![Untitled | by Gustavo Minas]()
DSC00975-stavrosstam: photo by Stavros Stamatiou. 8 June 2018
My friend journalist Mohammed El Baba (AFP photographer) has been injured, shot in his leg by an Israeli sniper while he covered the Great Return March protests east of Jabalya north of #Gaza strip @mohmdabed @AFP: image via Omar El Qattaa, 9 June 2018 ![]()
My friend journalist Mohammed El Baba (AFP photographer) has been injured, shot in his leg by an Israeli sniper while he covered the Great Return March protests east of Jabalya north of #Gaza strip @mohmdabed @AFP: image via Omar El Qattaa, 9 June 2018
![ADEL HANA / AP Evacuation d’un jeune manifestant palestinien blessé, à la frontière entre Gaza et Israël, le 8 juin.]()
A victim of Israeli sniper fire is carried from the site of protests east of Jabalya, north of the Gaza strip: photo by Le Monde, 9 June 2018
Les dirigeants du G7 ont signé un texte de compromis sur le commerce, qui ne règle pas le conflit actuel sur les droits de douane mais propose de nouvelles négociations #AFP: image via Agence France-Presse @afpfr, 9 June 2018
#BREAKING Trump says US does not endorse G7 joint statement: tweet via Agence France-Presse @afpfr, 9 June 2018
Creston Valley [B.C.] Advance, 15 August 2000, editorial: "Open Eyes": image via BuzzFeed News, 7 June 2018
Angela Merkel's office has released this photo taken today at the G7, which tells you a lot about how things went.: image via David Mack @davidmackau, 9 June 2018
The imprint of French President Emmanuel Macron's thumb can be seen across the back of Trump's hand after they shook hands at the G7.Great frame from @LeahMillis: image via corinne perkins @corinne_perkins, 9 June 2018

Untitled | Havana, Cuba 2018: photo by Gustavo Minas, 13 January 2018

Untitled | Havana, Cuba 2018: photo by Gustavo Minas, 13 January 2018

Untitled | Havana, Cuba 2018: photo by Gustavo Minas, 13 January 2018
![DSC00975-stavrosstam | by stavrosstam]()

DSC00975-stavrosstam: photo by Stavros Stamatiou. 8 June 2018

The photographer of the @AFP Mohamed El Baba was shot by the Israeli occupation in his foot while he was covering the return marches east of Jabalia in the northern of Gaza Strip. Keep safe my dear @mohmdabed #Gaza #GreatReturnMarch: image via Ahmed Hijazi @ahmedhijazi96, 8 June 2018

AFP photographer Mohammed Abed al-Baba was shot in the leg yesterday by an Israeli sniper while covering protests in #Gaza despite wearing a clearly marked PRESS vest and lid #pressfreedom #journalismunderattack: image via Patrick Galey @patrickgaley, 9 June 2018

My friend journalist Mohammed El Baba (AFP photographer) has been injured, shot in his leg by an Israeli sniper while he covered the Great Return March protests east of Jabalya north of #Gaza strip @mohmdabed @AFP: image via Omar El Qattaa, 9 June 2018

My friend journalist Mohammed El Baba (AFP photographer) has been injured, shot in his leg by an Israeli sniper while he covered the Great Return March protests east of Jabalya north of #Gaza strip @mohmdabed @AFP: image via Omar El Qattaa, 9 June 2018

My friend journalist Mohammed El Baba (AFP photographer) has been injured, shot in his leg by an Israeli sniper while he covered the Great Return March protests east of Jabalya north of #Gaza strip @mohmdabed @AFP: image via Omar El Qattaa, 9 June 2018

My friend journalist Mohammed El Baba (AFP photographer) has been injured, shot in his leg by an Israeli sniper while he covered the Great Return March protests east of Jabalya north of #Gaza strip @mohmdabed @AFP: image via Omar El Qattaa, 9 June 2018

A victim of Israeli sniper fire is carried from the site of protests east of Jabalya, north of the Gaza strip: photo by Le Monde, 9 June 2018

The G7 summit ends in farce and a renewed threat of trade war as US President Trump backs out of a consensus statement and bitterly insults the Canadian host: image via AFP news agency @AFP, 9 June 2018

#BREAKING Trump lashes "very dishonest and weak" G7 chairman Canada PM Trudeau: image via AFP news agency @AFP, 9 June 2018

