![BRO_5457 | by Bronfer]()
![BRO_5457 | by Bronfer]()
![Fiesta Mall | by GC_Dean]()
Fiesta Mall. Mesa, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 21 July 2017
![Fiesta Mall | by GC_Dean]()
Fiesta Mall. Mesa, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 21 July 2017
![Fiesta Mall | by GC_Dean]()
Fiesta Mall. Mesa, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 21 July 2017
![Fiesta Mall | by GC_Dean]()
Fiesta Mall. Mesa, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 21 July 2017
![Fiesta Mall | by GC_Dean]()
Fiesta Mall. Mesa, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 21 July 2017
![Fiesta Mall | by GC_Dean]()
Fiesta Mall. Mesa, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 21 July 2017
![East Cypress Street | by GC_Dean]()
East Cypress Street. Calle 16 Murals on The Hive. North 16th Street. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 23 May 2017
![East Cypress Street | by GC_Dean]()
East Cypress Street. Calle 16 Murals on The Hive. North 16th Street. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 23 May 2017
![East Cypress Street | by GC_Dean]()
East Cypress Street. Calle 16 Murals on The Hive. North 16th Street. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 23 May 2017
![Joshua Tree, CA | by Simon Kossoff]()
Joshua Tree, CA: photo by Simon Kossoff, 4 November 2015
![Boulder Used for Drilling Contest, no. 2 | by GC_Dean]()
Boulder Used for Drilling Contest, no. 2. Superior, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017
![Boulder Used for Drilling Contest, no. 2 | by GC_Dean]()
Boulder Used for Drilling Contest, no. 2. Superior, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017
![Boulder Used for Drilling Contest, no. 2 | by GC_Dean]()
Boulder Used for Drilling Contest, no. 2. Superior, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017
Scottsdale, Arizona cityscape: photo by Dominic, 7 August 2006
![File:Scottsdale cityscape 2.jpg]()
Scottsdale, Arizona cityscape, taken from an unnamed hill northwest of my home: photo by Dominic, 7 August 2006
![File:Petrified Forest National Park Wood.jpg]()
Blocks of petrified wood in Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona: photo by Jonathan Zander, 8 May 2006
![the hunter | by m.r. nelson]()
the hunter [Tempe, Arizona]: photo by m.r. nelson, 24 September 2017
![the hunter | by m.r. nelson]()
the hunter [Tempe, Arizona]: photo by m.r. nelson, 24 September 2017
![the hunter | by m.r. nelson]()
the hunter [Tempe, Arizona]: photo by m.r. nelson, 24 September 2017
![mesa 00786 | by m.r. nelson]()
mesa 00786 [Mesa, AZ]: photo by m.r. nelson, 14 January 2018
![mesa 00786 | by m.r. nelson]()
mesa 00786 [Mesa, AZ]: photo by m.r. nelson, 14 January 2018
![mesa 00786 | by m.r. nelson]()
mesa 00786 [Mesa, AZ]: photo by m.r. nelson, 14 January 2018

BRO_5467 | Sand storm: photo by Bronfer, 5 May 2018
![BRO_5457 | by Bronfer]()
BRO_5467 | Sand storm: photo by Bronfer, 5 May 2018

BRO_5467 | Sand storm: photo by Bronfer, 5 May 2018

BRO_5467 | Sand storm: photo by Bronfer, 5 May 2018

GAZA STRIP - A Palestinian hurls rocks during clashes with Israeli forces along the border with the Gaza strip, as Palestinians demonstrate for the right to return to their historic homeland in what is now Israel. Photo @MahmudHams #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 12 May 2018

Christian Kaufman, 9, walks past an American flag while carrying an airsoft gun in a holster during an open carry firearm rally during the annual NRA meeting in Dallas: Photo Adrees Latif: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 12 May 2018
Watch the process of creating an incredibly lifelike humanoid robot: image via Getty Images @GettyImages, 12 May 2018
![DSC_0660 | by Bronfer]()
![8443 | by pkomo]()
8443: photo by Petros Kotzabasis, 10May 2018
![Untitled | by umberto verdoliva]()
Untitled: photo by umberto verdoliva, 19 April 2009
Palestinian protesters clash with Israeli security forces in Bethlehem on 'Nakba' Day, May 15, 2017, as Palestinians mark 69 years since more than 760,000 Palestinians were forced to flee their homes in the war surrounding Israel's declaration of independence: photo by Tom Coex/AFP, 15 May 2017
GAZA CITY - A Palestinian demonstrator looks on during clashes with Israeli forces along the border with the Gaza strip, with the Gaza strip, as Palestinians demonstrate for the right to return to their historic homeland in what is now Israel. Photo @MahmudHams #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 12 May 2018
![BRO_5451 | by Bronfer]()
BRO_5451: photo by Bronfer, 8 May 2018
![BRO_5451 | by Bronfer]()
BRO_5451: photo by Bronfer, 8 May 2018
![BRO_5451 | by Bronfer]()
BRO_5451: photo by Bronfer, 8 May 2018
![BRO_1526 | by Bronfer]()
![BRO_1526 | by Bronfer]()
![BRO_1526 | by Bronfer]()
BRO_1526: photo by Bronfer, 11 April 2018

