Fumigating a building where mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus were reported on Thursday in Singapore, which has already had several cases of the mosquito-borne virus and expects more: photo by Wong Maye-E/Associated Press, 1 September 2016
Fumigating a building where mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus were reported on Thursday in Singapore, which has already had several cases of the mosquito-borne virus and expects more: photo by Wong Maye-E/Associated Press, 1 September 2016
Paddling through dead fish in a breeding pond at Maninjau Lake in Indonesia on Wednesday. The fish kill was linked to tainted water.: photo by Muhammad Arif Pribadi/Antara Foto, via Reuters, 31 August 2016
Paddling through dead fish in a breeding pond at Maninjau Lake in Indonesia on Wednesday. The fish kill was linked to tainted water.: photo by Muhammad Arif Pribadi/Antara Foto, via Reuters, 31 August 2016
#Internet outage in #Gabon continues for third day as @Akamai traffic to the country remains near zero: image via StateOfTheInternet @akamai_soti, 2 September 2016
#Gabon Resistant of tyranny. Bare hands but determined. Free at last ! @coffee_sec @DownSecBelgium @Global_hackers: image via OpGabon @OpGabon, 2 September 2016
#Gabon Resistant of tyranny. Bare hands but determined. Free at last! @coffee_sec @DownSecBelgium @Global_hackers: image via OpGabon @OpGabon, 2 September 2016
#Gabon polls reveal a flawed electoral system: image via ISS @issafrica, 2 September 2016
Lord help my country. Do we deserve this? So we can't even claim to be free ever? They are killing us, murdering us #Gabon #FreeGabon: tweet via J-Rio Verified account @JRioMusique, 31 August 2016
All that is apparently left of #Gabon's Parliament. Very sad,.: image via Imad Mesdoua Verified account @Imad Mesdoua, 2 September 2016
Gabon: demonstrators protesting election result clash with police. Gabonese opposition candidate Jean Ping declared himself president on Friday, after a disputed election that triggered two days of post-election riots against President Ali Bongo.: image via Reuters Africa Verified account @ReutersAfrica, 2 September 2016
Two killed in #Gabon after clashes with police overnight. Photo @mlongari: image via Stéphane Arnaud @StéphaneArnaud, 2 September 2016
Two killed in #Gabon after clashes with police overnight. Photo @mlongari: image via Stéphane Arnaud @StéphaneArnaud, 2 September 2016
Two killed in #Gabon after clashes with police overnight. Photo @mlongari: image via Stéphane Arnaud @StéphaneArnaud, 2 September 2016 ![]()
Funeral of 12 years old Danish Sultan in Srinagar Kashmir on September 02, 2016. @lookaround81: image via Faisal Khan @lookaround81, 2 September 2016
#Kashmir A man rows a boat on Nigeen Lake in #Srinagar By @TauseefMUSTAFA @AFPphoto #photojournalism: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 1 September 2016
Windows have to be covered to ward off any damage, which can be caused by stone pelters in #Srinagar. Tragic!: image via JK Views @JKviews, 1 September 2016