#UPDATE The leaders of the G7 failed to heal a tariff dispute that has pushed them to the brink of trade war Saturday, as Donald Trump quit their summit early and warned Canada, Japan and Europe that "the gig is up": image via AFP news agency @AFP, 9 June 2018

British PM Theresa May, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Canada's PM Justin Trudeau, France's President Emmanuel Macron and Japanese PM Shinzo Abe wait for U.S. President Donald Trump to join them for a family photo at the #G7Summit in Charlevoix Quebec, Canada Photo @LeahMillis: image via Reuters Paris Pix @ReutersParisPix, 8 June 2018

Les dirigeants du G7 ont signé un texte de compromis sur le commerce, qui ne règle pas le conflit actuel sur les droits de douane mais propose de nouvelles négociations #AFP: image via Agence France-Presse @afpfr, 9 June 2018

Creston Valley [B.C.] Advance, 15 August 2000, editorial: "Open Eyes": image via BuzzFeed News, 7 June 2018

World leaders surround Donald Trump and his national security adviser, John Bolton.: photo by Jesco Denze Handout/EPA, 9 June 2018

Angela Merkel's office has released this photo taken today at the G7, which tells you a lot about how things went.: image via David Mack @davidmackau, 9 June 2018

The imprint of French President Emmanuel Macron's thumb can be seen across the back of Trump's hand after they shook hands at the G7.Great frame from @LeahMillis: image via corinne perkins @corinne_perkins, 9 June 2018

Lagarde reacts as Trump shows up late to the Gender Equality Advisory Council breakfast at the G7. Another great frame from @LeahMillis: image via corinne perkins @corinne_perkins, 9 June 2018
President Trump greets Winnie Byanyima, left, and Christine Whitecross, center, as he participates in the Gender Equality Advisory Council Breakfast at the G7 Summit in Charlevoix, Quebec.: image via Doug Mills @dougmillsnyt, 9 June 2018
@realDonaldTrump gestures as he talks to reporters about Free Trade at the G7 Summit in Charlevoix, Quebec. #FreeTrade #G7Summit: image via Doug Mills @dougmillsnyt, 9 June 2018
Two elderly people sit on a bench as they look at a happy face design on a parascending during a sunny day in Nice, France Photo Eric Gaillard: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 9 June 2018
Family and friends mourn the loss of 24-year--old Maurice Granton Jr. who was killed by police yesterday in the Bronzeville neighborhood. #gettyimagesnews: image via scott olson @olsongetty, 7 June 201
![Two more killed in Nicaragua as anti-Ortega protests continue Demonstrators in Managua set up barricades and clashed with the police [Jorge Cabreraa/Reuters]]()
Demonstrators in Managua set up barricades and clash with the police after two more killed in continuing anti-Ortega protests: photo by Jorge Cabrera/Reuters, 9 June 2018
#Anonymous #OpNicaragua #SOSNicaragua #NicaraguaResiste #Nicaragua Our fight will continue months if necessary! Expect us!: image via Lorian Synaro @Lorian Synaro, 7 June 2018
Asked how he would read Kim so swiftly, Trump said: “My touch, my feel, that’s what I do.”
- 'My touch, my feel': Trump shows his contempt for G7 allies, The Guardian, 9 June 2018
#goodnight Police officers secure the office of the prime minister during a demonstration in Amman, Jordan Photo Khalil Mazraawi: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 8 June 2018
![Untitled | by samrodgers2]()
Untitled [speakers corner, hyde park, london]: photo by Sam Rodgers, 30 July 2017
![Untitled | by samrodgers2]()
Untitled [speakers corner, hyde park, london]: photo by Sam Rodgers, 30 July 2017
![Untitled | by samrodgers2]()
Untitled [speakers corner, hyde park, london]: photo by Sam Rodgers, 30 July 2017
Donald Trump omitted May from a list of G7 leaders he gets along well with.: photo by Saul Loeb/AFP, 9 June 2018

President Trump greets Winnie Byanyima, left, and Christine Whitecross, center, as he participates in the Gender Equality Advisory Council Breakfast at the G7 Summit in Charlevoix, Quebec.: image via Doug Mills @dougmillsnyt, 9 June 2018

