![#18 - till death don't us part | by paulu]()
![#18 - till death don't us part | by paulu]()
#18 - till death don't us part | "Show me the LOVE" - Peter Dench: photo by Paulo Guerra, 1 November 2017
![#18 - till death don't us part | by paulu]()
#18 - till death don't us part | "Show me the LOVE" - Peter Dench: photo by Paulo Guerra, 1 November 2017
![#07 | by Jota C.]()
![my kingdom for a horse | by paulu]()
my kingdom for a horse | week 10 of 52: photo by Paulo Guerra, 24 February 2018
![my kingdom for a horse | by paulu]()
my kingdom for a horse | week 10 of 52: photo by Paulo Guerra, 24 February 2018
![my kingdom for a horse | by paulu]()
my kingdom for a horse | week 10 of 52: photo by Paulo Guerra, 24 February 2018
![Rock Thrush (Monticola saxatilis) -Хадны жижир | by obaatargal]()
Rock Thrush (Monticola saxitilis - Хадны жижир): photo by Otgonbayar Baatargal, 10 June 2018
![Rock Thrush (Monticola saxatilis) -Хадны жижир | by obaatargal]()
Rock Thrush (Monticola saxitilis - Хадны жижир): photo by Otgonbayar Baatargal, 10 June 2018
![Rock Thrush (Monticola saxatilis) -Хадны жижир | by obaatargal]()
Rock Thrush (Monticola saxitilis - Хадны жижир): photo by Otgonbayar Baatargal, 10 June 2018
![Bangkok/Thailand 2018 | by Pazta Sakulpradit]()
Bangkok/Thailand 2018: photo by Pazta Sakulpradit, 9 June 2018
![Bangkok/Thailand 2018 | by Pazta Sakulpradit]()
Bangkok/Thailand 2018: photo by Pazta Sakulpradit, 9 June 2018
![Bangkok/Thailand 2018 | by Pazta Sakulpradit]()
Bangkok/Thailand 2018: photo by Pazta Sakulpradit, 9 June 2018
Joseph Ceravolo: Freedom
O Real Spirit!
see if you can embrace and
Conquer me!;
the negative mountain peak
All I got left is the car
and a broken heart.
But what more
do I deserve, now?
![R0004266 | by Kanin Eiam]()
![R0004266 | by Kanin Eiam]()
![R0004266 | by Kanin Eiam]()
![Echasse blanche | by Tifaeris]()
Echasse blanche | L'echasse saute sur le dos deux canards, mais certains ne se laissent pas faire! [Black-winged Stilt / Himantopus himantopus, Mazères, Ariège]: photo by jessica joachim, 10 June 2018
![Echasse blanche | by Tifaeris]()
Echasse blanche | L'echasse saute sur le dos deux canards, mais certains ne se laissent pas faire! [Black-winged Stilt / Himantopus himantopus, Mazères, Ariège]: photo by jessica joachim, 10 June 2018
![Echasse blanche | by Tifaeris]()
Echasse blanche | L'echasse saute sur le dos deux canards, mais certains ne se laissent pas faire! [Black-winged Stilt / Himantopus himantopus, Mazères, Ariège]: photo by jessica joachim, 10 June 2018
![100_9834-#08 | by Francesco Luppolo]()
100_9834-#08: photo by Francesco Luppolo, 10 June 2018
![100_9834-#08 | by Francesco Luppolo]()
100_9834-#08: photo by Francesco Luppolo, 10 June 2018
![100_9834-#08 | by Francesco Luppolo]()
100_9834-#08: photo by Francesco Luppolo, 10 June 2018

#18 - till death don't us part | "Show me the LOVE" - Peter Dench: photo by Paulo Guerra, 1 November 2017

Rock Thrush (Monticola saxitilis - Хадны жижир): photo by Otgonbayar Baatargal, 10 June 2018

Rock Thrush (Monticola saxitilis - Хадны жижир): photo by Otgonbayar Baatargal, 10 June 2018

Rock Thrush (Monticola saxitilis - Хадны жижир): photo by Otgonbayar Baatargal, 10 June 2018
Ceravolo: Three from INRI

Bangkok/Thailand 2018: photo by Pazta Sakulpradit, 9 June 2018

Bangkok/Thailand 2018: photo by Pazta Sakulpradit, 9 June 2018

Bangkok/Thailand 2018: photo by Pazta Sakulpradit, 9 June 2018
Joseph Ceravolo: Freedom
This morning I could
walk and walk.
walk and walk.
That's freedom.
But I drink this coffee
before work.
But I drink this coffee
before work.
Joseph Ceravolo (1934-1988): Freedom, from INRI (1979), in Collected Poems (2012)
Joseph Ceravolo: Negative Mountain Peak
O Real Spirit!
see if you can embrace and
Conquer me!;
the negative mountain peak
Joseph Ceravolo (1934-1988): Negative Mountain Peak, from INRI (1979), in Collected Poems (2012)
Joseph Ceravolo: The Car
All I got left is the car
and a broken heart.
But what more
do I deserve, now?
Joseph Ceravolo (1934-1988): The Car, from INRI (1979), in Collected Poems (2012)

Echasse blanche | L'echasse saute sur le dos deux canards, mais certains ne se laissent pas faire! [Black-winged Stilt / Himantopus himantopus, Mazères, Ariège]: photo by jessica joachim, 10 June 2018

Echasse blanche | L'echasse saute sur le dos deux canards, mais certains ne se laissent pas faire! [Black-winged Stilt / Himantopus himantopus, Mazères, Ariège]: photo by jessica joachim, 10 June 2018

Echasse blanche | L'echasse saute sur le dos deux canards, mais certains ne se laissent pas faire! [Black-winged Stilt / Himantopus himantopus, Mazères, Ariège]: photo by jessica joachim, 10 June 2018

100_9834-#08: photo by Francesco Luppolo, 10 June 2018

100_9834-#08: photo by Francesco Luppolo, 10 June 2018

100_9834-#08: photo by Francesco Luppolo, 10 June 2018