![File1106 | by sotblindphot]()
![File1106 | by sotblindphot]()
![File1106 | by sotblindphot]()
![641 | by pkomo]()
641: photo by Petros Kotzabasis, 14June 2018
![Je suis trop jeune pour passer le permis... | by woltarise]()
![723 | by sotblindphot]()
![Untitled | by Sakis Dazanis]()
Untitled: photo by Sakis Dazanis, 13June 2018
![Untitled | by umberto verdoliva]()
![Absent... | by woltarise]()
Absent... [6h30AM, d'Iberville métro station, Montréal]: photo by woltarise, 3June 2018
![DSC_0017-22F | by makrismakis10]()
Untitled [Québec]: photo by Georges Sheehy, 10 June 2018
![Untitled | by markoskyprianos]()
Untitled: photo by markos kyprianos, 9 April 2018
![London | by jaumescar]()
![London | by jaumescar]()
London [Bankside]: photo by Jaume Escofet, 6 May 2018
![London | by jaumescar]()
London [Bankside]: photo by Jaume Escofet, 6 May 2018
![NUNS | by Riccardo Gerbi Cattaneo]()
NUNS [Milan]: photo by Riccardo Cattaneo, 4 June 2018 ![BRO_3544 | by Bronfer]()
BRO_3544[Dead Sea, Israel]: photo by Bronfer, 18 June 2018
![BRO_3544 | by Bronfer]()
BRO_3544[Dead Sea, Israel]: photo by Bronfer, 18 June 2018
![BRO_3544 | by Bronfer]()
BRO_3544 [Dead Sea, Israel]: photo by Bronfer, 18 June 2018
#Japan A man uses his phone on the rooftop of a building in Tokyo Photo @MartinBureau1 #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018
#Greece A man walks past closed shops in the center of Thessaloniki Photo @SakisMitrolidis #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018
#Guatemala Indigenous women burn incense, as the truck transporting 172 urns containing the remains of victims of the Guatemalan armed conflict (1960-1996), arrives in San Juan Comalapa Photo @johannordonez #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018
SYRIA - #Kenya A dancer of Rendille tribe performs during the 11th Marsabit-Lake Turkana Cultural Festival in Nairobi Photo @YasuyoshiChiba #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018
Pre-aged global celebrity, like stone washed jeans, always breaking itself down and reconstructing itself to fit the consumption cycles and stay on the crest of the forever recyling and breaking and refracting market waves, o my it can be a bit confusing, is a sociological phenomenon that may be caught in a dither and understandably so about its immediate location and destination and which airport and conference and show and so on, stillalways knows its own name and though it may appear at a distance, the distance of beyond the velvet PRropes, to be mailing it in at least 87.5% of the time, nobody notices so no worries and don't ever underestimate its seriousness, its application to the tiresome quotidian practicum of celebrity, which, one guesses, must be exhausting, unceasing and though perhaps a great source of ego supplies, in the end a total drag, unless you're either nuts or purebred Murican. In which case of course somehow everything makes perfect sense. Regardless, it is voracious, insatiable and remains undaunted. It never for one second no not one teeny tiny one forgets its larger objective nor the great truth John Keats was the first poet to understand, about the nature of disposable consumption cycles in the new kind of middle class society. Always give them something new, or those Hungry Generations will tread you down and eat you right up!

File1106: photo by Sotiris Lamprou, 14June 2018

File1106: photo by Sotiris Lamprou, 14June 2018

File1106: photo by Sotiris Lamprou, 14June 2018

641: photo by Petros Kotzabasis, 14June 2018
It should be like nothing you have ever seen before
It should be like something you have seen in a dream
It should be like something you have seen in a previous life
It should be like something you have once seen and felt deeply but could never explain to anyone
It should feel eerily familiar as though you had been seeing it your whole life
It should be like the song of the nightingale which you have not seen vanishing back into the thicket on the beautiful summer night long ago somewhere else

Je suis trop jeune pur passer le permis... [Rosemont quartier, Montréal]: photo by woltarise, 17June 2018
![Pale | by johnjackson808]()
Pale [Granville St, Vancouver]: photo by John Jackson, 22 May2018
Pale [Granville St, Vancouver]: photo by John Jackson, 22 May2018

Pale [Granville St, Vancouver]: photo by John Jackson, 22 May2018

Pale [Granville St, Vancouver]: photo by John Jackson, 22 May2018

Untitled: photo by Sakis Dazanis, 13June 2018

Untitled: photo by umberto verdoliva, 13June 2014

Absent... [6h30AM, d'Iberville métro station, Montréal]: photo by woltarise, 3June 2018

