![Time to Beat Feet. | by david grim]()
![Time to Beat Feet. | by david grim]()
![Time to Beat Feet. | by david grim]()
Clouds above Marina Baie des Anges after a storm in Nice, #France Photo @ValeryHache: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 6 June 2018
#haveaniceday #Syria #sunset over a rebel-held area in the southern Syrian city of Daraa Photo @abazidMohamed: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 6 June 2018
An albino cow in Kashmir: photo by Mahtab Hussain via The New York Times, 6 June 2018
An albino cow in Kashmir: photo by Mahtab Hussain via The New York Times, 6 June 2018
Upon returning to Kashmir, @mahthussain wondered: is this home?: image via NYT Photo @nytimesphoto, 6 June 2018

Time to Beat Feet [Sharpsburg, Pa.]: photo by David Grim, 22 May 2018

Time to Beat Feet [Sharpsburg, Pa.]: photo by David Grim, 22 May 2018

Time to Beat Feet [Sharpsburg, Pa.]: photo by David Grim, 22 May 2018
Joseph Ceravolo (1934-1988): Rte 3 into N.Y. (March 3, 1977), from Collected Poems (2012) ![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
![Playground, Linthicum | by GrayStray]()
Joseph Ceravolo: Rte 3 into N.Y.
March 3, 1977
March 3, 1977
7:53, 36 degrees
slight haze in north
slight haze in north
very white in the east
yellow to the south
blue in the west.
Overhead, my mind hangs
in the transparent sky.
A bible freak next to me
is reading, "will they
ever find Noah's Ark?"
Who cares
whether they find it or not.
Will I ever find a job?
I really do feel
like wandering off forever
and stop looking for anything
while the wind
carries away the smoke
from Hoffman La Roche Pharmaceuticals
Joseph Ceravolo (1934-1988): Rte 3 into N.Y. (March 3, 1977), from Collected Poems (2012)