#Syria A woman carrying a child flees after an airstrike in #Douma #Damascus @BassamKhabieh @reuterspictures: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 2 September 2016
[Electra mourns over the ashes of the brother she believes to be dead]
Elektra's Keening
[anger now stronger than grief, for a moment: SPOKEN]
And that bitch of a mother is laughing
and they haven't sent back even the shape of him
thou the avenger, no more avenging
ahi, ahi,
The spirits love me no longer.
thy death, my dying
Oimoi Oimoi
take me in with you
Sophocles (c. 496 BC - 406/405 BC): Electra (c. 410 BC) 1126 - 1170, translation by Ezra Pound and Rudd Fleming: Elektra: A Version (1949), 1989
ὦδέμαςοἰκτρόν. φεῦφεῦ.
ὦδεινοτάτας, οἴμοιμοι,
πεμφθεὶςκελεύθους, φίλταθ᾽, ὥςμ᾽ἀπώλεσας:
ἀπώλεσαςδῆτ᾽, ὦκασίγνητονκάρα.
τὴνμηδὲνεἰςτὸμηδέν, ὡςσὺνσοὶκάτω
ναίωτὸλοιπόν: καὶγὰρἡνίκ᾽ἦσθ᾽ἄνω,
ξὺνσοὶμετεῖχοντῶνἴσων, καὶνῦνποθῶ
[Electra mourns over the ashes of the brother she believes to be dead]
Elektra's Keening
All that is left me
my hope was Orestes
dust is returned me
in my hands nothing, dust that is all of him,
flower that went forth
would I had died then
ere stealing thee from the slaughter
died both together
lain with our father
Far from thy homeland
died far in exile
no hand was near thee
to soothe thy passing,
corpse unanointed
fire consumed thee,
all now is nothing,
strangers have brought thee
small in this urn here
Sorrow upon me
fruitless my caring
I as mother and sister both
thy nurse also ere thou hadst thy growth
this was my past
and swept away with thee
ever to me
this summons came.
all in a day
and is no more.
Dead Agamemnon, dead now my brother
I am dead also, the great wind in passing
bears us together.
Mirth for our foemen.
[anger now stronger than grief, for a moment: SPOKEN]
And that bitch of a mother is laughing
and they haven't sent back even the shape of him
but a ghost that cant do its job.
Ajnn. aihn.
thou the avenger, no more avenging
born to misfortune, ashes avail not
shadows avail not
ahi, ahi,
brother that art not.
The spirits love me no longer.
you kept sending messages
secretly, you would take vengeance.
thy death, my dying
dred road thou goest
brother, my slayer
as ever above earth
let death divide not
[singing to the urn]
[singing to the urn]
Oimoi Oimoi
take me in with you
I now am nothing, make place beside thee
naught into naught, zero to zero
to enter beside thee
or fortune equal
death endeth pain.
Sophocles (c. 496 BC - 406/405 BC): Electra (c. 410 BC) 1126 - 1170, translation by Ezra Pound and Rudd Fleming: Elektra: A Version (1949), 1989
ψυχῆςὈρέστουλοιπόν, ὥςσ᾽ἀπ᾽ἐλπίδων
δόμωνδέσ᾽, ὦπαῖ, λαμπρὸνἐξέπεμψ᾽ἐγώ.
κακῶςἀπώλου, σῆςκασιγνήτηςδίχα,
ἀνειλόμην, ὡςεἰκός, ἄθλιονβάρος,
ἀνωφελήτου, τὴνἐγὼθάμ᾽ἀμφὶσοὶ
πόνῳγλυκεῖπαρέσχον: οὔτεγάρποτε
οὔθ᾽οἱκατ᾽οἶκονἦσαν, ἀλλ᾽ἐγὼτροφός,
θανόντισὺνσοί: πάνταγὰρσυναρπάσας
θύελλ᾽ὅπωςβέβηκας. οἴχεταιπατήρ:
τέθνηκ᾽ἐγὼσοί: φροῦδοςαὐτὸςεἶθανών:
γελῶσιδ᾽ἐχθροί: μαίνεταιδ᾽ὑφ᾽ἡδονῆς
μήτηρἀμήτωρ, ἧςἐμοὶσὺπολλάκις
τιμωρὸςαὐτός. ἀλλὰταῦθ᾽ὁδυστυχὴς
ψυχῆςὈρέστουλοιπόν, ὥςσ᾽ἀπ᾽ἐλπίδων
δόμωνδέσ᾽, ὦπαῖ, λαμπρὸνἐξέπεμψ᾽ἐγώ.
κακῶςἀπώλου, σῆςκασιγνήτηςδίχα,
ἀνειλόμην, ὡςεἰκός, ἄθλιονβάρος,
ἀνωφελήτου, τὴνἐγὼθάμ᾽ἀμφὶσοὶ
πόνῳγλυκεῖπαρέσχον: οὔτεγάρποτε
οὔθ᾽οἱκατ᾽οἶκονἦσαν, ἀλλ᾽ἐγὼτροφός,
θανόντισὺνσοί: πάνταγὰρσυναρπάσας
θύελλ᾽ὅπωςβέβηκας. οἴχεταιπατήρ:
τέθνηκ᾽ἐγὼσοί: φροῦδοςαὐτὸςεἶθανών:
γελῶσιδ᾽ἐχθροί: μαίνεταιδ᾽ὑφ᾽ἡδονῆς
μήτηρἀμήτωρ, ἧςἐμοὶσὺπολλάκις
τιμωρὸςαὐτός. ἀλλὰταῦθ᾽ὁδυστυχὴς
ὦδέμαςοἰκτρόν. φεῦφεῦ.
ὦδεινοτάτας, οἴμοιμοι,
πεμφθεὶςκελεύθους, φίλταθ᾽, ὥςμ᾽ἀπώλεσας:
ἀπώλεσαςδῆτ᾽, ὦκασίγνητονκάρα.
τὴνμηδὲνεἰςτὸμηδέν, ὡςσὺνσοὶκάτω
ναίωτὸλοιπόν: καὶγὰρἡνίκ᾽ἦσθ᾽ἄνω,
ξὺνσοὶμετεῖχοντῶνἴσων, καὶνῦνποθῶ
The urn is placed in ELECTRA'S hands.ELECTRA
Ah, memorial of him whom I loved best on earth! Ah, Orestes, whose life hath no relic left save this,-- how far from the hopes with which I sent thee forth is the manner in which I receive thee back! Now I carry thy poor dust in my hands; but thou wert radiant, my child, when I sped the forth from home! Would that I had yielded up my breath, ere, with these hands, I stole thee away, and sent thee to a strange land, and rescued the from death; that so thou mightest have been stricken down on that self-same day, and had thy portion in the tomb of thy sire!Sophocles. Electra 1126-1190 trans. R.C. Jebb
But now, an exile from home and fatherland, thou hast perished miserably, far from thy sister; woe is me, these loving hands have not washed or decked thy corpse, nor taken up, as was meet, their sad burden from the flaming pyre. No! at the hands of strangers, hapless one, thou hast had those rites, and so art come to us, a little dust in a narrow urn.
Ah, woe is me for my nursing long ago, so vain, that I oft bestowed on thee with loving toil I For thou wast never thy mother's darling so much as mine; nor was any in the house thy nurse but I; and by thee I was ever called 'sister.' But now all this hath vanished in a day, with thy death; like a whirlwind, thou hast swept all away with thee. Our father is gone; I am dead in regard to thee; thou thyself hast perished: our foes exult; that mother, who is none, is mad with joy,- she of whom thou didst oft send me secret messages, thy heralds, saying that thou thyself wouldst appear as an avenger. But our evil fortune. thine and mine, hath reft all that away, and hath sent thee forth unto me thus,- no more the form that I loved so well, but ashes and an idle shade.
Ah me, ah me! O piteous dust! Alas, thou dear one, sent on a dire journey, how hast undone me,-- undone me indeed, O brother mine!
Therefore take me to this thy home, me who am as nothing, to thy nothingness, that I may dwell with thee henceforth below; for when thou wert on earth, we shared alike; and now I fain would die, that I may not be parted from thee in the grave. For I see that the dead have rest from pain.

