Channel: TOM CLARK
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Sheepish [original version]: photo by Karena Goldfinch, 27 March 2010

Tentative, hanging back
to speak -- in a world

endlessly fraught
with administrative

for those tempted
to utter
so much as one

independent word
in the face of
the expanding


to one's knitting
in public
makes one sheepish,

stitched up,
stuck in, half afraid
to risk a peek

at what might
or might not
be waiting out


He only wanted to eat some grass. (This young wombat was hit by a car.): photo by Karena Goldfinch, 7 October 2012

Sheepish[hand coloured photogravure version]: photo by Karena Goldfinch, 21 March 2013

Hard Freeze



Fruits gelats (Sant Gregori, Vall de Llémena, Catalunya): photo by Miquel Bohigas Costabella (desdibuix-miquel), 29 November 2013

The cherry ball on the mercury stick drops off at three zero

Off to the left the iridescent glow of the sea glances

Gold and hard in the thin indifferent sun

Ah and all the green and growing things wonder what hit them

Nasturtium hibiscus and clover shriveling

Noiseless as fear in a wide wilderness

This silent blast from the polar freezer fuses

Leaf arteries into obelisks of bright glass

Tres d'hivern (Sant Gregori, Vall de Llémena, Catalunya): photo by Miquel Bohigas Costabella (desdibuix-miquel), 1 December 2013

Hivern amb fons blau (Sant Gregori, Vall de Llémena, Catalunya): photo by Miquel Bohigas Costabella (desdibuix-miquel), 1 December 2013

Solitària fred: photo by Miquel Bohigas Costabella (desdibuix-miquel), 29 November 2013

Cor gelat (Sant Gregori, Vall de Llémena, Catalunya): photo by Miquel Bohigas Costabella (desdibuix-miquel), 29 November 2013




Man sleeping, Portland: photo by Austin Granger, 13 September 2012

the outlook always

the purpose forever


the shadow of a body
in the trampled grass

Swings, Seaside: photo by Austin Granger, 12 March 2012

In a Field, Eastern Oregon: photo by Austin Granger, 14 July 2012

Coyote, Oregon: photo by Austin Granger, 17 July 2012




the shimenawa (Meoto Iwa, Mie prefecture, Japan). Meoto Iwa or the wedded rocks will be a very familiar subject to many. This is my favourite PoV for this location aesthetically and symbolically. I titled this “the shimenawa” because I wanted to share a little excerpt from Joseph Campbell. “…the ‘shimenawa,’ the august rope of straw that was stretched behind the goddess (Amaterasu) when she reappeared, symbolizes the graciousness of the miracle of the light’s return. The shimenawa is one of the most conspicuous, important, and silently eloquent, of the traditional symbols of the folk religion of Japan. Hung above the entrances of the temples, festooned along the streets at the New Year festival, it denotes the renovation of the world at the threshold of the return. If the Christian cross is the most telling symbol of the mythological passage into the abyss of death, the shimenawa is the simplest sign of the resurrection. The two represent the mystery of the boundary between the worlds -- the existent nonexistent line.": photo by Stephen Cairns, 23 June 2013

The stones rising from
........... the gray

The dark bay, illegible
by pier stumps -- stubbed

broken piers jutting toward

fishing nets
fresh snow on dark piers
converging in distance
loneliness cold winter

streaming weeds
.....................a blur
just beneath the surface

light is life

color joy

but now -- all dark

and from those loved, drifting

unready to cross

a bridge between worlds

Meoto Iwa (Meoto Iwa, Mie prefecture, Japan): photo by Stephen Cairns, 23 June 2013

belief (Meoto Iwa, Mie prefecture, Japan): photo by Stephen Cairns, 23 June 2013

fishing nets (Imazu, Lake Biwa, with Chibuku Island floating in the background, Shiga prefecture, Japan): photo by Stephen Cairns, 20 March 2013

(Kohoku-cho, Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture, Japan): photo by Stephen Cairns, 9 February 2013

broken pier, Lake Biwa (Shiga prefecture, Japan): photo by Stephen Cairns, 9 December 2012

ways around (Adogawa-cho, Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture, Japan): photo by Stephen Cairns, 17 November 2012

pier stumps (Adogawa-cho, Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture, Japan)"...what was once, was and is lost,/ lost in the past, and now does not come back". -- Pablo Neruda, the closing lines of his poem Past. It's always about this time of year when my wife and I reflect on the year past. Of course, that spirals out into the quick passage of time and of how dear it is. It occurred to me that if a span of life is 80 years, then I've settled into my autumnal years: photo by Stephen Cairns, 17 November 2012

iteration (Adogawa-cho, Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture, Japan): photo by Stephen Cairns, 17 November 2012

posts and weeds (Chibuku Island, Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture, Japan): photo by Stephen Cairns, 31 March 2013

fourteen posts (dusk on Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture, Japan): photo by Stephen Cairns, 31 March 2013

two posts (Adogawa-cho, Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture, Japan): photo by Stephen Cairns, 9 March 2013