@realDonaldTrump gestures as he talks to reporters about Free Trade at the G7 Summit in Charlevoix, Quebec. #FreeTrade #G7Summit: image via Doug Mills @dougmillsnyt, 9 June 2018

Two elderly people sit on a bench as they look at a happy face design on a parascending during a sunny day in Nice, France Photo Eric Gaillard: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 9 June 2018

Family and friends mourn the loss of 24-year--old Maurice Granton Jr. who was killed by police yesterday in the Bronzeville neighborhood. #gettyimagesnews: image via scott olson @olsongetty, 7 June 201
![Two more killed in Nicaragua as anti-Ortega protests continue Demonstrators in Managua set up barricades and clashed with the police [Jorge Cabreraa/Reuters]](http://www.aljazeera.com/mritems/imagecache/mbdxxlarge/mritems/Images/2018/6/9/319c383559a04afabfa936f7717d00cf_18.jpg)
Demonstrators in Managua set up barricades and clash with the police after two more killed in continuing anti-Ortega protests: photo by Jorge Cabrera/Reuters, 9 June 2018

#Anonymous #OpNicaragua #SOSNicaragua #NicaraguaResiste #Nicaragua Our fight will continue months if necessary! Expect us!: image via Lorian Synaro @Lorian Synaro, 7 June 2018
Trump claimed he would be able to tell quickly if the North Korean leader was serious about dismantling his nuclear and missile programmes and would walk away if Kim was not.
“How long will it take to figure out if they’re serious? … Maybe in the first minute. You know, the way they say you know if you’re going to like somebody in the first five seconds, you ever hear that one? I think very quickly I’ll know whether or not something good is going to happen. And if I think it won’t happen, I’m not going to waste my time. I don’t want to waste his time.”
Asked how he would read Kim so swiftly, Trump said: “My touch, my feel, that’s what I do.”
- 'My touch, my feel': Trump shows his contempt for G7 allies, The Guardian, 9 June 2018

#goodnight Police officers secure the office of the prime minister during a demonstration in Amman, Jordan Photo Khalil Mazraawi: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 8 June 2018

Untitled [speakers corner, hyde park, london]: photo by Sam Rodgers, 30 July 2017

Untitled [speakers corner, hyde park, london]: photo by Sam Rodgers, 30 July 2017

Untitled [speakers corner, hyde park, london]: photo by Sam Rodgers, 30 July 2017

Donald Trump omitted May from a list of G7 leaders he gets along well with.: photo by Saul Loeb/AFP, 9 June 2018
Edward Sanders: Hölderlin's Tower

