![Waterline | by juliehrudova]()
![Waterline | by juliehrudova]()
![Football!!! | by Adam Dzieciolkiewicz]()
Football!!! | Istanbul: photo by Adam Dzieciolkiewicz, 8 April 2018
![Football!!! | by Adam Dzieciolkiewicz]()
![Football!!! | by Adam Dzieciolkiewicz]()
Football!!! | Istanbul: photo by Adam Dzieciolkiewicz, 8 April 2018
![Queens 2017 / 5540 | by dirtyharrry]()
Queens 2017 / 5540 | Queens: photo by dirtyharrry, 1 July 2018
#Syria Waves of strikes pound south Syria after talks fail Photo @AbazidMohamad: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 5 July 2018
#Syria Waves of strikes pound south Syria after talks fail Photo @AbazidMohamad: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP Photo @AFPphoto, 5 July 2018
SYRIA - A Syrian rebel fighter aims his Kalashnikov assault rifle as he stands near the frontline against government forces west of the embattled city of Daraa Photo @AbazidMohamad: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP Photo @AFPphoto, 4 July 2018

Waterline: photo by Julie Hrudova, 30 June 2018

Waterline: photo by Julie Hrudova, 30 June 2018
#Afghanistan An Afghan labourer works at a brick factory on the outskirts of Mazar-i-Sharif. Photo @Farshadusyan #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP Photo @AFPphoto, 4 July 2018
![Cox's Bazer || 18 | by nayeemsiddiquee]()

#Afghanistan An Afghan labourer works at a brick factory on the outskirts of Mazar-i-Sharif. Photo @Farshadusyan #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP Photo @AFPphoto, 4 July 2018

Football!!! | Istanbul: photo by Adam Dzieciolkiewicz, 8 April 2018

Football!!! | Istanbul: photo by Adam Dzieciolkiewicz, 8 April 2018

Football!!! | Istanbul: photo by Adam Dzieciolkiewicz, 8 April 2018

Queens 2017 / 5540 | Queens: photo by dirtyharrry, 1 July 2018

#Syria Waves of strikes pound south Syria after talks fail Photo @AbazidMohamad: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 5 July 2018

#Syria Waves of strikes pound south Syria after talks fail Photo @AbazidMohamad: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP Photo @AFPphoto, 5 July 2018

SYRIA - A Syrian rebel fighter aims his Kalashnikov assault rifle as he stands near the frontline against government forces west of the embattled city of Daraa Photo @AbazidMohamad: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP Photo @AFPphoto, 4 July 2018

Israeli policemen try to detain Palestinians in the Bedouin village of al-Khan al-Ahmar near Jericho in the occupied West Bank. Photo Mohamad Torokman: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 4 July 2018
#Israel Israeli soldiers from the Kfir brigade's Shimshon ("Samson") battalion lie down and rest during a military exercise at the Tzeelim army base simulating urban combat that might take place in the Gaza Strip. Photo @menahemkahana #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP Photo @AFPphoto, 4 July 2018

#Israel Israeli soldiers from the Kfir brigade's Shimshon ("Samson") battalion lie down and rest during a military exercise at the Tzeelim army base simulating urban combat that might take place in the Gaza Strip. Photo @menahemkahana #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP Photo @AFPphoto, 4 July 2018

People watch fireworks at the East River State Park in Williamsburg, Brooklyn on Independence Day. Photo Stephen Yang: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 4 July 2018

A man gets a haircut after paying for it with two packages of corn flour in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo @mabellog: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 4 July 2018

Joey Chestnut and Miki Sudo successfully defend their titles at Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest:. Photo Stephen Yang: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 4 July 2018

Joey Chestnut and Miki Sudo successfully defend their titles at Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest:. Photo Stephen Yang: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 4 July 2018