KI (Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture, Japan). How about a little visual word play? "KI", the seventh sound of the Japanese syllabary. Most commonly meaning "tree", "wood, or "timber," it can have many meanings. When written with this Kanji "気" also pronounced "ki," it can mean "spirit", "nature", "mood", and "atmosphere." It can be used in combination with other words to make a phrase like "kimochi" (気持ち) which means "feeling" or "sensation". Of course, "o ki ni iri" or "お気に入り" which means a personal favourite works as well: photo by Stephen Cairns, 9 March 2013

 snow sounds (Lake Biwa near Nagahama, Shiga prefecture, Japan): photo by Stephen Cairns, 9 February 2013

fresh snow (Nagahama, Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture, Japan): photo by Stephen Cairns, 9 February 2013

snow covered piers (Nagahama, Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture, Japan): photo by Stephen Cairns, 9 February 2013

Chibuku Island (Imazu, Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture, Japan): photo by Stephen Cairns, 20 March 2013

 winter storm, Kohoku (Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture, Japan). Tremendous winter wind this day. I remember thinking more arms would be helpful as I had one hand steadying the tripod, an umbrella under my arm and my free hand wiping down the filter. Oddly, days like that make me feel alive: photo by Stephen Cairns, 9 December 2012

early morning in Burlington (Spencer Smith Park, Burlington, Ontario): photo by Stephen Cairns, 23 July 2012

here and after. torii, Shirahigejinjya (白鬚神社) (Takashimashi, Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture, Japan)
: photo by Stephen Cairns, 17 November 2012




Fissure (Seaview, Prince Edward Island, Canada): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarrnley), 6 December 2013

If the world of secrets is its own universe, here we have an expansion of the universe which brings to mind something cosmological.

It had to happen. When all that possibility of expansion became available the spooks were going to avail themselves of it as naturally as night follows day.

At some point in the expansion there is a phase transition our attitude will undergo. Something that seemed OK no longer seems OK.

The impulse we are now experiencing goes back as long as we have been living in groups. How much do we owe each other? How much of our very self, our individuality, our privacy, our subjective and autonomous freedom to live as utterly unique human beings, is up for grabs on the say so of whoever is making the rules for the group, not withstanding that the rulemakers have been validated by all of us?

It is no light matter to put in jeopardy a single life when it is the very singularity of each life which underpins the idea of a just society. But it appears to me that our masters are in the grip of the delusionary nightmare of completeness: the complete annihilation of every rogue bacillus. It's as if there is a belief that in the end the virus has no riposte, that there cannot be and will not be a means to evade blanket security if it is blanket enough.

What is the society we wish to protect? Is it the society of complete surveillance for the commonwealth? Is this the wealth we seek to have in common -- optimal security at the cost of maximal surveillance? Not that anybody asked us.

Tom Stoppard: from What is the society we wish to protect? The Guardian, 9 December 2013

I have more than once tried to analyze this apparently deliberate form of self-torture that seems so common for so many people in the face of the extinction of a valued life, human or animal, and it springs, I think, from a negation of death, as if by summoning and arranging these subjective images we were in some way cheating the objective fact of it. It is, I believe, an entirely instinctive process, and the distress it brings with it is incidental, a by-product, not a masochistic end.

Gavin Maxwell (1914-1969): from Ring of Bright Water, 1960

Sounds of old timbers weeping in the dark
house in the cold night
for what is bent and broken --
a valued life --
and will never again be whole
even when the wind stops blowing

Things bend, break, fall apart. It's a mistake

to get in the way
of a force of nature. Confine it
here, it will pop up again
over there
when you're not looking.

And yes things have a way of changing,
when the wind stops blowing
there may yet come a time
in this world of the few
watchers and the many watched
when they've stopped looking.

Mirror Tide (Lower Darnley, Prince Edward Island, Canada): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarrnley), 8 December 2013

Three Cliffs (Lower Darnley, Prince Edward Island, Canada): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarrnley), 30 November 2013

Salacia (Lower Darnley, Prince Edward Island, Canada): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarrnley), 8 December 2013

Cairn (Pinhole version) (Seaview, Prince Edward Island, Canada): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarrnley), 24 Setember 2013

If on a Winter's Morning a Traveler...



