgam.: image via BASIT ZARGAR@BASIIPJ, 21 July 2017
Kashmir: Indian troops kill young tailor amid protests [photo Tauseef Mustafa AFP]: image via Al Jazeera News @AJENews, 2 July 2017
Soldiers fired after some rocks hit iron shutters of shops that were closed owing to a general strike in Kashmir, witnesses said.
Police claimed that patrolling soldiers were pelted with stones near the main mosque in western Beerwah town where worshippers gathered to offer Friday prayers.
India maintains roughly 500,000 soldiers in the territory.
1000s march in the funeral of 18-year old Tanveer killed by #IndianArmy during clashes in Beerwah, #Kashmir: image via ABEEHA PARI @Rajanadeemkhan5, 21 July 2017
1000s march in the funeral of 18-year old Tanveer killed by #IndianArmy during clashes in Beerwah, #Kashmir: image via ABEEHA PARI @Rajanadeemkhan5, 21 July 2017
#Indonesia Scavengers collect valuable items to resale at a garbage dump in Jakarta. Photo @b4yismoyo #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 July 2017
The battle of #Raqa in @LeParisienMag by @AFP's photographer @Kilicbil: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 July 2017
#India A man transporting bananas in a horse-drawn cart makes his way along a street as heavy monsoon rain falls in Amritsar Photo @nanuworld: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 July 2017
![Venezuela Crisis]()
A car is engulfed in flames, set on fire by anti-government demonstrations during clashes with National Guards in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, July 20, 2017. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his opponents faced a crucial showdown Thursday as the country's opposition called for a 24-hour national strike.: photo by Ariana Cubillos/AP, 20 July 2017
![Venezuela Crisis]()
A car is engulfed in flames, set on fire by anti-government demonstrations during clashes with National Guards in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, July 20, 2017. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his opponents faced a crucial showdown Thursday as the country's opposition called for a 24-hour national strike.: photo by Ariana Cubillos/AP, 20 July 2017
A National Guard points his weapon during clashes with anti-government demonstrations in the streets of Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, July 20, 2017. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his opponents faced a crucial showdown Thursday as the country's opposition called for a 24-hour national strike.: photo by Ariana Cubillos/AP, 20 July 2017
![Venezuela Crisis]()
A National Guard points his weapon during clashes with anti-government demonstrations in the streets of Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, July 20, 2017. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his opponents faced a crucial showdown Thursday as the country's opposition called for a 24-hour national strike.: photo by Ariana Cubillos/AP, 20 July 2017
![Venezuela Crisis]()
Anti-government demonstrators block a street during clashes with National Guards in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, July 20, 2017. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his opponents faced a crucial showdown Thursday as the country's opposition called for a 24-hour national strike.: photo by Ariana Cubillos/AP, 20 July 2017
![Venezuela Crisis]()
Anti-government demonstrators block a street during clashes with National Guards in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, July 20, 2017. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his opponents faced a crucial showdown Thursday as the country's opposition called for a 24-hour national strike.: photo by Ariana Cubillos/AP, 20 July 2017
![Venezuela Crisis]()
Artist Catalin Badarau is obscured by one of his works during an interview with the Associated Press, July 19, 2017, in Bucharest, Romania.: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 21 July 2017
![R0004412a | by shah toufiqur rahman ovi]()
![R0004412a | by shah toufiqur rahman ovi]()
Untitled: photo by shah rahman toufiqur ovi, 13 July 2017
![R0004412a | by shah toufiqur rahman ovi]()
Untitled: photo by shah rahman toufiqur ovi, 13 July 2017
![Battersea Park, London, England | by Alison Adcock]()
Battersea Park, LondonUntitled: photo by Alison Adcock, 23 August 2016
![Mexico Violence]()
A commuter watches Marines block the area where a suspected drug gang leader and seven others were killed, according to the Navy, in southern Mexico City, Thursday, July 20, 2017. In a statement Thursday, the Navy said a gang of street-level drug dealers operated in the Tlahuac and Iztapalapa districts on the city's south and east sides, where it dealt drugs, as well as carried out kidnappings, extortion and murder.: photo by Rebecca Blackwell/AP, 20 July 2017
#Mexico Fireflies are seen at the Santuario de las Luciernagas (Fireflies' Sanctuary) near Nanacamilpa, Tlaxcala Photo Mario Vazquez de la Torre #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 July 2017

#Palestinian: In #Jordan 100,000s are out Today in support for #AlAqsa and latest Israeli measurements in #AlAqsaMosque, Salute to Jordan people: image via Baz4peace @Baz4peace, 21 July 2017

Clashes broke out on the northern entrance of Occupied Bethlehem following the repression of protest in solidarity w/#AlAqsa: image via Abbs Winston @AbbsWinston, 21 July 2017

