Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986): Diálogo sobre un diálogo(A Dialogue About a Dialogue), from El hacedor, 1960; English version by Andrew Hurley
AlternativeFacts. Meet #AlternativeBooks.: image via ian bremmer @ianbremmer, 4 February 2017
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!
Hope this so-called judge lets this so-called president know what he thinks of his legitimacy being questioned.
tweet via Matthew Miller @matthewamiller, 4 February 2017
Will check the record, but don't think this so-called judge was confirmed w/ help from the Russian govt and the Senate voting agnst him 54-46: tweet via Matthew Miller @matthewamiller, 4 February 2017
Surprised it's taking DOJ so long to appeal. Lot of people at DOJ agree with Sally Yates on this order - wonder if that's the hold up.: tweet via Matthew Miller @matthewamiller, 4 February 2017
Subtle @charlie_savage brag about getting his hands on this executive order anyway.: image via Matthew Miller @matthewamiller, 4 February 2017
Matthew Miller added,
Two White House statements, 15 minutes apart. Someone decided to pull "outrageous.": image via Edward-Isaac Dovere @IsaacDovere, 4February 2017
Justice Department appeals judge's immigration order: image via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 4 February 2017
BREAKING: Judge's block of Trump's travel ban harms the public by 'thwarting enforcement of executive order': Justice Dept. appeal filing: tweet via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 4 February 2017
MORE: Judge's ruling 'second guesses the president's national security judgment': Justice Dept: tweet via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 4 February 2017
Today's ponderable: How many holes does @realDonaldTrump have left to play? #golf #presidenttrump #whitehouse #presspool: image via Stephen Crowley @Stcrow, 4 February 2017
Trump currently golfing at Trump International golf course about a 3 iron from Palm Beach airport: tweet via Steve Holland @steveholland1, 4 February 2017
Meanwhile, anti-corruption protests picking up steam in Romania. #wow: image via ian bremmer @ianbremmer, 4 February 2017
Closed bodega during a Yemeni protest in Brooklyn: image via ian bremmer @ianbremmer, 3 February 2017
To extent @whitehouse target also American #Muslims, @LucasJackson photo is a bull’s-eye. #reuterspictures #Yemeniprotest #nyc: image viaReading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 4 February 2017
A two month old male cow, born to a sick mother, is licked by a dog at the Chheu Buorn village, west of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Photo @HSinith: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 4 February 2017
Afghan tea vendor Imran, 15, prepares tea on a hillside during snowfall near Qargha Lake on the outskirts of Kabul. By @kohsar #AFP: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 4 February 2017
Afghanistan - An Afghan shepherd herds sheep on a rainy day in Jalalabad. By Noorullah Shirzada #AFP: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 4 February 2017
Not sure WH gets power of cultural backlash. Pluralism in #fashion @privatepolicy @newyorktimes #MenWearShows: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 4 February 2017
WH turmoil riling multiple runways. #Fashion flip side of banker romance. Photo @nowfashion @nytimes #MenWearShows: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 4 February 2017
Indonesian protester during rally against Donald Trump's executive order on immigration in front of US embassy in Jakarta. @b4yismoyo #AFP: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 4 February 2017
President Donald and First Lady Melania Trump arriving at the Red Cross Gala in the Mar-a-lago ballroom, Palm Beach, FL.: image via Stephen Crowley @Stcrow, 4 February 2017 ![]()
Students learning at school in Afghanistan: image via Classic Pics @History_Pics, 4 February 2017
Women are from Venus, and men ... Photo @Barria_Reuters @ReutersPictures @ReutersPictures of the week: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 4 February 2017
![red reaction | by Yiannis Yiasaris]()
red reaction [Melbourne]: photo by Yiannis Yiasaris, 30 December 2016
![red reaction | by Yiannis Yiasaris]()
red reaction [Melbourne]: photo by Yiannis Yiasaris, 30 December 2016
![red reaction | by Yiannis Yiasaris]()
red reaction [Melbourne]: photo by Yiannis Yiasaris, 30 December 2016
![#22 wrong is right | by Md. Imam Hasan]()
#22 wrong is right [Dhaka, Bangladesh]: photo by Muhammad Imam Hasan, 6 January 2017
![star wars | by michele liberti]()
star wars [Napoli]: photo by michele liberti, 17 January 2017
![Untitled | by 20zool]()
[untitled]: photo by Sylvain Biard, 30 November 2016
![Untitled | by Md. Imam Hasan]()
[Untitled] [Dhaka, Bangladesh]: photo by Muhammad Imam Hasan, 14 October 2016
![Untitled | by Md. Imam Hasan]()
[Untitled] [Dhaka, Bangladesh]: photo by Muhammad Imam Hasan, 19 September 2016
![Smoke without Fire | by Becky Frances]()
Smoke without Fire. Brick Lane, London: photo by Becky Frances, 22 January 2017