Capybaras! (Wien): photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 5 December 2013

On the wall facing my desk hangs a poster somebody gave me. The dog Snoopy is sitting at a typewriter, and in the cartoon you read the sentence, "It was a dark and stormy night. . . . ." Every time I sit down here I read, "it was a dark and stormy night . . ." and the impersonality of the incipit seems to open the passage from one world to the other, from the time and space of here and now to the time and space of the written word; I feel the thrill of a beginning that can be followed by multiple developments, inexhaustibly; I am convinced there is nothing better than a conventional opening, an attack from which you can expect everything and nothing; and I realize also that this mythomane dog will never succeed in adding to that first seven words another seven or another twelve without breaking the spell. The facility of the entrance into another world is an illusion: you start writing in a rush, anticipating the happiness of a future reading, and the void yawns on the white page.

Ever since I have had this poster before my eyes, I have no longer been able to end a page. I must take this damned Snoopy down from the wall as quickly as possible, but I can't bring myself to do it; that childish figure has become for me an emblem of my condition, a warning, a challenge.

Italo Calvino: from If on a winter's night a traveler, 1981, translated by William Weaver, 1981

Not long afterwards, there was once more great dearth throughout the land, and the children heard their mother saying at night to their father: "Everything is eaten again, we have one half loaf left, and that is the end. The children must go, we will take them farther into the wood, so that they will not find their way out again; there is no other means of saving ourselves!" 

The man's heart was heavy, and he thought: "It would be better for you to share the last mouthful with your children." The woman, however, would listen to nothing that he had to say, but scolded and reproached him. He who says A must say B, likewise, and as he had yielded the first time, he had to do so a second time also.

The children, however, were still awake and had heard the conversation. When the old folks were asleep, Hansel again got up, and wanted to go out and pick up pebbles as he had done before, but the woman had locked the door, and Hansel could not get out. 

Nevertheless he comforted his little sister, and said: "Do not cry, Gretel, go to sleep quietly, the good God will help us."

Early in the morning came the woman, and took the children out of their beds. Their piece of bread was given to them, but it was still smaller than the time before. On the way into the forest Hansel crumbled his in his pocket, and often stood still and threw a morsel on the ground. "Hansel, why do you stop and look round?" said the father, "go on.""I am looking back at my little pigeon which is sitting on the roof, and wants to say goodbye to me," answered Hansel. "Fool!" said the woman, "that is not your little pigeon, that is the morning sun that is shining on the chimney." Hansel, however little by little, threw all the crumbs on the path.

The woman led the children still deeper into the forest, where they had never in their lives been before...

The Brothers Grimm: from Hansel and Gretel, 1812, in Grimm's Household Tales, translated by Marian Edwardes after Edgar Taylor, 1912

Kleine Winterreise #1 / Ennsbad: photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 9 February 2013

Kleine Winterreise #2 / Ennstalbahn: photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 9 February 2013

Gemeindebau / The Treasure of the Sierra Margareten (Wien): photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 14 February 2013

Shortcut (Margareten): photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 14 February 2013

Krah - Blues (Wien): photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 20 January 2013

Drifting into Archetypes (Canton of Zug): photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 6 March 2013

Rustensteg #1 /The Possibility of an Oasis (Wien): photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 28 January 2013

Rustensteg #2 / If on a Winter's Morning a Traveler...: photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 29 January 2013

Staying Inside Is an Option (Bregenzerwald): photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 6 December 2012

Velvet Periphery (Kahlenberg): photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 25 December 2013

  Too much Grimm (Kahlenberg): photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 25 December 2012

Winterpfad (Kahlenberg): photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 25 December 2012

B and W Shift (Kahlenberg): photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 25 December 2012

Lichtfänge / Melancolia 2 (Lanne-Viru, Altje, Estonia): photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), February 2011

Going D / Vergebliche Suche nach der Farbe des Imperiums (Wien): photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 21 January 2013

Burghof 7:55 / Almost Street (Wien): photo by Michael Hummel (Spitting Doc), 21 January 2013




 Necessary (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 23 January 2013

Now sit we close about this taper here,
And call in question our necessities.

William Shakespeare: Julius Caesar (1599), Act IV, scene 3, lines 170-171

Impeach (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 27 January 2013

My Mom and Dad (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 27 January 2013

Inalienable (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 27 January 2013

God and Guns (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 27 January 2013

Modern Musket (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 23 January 2013

  Don't Tread on My Future! (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 28 January 2013

  Infringed (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 22 January 2013

  Commander, Post 21 (Melrose, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 27 May 2013

  The Safest Place in Boston (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 27 February 2013

 The Last Stand (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 30 May 2011

 War Games #2 (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 22 May 2012

Bloody Footprints (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 5 January 2012

 Blood and iced Coffee (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 11 December 2012

Clown (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 7 June 2011

 Bloodbath #1 (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 20 May 2012

Rapture (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 28 May 2011

  Gun Owners (Boston, Massachusetts): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 21 January 2013