Joey Chestnut and Miki Sudo successfully defend their titles at Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest:. Photo Stephen Yang: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 4 July 2018
FuckinA, Joey Chestnut lied. He shall henceforth perforce be renamed Cheatin' Chestnut. Nobody gets away with pulling a stunt like this on the ever vigilantMurican People. Unless they do. It's the electronic eye that always does 'em in, the hotdog eating contest cheaters, unless it doesn't. Replay showed Joey had actualmente et not 74 dogs in ten minutes as claimed but a mere piffling 64. Caligula turned green in the Netherworld. That tiny fragment of leftover dog sitting there on the edge of the grill practically begging to be put out of its agony is laughing at you and pointing and howling and whooping and saying, Ha, Joey Chestnut Lied And You Didn't Notice And Joey Is A Murican Hero And You're Not, Joey lied and said he put away 74 of my brothers and sisters in 10 minutes and you're sitting there on your Pussy Hat Cushion believing that weak stuff and not worrying with only your bulging inoperable Old Person abdominal mass to keep you company you miserable wretch and You're not even watching anyway, you don't even get TV, and Joey doesn't give a shit, he's got better things to do, like immediately throw up 46 times but always Murican-Heroically and It's Totally Worth It because his stomach lining is fireproof and was on sale at Walmart because this here's a Straight-up Democratic country, unless it's not. He made $69.75 for doing it, even if when the Deception is fully sussed and figured in it only comes to $57.40 in bitcoin + Amazon Prime Drone Credit not that he did it for the money mind, oh no, he did it for you, Murica! And for Me Too! Especially the lying part! I love it that we were too dumb to notice That's what makes Murica great! Hail Joey! Ka-Boom! Hail Me Too! Fireworks are exploding and though the night is dark and I can't see a thing, I know you're out there! Hail assisted living but where are the assistants! Hail dereliction! Boom! Hail embarrassment and shame! Boom! Ka-Boom! Hail Murican Patriotic Serial Vomitus! Boom! Boom! Boom! Stars are Falling on Elon! All Nevada and All Stars have Fallen before Elon! Not to mention All stripes! Booom! Boom! Hey! There's Jeff! Hey Jeff! Amazon Prime for Wokest Capitalist Destroyer of Murican Kommunities! Yay! Boom! Hey! Zuck! Joey, stop throwing up for a minute, look there's Zuck! Right over there by the Explosions! Yes! O say can you see! There's Zuck! Look! So Cute and precious aww! Zuck and 'Scilla are Just Chillin' on the Holiday, sharing Your Private User Data with all The Biggest Tech Firms on Earth while Taking the Hamentaschen Out of The Oven, making All the Money on Earth that Jeff hasn't yet already made, beating out Elon for first dibs on Jupiter, ceding only Uranus and a couple relatively inconsequential Asteroids to Th'Emp's Space Force awhile also Improving the Internal Culture so that everybody in the Company Gets Great Couches, Feels Free, Easy and Rich, and becomes for the lifetime of the company if not actually until next Tuesday smoov-groove-ready every minute until death, which will never happen because Elon's working on that right now, Instant Self Driving Unnoticeable Space Death, while Jeff is already ready to forever destroy shitloads more whole murican communities and small businesses and Moms and Pops and Uncle Jims in order to enable you to have get seamlessly acquire all the newest junk you think you need because Jeff told you you do, and would Jeff lie?? Creating commodity addictions is the American Way! Yay! O Say Can You See! Ka-Boom! Honk! Roar! Eat five more Joey! Eat three more Miki! Ka-Boom! Git some! Scarf 'em right up Kids! It's all Good! What the hell's happening? Doesn't the time just fly by when you're totally disgusted? Boom! Ka-Boom! What the hell just happened? Did Jeff really just destroy Seattle, did Elon then destroy Nevada to get even, did Jeff shoot back by destroying Sacramento, did 'Scilla say have some more Hamentaschen, did Zuck just say Gotta Go, Gotta Murder, Gotta Make a Killing, Outa the Way Emp! Comin' through! Only Kidding! Ha ha hmmmwoooahhh!!
#Amazon You are doing it all over again... Faking Discounts and that too this stupidly! #amazonisafraud: image via Laal Ladoo @panipurinotes, 4 July 2018
@Amazon I kid you not; never click on an Amazon icon just to get a better view / explanation. Those crazy people now think I’m a chicken farmer. Nothing against poultry farming, but this is nuts. A quarter of the images I’m seeing now are chicken feeders. Help!: image via Mike Chillit @MikeChillit, 4 July 2018
Asking for a friend...

#Amazon You are doing it all over again... Faking Discounts and that too this stupidly! #amazonisafraud: image via Laal Ladoo @panipurinotes, 4 July 2018
a friend of mine is worried she’s developing an #Amazon shopping addiction...I suggested she may need a 12 step program...might be able to order one off Amazon... : tweet via The Nasty Wench @the_nasty_wench, 4 July 2018

@Amazon I kid you not; never click on an Amazon icon just to get a better view / explanation. Those crazy people now think I’m a chicken farmer. Nothing against poultry farming, but this is nuts. A quarter of the images I’m seeing now are chicken feeders. Help!: image via Mike Chillit @MikeChillit, 4 July 2018

epa editor's choice 04 July 2018 Passengers float on the water as a ferry sinks off the coast of Selayar island, in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, 03 July 2018. At least 31 people were killed when the vessel with 139 passengers on board sank off the coast of Selayar island. #passengers #float #water #ferry #sink #ferryaccident #passengerferry #coast #selayarisland #southsulawesi #indonesia #epaphotos Photo epa-efe / Mustafa Syahril: image via epaphotos @epaphotos, 4 July 2018