Watch the process of creating an incredibly lifelike humanoid robot: image via Getty Images @GettyImages, 12 May 2018

BRO_0660: photo by Bronfer, 5 May 2018

8443: photo by Petros Kotzabasis, 10May 2018

Untitled: photo by umberto verdoliva, 19 April 2009

Palestinian protesters clash with Israeli security forces in Bethlehem on 'Nakba' Day, May 15, 2017, as Palestinians mark 69 years since more than 760,000 Palestinians were forced to flee their homes in the war surrounding Israel's declaration of independence: photo by Tom Coex/AFP, 15 May 2017

GAZA CITY - A Palestinian demonstrator looks on during clashes with Israeli forces along the border with the Gaza strip, with the Gaza strip, as Palestinians demonstrate for the right to return to their historic homeland in what is now Israel. Photo @MahmudHams #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 12 May 2018

BRO_5451: photo by Bronfer, 8 May 2018

BRO_5451: photo by Bronfer, 8 May 2018

BRO_5451: photo by Bronfer, 8 May 2018

BRO_1526: photo by Bronfer, 11 April 2018

BRO_1526: photo by Bronfer, 11 April 2018

BRO_1526: photo by Bronfer, 11 April 2018
So Uncle Jim goes for a nice ride with Cousin Black Cube and his little friends and their cute birdy with the really sharp talons to the Dead Sea but comes back feeling kinda all funny... and it's a little like that movie about the neutron bomb... you know everyone being dead and the buildings and stuff all still being there and all... I mean... you don't suppose... ?

Fiesta Mall. Mesa, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 21 July 2017

Fiesta Mall. Mesa, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 21 July 2017

Fiesta Mall. Mesa, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 21 July 2017

Fiesta Mall. Mesa, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 21 July 2017

Fiesta Mall. Mesa, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 21 July 2017

Fiesta Mall. Mesa, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 21 July 2017

East Cypress Street. Calle 16 Murals on The Hive. North 16th Street. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 23 May 2017

East Cypress Street. Calle 16 Murals on The Hive. North 16th Street. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 23 May 2017

East Cypress Street. Calle 16 Murals on The Hive. North 16th Street. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 23 May 2017

Joshua Tree, CA: photo by Simon Kossoff, 4 November 2015

Boulder Used for Drilling Contest, no. 2. Superior, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017

Boulder Used for Drilling Contest, no. 2. Superior, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017

Boulder Used for Drilling Contest, no. 2. Superior, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017
Petrified wood in Petrified Forest National park, Arizona: photo by Jonathan Zander, 2006
Always behind my back I hear
The spastic clicking of jerked knees
Human Life
Always behind my back I hear
The spastic clicking of jerked knees
And other automatic reactions
Tracking me through the years to where
Time’s winged chariot is double
Parked near the eternity frontier
And in such moments I want to participate
In human life less and less
But when I do the obligatory double take
And glance behind me into the dark green future
All I see stretching out are vast
Arizona republics of more
Scottsdale, Arizona cityscape: photo by Dominic, 7 August 2006

Scottsdale, Arizona cityscape, taken from an unnamed hill northwest of my home: photo by Dominic, 7 August 2006