Hölderlinturm - Tübingen am Neckar | Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin (20 March 1770 – 6 June 1843) was a major German lyric poet, whose work bridges the Classical and Romantic schools. During his study at the University of Tübingen, he made friends with the future philosophers Hegel and Schelling. Hölderlin`s later lyric poetry, which today is considered as an undisputed high point in German and western literature, was up to the mid-19th century largely unpublished and unknown. [Tübingen, Wurttemberg, Germany]: photo by eagle1effi, 16 April 2013
![Hoelderlin's Tower | by moonbeverly]()
Hölderlins Tower | On the Neckar, the yellow building with tower is called the Tower of Hölderlin: photo by Beverly Moon, 18 July 2007
Chris Christie endorses Donald Trump for president on Friday in Fort Worth, Texas: photo by Mike Stone/Reuters, 26 February 2016
..Seit ich liebe? warum achtetet ihr mich mehr,
....Da ich stolzer und wilder,
......Wortereicher und leerer war?
Ach! der Menge gefällt, was auf den Marktplatz taugt,
..Und es ehret der Knecht nur den Gewaltsamen;
....An das Göttliche glauben
......Die allein, die es selber sind.
new more beautiful life, now that I've known love? Why did you value
me more then, when I was so full of myself
and my words were so much more numerous, and empty?
Ah, everybody rushes to approve
what sells; everybody wants to be told what to do by the powerful;
and only those who have retained inhuman qualities continue to believe in anything
but what is human.
Gov. Chris Christie and Donald J. Trump at the Republican debate on January 14 in North Charleston, S.C.: photo by Eric Thayer for The New York Times, 14 January 2016
Gov. Chris Christie and Donald J. Trump at the Republican debate on January 14 in North Charleston, S.C.: photo by Eric Thayer for The New York Times, 14 January 2016
Donald J. Trump at a news conference announcing the establishment of Trump University in May 2005 in Manhattan. Many of the students are now suing Mr. Trump for misrepresentation..: photo by Thomas Robinson/The New York Times, 26 February 2016
Donald J. Trump at a news conference announcing the establishment of Trump University in May 2005 in Manhattan. Many of the students are now suing Mr. Trump for misrepresentation..: photo by Thomas Robinson/The New York Times, 26 February 2016
Let's Party {Los Angeles]: photo by michaelj1998, 29 July 2016
![Let's Party | by michaelj1998]()
Tear gas was set off in Parliament in Kosovo by legislators trying to halt the election of a new president by the legislature: photo by Armend Nimani/Agence France-Presse, 26 February 2016
![Auto Center, Compton | by ADMurr]()
Auto Center, Compton (South LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 14 September 2016
Wie mein Glück, ist mein Lied. -- Willst du im Abendroth
....Froh dich baden? Hinweg ist’s, und die Erd’ ist kalt,
........Und der Vogel der Nacht schwirrt
............Unbequem vor das Auge dir.
"Why so brief these days? Don't your songs move you
TO IMPE'ND. v.n. [impendeo, Latin.] To hang over; to be at hand; to press nearly.
Destruction sure o'er all your heads impends;
Ulysses comes, and death his steps attends.
Pope's Odyssey
Samuel Johnson: A Dictionary of the English Language, 1st ed., 1755
Tear gas was used to disperse protesters: photo by Jeff Siner/The Charlotte Observer, via Associated Press, 22 September 2016
Police officers in formation facing protesters on Tuesday: photo by Jeff Siner/The Charlotte Observer, via Associated Press, 22 September 2016
![Citizen Collision | by michaelj1998]()
Citizen Collision {Los Angeles]: photo by michaelj1998, 27 July 2016
![Citizen Collision | by michaelj1998]()
Citizen Collision {Los Angeles]: photo by michaelj1998, 27 July 2016
![Citizen Collision | by michaelj1998]()
Citizen Collision {Los Angeles]: photo by michaelj1998, 27 July 2016
![Berlin fire | by ADMurr]()
Berlin fire. While tourists examine remnants of the Berlin wall and exhibits at a terror museum, a fire burns in the distance.: photo by Andrew Murr, 13 June 2015
![Sesh | by ADMurr]()
Sesh (La Brea, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 12 September 2016
![Los Angeles | by ADMurr]()
Los Angeles: photo by Andrew Murr, 17 September 2016
![Off Melrose | by ADMurr]()
Off Melrose [Hollywood]: photo by Andrew Murr, 19 September 2016
![Vicious Hair by blessed hand | by ADMurr]()
Vicious hair by blessed hand [Hollywood]: photo by Andrew Murr, 18 September 2016
People in the crowd moved to shield a man on the ground in Charlotte, N.C., after he was shot during protests Wednesday night: photo by Logan R. Cyrus for The New York Times, 20 September 2016
People in the crowd moved to shield a man on the ground in Charlotte, N.C., after he was shot during protests Wednesday night: photo by Logan R. Cyrus for The New York Times, 20 September 2016
Governor declares state of emergency in violence hit US city: image via AFP news agency @AFP, 21 September 2016