Fumigating a building where mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus were reported on Thursday in Singapore, which has already had several cases of the mosquito-borne virus and expects more: photo by Wong Maye-E/Associated Press, 1 September 2016

Fumigating a building where mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus were reported on Thursday in Singapore, which has already had several cases of the mosquito-borne virus and expects more: photo by Wong Maye-E/Associated Press, 1 September 2016

The view from a hoist at 3 World Trade Center on Wednesday: photo by George Etheredge/The New York Times, 31 August 2016
The view from a hoist at 3 World Trade Center on Wednesday: photo by George Etheredge/The New York Times, 31 August 2016

The view from a hoist at 3 World Trade Center on Wednesday: photo by George Etheredge/The New York Times, 31 August 2016

Paddling through dead fish in a breeding pond at Maninjau Lake in Indonesia on Wednesday. The fish kill was linked to tainted water.: photo by Muhammad Arif Pribadi/Antara Foto, via Reuters, 31 August 2016

Paddling through dead fish in a breeding pond at Maninjau Lake in Indonesia on Wednesday. The fish kill was linked to tainted water.: photo by Muhammad Arif Pribadi/Antara Foto, via Reuters, 31 August 2016

#Gabon Resistant of tyranny. Bare hands but determined. Free at last ! @coffee_sec @DownSecBelgium @Global_hackers: image via OpGabon @OpGabon, 2 September 2016

#Gabon Resistant of tyranny. Bare hands but determined. Free at last! @coffee_sec @DownSecBelgium @Global_hackers: image via OpGabon @OpGabon, 2 September 2016

#Gabon polls reveal a flawed electoral system: image via ISS @issafrica, 2 September 2016
Lord help my country. Do we deserve this? So we can't even claim to be free ever? They are killing us, murdering us #Gabon #FreeGabon: tweet via J-Rio Verified account @JRioMusique, 31 August 2016