President Trump staged a 'Celebration of America' on the White House South Lawn, after he canceled the planned visit of the Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles.: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 6 June 2018
Welcome to Paradise | The wonderful town sign of Paradise, Ca.: photo by Jessica Patterson, 12 March 2012
![Welcome to Paradise | by Modern Relics]()
Welcome to Paradise | The wonderful town sign of Paradise, Ca.: photo by Jessica Patterson, 12 March 2012
Welcome to Paradise | The wonderful town sign of Paradise, Ca.: photo by Jessica Patterson, 12 March 2012
I'm not a lawyer but this seems like shaky legal theory: image via Bucky Isotope @BuckyIsotope, 4 June 2018
Protestors wear fake hazmat suits as they gather for a rally against EPA administrator Scott Pruitt, outside the EPA’s New York City office #gettyimagesnews #pruitt #epa #politics #nyc #newyorkcity #environment #protest #chickfila #usedmattattress: image via Drew Angerer @drewangerer, 6 June 2018
Hupp, who worked as the director of scheduling and advance, has been entangled in many of the scandals dogging EPA Administrator Pruitt. In March, she was one of two aides who received hefty salary bumps, even after the White House refused Pruitt’s request for raises. And as The Washington Post reported on Monday, she recently testified to the House Oversight Committee that she regularly spent her days doing personal tasks for Pruitt, from hunting for housing to calling the Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C., in order to inquire about purchasing a used mattress.
According to one top EPA official, the 26-year-old was “tired of being thrown under the bus by Pruitt,” and weary of seeing her name constantly appear in headlines about the agency. Officials began drafting her resignation paperwork on Monday morning, just after portions of her congressional testimony had been made public.
Hupp’s testimony contributed to the long list of scandals and improprieties plaguing the agency—including, most notably, that Pruitt rented a Capitol Hill condo from an energy lobbyist for just $50 a night, and spent more than $40,000 on a soundproof booth in his office on the taxpayers’ dime. The Washington Post also reported that Pruitt instructed Hupp to inquire about opportunities for his wife to purchase a Chick-fil-A franchise. For months now, according to multiple White House and EPA sources, officials as senior as Chief of Staff John Kelly have lobbied President Donald Trump to fire Pruitt.
Rumors circulated that Trump was simply waiting for Pruitt’s deputy, Andrew Wheeler, to be confirmed before letting Pruitt go. But that was two months ago. Since then, according to reports, Trump has been increasingly irritated by the barrage of stories that reflect poorly on his administration, including The Atlantic's reporting on a Pruitt aide who tried shopping negative stories about Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to other news outlets. Yet the EPA administrator appears to remain in good standing.
“Millan has been a valued member of the EPA team from day one, serving an integral role in our efforts to take the President’s message of environmental stewardship across the country,” Pruitt wrote in a statement to The Atlantic. “I’ve had the opportunity to know Millan for the last several years as a colleague, friend and trusted partner. She has done outstanding work in all of her endeavors here and will be sorely missed. I wish her all the best.”
When reached by phone, Jahan Wilcox, an EPA spokesperson, would not comment. He said: “You have a great day, you’re a piece of trash.”
#goodnight #Jordan Police officers secure the office of the prime minister during a demonstration in the capital Amman Photo Khalil Mazraawi: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 6 June 2018
ICE. COLD.: image via ESPN @espn, 6 June 2018
Emperor Lord Teeny Tinyhands Would Like You To Come To Heel Right Now Immediately If Not Sooner Murica, OK The Wall May Not Be Complete The Mass Detention Camps Not Yet Built But Rudy Says No Worries, Thank You, By The Way Melania's Feeling Great and Says, "Uh.. What he said"
Today your job is straightforward. First you must load 40 to 50 pounds of animal matter into your patriotic murican viscera. Then you need to breathe. Do not be discouraged if these tasks seem unmanageable. Keep in mind that even though you've made your wad in the tech boom, women still can't stand you, you've got no friends and you're stuck in a hick town called Paradise, running a pathetic garden variety MAGA site, featuring the predictable stars and stripes and eagles and thunderbolts and the inevitable when in doubt jawjutting virtual ogling of lumpy tits and ass and all that other good stuff upon which this nation was founded. You've stalked Home Depot, bought dangerous-looking staple guns, peeped at disheveled meth girls in disarray after dropping their ammo clips in the aisle, and not offered to help.
And now you are climbing down a rope ladder that extends into the deep past. Your implants are banging on the steel side of a garbage truck, and you're not sure how you got into the garbage truck, only that you're in there, swimming in garbage. It is the garbage of Paradise. The dump site is a steep cliff. You jump into a steel rectangle bobbing on the surface of the garbage patch floating in the ocean far below you. The smell of decomposing organic matter is overwhelming. You check your weapon. It's ready to fire. Others are already inside the steel rimmed garbage boat shouting and urging you to hurry up. They are your ancestors, you think.
Once inside the stinking swirling floating garbage midden boat you find it difficult to get your bearings. Around you there are confusing lights and noises. You imagine you are dreaming. You are dreaming. The floating swirling garbage midden boat, rotating as it moves, drifts north-northwestward. Sharp objects seem to be flying through the air in your dream. You are viewing your investment portfolio. Bullets and body parts and exploding shells and ballistic missiles and metallic tubes jammed with fire and excrement are all around you.
Then you hear it. From somewhere aft, in the dark, a slow long whuffle. The sound made by a seaweed entangled clod of men. Men entangled, men engulfed, men whuffling. The future stretching out, smell of men and seaweed interpenetrating, intermingling, growing into and upon and around each other, hydra-like, in their preppy little bibs, slamming their chubby little fists on the trays of their highchairs, the babyfood flying up in great dollops, spilling all over everything, body parts flying, blood, entrails, gouts of plasm, and the whuffling - sporadic, then steady, continuous, crimson, torn, pouring, and very great.
![Welcome to Paradise | by Modern Relics]()
Today your job is straightforward. First you must load 40 to 50 pounds of animal matter into your patriotic murican viscera. Then you need to breathe. Do not be discouraged if these tasks seem unmanageable. Keep in mind that even though you've made your wad in the tech boom, women still can't stand you, you've got no friends and you're stuck in a hick town called Paradise, running a pathetic garden variety MAGA site, featuring the predictable stars and stripes and eagles and thunderbolts and the inevitable when in doubt jawjutting virtual ogling of lumpy tits and ass and all that other good stuff upon which this nation was founded. You've stalked Home Depot, bought dangerous-looking staple guns, peeped at disheveled meth girls in disarray after dropping their ammo clips in the aisle, and not offered to help.
And now you are climbing down a rope ladder that extends into the deep past. Your implants are banging on the steel side of a garbage truck, and you're not sure how you got into the garbage truck, only that you're in there, swimming in garbage. It is the garbage of Paradise. The dump site is a steep cliff. You jump into a steel rectangle bobbing on the surface of the garbage patch floating in the ocean far below you. The smell of decomposing organic matter is overwhelming. You check your weapon. It's ready to fire. Others are already inside the steel rimmed garbage boat shouting and urging you to hurry up. They are your ancestors, you think.
Once inside the stinking swirling floating garbage midden boat you find it difficult to get your bearings. Around you there are confusing lights and noises. You imagine you are dreaming. You are dreaming. The floating swirling garbage midden boat, rotating as it moves, drifts north-northwestward. Sharp objects seem to be flying through the air in your dream. You are viewing your investment portfolio. Bullets and body parts and exploding shells and ballistic missiles and metallic tubes jammed with fire and excrement are all around you.
Then you hear it. From somewhere aft, in the dark, a slow long whuffle. The sound made by a seaweed entangled clod of men. Men entangled, men engulfed, men whuffling. The future stretching out, smell of men and seaweed interpenetrating, intermingling, growing into and upon and around each other, hydra-like, in their preppy little bibs, slamming their chubby little fists on the trays of their highchairs, the babyfood flying up in great dollops, spilling all over everything, body parts flying, blood, entrails, gouts of plasm, and the whuffling - sporadic, then steady, continuous, crimson, torn, pouring, and very great.