Governor declares state of emergency in violence hit US city: image via AFP news agency @AFP, 21 September 2016
Governor declares state of emergency in violence hit US city: image via AFP news agency @AFP, 21 September 2016
A view of a destroyed building in #Sirte #Libya @AFP @AFPphoto: image via Fabio Bucciarelli @fabio_buccia, 21 September 2016
Migrants are plucked from an overcrowded dinghy off the Libyan coast: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 21 September 2016
Migrants are plucked from an overcrowded dinghy off the Libyan coast: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 21 September 2016
Migrants are plucked from an overcrowded dinghy off the Libyan coast: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 21 September 2016
A critically endangered colour-changing lemur leaf frog at Paignton Zoo, where they were bred by using artificial rain storms: photo by Paignton Zoo/PA, 21 September 2016
![photo issued by Paignton Zoo of a critically endangered colour-changing lemur leaf frog, which they bred by using artificial rain storms. PRESS ASSOCIATION]()
A critically endangered colour-changing lemur leaf frog at Paignton Zoo, where they were bred by using artificial rain storms: photo by Paignton Zoo/PA, 21 September 2016
The unraveling of Syria's fragile truce: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 21 September 2016
A campaigner holds an American flag in front of a ‘Stop Trump’ open-top double decker bus before touring London to urge Americans living abroad to register and vote: photo by Stefan Wermuth/Reuters, 21 September 2016
![A campaigner holds an American flag in front of a 'Stop Trump' open-top double decker bus before touring London to urge Americans living abroad to register and vote, Britain]()
A campaigner holds an American flag in front of a ‘Stop Trump’ open-top double decker bus before touring London to urge Americans living abroad to register and vote: photo by Stefan Wermuth/Reuters, 21 September 2016
The wax figures of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie after they were moved apart at Madame Tussauds London following the news of their split: photo by Yui Mok/PA, 21 September 2016
![The wax figures of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie after they were moved apart at Madame Tussauds London following the news of their split]()
The wax figures of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie after they were moved apart at Madame Tussauds London following the news of their split: photo by Yui Mok/PA, 21 September 2016
![Untitled | by Bojan Nikolic]()
![Untitled | by Bojan Nikolic]()
![Untitled | by Bojan Nikolic]()
Once by the Neckar
I stood next to Hölderlin’s Tower
there like a Greek myth
or a universal truth
and fed the swans.
I wanted to pitch a tent by the River
and practice my recitations
by the cistern of the muses.
The banker Gontard
in 1798 caught him
and his wife Susette balling
He fled Frankfurt
and began to flip
though he completed
his translations of Sophocles’
Antigone and Oedipus Rex
and nine odes of Pindar
At the same time he was trapped, uh oh,
in a dreadful cycle: “alternate depression
and nervous irritability”
Then to Tübingen the
summer of 1807
harmlessly bonk
Lived in the Tower for 36
till permaGaia June 7, 1843.
Friedrich Friedrich
stay in your Tower
The good folk of Tübingen
still mention your sadness
They point to your house
as if you were still there
even though it’s been a century more
since your lungs pulled in air
Gontard may have learned he was balling his wife
May have caught them kissing, smoky with strife
There were angry words, and the poet was fired
And life wended onward, hopeless and mired
Hölderlin, Hölderlin kiss your love in quickness
Now and then, quick meetings, as if eros were a sickness
Did they fuck? Nothing in ink has survived
It doesn’t matter much now, just sorrow contrived
More and more crazy, in loveless ups and downs
Looking for tutoring jobs in poetless towns
Till he learned Susette died from measles one summer
And all of the future was the moan of a mummer
He wended even more be-bonked, aft’ he lost his Susette
He wandered back to Tübingen with naught but regret
When a well-to-do cabinet maker named Ernst Zimmer
Who was reading his novel Hyperion, gave him a glimmer
Invited him to dwell in that tall yellow Tower
Food, solace and comradeship, for poetry’s flower
Sometimes he was out, sometimes in
Sometimes the Universe has a clownface grin
Writhing in sadness, ’spersed with gladness
For when a person truly knows, they call it madness
Look at the world
So caustic and cruel
poet v. poet, drool for a duel
It’s tempting to hide
away from such fuel
A few lines when calm enough
and the seas not so rough
Sometimes I pray
for an endless hour
living in the upper
of Hölderlin’s tower
I’d stroll from the yellow
in my snowtime scarf
with crumbs for the swans
from the Crazy Man’s wharf