Stirrings at Mar-a-Lago w @realDonaldTrump motorcade on the move to undetermined location. #WinterWhiteHouse: image via Stephen Crowley @Stcrow, 4 February 2017
Jorge Luis Borges: Diálogo sobre un diálogo
A - Distraídos en razonar la inmortalidad, habíamos dejado que anocheciera sin encender la lámpara. No nos veíamos las caras. Con una indiferencia y una dulzura más convincentes que el fervor, la voz de Macedonio Fernández repetía que el alma es inmortal. Me aseguraba que la muerte del cuerpo es del todo insignificante y que morirse tiene que ser el hecho más nulo que puede sucederle a un hombre. Yo jugaba con la navaja de Macedonio; la abría y la cerraba. Un acordeón vecino despachaba infinitamente la Cumparsita, esa pamplina consternada que les gusta a muchas personas, porque les mintieron que es vieja… Yo le propuse a Macedonio que nos suicidáramos, para discutir sin estorbo.
Z (burlón) - Pero sospecho que al final no se resolvieron
A (ya en plena mística) - Francamente no recuerdo si esa noche nos suicidamos.

A: Absorbed in our discussion of immortality, we had let night fall without lighting the lamp, and we couldn’t see each other’s faces. With an offhandedness or gentleness more convincing than passion would have been, Macedonio Fernandez’ voice said once more that the soul is immortal. He assured me that the death of the body is altogether insignificant, and that dying has to be the most unimportant thing that can happen to a man. I was playing with Macedonio’s pocketknife, opening and closing it. A nearby accordion was infinitely dispatching La Comparsita, that dismaying trifle that so many people like because it’s been misrepresented to them as being old. . . . I suggested to Macedonio that we kill ourselves, so we might have our discussion without all the racket.
Z: (mockingly) But I suspect that at the last moment you reconsidered.
A: (now deep in mysticism) Quite frankly, I don’t remember whether we committed suicide that night or not.
Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986): Diálogo sobre un diálogo(A Dialogue About a Dialogue), from El hacedor, 1960; English version by Andrew Hurley

AlternativeFacts. Meet #AlternativeBooks.: image via ian bremmer @ianbremmer, 4 February 2017
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!
Matthew Miller Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Matthew Miller added,
tweet via Matthew Miller @matthewamiller, 4 February 2017
Will check the record, but don't think this so-called judge was confirmed w/ help from the Russian govt and the Senate voting agnst him 54-46: tweet via Matthew Miller @matthewamiller, 4 February 2017
Surprised it's taking DOJ so long to appeal. Lot of people at DOJ agree with Sally Yates on this order - wonder if that's the hold up.: tweet via Matthew Miller @matthewamiller, 4 February 2017

Subtle @charlie_savage brag about getting his hands on this executive order anyway.: image via Matthew Miller @matthewamiller, 4 February 2017
Pity the DOJ atty trying to figure out how to answer this q from a judge: so what did the president mean when he said "so-called judge?": tweet via Matthew Miller @matthewamiller, 4 February 2017
Matthew Miller Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Matthew Miller added,
With every tweet, he is just making it harder and harder for DOJ attorneys to win in court. So keep it up, I guess.
tweet via Matthew Miller @matthewamiller, 4 February 2017
tweet via Matthew Miller @matthewamiller, 4 February 2017
The judge opens up our country to potential terrorists and others that do not have our best interests at heart. Bad people are very happy!
Eric Geller Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Eric Geller added,
Notice that Trump deliberately and repeatedly pins any future harm on the Seattle judge. Goal seems clear.
I have never met a toddler that I could trust. They're malevolent. They know exactly what they are doing. #ToddlerBan: tweet via ian bremmer @ianbremmer, 4 February 2017