Welcome to Paradise | The wonderful town sign of Paradise, Ca.: photo by Jessica Patterson, 12 March 2012

Welcome to Paradise | The wonderful town sign of Paradise, Ca.: photo by Jessica Patterson, 12 March 2012

Welcome to Paradise | The wonderful town sign of Paradise, Ca.: photo by Jessica Patterson, 12 March 2012

I'm not a lawyer but this seems like shaky legal theory: image via Bucky Isotope @BuckyIsotope, 4 June 2018

Remarkably, Newt is openly encouraging Trump to witness tamper, explaining his recent pardons per the WaPo: “the implications for the special counsel investigation are obvious: a sign to witnesses and others tangled in the probe that ‘help is on the way.’”.: image via John Dean @JohnWDean, 5 June 2018

Protestors wear fake hazmat suits as they gather for a rally against EPA administrator Scott Pruitt, outside the EPA’s New York City office #gettyimagesnews #pruitt #epa #politics #nyc #newyorkcity #environment #protest #chickfila #usedmattattress: image via Drew Angerer @drewangerer, 6 June 2018
scoop: Millan Hupp, EPA aide asked to find used mattress etc, has resigned. Her last day is Friday, per correspondence. Comment from Jahan Wilcox at EPA: “You have a great day, you’re a piece of trash.”: tweet via elaina plott @elainaplott, 6 June 2018
Scott Pruitt: photo by Reuters via The Atlantic, 6 June 2018