Blocks of petrified wood in Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona: photo by Jonathan Zander, 8 May 2006

the hunter [Tempe, Arizona]: photo by m.r. nelson, 24 September 2017

the hunter [Tempe, Arizona]: photo by m.r. nelson, 24 September 2017

the hunter [Tempe, Arizona]: photo by m.r. nelson, 24 September 2017

mesa 00786 [Mesa, AZ]: photo by m.r. nelson, 14 January 2018

mesa 00786 [Mesa, AZ]: photo by m.r. nelson, 14 January 2018

mesa 00786 [Mesa, AZ]: photo by m.r. nelson, 14 January 2018
Persecuted and discriminated against throughout the nation, these sanctimonious land-thieving murican pinheads gathered together into small defensive enclaves, inevitably amounting to a territory that was admitted to the union solely in order to sequester them, as a diabolical congregation, away from the general population, and thus isolated, and able to inflict immediate harm only on the impoverished and oppressed local native american residents, who never deserved this, and on the equally impoverished and oppressed people of the adjacent state of Mexico, likewise hardly deserving, they thrived andgrew powerful on the strength of their amalgamated whites-only consumer buying power, which allowed them to turn every situation into a bought situation, as your standard issue murican white person is wont to do, and a large part of the earth into a dry-baked antiseptically-sterilized parking-lot for their infernal squadrons of air conditioned SUVs. It was during this period of the establishment of their "culture", a nearly lifelike simulacrum of actual human life, that they unwittingly drew over, or perhaps it's more accurate to say, carved into, that vast desart waste of sage and stone and sand,the outlines of what would come, surely by accident, to resemble nothing so much as the "culture" of the state of Israel, the arizona republic's so-far-and-yet-so-near sister-state-without-a-spirit, in the great XXI century ziowalmartian walking dead global order.
Ultra-Orthodox Jews burn leaven in the Mea Shearim neighbourhood of Jerusalem, ahead of the Jewish holiday of Passover: photo by Ammar Awad/Reuters, 21 April 2016
![Ultra-Orthodox Jews burn leaven in the Mea Shearim neighbourhood of Jerusalem, ahead of the Jewish holiday of Passover...Ultra-Orthodox Jews burn leaven in the Mea Shearim neighbourhood of Jerusalem, ahead of the Jewish holiday of Passover, April 22, 2016. REUTERS/Ammar Awad]()
Ultra-Orthodox Jews burn leaven in the Mea Shearim neighbourhood of Jerusalem, ahead of the Jewish holiday of Passover: photo by Ammar Awad/Reuters, 21 April 2016
César Vallejo is dead. They struck him,
All of them, though he did nothing to them,
They hit him hard with a stick and hard also
With the end of a rope. Witnesses are: the Thursdays,
The shoulder bones, the loneliness, the rain, and the roads...
![File:Masjid al-Haram panorama.JPG]()
Panorama of Masjid al-Haram (the Grand Mosque) at Mecca, Saudi Arabia: photo by Bluemango2z, 22 December 2007
también con una soga; son testigos
los días jueves y los huesos húmeros,
la soledad, la lluvia, los caminos...
The Ka'aba in Mecca surrounded by pilgrims during Hajj season: photo by Al-Fassam, 1 January 2003
Note: Meir Dagan, one of the main actors in this FLLF bombing operation, also served as the Honorary President of #BlackCube: image via Remi Brulin @RBrulin, 8 May 2018
Note: Meir Dagan, one of the main actors in this FLLF bombing operation, also served as the Honorary President of #BlackCube: image via Remi Brulin @RBrulin, 8 May 2018
Note: Meir Dagan, one of the main actors in this FLLF bombing operation, also served as the Honorary President of #BlackCube: image via Remi Brulin @RBrulin, 8 May 2018
Note: Meir Dagan, one of the main actors in this FLLF bombing operation, also served as the Honorary President of #BlackCube: image via Remi Brulin @RBrulin, 8 May 2018
![Untitled | by umberto verdoliva]()
Progetto Realtà parallele: photo by umberto verdoliva, 16 April 2009
Palestinians react following tear gas that was fired by Israeli forces after Friday prayers on a street outside Jerusalem's Old City: photo by Ammar Awad/Reuters, 21 July 2017
Palestinians react following tear gas that was fired by Israeli forces after Friday prayers on a street outside Jerusalem's Old City: photo by Ammar Awad/Reuters, 21 July 2017
![Palestinian civilians and medics run to safety during an Israeli strike in the Gaza Strip Palestinian civilians and medics run to safety during an Israeli strike in the Gaza Strip]()
Palestinian civilians and medics run to safety during an Israeli strike on a UN school in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza where civilians were sheltering from the fighting, medics and witnesses said: photo by Mohammed Abed/AFP, 17 January 2009
![Israeli planes pound Gaza Strip Israeli planes pound Gaza Strip]()
Palestinians lift a wounded woman onto a vehicle after the Israeli air force attacked Gaza City, December 27, 2009. More than 200 people died in the strikes.: photo by Reuters, 27 December 2008
![Smoke rises during Israeli's offensive in Gaza January 8, 2009 Smoke rises during Israeli's offensive in Gaza January 8, 2009]()
Smoke rises after an air strike during Israeli's offensive in Gaza on January 8, 2009. Palestinians faced even grimmer conditions in the Gaza Strip on Thursday after a UN aid agency halted work, saying its staff were at risk from Israeli forces: photo by Mohammed Salem/Reuters, 8 January 2009
An Israeli border policeman uses pepper spray on a Palestinian man during clashes near the Arab East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Wadi al-Joz, on Friday: photo by Ammar Awad/Reuters, 2 October 2015
![Israeli border policeman uses pepper spray on a Palestinian man during clashes near Arab East Jerusalem]()
An Israeli border policeman uses pepper spray on a Palestinian man during clashes near the Arab East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Wadi al-Joz, on Friday: photo by Ammar Awad/Reuters, 2 October 2015
A Palestinian protester uses a sling to hurl stones towards Israeli troops during clashes near the Jewish settlement of Bet El, near the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah on Monday: photo by Mohamad Torokman/Reuters, 5 October 2014
A Palestinian protester uses a sling to hurl stones towards Israeli troops during clashes near the Jewish settlement of Bet El, near the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah on Monday: photo by Mohamad Torokman/Reuters, 5 October 2014