Christmas tree in Newtown, Connecticut

Children play around a Christmas tree in Newtown, Connecticut, as the town prepares for the anniversary of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting: photo by Michelle Mcloughlin/Reuters via The Guardian, 13 January 2013

Christmas Market



Untitled (Christmas Market, Freiburg): photo by Bakmak (bakmak71), 12 December 2013

forgot, numb
in half
gloves at
the bus stop
busy night
market holiday
shoppers with groaning
rushing out
automatic door
to celebrate
what bus
an hour late

Untitled (Christmas Market, Freiburg): photo by Bakmak (bakmak71), 12 December 2013

Untitled (Christmas Market, Freiburg): photo by Bakmak (bakmak71), 12 December 2013

Untitled (Freiburg): photo by Bakmak (bakmak71), 10 December 2013

Untitled (Freiburg): photo by Bakmak (bakmak71), 10 December 2013

Untitled (Freiburg): photo by Bakmak (bakmak71), 12 December 2013




I-Phone #1. neblig: photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 7 January 2011

Friedrich Hölderlin: Der Winter

Wenn ungesehn und nun vorüber sind die Bilder
Der Jahreszeit, so kommt des winters Dauer,
Das Feld ist leer, die Ansicht scheinet milder,
Und Stürme wehn umher und Regenschauer.

Als wie ein Ruhetag, so ist des Jahres Ende,
Wie einer Frage Ton, das dieser sich vollende,
Alsdann erscheint des Frühlings neues Werden,
So glänzet die Natur mit ihrer Pracht auf Erden.
......................................Mit Untertänigkeit
d. 24 April 1849



When the season's images are unseen and now past, the winter's duration comes; the field is empty, the view seems milder, and gales blow about, and showers.

Like a day of rest is the end of the year, like a question's tone that seeks completion; then spring's new becoming appears. Thus nature with her splendour shines on earth.

.....................................Your humble and obedient servant
24 April 1849

Friedrich Holderlin (1770-1843): Der Winter (Winter), prose translation by Michael Hamburger in Hölderlin, 1961

Bessa III_75: photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 8 December 2013

I-Phone #4. neblig2. Mainufer Höchst: photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 7 January 2011

I-Phone #4. Nebel Kommt... Feldberg, Taunus (Schmitten, Hesse): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 10 November 2011

Rollei_250. Nebel Kommt... Feldberg, Taunus (Schmitten, Hesse): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 11 November 2011

Rollei_249. Nebel Kommt... Feldberg, Taunus (Schmitten, Hesse): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 11 November 2011

Bessa III_49. Novembernebel (Schwanheimer Wiesen): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 15 November 2013

Bessa III_50. Novembernebel (Schwanheimer Wiesen): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 15 November 2013

Bessa III_74. Eine Parkplatz in Russelseim (Russelsheim, Hesse): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 11 December 2013

Nebel 2: photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 17 January 2011

Hochwasser 4... und Nebel (Main, Frankfurt). Schwanheimer Ufer, Frankfurt: photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 17 January 2011

Hochwasser 4... und Nebel (Main, Frankfurt). Schwanheimer Ufer, Frankfurt: photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 17 January 2011

Hochwasser 5/6. Schwanheimer Ufer, Frankfurt: photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 19 January 2011

Nebel 3. Auf-und unter Brücke (Frankfurt)\: photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 23 January 2011

Nebel 4. Auf-und unter Brücke (Frankfurt)\: photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 17 January 2011

Rollei_255. Nebelzeit um den Feldberg (Schmitten, Hesse): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 11 November 2011

Bessa III_70. Targets... (Frankfurt): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 6 December 2013

Bessa III_69. Mainufer bei Höchst (Frankfurt): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 8 December 2013

Bessa III_1. Das alte Wehr an der Nidda (Frankfurt): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 12 September 2013

Isolette_31. Niederdorfelden, Hesse: photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 10 February 2013

Isolette_30. Weißer Hund und wilde Nidda (Frankfurt): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 10 February 2013

Bessa III_62(Schrebergarten, Frankfurt): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 25 November 2013

Bessa III_61. Neue Landebahn, Frankfurt II (Kelsterbach, Hesse): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 25 November 2013

Bessa III_60. Neue Landebahn, Frankfurt II (Kelsterbach, Hesse): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 25 November 2013

Die Nachbarschaft ist aktiv!: photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 30 November 2009

Isolette _29. Sossenheim (Schrebergrten, Frankfurt): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 27 January 2013

Schrebergarten #6. Eine 'wilder' ohne Verein: photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 7 February 2010

Schrebergarten #1 :photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 3 January 2010

Schrebergarten #2. KGV, Ffm Höchst: photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 24 January 2010