DSC_0017-22F: photo by makis makris, 20 June 2014
![P1240724 | by makrismakis10]()
P1042704: photo by makis makris, 20 June 2014
![DSC09669 | by sotblindphot]()
DSC09669: photo by Sotiris Lamprou, 17 June 2018
![DSC09669 | by sotblindphot]()
DSC09669: photo by Sotiris Lamprou, 17 June 2018
![DSC09669 | by sotblindphot]()
DSC09669: photo by Sotiris Lamprou, 17 June 2018
![Somewhere #17 | by Roccantica]()
![... | by yaya13baut]()
New York, 2018: photo by Yannis Bautrait, 4 June 2018
![... | by yaya13baut]()
New York, 2018: photo by Yannis Bautrait, 4 June 2018
![... | by yaya13baut]()
New York, 2018: photo by Yannis Bautrait, 4 June 2018
![When Flags Wave | by Sergi_Escribano]()
When Flags Wave: photo by Sergi Escribano, 10 August 2017
![* | by Sakulchai Sikitikul]()
![* | by Sakulchai Sikitikul]()
![* | by Sakulchai Sikitikul]()
![Meran, June 2018 | by Roccantica]()
Meran, June 2018 | DSCF_6026copia_a: photo by Roccantica, 9 June 2018
![Untitled | by the poetics of sleep]()
Milano, Aprile 2017: photo by Giorgors, 15 April 2017
![untitled | by georges sheehy]()
Untitled [Québec]: photo by Georges Sheehy, 10 June 2018
![untitled | by georges sheehy]()
Untitled [Québec]: photo by Georges Sheehy, 10 June 2018
![untitled | by georges sheehy]()

P1042704: photo by makis makris, 20 June 2014

DSC09669: photo by Sotiris Lamprou, 17 June 2018

DSC09669: photo by Sotiris Lamprou, 17 June 2018

DSC09669: photo by Sotiris Lamprou, 17 June 2018

Somewhere #17 | R0042570copy_a: photo by Roccantica, 8 November 2010

New York, 2018: photo by Yannis Bautrait, 4 June 2018

New York, 2018: photo by Yannis Bautrait, 4 June 2018

New York, 2018: photo by Yannis Bautrait, 4 June 2018

When Flags Wave: photo by Sergi Escribano, 10 August 2017

Songkhla morning market [Songkhla, Hat Yai, Thailand]: photo by Sakulchai Sikitikul, 10 June 2018

Songkhla morning market [Songkhla, Hat Yai, Thailand]: photo by Sakulchai Sikitikul, 10 June 2018

Songkhla morning market [Songkhla, Hat Yai, Thailand]: photo by Sakulchai Sikitikul, 10 June 2018

Meran, June 2018 | DSCF_6026copia_a: photo by Roccantica, 9 June 2018

Untitled: photo by Sam D., 21 August 2017
![Untitled | by Giorgors]()

Milano, Aprile 2017: photo by Giorgors, 15 April 2017

Untitled [Québec]: photo by Georges Sheehy, 10 June 2018

Untitled [Québec]: photo by Georges Sheehy, 10 June 2018

Untitled [Québec]: photo by Georges Sheehy, 10 June 2018

Untitled: photo by markos kyprianos, 9 April 2018

London [Bankside]: photo by Jaume Escofet, 6 May 2018

London [Bankside]: photo by Jaume Escofet, 6 May 2018

London [Bankside]: photo by Jaume Escofet, 6 May 2018

NUNS [Milan]: photo by Riccardo Cattaneo, 4 June 2018

BRO_3544[Dead Sea, Israel]: photo by Bronfer, 18 June 2018

BRO_3544[Dead Sea, Israel]: photo by Bronfer, 18 June 2018

BRO_3544 [Dead Sea, Israel]: photo by Bronfer, 18 June 2018

#USA People watch sunset in El Paso, Texas @b_smialowski #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018
#USA #Mexico A man walks across the Bridge Paso del Norte International (Santa Fe Bridge) to the United States in Ciudad Juarez @b_smialowski #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018

#USA #Mexico A man walks across the Bridge Paso del Norte International (Santa Fe Bridge) to the United States in Ciudad Juarez @b_smialowski #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018