WEST BANK : A Palestinian youth hurls rocks at Israeli soldiers during clashes near Ramallah. By Abbas Momani #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 5 October 2015
AFP Israeli photographer Menahem Kahana is roughed up by by an Israeli policeman at a demonstration. By @TomCOEX #AFP: image by AFP Photo Department @AFPphoto, 4 October 2015
Israel razes homes of Palestinian militants in Jerusalem: image via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 6 October 2015
A Palestinian boy sleeps on a mattress inside the remains of his family’s house, that was destroyed by Israeli shelling during a 50-day war in 2014 summer, during a sandstorm in Gaza on Tuesday: photo by Suhaib Salem/Reuters, 8 September 2015
![A Palestinian boy sleeps on a mattress inside the remains of his family's house, that witnesses said was destroyed by Israeli shelling during a 50-day war in 2014 summer, during a sandstorm in Gaza September 8, 2015. A heavy sandstorm swept across parts of the Middle East on Tuesday, killing two people and hospitalising hundreds in Lebanon and disrupting fighting and air strikes in neighbouring Syria. Clouds of dust also engulfed Israel, Jordan and Cyprus where aircraft were diverted to Paphos from Larnaca airport as visibility fell to 500 metres]()
A Palestinian boy sleeps on a mattress inside the remains of his family’s house, that was destroyed by Israeli shelling during a 50-day war in 2014 summer, during a sandstorm in Gaza on Tuesday: photo by Suhaib Salem/Reuters, 8 September 2015
#Jerusalem #Palestinian correspondent Hana Hammad live after Israeli soldiers fired gas bomb on her face: image via souamesfarah @souamesfarah, 4 October 2015
Israeii border police stop and frisk a Palestinian youth next to the Damascus Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem: photo byAtef Safadi/European Pressphoto Agency, 25 February 2016
Israeii border police stop and frisk a Palestinian youth next to the Damascus Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem: photo byAtef Safadi/European Pressphoto Agency, 25 February 2016
A Palestinian man uses a rope to climb over a section of Israel’s controversial separation barrier that separates the West Bank city of al-Ram from east Jerusalem: photo by Thomas Coex/AFP, 25 February 2016
A Palestinian man uses a rope to climb over a section of Israel’s controversial separation barrier that separates the West Bank city of al-Ram from east Jerusalem: photo by Thomas Coex/AFP, 25 February 2016
Sandra Bullock and George Clooney before the start of the 84th Academy Awards show: photo by Monica Almeida/The New York Times, 22 February 2012
Sandra Bullock and George Clooney before the start of the 84th Academy Awards show: photo by Monica Almeida/The New York Times, 22 February 2012
Ethan Hawke with Uma Thurman on the red carpet during arrivals at the 74th Academy Awards celebration at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood: photo by Monica Almeida/The New York Times, 24 March 2002
Members of the news media on the red carpet for the 86th annual Academy Awards ceremony as nominees and celebrities arrived: photo by Monica Almeida/The New York Times. 2 March 2014
Members of the news media on the red carpet for the 86th annual Academy Awards ceremony as nominees and celebrities arrived: photo by Monica Almeida/The New York Times. 2 March 2014
![Near West Buckeye Road | by GC_Dean]()
Near West Buckeye Road, Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 February 2017
![Near West Buckeye Road | by GC_Dean]()
Near West Buckeye Road, Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 February 2017
![Near West Buckeye Road | by GC_Dean]()
Near West Buckeye Road, Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 February 2017
![Woodlawn Neighborhood | by GC_Dean]()
Woodlawn Neighborhood. May Peace Prevail on Earth. Phoenix, Arizona.: : photo by Dean Terasaki, 1 June 2017
![Woodlawn Neighborhood | by GC_Dean]()
Woodlawn Neighborhood. May Peace Prevail on Earth. Phoenix, Arizona.: : photo by Dean Terasaki, 1 June 2017
![Woodlawn Neighborhood | by GC_Dean]()
Woodlawn Neighborhood. May Peace Prevail on Earth. Phoenix, Arizona.: : photo by Dean Terasaki, 1 June 2017
People at a beach near Sydney during the Labour Day holiday in Australia: photo by Peter Parks/Agence France-Presse via New York Times, 6 October 2015
![West Buckeye Road | by GC_Dean]()
West Buckeye Road. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 23 September 2017
![West Buckeye Road | by GC_Dean]()
West Buckeye Road. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 23 September 2017
![West Buckeye Road | by GC_Dean]()
West Buckeye Road. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 23 September 2017
![Near The Stack | by GC_Dean]()
Near The Stack. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 11 May 2016
![Near The Stack | by GC_Dean]()
Near The Stack. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 11 May 2016
![Near The Stack | by GC_Dean]()
Near The Stack. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 11 May 2016
![Bar Interior | by GC_Dean]()
Bar Interior. Superior, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017
![Bar Interior | by GC_Dean]()
Bar Interior. Superior, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017
![Bar Interior | by GC_Dean]()
Bar Interior. Superior, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017
![Holiday Inn Apts | by GC_Dean]()
Holiday Inn Apts. South 17th Avenue. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 July 2016
![Holiday Inn Apts | by GC_Dean]()
Holiday Inn Apts. South 17th Avenue. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 July 2016
![Holiday Inn Apts | by GC_Dean]()
Holiday Inn Apts. South 17th Avenue. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 July 2016
![Superior, Arizona | by GC_Dean]()
Superior, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017
![Superior, Arizona | by GC_Dean]()
Superior, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017
![Superior, Arizona | by GC_Dean]()
Superior, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017
Puerto López (2017) [Puerto Lopez, Manabi, Ecuador]: photo by Carlos Oliva Delgado, 26 July 2017
Ultra-Orthodox Jews burn leaven in the Mea Shearim neighbourhood of Jerusalem, ahead of the Jewish holiday of Passover: photo by Ammar Awad/Reuters, 21 April 2016