All that is apparently left of #Gabon's Parliament. Very sad,.: image via Imad Mesdoua Verified account @Imad Mesdoua, 2 September 2016

Gabon: demonstrators protesting election result clash with police. Gabonese opposition candidate Jean Ping declared himself president on Friday, after a disputed election that triggered two days of post-election riots against President Ali Bongo.: image via Reuters Africa Verified account @ReutersAfrica, 2 September 2016

Two killed in #Gabon after clashes with police overnight. Photo @mlongari: image via Stéphane Arnaud @StéphaneArnaud, 2 September 2016

Two killed in #Gabon after clashes with police overnight. Photo @mlongari: image via Stéphane Arnaud @StéphaneArnaud, 2 September 2016

Two killed in #Gabon after clashes with police overnight. Photo @mlongari: image via Stéphane Arnaud @StéphaneArnaud, 2 September 2016

Funeral of 12 years old Danish Sultan in Srinagar Kashmir on September 02, 2016. @lookaround81: image via Faisal Khan @lookaround81, 2 September 2016

Funeral of 12 years old Danish Sultan in Srinagar Kashmir on September 02, 2016. @lookaround81: image via Faisal Khan @lookaround81, 2 September 2016
Funeral of 12 years old Danish Sultan in Srinagar Kashmir on September 02, 2016. @lookaround81: image via Faisal Khan @lookaround81, 2 September 2016

Funeral of 12 years old Danish Sultan in Srinagar Kashmir on September 02, 2016. @lookaround81: image via Faisal Khan @lookaround81, 2 September 2016

#Kashmir A man rows a boat on Nigeen Lake in #Srinagar By @TauseefMUSTAFA @AFPphoto #photojournalism: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 1 September 2016

Windows have to be covered to ward off any damage, which can be caused by stone pelters in #Srinagar. Tragic!: image via JK Views @JKviews, 1 September 2016

A Kashmiri youth hospitalized for wounds from lead pellets fired at protestors by the Indian police. Since mid-July, when a new wave of protests against the Indian military presence started, more than 570 patients have reported to the main government hospital in Srinagar, Kashmir, with eyes ruptured by pellets.: photo by Tauseef Mustafa/AFP, 28 August 2016
A Kashmiri youth hospitalized for wounds from lead pellets fired at protestors by the Indian police. Since mid-July, when a new wave of protests against the Indian military presence started, more than 570 patients have reported to the main government hospital in Srinagar, Kashmir, with eyes ruptured by pellets.: photo by Tauseef Mustafa/AFP, 28 August 2016
#India People affected by flooding, on the roof of their house in #Allahabad By Rajesh Kumar Singh @AP_Images: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 1 September 2016
An Afghan boy lies on a plastic boat outside the abandoned #Athens Int. Airport. By Yannis Kolesidis @epaphoto: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 1 September 2016

A Kashmiri youth hospitalized for wounds from lead pellets fired at protestors by the Indian police. Since mid-July, when a new wave of protests against the Indian military presence started, more than 570 patients have reported to the main government hospital in Srinagar, Kashmir, with eyes ruptured by pellets.: photo by Tauseef Mustafa/AFP, 28 August 2016

#India People affected by flooding, on the roof of their house in #Allahabad By Rajesh Kumar Singh @AP_Images: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 1 September 2016

An Afghan boy lies on a plastic boat outside the abandoned #Athens Int. Airport. By Yannis Kolesidis @epaphoto: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 1 September 2016