Hölderlins Tower | On the Neckar, the yellow building with tower is called the Tower of Hölderlin: photo by Beverly Moon, 18 July 2007
Friedrich Hölderlin: Menschenbeifall / The Approval of Men

Chris Christie endorses Donald Trump for president on Friday in Fort Worth, Texas: photo by Mike Stone/Reuters, 26 February 2016

Chris Christie endorses Donald Trump for president on Friday in Fort Worth, Texas: photo by Mike Stone/Reuters, 26 February 2016
Friedrich Hölderlin: Menschenbeifall
Ist nicht heilig mein Herz, schöneren Lebens voll,
..Seit ich liebe? warum achtetet ihr mich mehr,
....Da ich stolzer und wilder,
......Wortereicher und leerer war?
Ach! der Menge gefällt, was auf den Marktplatz taugt,
..Und es ehret der Knecht nur den Gewaltsamen;
....An das Göttliche glauben
......Die allein, die es selber sind.
Friedrich Hölderlin: The Approval of Men
Isn't my heart holy, filled with a whole
new more beautiful life, now that I've known love? Why did you value
me more then, when I was so full of myself
and my words were so much more numerous, and empty?
Ah, everybody rushes to approve
what sells; everybody wants to be told what to do by the powerful;
and only those who have retained inhuman qualities continue to believe in anything
but what is human.
Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843): Menschenbeifall (The Approval of Men); German text from Ausgewählte Werke, 1874; English by TC

Gov. Chris Christie and Donald J. Trump at the Republican debate on January 14 in North Charleston, S.C.: photo by Eric Thayer for The New York Times, 14 January 2016

Gov. Chris Christie and Donald J. Trump at the Republican debate on January 14 in North Charleston, S.C.: photo by Eric Thayer for The New York Times, 14 January 2016

Donald J. Trump at a news conference announcing the establishment of Trump University in May 2005 in Manhattan. Many of the students are now suing Mr. Trump for misrepresentation..: photo by Thomas Robinson/The New York Times, 26 February 2016

Donald J. Trump at a news conference announcing the establishment of Trump University in May 2005 in Manhattan. Many of the students are now suing Mr. Trump for misrepresentation..: photo by Thomas Robinson/The New York Times, 26 February 2016

Let's Party {Los Angeles]: photo by michaelj1998, 29 July 2016

Let's Party {Los Angeles]: photo by michaelj1998, 29 July 2016
![Let's Party | by michaelj1998]()
Let's Party {Los Angeles]: photo by michaelj1998, 29 July 2016

Let's Party {Los Angeles]: photo by michaelj1998, 29 July 2016

Tear gas was set off in Parliament in Kosovo by legislators trying to halt the election of a new president by the legislature: photo by Armend Nimani/Agence France-Presse, 26 February 2016

Tear gas was set off in Parliament in Kosovo by legislators trying to halt the election of a new president by the legislature: photo by Armend Nimani/Agence France-Presse, 26 February 2016
Something hanging over us: Hölderlin: Die Kürze

Auto Center, Compton (South LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 14 September 2016
Friedrich Hölderlin: Die Kürze (Brevity)
"Warum bist du so kurz? liebst du, wie vormals, denn
...."Nun nicht mehr den Gesang? fandst du, als Jüngling, doch
........"In den Tagen der Hoffnung,
............"Wenn du sangest, das Ende nie?“
"Warum bist du so kurz? liebst du, wie vormals, denn
...."Nun nicht mehr den Gesang? fandst du, als Jüngling, doch
........"In den Tagen der Hoffnung,
............"Wenn du sangest, das Ende nie?“
Wie mein Glück, ist mein Lied. -- Willst du im Abendroth
....Froh dich baden? Hinweg ist’s, und die Erd’ ist kalt,
........Und der Vogel der Nacht schwirrt
............Unbequem vor das Auge dir.
"Why so brief these days? Don't your songs move you
..as they once did? Back when you were young
......and your days were full of hope and you wanted
.........your singing never to come to an end?"
As my luck goes, so goes my song. Would you have the glow
As my luck goes, so goes my song. Would you have the glow
...of the setting sun put you right? It's gone! And the Earth grows cold
......and the ungainly bird of night flutters down
.........much too near, so that you must shield your eyes.
Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843): Die Kürze (Brevity), 1798, English version by TC
TO IMPE'ND. v.n. [impendeo, Latin.] To hang over; to be at hand; to press nearly.
Destruction sure o'er all your heads impends;
Ulysses comes, and death his steps attends.
Pope's Odyssey
Samuel Johnson: A Dictionary of the English Language, 1st ed., 1755

Protesters and the police clashed for a second night in Charlotte, N.C., after the fatal police shooting of Keith L. Scott, a 43-year-old black man: photo by Nicholas Kamm/Agence France-Presse, 22 September 2016

Tear gas was used to disperse protesters: photo by Jeff Siner/The Charlotte Observer, via Associated Press, 22 September 2016

Police officers in formation facing protesters on Tuesday: photo by Jeff Siner/The Charlotte Observer, via Associated Press, 22 September 2016