Ultra-Orthodox Jews burn leaven in the Mea Shearim neighbourhood of Jerusalem, ahead of the Jewish holiday of Passover: photo by Ammar Awad/Reuters, 21 April 2016
César Vallejo: Piedra negra sobre una piedra blanca (Black stone on top of a white stone)

البيت العتيق -- The Primordial House "Ka'aba" at Mecca during hajj season: photo by A.S. Dhanny, 19 October 2012
I shall die in Paris, in a rainstorm,
On a day I already remember.
I shall die in Paris -- it does not bother me --
Doubtless on a Thursday, like today, in autumn.
It shall be a Thursday, because today, Thursday
As I put down these lines, I have set my shoulders
To the evil. Never like today have I turned,
And headed my whole journey to the ways where I am alone.
On a day I already remember.
I shall die in Paris -- it does not bother me --
Doubtless on a Thursday, like today, in autumn.
It shall be a Thursday, because today, Thursday
As I put down these lines, I have set my shoulders
To the evil. Never like today have I turned,
And headed my whole journey to the ways where I am alone.
César Vallejo is dead. They struck him,
All of them, though he did nothing to them,
They hit him hard with a stick and hard also
With the end of a rope. Witnesses are: the Thursdays,
The shoulder bones, the loneliness, the rain, and the roads...
Panorama of Masjid al-Haram (the Grand Mosque) at Mecca, Saudi Arabia: photo by Bluemango2z, 22 December 2007
Me moriré en París con aguacero,
un día del cual tengo ya el recuerdo.
Me moriré en París y no me corro
tal vez un jueves, como es hoy, de otoño.
un día del cual tengo ya el recuerdo.
Me moriré en París y no me corro
tal vez un jueves, como es hoy, de otoño.
Jueves será, porque hoy, jueves, que proso
estos versos, los húmeros me he puesto
a la mala y, jamás como hoy, me he vuelto,
con todo mi camino, a verme solo.
estos versos, los húmeros me he puesto
a la mala y, jamás como hoy, me he vuelto,
con todo mi camino, a verme solo.
César Vallejo ha muerto, le pegaban
todos sin que él les haga nada;
le daban duro con un palo y duro
todos sin que él les haga nada;
le daban duro con un palo y duro
también con una soga; son testigos
los días jueves y los huesos húmeros,
la soledad, la lluvia, los caminos...
The Ka'aba in Mecca surrounded by pilgrims during Hajj season: photo by Al-Fassam, 1 January 2003
César Vallejo (1892-1938): Piedra negra sobre una piedra blanca (Black stone on top of a white stone) from Poemas Humanos (Human Poems) (1923-1938), 1938; English version by Thomas Merton, 1960