Bessa_6. Nach meer Schneebilder... (Eschborn, Hesse): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 13 March 2013

Bessa_3. Dann eben nach mal Winterbilder... (Eschborn, Hesse): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 13 March 2013

Belair _10. Wintergärten (Frankfurt): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 17 January 2013

Belair _11. Wintergärten (Frankfurt, Hesse): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 17 January 2013

Belair_9. Käthe und der Traum vom Fliegen... (Kelsterbach, Hesse): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 10 February 2013

Bessa_2. Blick aus dem Fenster (Frankfurt): photo by Katharina K-S (KKS_51), 13 March 2013

Ted Berrigan: Sonnet #2 ("old come-all-ye's streel into the streets")



With my mother and my Polaroid Swinger Camera, Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn, New York, 1967 or 1968: photo by Tom Riggle (asterisktom), posted 25 November 2010

Dear Margie, hello. It is 5:15 a.m
dear Berrigan. He died
Back to books. I read
It's 8:30 p.m. in New York and I've been running around all day
old come-all-ye's streel into the streets. Yes, it is now,
How Much Longer Shall I Be Able To Inhabit the Divine
and the day a bright gray turning green
feminine marvelous and tough
watching the sun come up over the Navy Yard
to write scotch-tape body in a notebook
had 17 and 1/2 milligrams
Dear Margie, hello. It is 5:15 a.m.
fucked til 7 now she's late to work and I'm
18 so why are my hands shaking I should know better

Ted Berrigan (1934-1983): Sonnet #2, from The Sonnets (1964)

Girl looks out bus window at snowstorm, New York City
: photo by Erich Hartmann (1922-1999), 1967; image by RasMarley. 19 March 2013

Manhattan, New York, 1967 or 1968
: photo by Tom Riggle (asterisktom), posted 25 November 2010

Manhattan, New York, 1967 or 1968
: photo by Tom Riggle (asterisktom), posted 25 November 2010

Waverly Restaurant, 6th Avenue and Waverly Place, Manhattan, New York, 1970s
photographer unknown; image by Christian Montone, 17 February 2010

Sloan's Supermarket, 3rd Avenue, Manhattan, New York, 1970s
photographer unknown; image by Christian Montone, 17 February 2010

Suerken's Bar and Restaurant, Church Street and Park Place, Tribeca, New York City, 1970s
photographer unknown; image by Christian Montone, 17 February 2010

42nd Street marquees, Times Square, Manhattan, New York, 1978
: photographer unknown; image by Christian Montone, 21 August 2009

Washington Square Park arch, 5th Avenue, Greenwich Village, New York City, 1960s
photographer unknown; image by Christian Montone, 8 April 2010

Wollman Rink, Central Park, Manhattan, New York, 1960s
: photographer unknown; image by Christian Montone, 8 April 2010

Times Square in rain, Manhattan, New York City, 1965
: photographer unknown
(from 1965 New York State Vacantionalands brochure); image by Christian Montone, 15 August 2008

Times Square in rain, Manhattan, New York City, 1964
: photographer unknown
; image by Christian Montone, 15 August 2008

4th Avenue between 92nd and 93rd Streets, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York, 1967 or 1968
: photo by Tom Riggle (asterisktom), posted 25 November 2010

125th Street and Lenox Avenue, Harlem, Manhattan, New York, 1968: photo by Tom Riggle (asterisktom), posted 25 November 2010

Edwin Denby: Roaring City



Waverly Place: photo by James Jowers, 1968 (George Eastman House)

Nocturnal void lower Fifth
Stepped in that desert off the kerb
A roar spurting eighty whams by
What a pleasure, I wasn't killed
Laughed how dear the morose asphalt
Tail light at Sixth, waiting for a green
I'd recognized it, a friend's car
That like enraged had roared past me
Game unmentioned when we met, roar
Obscure he, I, have let alone
New York accommodates years more
Daily the unknown and the known
Sometimes I can't, madly gloomy
Recall that events are roomy

Edwin Denby (1903-1983):"Nocturnal void lower Fifth...", c. early 1960s, from Collected Poems (1986)

Washington Square Park: photo by James Jowers, 1968 (George Eastman Hous

[Woman and window display]: photo by James Jowers, 1968 (George Eastman House)

New York Public Library, 5th Avenue: photo by James Jowers, 1967 (George Eastman House)

[New York Public Library]: photo by James Jowers, 1967 (George Eastman House)

East River: photo by James Jowers, 1968 (George Eastman House)

W. B. Yeats: Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven



McCall's, Style and Beauty cover: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1942 (George Eastman House)

Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,   
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

W. B. Yeats (1865-1939): Aedhwishes for the Cloths of Heaven, from The Wind Among the Reeds (1899)


McCall's, Style and Beauty cover, woman wearing scarf: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1938 (George Eastman House)