A Filipino crime scene technician stood next to the body of a suspected drug dealer shot by the police. Hundreds of drug-related killings -- by the police, drug dealers and gangs -- have plagued the Philippines recently.: photo by Noel Celis/AFP, 28 August 2016
A Filipino crime scene technician stood next to the body of a suspected drug dealer shot by the police. Hundreds of drug-related killings -- by the police, drug dealers and gangs -- have plagued the Philippines recently.: photo by Noel Celis/AFP, 28 August 2016
A Filipino crime scene technician stood next to the body of a suspected drug dealer shot by the police. Hundreds of drug-related killings -- by the police, drug dealers and gangs -- have plagued the Philippines recently.: photo by Noel Celis/AFP, 28 August 2016
The body of a man is pictured with a gun under his hand, who police said was killed during a drug bust operation on "Shabu" (Meth), in Manila: photo by Ezra Acayan/Reuters, 18 August 2016
Witnesses wait for their turn to testify in the continuing Senate probe on the rising number of extrajudicial killings related to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's "War on Drugs" on August 23, 2016 in suburban Pasay city south of Manila, Philippines. Philippine senators opened an inquiry into the killings of some 2,000 suspected drug dealers and users amid a crackdown spearheaded by Duterte.: photo by Bullit Marquez/ AP, 23 August 2016
British citizen David Taylor, a suspect in the murder of Wayan Sudarsa, re-enacts a scene as a police officer poses as the victim on Kuta Beach in Bali, Indonesia: photo by Reuters, 31 August 2016
Migrants, most of them from Eritrea, jump into the water from a crowded wooden boat as they are helped by members of an NGO during a rescue operation in the Mediterranean sea, about 13 miles north of Sabratha, Libya. Thousands of migrants and refugees were rescued Monday morning from more than 20 boats by members of Proactiva Open Arms NGO before transferring them to the Italian cost guards and others NGO vessels operating at the zone.: photo by Emilio Morenatti / AP, 29 August 2016
Dead wild reindeer are seen on Hardangervidda in Norway, after lightning struck the central mountain plateau and killed more than 300 of them: photo by Norsk Telegrambyra AS / Reuters, 28 August 2016

A Filipino crime scene technician stood next to the body of a suspected drug dealer shot by the police. Hundreds of drug-related killings -- by the police, drug dealers and gangs -- have plagued the Philippines recently.: photo by Noel Celis/AFP, 28 August 2016

A Filipino crime scene technician stood next to the body of a suspected drug dealer shot by the police. Hundreds of drug-related killings -- by the police, drug dealers and gangs -- have plagued the Philippines recently.: photo by Noel Celis/AFP, 28 August 2016

The body of a man is pictured with a gun under his hand, who police said was killed during a drug bust operation on "Shabu" (Meth), in Manila: photo by Ezra Acayan/Reuters, 18 August 2016

Witnesses wait for their turn to testify in the continuing Senate probe on the rising number of extrajudicial killings related to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's "War on Drugs" on August 23, 2016 in suburban Pasay city south of Manila, Philippines. Philippine senators opened an inquiry into the killings of some 2,000 suspected drug dealers and users amid a crackdown spearheaded by Duterte.: photo by Bullit Marquez/ AP, 23 August 2016

British citizen David Taylor, a suspect in the murder of Wayan Sudarsa, re-enacts a scene as a police officer poses as the victim on Kuta Beach in Bali, Indonesia: photo by Reuters, 31 August 2016

Migrants, most of them from Eritrea, jump into the water from a crowded wooden boat as they are helped by members of an NGO during a rescue operation in the Mediterranean sea, about 13 miles north of Sabratha, Libya. Thousands of migrants and refugees were rescued Monday morning from more than 20 boats by members of Proactiva Open Arms NGO before transferring them to the Italian cost guards and others NGO vessels operating at the zone.: photo by Emilio Morenatti / AP, 29 August 2016

Dead wild reindeer are seen on Hardangervidda in Norway, after lightning struck the central mountain plateau and killed more than 300 of them: photo by Norsk Telegrambyra AS / Reuters, 28 August 2016

Fog appeared reddish, brown and lavender during sunrise on Tuesday in the foothills of the Alps near Bernbeuren, Germany, about 45 miles southwest of Munich: photo by Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA, via Associated Press, 30 August 2016
Fog appeared reddish, brown and lavender during sunrise on Tuesday in the foothills of the Alps near Bernbeuren, Germany, about 45 miles southwest of Munich: photo by Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA, via Associated Press, 30 August 2016
Iranians spend time in Urmia Lake near Urmia, Iran. Hopes for the survival of Urmia salt lake have been revived after more rains boosted a government program aimed at preserving the nearly dried-up water body.: photo by Ebrahim Noroozi / AP, 26 August 2016

Fog appeared reddish, brown and lavender during sunrise on Tuesday in the foothills of the Alps near Bernbeuren, Germany, about 45 miles southwest of Munich: photo by Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA, via Associated Press, 30 August 2016

Iranians spend time in Urmia Lake near Urmia, Iran. Hopes for the survival of Urmia salt lake have been revived after more rains boosted a government program aimed at preserving the nearly dried-up water body.: photo by Ebrahim Noroozi / AP, 26 August 2016