Note: Meir Dagan, one of the main actors in this FLLF bombing operation, also served as the Honorary President of #BlackCube: image via Remi Brulin @RBrulin, 8 May 2018

Note: Meir Dagan, one of the main actors in this FLLF bombing operation, also served as the Honorary President of #BlackCube: image via Remi Brulin @RBrulin, 8 May 2018

Note: Meir Dagan, one of the main actors in this FLLF bombing operation, also served as the Honorary President of #BlackCube: image via Remi Brulin @RBrulin, 8 May 2018

Note: Meir Dagan, one of the main actors in this FLLF bombing operation, also served as the Honorary President of #BlackCube: image via Remi Brulin @RBrulin, 8 May 2018
So let me just get this straight, sis - black cube was born out of a black stone on top of a white stone in the devil's red right hand, at night, perhaps somewhere near the sea, in, like - lebanon?
Progetto Realtà parallele: photo by umberto verdoliva, 16 April 2009
Israel Uses Intelligence Cutouts To Target the US: From JCPOA to FTA – cutouts can cost the US billions: Grant Smith, Anti War dot com, 11 May 2018
An Israeli intelligence entity called "Black Cube" targeted Obama administration officials such as former foreign policy advisor Ben Rhodes and outside experts, such as the National Iranian American Council’s Trita Parsi, that advocated for passage of the JCPOA known as the "Iran nuclear deal." Though most media reports reference Black Cube’s self-designation as a "private intelligence company" while noting it employs former Mossad officers, there are reasons to doubt it is entirely unconnected from the Israeli government, which wanted to undermine the JCPOA. Israeli spy Shai Masot, secretly recorded in an Al Jazeera undercover video, freely admitted Israel was setting up just such private corporations to clandestinely do its bidding. While not solely responsible for the Trump Administration’s decision to ditch the JCPOA, Black Cube’s intelligence operation clearly tried to inch the US closer to open military conflict with Iran, which could cost countless lives and trillions of dollars.
Black Cube’s covert operations targeting the JCPOA and previously as a gun-for-hire against Harvey Weinstein's victims at first glance seem risky, reckless and rushed. Blind offers of cash for consulting on "movie projects" via email solicitations, using thin LinkedIn profiles and Wix generated websites. Recorded phone calls to incriminate or blackmail unknowing victims. Why use such a clumsy foreign cutout to target mostly U.S.-based American citizens?
The answer is simple, Black Cube as an overseas cutout can be folded up or reconstituted in the extremely unlikely event of criminal investigation. It is disposable. It therefore provides a thick layer of insulation between the users of potentially illegally obtained information and the gatherer. If Black Cube had managed to gather incriminating information on Parsi or Rhoads via illegally recorded phone calls while either was located in a two-party consent state, Black Cube could still pass the information to friendly recipient journalists and interest groups in the US, eager to trash the JCPOA, and who could not be prosecuted.
Cutouts performing illegal activity for Israel’s US operatives are not new. Rather, cutouts are now a preferred model for Israeli intelligence operations targeting the United States when the stakes are very high. While damage assessments are hard to quantify in most cases, one operation can be precisely calculated every year: cutout Dan Halpern’s economic espionage against US industry has through 2017 cost America precisely $170.72 billion.
Source: US Census Bureau – International Trade Data
In the mid-1980s Israel was in an economic crisis, begging the Reagan administration for billions in emergency aid. AIPAC and its economic gurus such as Stanley Fischer demaned hat he US unilaterally lower all of its tariffs to Israeli exports, a program internally dubbed, "Duty Free Treatment for US Imports from Israel." Realizing that even this euphemistic framing was a bit of a giveaway, the lobby later redubbed it the "US Israel Free Trade Area," incorrectly implying that US producers would someday have improved Israeli market access (which they, for the most part, never gained).
There was only one problem. US industry, from chemical giants to agricultural and labor interests, were universally opposed to the "FTA", seeing it as a Trojan horse for future deals that would prioritize obscure foreign or special interests over domestic US industry. Their formal written opposition, lodged with the International Trade Commission, put Israel’s US lobbying entity, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in a bind. AIPAC needed to know the details of each industry’s secret submissions to ITC, in order to effectively lobby against them on Israel’s behalf. But AIPAC couldn’t just have friends inside the ITC hand them a copy of the classified industry report to study and circulate. AIPAC needed a cutout.
This was the role of Dan Halpern, Israeli Minister of Economics. Halpern obtained a copy of the classified ITC report – he would not tell the FBI how– and passed it to AIPAC’s lobbyists to reproduce, circulate and begin their lobbying and PR campaign for the FTA. AIPAC defeated powerful US industry groups using their own data against them. When the FTA fully went into effect, it reversed a formerly balanced trading relationship with one producing an enormous trade surplus for Israel. By cumulative, inflation adjusted deficit, it is still America’s single worst performing bilateral FTA.