#Mexico A worker pulls a cart past a mural by US artist Scarlett Baily at the "Central de Abasto" wholesale market in Mexico City. @AFPphoto by @PPardo1 @SCARLETTBAILY @CentraldeMuros @centraldeabasto: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 21 June 2018

epa editor's choice 21 June 2018: #volunteer #children #women #migrants #Violence #shelter #SouthernMexico #CentralAmerica #USMexicoBorder #Tijuana #Mexico #USA #UnitedStatesofAmerica #epaphotos Photo epa-efe / David Maung: image via epaphotos @epaphotos, 21 June 2018

We all know how proud @realDonaldTrump is of his @TIME magazine covers. Will he be proud of his latest one?: image via Tom Brake @thomasbrake, 21 June 2018
What was Melania Trump doing at the border?: image via Getty Images @GettyImages, 21 June 2018

@realDonaldTrump at rally questions why his political opponents are called the “elite.” I have a much better apartment, I’m smarter, I won the election and they didn’t, he says.: image via Jeff Mason @jeffmason1, 20 June 2018

What was Melania Trump doing at the border?: image via Getty Images @GettyImages, 21 June 2018

#IndianOccupiedKashmir An Indian Kashmiri boy rides a bicycle during a one-day strike called by separatists in Srinagar Photo @TauseefMUSTAFA #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018
#Nicaragua Nicaraguan town defies government siege to bury dead Photo @intiocon #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018
#Nicaragua Nicaraguan town defies government siege to bury dead Photo @intiocon #AFP: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 21 June 2018
SYRIA - A child from Manbij, displaced by fighting between the Syrian Democratic Forces and Islamic State group fighters, sits outside mud-brick dwellings at Al-Qadi camp Photo @NazeerAlk #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018
#Turkey A man walks at a market in Istanbul. Turkey prepares for tight presidential and parliamentary elections on June 24 Photo @ArisMessinis #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018

#Nicaragua Nicaraguan town defies government siege to bury dead Photo @intiocon #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018

#Nicaragua Nicaraguan town defies government siege to bury dead Photo @intiocon #AFP: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 21 June 2018

SYRIA - A child from Manbij, displaced by fighting between the Syrian Democratic Forces and Islamic State group fighters, sits outside mud-brick dwellings at Al-Qadi camp Photo @NazeerAlk #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018

#Turkey A man walks at a market in Istanbul. Turkey prepares for tight presidential and parliamentary elections on June 24 Photo @ArisMessinis #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018

#Japan A man uses his phone on the rooftop of a building in Tokyo Photo @MartinBureau1 #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018

#Greece A man walks past closed shops in the center of Thessaloniki Photo @SakisMitrolidis #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018

#Guatemala Indigenous women burn incense, as the truck transporting 172 urns containing the remains of victims of the Guatemalan armed conflict (1960-1996), arrives in San Juan Comalapa Photo @johannordonez #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018

SYRIA - #Kenya A dancer of Rendille tribe performs during the 11th Marsabit-Lake Turkana Cultural Festival in Nairobi Photo @YasuyoshiChiba #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018

Pre-aged global celebrity, like stone washed jeans, always breaking itself down and reconstructing itself to fit the consumption cycles and stay on the crest of the forever recyling and breaking and refracting market waves, o my it can be a bit confusing, is a sociological phenomenon that may be caught in a dither and understandably so about its immediate location and destination and which airport and conference and show and so on, stillalways knows its own name and though it may appear at a distance, the distance of beyond the velvet PRropes, to be mailing it in at least 87.5% of the time, nobody notices so no worries and don't ever underestimate its seriousness, its application to the tiresome quotidian practicum of celebrity, which, one guesses, must be exhausting, unceasing and though perhaps a great source of ego supplies, in the end a total drag, unless you're either nuts or purebred Murican. In which case of course somehow everything makes perfect sense. Regardless, it is voracious, insatiable and remains undaunted. It never for one second no not one teeny tiny one forgets its larger objective nor the great truth John Keats was the first poet to understand, about the nature of disposable consumption cycles in the new kind of middle class society. Always give them something new, or those Hungry Generations will tread you down and eat you right up!

#Bolivia Aymara indigenous people receive the first rays of Tata Inti (god Sun) during the celebration of the winter solstice @AFPphoto by Aizar Raldes @yodita16969: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 21 June 2018
#UK Revellers watch the sunrise as they celebrate the pagan festival of Summer Solstice at Stonehenge in Wiltshire hoto @geoff_caddick #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018

#UK Revellers watch the sunrise as they celebrate the pagan festival of Summer Solstice at Stonehenge in Wiltshire hoto @geoff_caddick #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 June 2018