Two White House statements, 15 minutes apart. Someone decided to pull "outrageous.": image via Edward-Isaac Dovere @IsaacDovere, 4February 2017

Justice Department appeals judge's immigration order: image via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 4 February 2017
BREAKING: Judge's block of Trump's travel ban harms the public by 'thwarting enforcement of executive order': Justice Dept. appeal filing: tweet via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 4 February 2017
MORE: Judge's ruling 'second guesses the president's national security judgment': Justice Dept: tweet via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 4 February 2017
BREAKING: Appeals court denies Trump administration request to immediately reinstate ban on travelers and refugees: tweet via The Associated Press @AP, 5 February 2017

U.S. moves to resume admitting refugees, including Syrians: image via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 5 February 2017

Today's ponderable: How many holes does @realDonaldTrump have left to play? #golf #presidenttrump #whitehouse #presspool: image via Stephen Crowley @Stcrow, 4 February 2017
Trump currently golfing at Trump International golf course about a 3 iron from Palm Beach airport: tweet via Steve Holland @steveholland1, 4 February 2017

Donald Trump's reasoning for rolling back Wall Street regulations is terrifying: image via The Independent @Independent, 4 February 2017
Trump announces rollback of financial rules introduced after the 2008 crisis: image via Tom Gara @tomgara, 3 February 2017
Suggestive gesture as GOP runs the table. (That's #Sessions, btw, w Budget Chair Enzi.) #Bernie #higherpowers Photo Scott Mahaskey @Politico: image via @Politico: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 4 February 2017

Suggestive gesture as GOP runs the table. (That's #Sessions, btw, w Budget Chair Enzi.) #Bernie #higherpowers Photo Scott Mahaskey @Politico: image via @Politico: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 4 February 2017

Meanwhile, anti-corruption protests picking up steam in Romania. #wow: image via ian bremmer @ianbremmer, 4 February 2017

Closed bodega during a Yemeni protest in Brooklyn: image via ian bremmer @ianbremmer, 3 February 2017

To extent @whitehouse target also American #Muslims, @LucasJackson photo is a bull’s-eye. #reuterspictures #Yemeniprotest #nyc: image viaReading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 4 February 2017

A two month old male cow, born to a sick mother, is licked by a dog at the Chheu Buorn village, west of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Photo @HSinith: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 4 February 2017

Afghan tea vendor Imran, 15, prepares tea on a hillside during snowfall near Qargha Lake on the outskirts of Kabul. By @kohsar #AFP: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 4 February 2017

Afghanistan - An Afghan shepherd herds sheep on a rainy day in Jalalabad. By Noorullah Shirzada #AFP: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 4 February 2017

Not sure WH gets power of cultural backlash. Pluralism in #fashion @privatepolicy @newyorktimes #MenWearShows: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 4 February 2017

WH turmoil riling multiple runways. #Fashion flip side of banker romance. Photo @nowfashion @nytimes #MenWearShows: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 4 February 2017

Indonesian protester during rally against Donald Trump's executive order on immigration in front of US embassy in Jakarta. @b4yismoyo #AFP: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 4 February 2017

President Donald and First Lady Melania Trump arriving at the Red Cross Gala in the Mar-a-lago ballroom, Palm Beach, FL.: image via Stephen Crowley @Stcrow, 4 February 2017

Students learning at school in Afghanistan: image via Classic Pics @History_Pics, 4 February 2017

Women are from Venus, and men ... Photo @Barria_Reuters @ReutersPictures @ReutersPictures of the week: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 4 February 2017
Smoke without Fire

red reaction [Melbourne]: photo by Yiannis Yiasaris, 30 December 2016

red reaction [Melbourne]: photo by Yiannis Yiasaris, 30 December 2016

red reaction [Melbourne]: photo by Yiannis Yiasaris, 30 December 2016

#22 wrong is right [Dhaka, Bangladesh]: photo by Muhammad Imam Hasan, 6 January 2017

star wars [Napoli]: photo by michele liberti, 17 January 2017

[untitled]: photo by Sylvain Biard, 30 November 2016

[Untitled] [Dhaka, Bangladesh]: photo by Muhammad Imam Hasan, 14 October 2016

[Untitled] [Dhaka, Bangladesh]: photo by Muhammad Imam Hasan, 19 September 2016

Smoke without Fire. Brick Lane, London: photo by Becky Frances, 22 January 2017