Annual and Cumulative Trade Surplus (or Deficit) – $ Billion, Inflation adjusted
After an initially robust counterintelligence and theft of government property investigation, the FBI realized that because Dan Halpern could claim diplomatic immunity, neither Halpern nor AIPAC could be successfully prosecuted.
The new revelations of Black Cube and the JCPOA present only a slightly new twist on an old cutout tactic Israel deploys when the stakes are high enough. Rather than claim diplomatic immunity like Halpern, Black Cube can simply slink away to whatever darkly lit cubicles at the Kidon or wherever it came from, to later reemerge for Israel’s next major initiative targeting America.
Grant F. Smith is the director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policyin Washington and the author of the 2016 book, Big Israel: How Israel's Lobby Moves America.

Palestinians react following tear gas that was fired by Israeli forces after Friday prayers on a street outside Jerusalem's Old City: photo by Ammar Awad/Reuters, 21 July 2017

Palestinians react following tear gas that was fired by Israeli forces after Friday prayers on a street outside Jerusalem's Old City: photo by Ammar Awad/Reuters, 21 July 2017

Palestinian civilians and medics run to safety during an Israeli strike on a UN school in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza where civilians were sheltering from the fighting, medics and witnesses said: photo by Mohammed Abed/AFP, 17 January 2009

Palestinians lift a wounded woman onto a vehicle after the Israeli air force attacked Gaza City, December 27, 2009. More than 200 people died in the strikes.: photo by Reuters, 27 December 2008

Smoke rises after an air strike during Israeli's offensive in Gaza on January 8, 2009. Palestinians faced even grimmer conditions in the Gaza Strip on Thursday after a UN aid agency halted work, saying its staff were at risk from Israeli forces: photo by Mohammed Salem/Reuters, 8 January 2009
An Israeli border policeman uses pepper spray on a Palestinian man during clashes near the Arab East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Wadi al-Joz, on Friday: photo by Ammar Awad/Reuters, 2 October 2015

An Israeli border policeman uses pepper spray on a Palestinian man during clashes near the Arab East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Wadi al-Joz, on Friday: photo by Ammar Awad/Reuters, 2 October 2015

A Palestinian protester uses a sling to hurl stones towards Israeli troops during clashes near the Jewish settlement of Bet El, near the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah on Monday: photo by Mohamad Torokman/Reuters, 5 October 2014
A Palestinian protester uses a sling to hurl stones towards Israeli troops during clashes near the Jewish settlement of Bet El, near the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah on Monday: photo by Mohamad Torokman/Reuters, 5 October 2014
WEST BANK : A Palestinian youth hurls rocks at Israeli soldiers during clashes near Ramallah. By Abbas Momani #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 5 October 2015
AFP Israeli photographer Menahem Kahana is roughed up by by an Israeli policeman at a demonstration. By @TomCOEX #AFP: image by AFP Photo Department @AFPphoto, 4 October 2015
Israel razes homes of Palestinian militants in Jerusalem: image via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 6 October 2015
A Palestinian boy sleeps on a mattress inside the remains of his family’s house, that was destroyed by Israeli shelling during a 50-day war in 2014 summer, during a sandstorm in Gaza on Tuesday: photo by Suhaib Salem/Reuters, 8 September 2015