McCall's, Style and Beauty cover, woman in flowered hat, Carbro print: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1937 (George Eastman House)

Lucky Strike ad, girl in red: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1936 (George Eastman House)

Lucky Strike, Girl in Red

Lucky Strike ad, girl in red, Carbro print: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1936 (George Eastman House)

Lucky Strike Girl

Lucky Strike girl: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1936 (George Eastman House)

Lucky Strike ad, girl with snowshoes, Carbro print: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1936 (George Eastman House)

Camel Cigarettes ad, girl in pool
: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1956 (George Eastman House)

McCall's cover, girl in rain, Carbro print
: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1943 (George Eastman House)

Canon Towel Ad, Nude in S

Cannon Towel ad, nude in shower
. Note: "Cannon towell [sic] ad -- While carbro was on display, people tried to pry off the daisy! Also the model's husband threatened divorce until Nick swore it was someone else.": photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), c. 1945 (George Eastman House)

Lizabeth Scott

Lizabeth Scott. Note:
"Lizabeth Scott 'Modern Screen' cover. She did have a towel on which was cropped.": photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1945 (George Eastman House)

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor
: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), c. 1948 (George Eastman House)


Gene Tierney

Gene Tierney: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1949 (George Eastman House)

Gloria De Haven

Gloria de Haven, Modern Screen cover: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1947 (George Eastman House)

Carole Lombard

Carole Lombard
: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1940 (George Eastman House)

Rose Covarrubias

Rose Covarrubias
: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), n.d. (George Eastman House)

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo, Carbro print
: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1941 (George Eastman House)

Marlene Dietrich - Actres

Marlene Dietrich, Carbro print
: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1935 (George Eastman House)

Anna May Wong

Anna May Wong, Carbro print
: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1931 (George Eastman House)

Audrey Totter

Audrey Totter
: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1945 (George Eastman House)

Ingrid Bergman montage -
Ingrid Bergman, Modern Screen cover: photomontage by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1947 (George Eastman House)

Angela Lansbury

Angela Lansbury
: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1945 (George Eastman House)

Judy Garland

Judy Garland: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1945 (George Eastman House)


McCall's, homemaking cover, ice cream, Carbro print: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1943 (George Eastman House)

[Untitled]: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), n.d. (George Eastman House)
Marilyn Monroe - Actress

Marilyn Monroe: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1952 (George Eastman House)

United Fruit Company, bananas: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1932 (George Eastman House)
Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1952 (George Eastman House)

American Cyanimid, woman and lamb, Carbro print. Note:
"Photographed at Bronx Zoo, ad for American Cyanimid, caption 'Baa-aa-aa'.": photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1946 (George Eastman House)

McCall's, homemaking cover, packing trunk, Carbro print
: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1942 (George Eastman House)


McCall's, homemaking cover, Carbro print
: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1941 (George Eastman House)


McCall's, homemaking cover, dog and shoes: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1944 (George Eastman House)
McCall Magazine, Homemaki

McCall's, homemaking cover, Carbro print: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), n.d. (George Eastman House)

McCall's, Style and Beauty cover, Carbro print: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1939 (?) (George Eastman House)

Camel Cigarettes ad, three in red, Carbro print: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1931 (George Eastman House)

Camel Cigarettes ad, girl on glass, Finlay Process: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1931 (George Eastman House)
Anthony and Cleopatra, Fr

Coca Cola ad, on the set of Anthony and Cleopatra: Frederic March, Claudette Colbert, Cecil B. De Mille: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1935 (George Eastman House)

Ladies Home Journal, swimsuit layout: photo by Nickolas Muray (1892-1965), 1932 (George Eastman House)

 Photos by Nickolas Muray (b. Mandi Miklós) (1892-1945) courtesy of George Eastman House




from Breakfast Comix 1: Tom Raworth

Of this house I know the backwindow
lodges six housesparrows in the bricks

Under the sill, and they are the birds
scour these roofs all winter for warmth

Or whatever. Two are arguing now
for a few inches of position on a cornice.

How the mind moves out and lights on things
when the I is only a glass for seeing:

I stand at the window

Setting down each bird, roof, chimney
as the boundaries of the neighborhood they make.

I have on an old blue jersey.
Every two hours I wipe off my glasses.

(Newmarket Road, Cambridge, 1965)

Bertolt Brecht: Why Should My Name Be Mentioned?



哈尔滨松花江. Despite heavy smog there is a lot of life on the frozen Songhua River, Harbin, China: photo by SinoLaZZeR, 23 November 2013

Once I thought: in distant times 
When the buildings have collapsed in which I live
And the ships have rotted in which I travelled
My name will still be mentioned
With others.