Citizen Collision {Los Angeles]: photo by michaelj1998, 27 July 2016

Citizen Collision {Los Angeles]: photo by michaelj1998, 27 July 2016

Citizen Collision {Los Angeles]: photo by michaelj1998, 27 July 2016

Berlin fire. While tourists examine remnants of the Berlin wall and exhibits at a terror museum, a fire burns in the distance.: photo by Andrew Murr, 13 June 2015

Sesh (La Brea, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 12 September 2016

Los Angeles: photo by Andrew Murr, 17 September 2016

Off Melrose [Hollywood]: photo by Andrew Murr, 19 September 2016

Vicious hair by blessed hand [Hollywood]: photo by Andrew Murr, 18 September 2016

People in the crowd moved to shield a man on the ground in Charlotte, N.C., after he was shot during protests Wednesday night: photo by Logan R. Cyrus for The New York Times, 20 September 2016

People in the crowd moved to shield a man on the ground in Charlotte, N.C., after he was shot during protests Wednesday night: photo by Logan R. Cyrus for The New York Times, 20 September 2016

Governor declares state of emergency in violence hit US city: image via AFP news agency @AFP, 21 September 2016

Governor declares state of emergency in violence hit US city: image via AFP news agency @AFP, 21 September 2016

Governor declares state of emergency in violence hit US city: image via AFP news agency @AFP, 21 September 2016

A view of a destroyed building in #Sirte #Libya @AFP @AFPphoto: image via Fabio Bucciarelli @fabio_buccia, 21 September 2016

Migrants are plucked from an overcrowded dinghy off the Libyan coast: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 21 September 2016

Migrants are plucked from an overcrowded dinghy off the Libyan coast: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 21 September 2016

Migrants are plucked from an overcrowded dinghy off the Libyan coast: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 21 September 2016
A critically endangered colour-changing lemur leaf frog at Paignton Zoo, where they were bred by using artificial rain storms: photo by Paignton Zoo/PA, 21 September 2016

A critically endangered colour-changing lemur leaf frog at Paignton Zoo, where they were bred by using artificial rain storms: photo by Paignton Zoo/PA, 21 September 2016

The unraveling of Syria's fragile truce: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 21 September 2016
A campaigner holds an American flag in front of a ‘Stop Trump’ open-top double decker bus before touring London to urge Americans living abroad to register and vote: photo by Stefan Wermuth/Reuters, 21 September 2016

A campaigner holds an American flag in front of a ‘Stop Trump’ open-top double decker bus before touring London to urge Americans living abroad to register and vote: photo by Stefan Wermuth/Reuters, 21 September 2016
Children of Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia Members (FARC) wash clothes at the camp in Llanos del Yari, Caqueta department, Colombia: photo by Luis Acosta/AFP, 21 September 2016
COLOMBIA - Inside the camp of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in Llanos del Yari. By @lacostacastro: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 September 2016
![Children of Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia Members (FARC) wash clothes at the camp in Llanos del Yari, Caqueta department, Colombia, on September 20, 2016. After 52 years of armed conflict, FARC rebels open what leaders hope will be their last conference as a guerrilla army, where they are due to vote on a historic peace]()
Children of Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia Members (FARC) wash clothes at the camp in Llanos del Yari, Caqueta department, Colombia: photo by Luis Acosta/AFP, 21 September 2016
COLOMBIA - Inside the camp of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in Llanos del Yari. By @lacostacastro: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 September 2016
COLOMBIA - Inside the camp of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in Llanos del Yari. By @lacostacastro: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 September 2016

COLOMBIA - Inside the camp of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in Llanos del Yari. By @lacostacastro: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 September 2016

Children of Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia Members (FARC) wash clothes at the camp in Llanos del Yari, Caqueta department, Colombia: photo by Luis Acosta/AFP, 21 September 2016

COLOMBIA - Inside the camp of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in Llanos del Yari. By @lacostacastro: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 September 2016

COLOMBIA - Inside the camp of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in Llanos del Yari. By @lacostacastro: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 September 2016
The wax figures of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie after they were moved apart at Madame Tussauds London following the news of their split: photo by Yui Mok/PA, 21 September 2016

The wax figures of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie after they were moved apart at Madame Tussauds London following the news of their split: photo by Yui Mok/PA, 21 September 2016