Magnífico reportaje desde #FronteraSur, esos 14kms donde se han perdido tantas vidas buscando un mejor futuro... Photo @EmilioMorenatti: image via Mamen Páez G. @MamenPg, 2 July 2018

Cellphones, teenagers on migrant route to Europe Photo @EmilioMorenatti: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 2 July 2018

Cellphones, teenagers on migrant route to Europe Photo @EmilioMorenatti: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 2 July 2018

Cellphones, teenagers on migrant route to Europe Photo @EmilioMorenatti: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 2 July 2018

Cellphones, teenagers on migrant route to Europe Photo @EmilioMorenatti: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 2 July 2018

Migrants rest at a makeshift emergency center for migrants at Barbate’s municipal sports center, in the south of Spain, after being rescued by Spain’s Maritime Rescue Service in the Strait of Gibraltar, Friday, June. 29, 2018: image via Emilio Morenatti @EmilioMorenatti, 29 June 2018

Migrants lay on the ground exhausted at the port of Tarifa, southern Spain, after being rescued by Spain’s Maritime Rescue Service in the Strait of Gibraltar, Friday, June. 29, 2018: image via Emilio Morenatti @EmilioMorenatti, 29 June 2018

Migrants rest at a makeshift emergency center for migrants at Barbate’s municipal sports center, in the south of Spain,Spain, after being rescued by Spain’s Maritime Rescue Service in the Strait of Gibraltar, Friday, June. 29, 2018: image via Emilio Morenatti @EmilioMorenatti, 29 June 2018

Moroccan migrants are handcuffed by Guardia Civil officers as they arrive at the port of Tarifa, southern Spain, after being rescued by Spain's Maritime Rescue Service in the Strait of Gibraltar, Friday, June. 29, 2018: image via Emilio Morenatti @EmilioMorenatti, 29 June 2018

Activists place a life jacket on a Christopher Columbus statue after the Proactiva Open Arms rescue boat arrived in Spain carrying migrants rescued off Libya. Photo Stephen Yang: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 4 July 2018

This still image taken from video Courtesy of PIX11 News in New York, shows police talking to a woman who has climbed to the base of the Statue of Liberty in New York.: photo by HO/AFP/Getty Images, 4 July 2018

Park police negotiate with a protester who climbed the pedestal of the the Statue of Liberty in New York on Wednesday.: photo by Harry Slater for the Guardian, 4 July 2018
After having written many best selling books, and somewhat priding myself on my Ability to write, it should be Noted that the Fake News constantly likes to pore over my Tweets looking for a mistake. I Capitalize certain words only for Emphasis, not b/c they should be capitalized!: tweet via Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump, 4 July 2018
35,056 replies13,280 retweets73,315 likes
"After having written many best selling books, it should be noted that I am a big baby in a high chair throwing a tantrum and waving my tiny fists and turning my cereal bowl over on my own head and getting my own way about Capitalization Rules, and it is This image I want you to always have in mind, the image of me being extremely Disappointed b/c things aren't Going exactly my way, always Poised like a single tottering Raindrop trembling on a quivering Leaf on the Brink of a Tremendous Capitalization Tantrum."
Civil disobedience in the face of an oppressive government is sort of what the 4th of July is all about. Way to go, Statue of Liberty protester.: image via Denizcan Grimes @MrFilmkritik, 4:25 PM, 4 July 2018
Dear Statue of Liberty Protester, Today, you are my hero. You make me proud to be an American. Love, Brian: image via Brian Peeke @BrianPeake, 1:30 PM 4 July 2018
![Untitled | by clairebrinberg]()
Untitled [Coney Island]: photo by Claire Brinberg, 30 June 2018
![Untitled | by clairebrinberg]()
Untitled [Coney Island]: photo by Claire Brinberg, 30 June 2018
![Untitled | by clairebrinberg]()
35,056 replies13,280 retweets73,315 likes
"After having written many best selling books, it should be noted that I am a big baby in a high chair throwing a tantrum and waving my tiny fists and turning my cereal bowl over on my own head and getting my own way about Capitalization Rules, and it is This image I want you to always have in mind, the image of me being extremely Disappointed b/c things aren't Going exactly my way, always Poised like a single tottering Raindrop trembling on a quivering Leaf on the Brink of a Tremendous Capitalization Tantrum."

Civil disobedience in the face of an oppressive government is sort of what the 4th of July is all about. Way to go, Statue of Liberty protester.: image via Denizcan Grimes @MrFilmkritik, 4:25 PM, 4 July 2018

Dear Statue of Liberty Protester, Today, you are my hero. You make me proud to be an American. Love, Brian: image via Brian Peeke @BrianPeake, 1:30 PM 4 July 2018

Untitled [Coney Island]: photo by Claire Brinberg, 30 June 2018

Untitled [Coney Island]: photo by Claire Brinberg, 30 June 2018