Because I praised the useful, whichIn my day was considered base 
Because I battled against all religions
Because I fought oppression or
For another reason.

Because I was for people and
Entrusted everything to them, thereby honoring them 
Because I wrote verses and enriched the language 
Because I taught practical behaviour or
For some other reason.

Therefore I thought my name would still be
Mentioned; on a stone 
My name would stand; from books
It would get printed into the new books.


But today
I accept that it will be forgotten. 
Should the baker be asked for if there is enough bread?
Should the snow be praised that has melted
If new snowfalls are impending?
Should there be a past if 
There is a future?

Should my name be mentioned?

Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956): Why Should My Name Be Mentioned? (Warum soll mein Name gennant werden?), 1936, translated by Robert Conard in Poems 1913-1956(1976)

dock at dusk (Hikone, Lake Biwa): photo by Stephen Cairns, 16 September 2013

Cherokee in Snow



Cherokee Yard, Tulsa, Oklahoma: photo by Wade Harris (Wade from Oklahoma), 8 December 2013

Snow on tires, Collinsville, Oklahoma: photo by Wade Harris (Wade from Oklahoma), 14 February 2010

Snowing, Skiatook, Oklahoma: photo by Wade Harris (Wade from Oklahoma), 15 December 2010

Frozen marsh, near Sperry, Oklahoma: photo by Wade Harris (Wade from Oklahoma), 8 December 2013

It sure is boring during an ice storm for a five year old girl: photo by Wade Harris (Wade from Oklahoma), 13 January 2007

Sleet covered ground: photo by Wade Harris (Wade from Oklahoma), 13 January 2007

Gate, east of Fortuna, Oklahoma: photo by Wade Harris (Wade from Oklahoma), 27 December 2008

Redbud Valley, between Tulsa and Catoosa, Oklahoma: photo by Wade Harris (Wade from Oklahoma), 13 February 2011

Three headstones, Collinsville, Oklahoma: photo by Wade Harris (Wade from Oklahoma), 6 December 2006

Freezing mist in the Osage Hills, Osage County, Oklahoma: photo by Wade Harris (Wade from Oklahoma), 8 December 2013

Halfway Mountain: photo by Wade Harris (Wade from Oklahoma), 27 December 2008

House, Crosstimbers Marina, Skiatook Lake, west of Skiatook, Oklahoma: photo by Wade Harris (Wade from Oklahoma), 8 December 2013

Snow drift patterns, Sperry, Oklahoma: photo by Wade Harris (Wade from Oklahoma), 2 February 2011

Grass in snow, Collinsville, Oklahoma: photo by Wade Harris (Wade from Oklahoma), 26 December 2009




[Untitled]: photo by :+:+:+:+: (Kaometet), 18 December 2013

casting the pain, the regret, the fear, the anger
away, as though
they belonged to a stranger
watching from the windblown shore
a distant sinking ship

[Untitled]: photo by :+:+:+:+: (Kaometet), 15 December 2013

[Untitled]: photo by :+:+:+:+: (Kaometet), 19 December 2013

[Untitled]: photo by :+:+:+:+: (Kaometet), 20 December 2013




Santa 2011-12-10 at 10-20-20 (Niles, Michigan): photo by David Cory, 10 December 2011

Santa. Merry Christmas, y'all!: photo by efo, 8 December 2009

Bell street santa 2007: photo by shannon richardson (e l e c t r o l i t e), 24 December 2007

Santa #2. Boston, Massachusetts. Merry Christmas everyone: photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 24 May 2012

Santa Claus, Seattle, 1956: photographer unknown (Seattle Municipal Archives)

Christmas 'Santa', New York. Sign reads: "34 West 28th Street, New York City Volunteers of America Under President and Mrs. Ballington Booth [will give?] Christmas Dinners [...]00 Men, Women and Children [...] by dropping a coin in the chimney.": photographer unknown for Bain News Service, between c. 1910 and c. 1915 (George Grantham Bain Collection, Library of Congress)

Vivien and Chris visit Santa at Chiesman's Department Store in Lewisham, December 1957: photographer unknown; image by Soggy Semolina, 19 April 2009

Viv and Doreen visit Santa at Chiesman's Department Store in Lewisham, December 1964: photographer unknown; image by Soggy Semolina, 19 April 2009

Hello Santa (Racine, Wisconsin, 1954): photographer unknown; image by Jan Tonnesen, 25 November 2006

Father Frizzybeard
: photographer unknown, n.d.; image by Alli Hammond (allihead), 25 September 2007

hillbilly santa: photographer unknown, n.d.; image by Alli Hammond (allihead), 25 September 2007

worst santa ever
: photographer unknown, n.d.; image by Alli Hammond (allihead), 25 September 2007