A Palestinian boy sleeps on a mattress inside the remains of his family’s house, that was destroyed by Israeli shelling during a 50-day war in 2014 summer, during a sandstorm in Gaza on Tuesday: photo by Suhaib Salem/Reuters, 8 September 2015

Arab women march in the old city of #Jerusalem to condemn the blockade of al-Aqsa mosque: image via Palestine Social @PalestineSocial, 4 October 2015
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Netanyahu vows 'fight to death' as clashes spread after attacks: image by Agence France-Presse @AFP 5 October 2015

Netanyahu vows 'fight to death' as clashes spread after attacks: image by Agence France-Presse @AFP 5 October 2015
#Jerusalem #Palestinian correspondent Hana Hammad live after Israeli soldiers fired gas bomb on her face: image via souamesfarah @souamesfarah, 4 October 2015

Israeii border police stop and frisk a Palestinian youth next to the Damascus Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem: photo byAtef Safadi/European Pressphoto Agency, 25 February 2016

Israeii border police stop and frisk a Palestinian youth next to the Damascus Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem: photo byAtef Safadi/European Pressphoto Agency, 25 February 2016
A Palestinian man uses a rope to climb over a section of Israel’s controversial separation barrier that separates the West Bank city of al-Ram from east Jerusalem: photo by Thomas Coex/AFP, 25 February 2016
A Palestinian man uses a rope to climb over a section of Israel’s controversial separation barrier that separates the West Bank city of al-Ram from east Jerusalem: photo by Thomas Coex/AFP, 25 February 2016

Sandra Bullock and George Clooney before the start of the 84th Academy Awards show: photo by Monica Almeida/The New York Times, 22 February 2012

Sandra Bullock and George Clooney before the start of the 84th Academy Awards show: photo by Monica Almeida/The New York Times, 22 February 2012
That wee fiddler though - are we talking ayahuascan here? (clue for my compadres of the parkland generation: couldn't swear to it but this must have been, like, "the day" - bonafide, pure uncut, fully and happily guilt-free Imperial - so totally pre harv, pre-rose, pre-prurience-as-a-machine-to-move-the-units, pre everything!!!)

Ethan Hawke with Uma Thurman on the red carpet during arrivals at the 74th Academy Awards celebration at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood: photo by Monica Almeida/The New York Times, 24 March 2002

Ethan Hawke with Uma Thurman on the red carpet during arrivals at the 74th Academy Awards celebration at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood: photo by Monica Almeida/The New York Times, 24 March 2002

Members of the news media on the red carpet for the 86th annual Academy Awards ceremony as nominees and celebrities arrived: photo by Monica Almeida/The New York Times. 2 March 2014

Members of the news media on the red carpet for the 86th annual Academy Awards ceremony as nominees and celebrities arrived: photo by Monica Almeida/The New York Times. 2 March 2014

Near West Buckeye Road, Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 February 2017

Near West Buckeye Road, Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 February 2017

Near West Buckeye Road, Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 February 2017

Woodlawn Neighborhood. May Peace Prevail on Earth. Phoenix, Arizona.: : photo by Dean Terasaki, 1 June 2017

Woodlawn Neighborhood. May Peace Prevail on Earth. Phoenix, Arizona.: : photo by Dean Terasaki, 1 June 2017

Woodlawn Neighborhood. May Peace Prevail on Earth. Phoenix, Arizona.: : photo by Dean Terasaki, 1 June 2017

People at a beach near Sydney during the Labour Day holiday in Australia: photo by Peter Parks/Agence France-Presse via New York Times, 6 October 2015

West Buckeye Road. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 23 September 2017

West Buckeye Road. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 23 September 2017

West Buckeye Road. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 23 September 2017
Black Cube dwelt quietly and without drawing attention to himself, for a number of years, in this humble American dwelling, which he liked very much because it reminded him very much of... and so on [from leaked Mossad internal memo PDF]

Near The Stack. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 11 May 2016

Near The Stack. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 11 May 2016

Near The Stack. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 11 May 2016
... and just down the block, this agreeable native pleasure centre perfect for the offduty undercover with the topsecret yet!!

Bar Interior. Superior, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017

Bar Interior. Superior, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017

Bar Interior. Superior, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017

Holiday Inn Apts. South 17th Avenue. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 July 2016

Holiday Inn Apts. South 17th Avenue. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 July 2016

Holiday Inn Apts. South 17th Avenue. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 July 2016

Superior, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017

Superior, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017

Superior, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 18 May 2017

Puerto López (2017) [Puerto Lopez, Manabi, Ecuador]: photo by Carlos Oliva Delgado, 26 July 2017