Clashes broke out on the northern entrance of Occupied Bethlehem following the repression of protest in solidarity w/#AlAqsa: image via Abbs Winston @AbbsWinston, 21 July 2017

Clashes broke out on the northern entrance of Occupied Bethlehem following the repression of protest in solidarity w/#AlAqsa: image via Abbs Winston @AbbsWinston, 21 July 2017

Palestinians continue to protest the Israeli terror against Al-Aqsa Mosque, in Bab al-Asbat, #Jerusalem. #Palestine #AlAqsaUnderTerror: image via Palestine Social @Palestine Social, 21 July 2017
Palestinians continue to protest the Israeli terror against Al-Aqsa Mosque, in Bab al-Asbat, #Jerusalem. #Palestine #AlAqsaUnderTerror: image via Palestine Social @Palestine Social, 21 July 2017
Palestinians continue to protest the Israeli terror against Al-Aqsa Mosque, in Bab al-Asbat, #Jerusalem. #Palestine #AlAqsaUnderTerror: image via Palestine Social @Palestine Social, 21 July 2017
#AlAqsaMosque #Palestine and #JamiaMashid #Kashmir closed for worshippers, by Occupational Forces of #Israel and #India: image via ahmad aadil @imahmadaadil, 1 July 2017
#AlAqsaMosque #Palestine and #JamiaMashid #Kashmir closed for worshippers, by Occupational Forces of #Israel and #India: image via ahmad aadil @imahmadaadil, 1 July 2017

Palestinians continue to protest the Israeli terror against Al-Aqsa Mosque, in Bab al-Asbat, #Jerusalem. #Palestine #AlAqsaUnderTerror: image via Palestine Social @Palestine Social, 21 July 2017

Palestinians continue to protest the Israeli terror against Al-Aqsa Mosque, in Bab al-Asbat, #Jerusalem. #Palestine #AlAqsaUnderTerror: image via Palestine Social @Palestine Social, 21 July 2017

From #AlAqsa to #Kashmir - We will be Free! #Azaadi #FreeKashmir #FreePalestine #8thofJuly: image via Bea @HerNameIsBea, 7 July 2017

#AlAqsaMosque #Palestine and #JamiaMashid #Kashmir closed for worshippers, by Occupational Forces of #Israel and #India: image via ahmad aadil @imahmadaadil, 1 July 2017

#AlAqsaMosque #Palestine and #JamiaMashid #Kashmir closed for worshippers, by Occupational Forces of #Israel and #India: image via ahmad aadil @imahmadaadil, 1 July 2017

Funeral prayers of Tanveer Ahmad, a 22 year old youth who was killed in Army firing at Beerwah in Budgam.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @BASIIPJ, 21 July 2017

Funeral prayers of Tanveer Ahmad, a 22 year old youth who was killed in Army firing at Beerwah in Budgam.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @BASIIPJ, 21 July 2017

Funeral prayers of Tanveer Ahmad, a 22 year old youth who was killed in Army firing at Beerwah in Budgam.: image via BASIT ZARGAR @BASIIPJ, 21 July 2017

Funeral prayers of Tanveer Ahmad, a 22 year old youth who was killed in Army firing at Beerwah in Budgam.: image via BASIT ZARGAR@BASIIPJ, 21 July 2017

Kashmir: Indian troops kill young tailor amid protests [photo Tauseef Mustafa AFP]: image via Al Jazeera News @AJENews, 2 July 2017
Kashmir: Indian troops kill young tailor amid protests: Residents say army fired indiscriminately at protesters, as police claim soldiers were being pelted with rocks.: Al Jazeera, 21 July 2017
The Indian army shot and killed a man and wounded another while firing at a group of protesters in the Indian-administered Kashmir region.
Police on Friday accused the group of throwing rocks at soldiers, but residents said the army was shooting indiscriminately and only a few rocks were hurled - and none hit soldiers.
The slain man, a tailor in his mid-20s, was hit by multiple bullets and died on the way to a hospital. The injured man was reported to be in a stable condition.
Soldiers fired after some rocks hit iron shutters of shops that were closed owing to a general strike in Kashmir, witnesses said.
Police claimed that patrolling soldiers were pelted with stones near the main mosque in western Beerwah town where worshippers gathered to offer Friday prayers.
A firecracker was hurled at the soldiers, who mistook the loud noise for a grenade and retaliated, police claimed in a statement.
Friday's killing triggered widespread protests as hundreds chanted slogans against Indian rule and demanded the Indian army leave Kashmir.
The strike was called by separatists who challenge India's sovereignty by closing down shops, businesses and schools in most parts of the region.
The separatists also called for a march by Kashmiris to the United Nations office in Srinagar, the region's main city.
Authorities clamped a stringent curfew in downtown Srinagar and areas near the UN office in anticipation of anti-India protests and the march.
Armed police and paramilitary soldiers in riot gear patrolled streets and blocked roads with razor wire and steel barricades.
Nuclear-armed rivals India and Pakistan each administer part of Kashmir, but both claim the Himalayan territory in its entirety.
Rebel groups have been fighting since 1989 for the Indian-administered portion to become independent or merge with Pakistan.
Nearly 70,000 people have been killed in the uprising and the ensuing Indian military crackdown.
India maintains roughly 500,000 soldiers in the territory.
Anti-India sentiment runs deep among Kashmir's mostly Muslim population and most support the rebels' cause against Indian rule despite a decades-long military crackdown to fight the armed rebellion.
India has accused Pakistan of arming and training the rebels, which Pakistan denies.
Rebel groups have largely been suppressed by Indian forces in recent years and public opposition to Indian rule is now principally expressed through street protests.
Last week, Indian authorities said clashes in Kashmir killed 10 people - five police officers, a soldier, two civilians and two suspected separatist fighters.
Suspected separatists ambushed a police patrol in the town of Achhabal, killing five police personnel, a police officer told AFP news agency last Friday.
Armed groups active in divided Kashmir have stepped up attacks in recent weeks on Indian government forces patrolling the area as part of "counterinsurgency" operations.
Officials say dozens of youth have joined the separatist ranks since last July after a popular commander was killed by security forces, sparking months of wide-scale protests in the territory.