 Santa Claus. Children had to disguise themselves for Santa Claus visitation (the most popular costume was "Zorro"; when I had costume ball in kindergarden, there was something about ten Zorros including me): photographer unknown, n.d.; image by Jakub (filmarik), 14 November 2003

 Santa Claus: Ho, ho, ho. Have you been good, little baker?: photographer unknown, n.d.; image by Jakub (filmarik), 14 November 2003

 Santa Claus. The Middle East modeI: photographer unknown, n.d.; image by Jakub (filmarik), 17 May 2006

 Santa Claus. "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to...": photographer unknown, n.d.; image by Jakub (filmarik), 17 May 2006

 Santa Claus. In my opinion he couldn't move so as not to spill himself: photographer unknown, n.d.; image by Jakub (filmarik), 14 November 2003

 Santa Claus in a vacant lot, Boonville Road, Jefferson City, Missouri, c. early 1930s: photographer unknown; image by PaintedWorksbyKB, 15 December 2011

Creepy Santa #1 (with my nephew): photographer unknown, n.d,  image by Radio Rover, 6 August 2006

Santa as crazed leprechaun and homeless companion: photo by efo, 13 December 2009

Santa (Santa Claus, Arizona): photo by efo, 18 December 2011

Plastic Santa. Taken on the territory of Christmas Island: photo by efo, 21 December 2010

The Clausbillies: photo by Radio Rover, 9 December 2006

Home Invasion. My wife thinks guy is cute, but it creeps me out to have him sitting across the room from me: photo by David Cory, 22 November 2009

A and P Coffee Santa Claus: photo by Nickolas Muray (b. Mandi Miklós) (1892-1945), c. 1940; image by RasMarkley (George Eastman House)

Creepy Santa (at the North Pole Amusement Park adjacent to the entrance to Pike's Peak): photo by David Cory, 19 May 2010

Stop or the Fat Guy Gets It!!: photo by David Cory, 30 July 2009

Santa Rampage in Chicago: photo by patrickryanzero, 9 December 2000

Santa Spotted. On his way to work? Xmas Eve (Little Addington, UK): photo by Marble Giant, 24 December 2007

Santa will be late this year after getting baled up in a paddock on a private property along Coolart Rd, Mornington Peninsula: photo by Frankzed, 10 December 2012

Fremont Santa and Cone Fries (Seattle): photo by David (alternatePhotography), 13 January 2012

Crash Site. Another timely Christmas shot. Two months early. Wakefield, Massachusetts: photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 3 February 2011

tiny santa 2007: photo by shannon richardson (e l e c t r o l i t e), 17 December 2007

 santa mask 2006: photo by shannon richardson (e l e c t r o l i t e), 24 December 2006

Santa. Christmas is over: photo by efo, 11 January 2009

Sharing photos with Santa Claus (Lowell, Massachusetts): photo by robert schneider (rolopix), 30 November 2013

2013 Coca-Cola Santa Claus, backlit, Rio de Janeiro: photo by José Rottberg, 21 November 2013

 Santa Claus Advertising: artist unknown, n.d.; image by Susan Criser (Suzee Que), 17 December 2009

Santa Claus, Stone Bridge, Regensburg, Bavaria: photo by elPadawan, 8 December 2012

Noel: photo by efo, 17 December 2013

Santa 2011-12-10 at 10-22-58 (Niles, Michigan): photo by David Cory, 10 December 2011

Nightly Encounter



Nightly Encounter: photo by Michel Hummel (Spitting Doc), 29 November 2013

so little time left now
and the double that walks beside
this vague luminous figure
materializing from night vapors
is a prisoner of memory

Citizen Kane and his Chinese Cup of Mercy: photo by Michel Hummel (Spitting Doc), 2 February 2013




Untitled (Noto, Sicily): photo by robert holmgren (menlo), 16 October 2013

So is it the thin
sliver of light, slicing
through the curtain
from the window
of the person confined
in the equally dark house
next door
............that puts
the dread
of the lid
being closed
over one
into the mind
without a word
being said
across the slender divide

narrowing alley
crack of brightness between
solid masses
of trees, converging
overhead must be
even darker down there
in the shadows someone
who wanted to speak

Two Windows (New York, New York): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 8 March 2013

The Summer Sun #2 (Lower Darnley, Prince Edward Island, Canada): photo by Jim Rohan (LowerDarnley), 18 October 2013

eating rats: photo by robert holmgren (menlo), 16 October 2013




25: photo by Petros Kotzabasis (pkomo), 3 January 2012

Getting away with it's the easy part
But what comes later, the flight
Into incompatible identities
Taking shadows hostage
On the descent...

murder: photo by Petros Kotzabasis (pkomo), 5 January 2007

470: photo by Petros Kotzabasis (pkomo), 3 January 2012
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