Scott Pruitt: photo by Reuters via The Atlantic, 6 June 2018
Pruitt Aide Resigns Amid Scandals: Millan Hupp filed her paperwork shortly after portions of her congressional testimony were made public.: Elaina Plott, The Atlantic, 6 June 2018
A top aide to Scott Pruitt, Millan Hupp, resigned from the Environmental Protection Agency, according to a source briefed on the matter and correspondence reviewed by The Atlantic. Her last day will be Friday.
Hupp, who worked as the director of scheduling and advance, has been entangled in many of the scandals dogging EPA Administrator Pruitt. In March, she was one of two aides who received hefty salary bumps, even after the White House refused Pruitt’s request for raises. And as The Washington Post reported on Monday, she recently testified to the House Oversight Committee that she regularly spent her days doing personal tasks for Pruitt, from hunting for housing to calling the Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C., in order to inquire about purchasing a used mattress.
According to one top EPA official, the 26-year-old was “tired of being thrown under the bus by Pruitt,” and weary of seeing her name constantly appear in headlines about the agency. Officials began drafting her resignation paperwork on Monday morning, just after portions of her congressional testimony had been made public.
Hupp’s testimony contributed to the long list of scandals and improprieties plaguing the agency—including, most notably, that Pruitt rented a Capitol Hill condo from an energy lobbyist for just $50 a night, and spent more than $40,000 on a soundproof booth in his office on the taxpayers’ dime. The Washington Post also reported that Pruitt instructed Hupp to inquire about opportunities for his wife to purchase a Chick-fil-A franchise. For months now, according to multiple White House and EPA sources, officials as senior as Chief of Staff John Kelly have lobbied President Donald Trump to fire Pruitt.
Rumors circulated that Trump was simply waiting for Pruitt’s deputy, Andrew Wheeler, to be confirmed before letting Pruitt go. But that was two months ago. Since then, according to reports, Trump has been increasingly irritated by the barrage of stories that reflect poorly on his administration, including The Atlantic's reporting on a Pruitt aide who tried shopping negative stories about Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to other news outlets. Yet the EPA administrator appears to remain in good standing.
Pruitt has lost a valuable ally in Hupp, however. She was part of a small cadre of aides who worked for Pruitt in Oklahoma before joining him in Washington. She served on Pruitt’s political team during his time as the state’s attorney general. Hupp’s closeness with Pruitt was often a point of contention among officials; many staffers grumbled that she and others in the “Oklahoma posse,” as they were called, receiving special treatment, as the March raises seemed to imply.
“Millan has been a valued member of the EPA team from day one, serving an integral role in our efforts to take the President’s message of environmental stewardship across the country,” Pruitt wrote in a statement to The Atlantic. “I’ve had the opportunity to know Millan for the last several years as a colleague, friend and trusted partner. She has done outstanding work in all of her endeavors here and will be sorely missed. I wish her all the best.”
When reached by phone, Jahan Wilcox, an EPA spokesperson, would not comment. He said: “You have a great day, you’re a piece of trash.”

Scott Pruitt is moving fast to win the Albert Fall Teapot Dome Award of Most Corrupt Cabinet Office in American History Ever! He’s leaving Fall and decades of competitors in the dust bins of history.: image via John Dean @JohnWDean, 5 June 2018

#goodnight #Jordan Police officers secure the office of the prime minister during a demonstration in the capital Amman Photo Khalil Mazraawi: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 6 June 2018

ICE. COLD.: image via ESPN @espn, 6 June 2018

Clouds above Marina Baie des Anges after a storm in Nice, #France Photo @ValeryHache: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 6 June 2018

#haveaniceday #Syria #sunset over a rebel-held area in the southern Syrian city of Daraa Photo @abazidMohamed: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 6 June 2018

An albino cow in Kashmir: photo by Mahtab Hussain via The New York Times, 6 June 2018

An albino cow in Kashmir: photo by Mahtab Hussain via The New York Times, 6 June 2018

Upon returning to Kashmir, @mahthussain wondered: is this home?: image via NYT Photo @nytimesphoto, 6 June 2018