1000s march in the funeral of 18-year old Tanveer killed by #IndianArmy during clashes in Beerwah, #Kashmir: image via ABEEHA PARI @Rajanadeemkhan5, 21 July 2017

1000s march in the funeral of 18-year old Tanveer killed by #IndianArmy during clashes in Beerwah, #Kashmir: image via ABEEHA PARI @Rajanadeemkhan5, 21 July 2017

#Indonesia Scavengers collect valuable items to resale at a garbage dump in Jakarta. Photo @b4yismoyo #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 July 2017

The battle of #Raqa in @LeParisienMag by @AFP's photographer @Kilicbil: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 July 2017

#India A man transporting bananas in a horse-drawn cart makes his way along a street as heavy monsoon rain falls in Amritsar Photo @nanuworld: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 July 2017

A car is engulfed in flames, set on fire by anti-government demonstrations during clashes with National Guards in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, July 20, 2017. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his opponents faced a crucial showdown Thursday as the country's opposition called for a 24-hour national strike.: photo by Ariana Cubillos/AP, 20 July 2017

A car is engulfed in flames, set on fire by anti-government demonstrations during clashes with National Guards in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, July 20, 2017. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his opponents faced a crucial showdown Thursday as the country's opposition called for a 24-hour national strike.: photo by Ariana Cubillos/AP, 20 July 2017

A National Guard points his weapon during clashes with anti-government demonstrations in the streets of Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, July 20, 2017. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his opponents faced a crucial showdown Thursday as the country's opposition called for a 24-hour national strike.: photo by Ariana Cubillos/AP, 20 July 2017

A National Guard points his weapon during clashes with anti-government demonstrations in the streets of Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, July 20, 2017. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his opponents faced a crucial showdown Thursday as the country's opposition called for a 24-hour national strike.: photo by Ariana Cubillos/AP, 20 July 2017

Anti-government demonstrators block a street during clashes with National Guards in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, July 20, 2017. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his opponents faced a crucial showdown Thursday as the country's opposition called for a 24-hour national strike.: photo by Ariana Cubillos/AP, 20 July 2017

Anti-government demonstrators block a street during clashes with National Guards in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, July 20, 2017. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his opponents faced a crucial showdown Thursday as the country's opposition called for a 24-hour national strike.: photo by Ariana Cubillos/AP, 20 July 2017

Artist Catalin Badarau is obscured by one of his works during an interview with the Associated Press, July 19, 2017, in Bucharest, Romania.: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 21 July 2017

Untitled: photo by shah rahman toufiqur ovi, 13 July 2017

Untitled: photo by shah rahman toufiqur ovi, 13 July 2017

Untitled: photo by shah rahman toufiqur ovi, 13 July 2017

Battersea Park, LondonUntitled: photo by Alison Adcock, 23 August 2016

A commuter watches Marines block the area where a suspected drug gang leader and seven others were killed, according to the Navy, in southern Mexico City, Thursday, July 20, 2017. In a statement Thursday, the Navy said a gang of street-level drug dealers operated in the Tlahuac and Iztapalapa districts on the city's south and east sides, where it dealt drugs, as well as carried out kidnappings, extortion and murder.: photo by Rebecca Blackwell/AP, 20 July 2017

#Mexico Fireflies are seen at the Santuario de las Luciernagas (Fireflies' Sanctuary) near Nanacamilpa, Tlaxcala Photo Mario Vazquez de la Torre #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 July 2017