El viento nos llevará Forough Farrokhzad #Poetuit #Cine #Kiarostami: image [from The Wind Will Carry Us, 1999] via Jorge Fuentes @jjorgefuentes, 26 December 2013
La banlieue de Téhéran capitale d'un pays très riche en Pétrole! Merci #Kiarostami and #Farhadi pour vos beaux films!: image via Dadsetan Djavad @Dadsetan, 9 April 2014
You can sympathize, understand, show compassion. But feel my pain? No. #Kiarostami #TasteofCherry: image [from Taste of Cherry, 1997] via Alma Krillic @ AlmaKrillic, 2 August 2014
If I told you, ... you wouldn't understand. #Kiarostami #TasteofCherry: image [from Taste of Cherry, 1997] via Alma Krillic @ AlmaKrillic, 2 August 2014
Et La Vie Continue... (Va Zendegi edame darad, 1992) Abbas Kiarostami #Kiarostami: image [from And Life Goes On / Life, and Nothing More, 1991] via Xacobo Martínez @Iacobus_81, 9 August 2014
Untitled, 1978, Abbas Kiarostami © 2003, from a series of 32 photographs, 122 x 93 cm.#Fotografía #Cine #Kiarostami: image via Xacobo Martínez @Iacobus_81, 9 August 2014
Neden İran sineması? #Kiarostami: image Close up #Iran #kiarostami: image [from Close-Up, 1990] via Stella Morgana @stellamorgana, 16 November 2013
Close up #Iran #kiarostami: image [from Close-Up, 1990] via Stella Morgana @stellamorgana, 16 November 2013
Still from Close-Up [1990], dir. Abbas Kiarostami: image via Bombastic Scholastic @BombasticScholastic, 3 February 2015
jncatron: Sheldon Adelson To Host Secret Anti-BDS Summit for Jewish Donors via jdforward: image via Sheldon Adelson @VegasGoblinKing, 2 June 2015
Pakistani rag-pickers search for recycleable items at a garbage dump on the outskirts of Lahore on Friday. World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5 with the objective to raise global awareness among the common people for global environmental concerns: photo by Arif Ali/AFP, 5 June 2015
![Pakistani rag-pickers search for recycleable items]()
Pakistani rag-pickers search for recycleable items at a garbage dump on the outskirts of Lahore on Friday. World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5 with the objective to raise global awareness among the common people for global environmental concerns: photo by Arif Ali/AFP, 5 June 2015
![Migrants, who were found at sea on a boat, collect rainwater during a heavy rain fall at a temporary refuge camp near Kanyin Chaung jetty, outside Maungdaw township, northern Rakhine state, Myanmar June 4, 2015. Soe Zeya Tun: This shot is of a group of Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants from a boat carrying 734 people rescued off Myanmar's southern coast last week. Those on board had been at sea for more than two months, at the end with little food or water. The men in this photo were part of a group of 400 crammed into a warehouse by Myanmar police. They had arrived the day before, but while the women, children and some men had already been moved, these men were left behind. There was no sign of the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR or foreign aid agencies. Just moments before this shot, the sky opened up and the monsoon rains started coming down. The men were jostling with each other for space to catch water in their bottles and plates. The authorities were hesitant to grant us access at first, but as the morning wore on and the rains started, we were able to enter [the warehouse or the area around it?] and started photographing and speaking to migrants. Just after taking this photo, the men were loaded into buses and trucks and driven to a camp where international aid agencies were waiting. I have worked on long and difficult assignments where I have gone days without a proper shower. But for these people it has been months without enough water. Everyone was dirty and had likely washed little while at sea. I could see just how meaningful it was for them to suddenly have a chance to drink and clean themselves with whatever small amount of water they could capture. REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY TEMPLATE OUT]()
Migrants, who were found at sea on a boat, collect rainwater during a heavy rain fall at a temporary refuge camp near Kanyin Chaung jetty, northern Rakhine state, Myanmar: photo by Soe Zeya Tun/Reuters, 4 June 2015
![Migrants, who were found at sea on a boat, collect rainwater during a heavy rain fall at a temporary refuge camp near Kanyin Chaung jetty, outside Maungdaw township, northern Rakhine state, Myanmar June 4, 2015. Soe Zeya Tun: This shot is of a group of Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants from a boat carrying 734 people rescued off Myanmar's southern coast last week. Those on board had been at sea for more than two months, at the end with little food or water. The men in this photo were part of a group of 400 crammed into a warehouse by Myanmar police. They had arrived the day before, but while the women, children and some men had already been moved, these men were left behind. There was no sign of the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR or foreign aid agencies. Just moments before this shot, the sky opened up and the monsoon rains started coming down. The men were jostling with each other for space to catch water in their bottles and plates. The authorities were hesitant to grant us access at first, but as the morning wore on and the rains started, we were able to enter [the warehouse or the area around it?] and started photographing and speaking to migrants. Just after taking this photo, the men were loaded into buses and trucks and driven to a camp where international aid agencies were waiting. I have worked on long and difficult assignments where I have gone days without a proper shower. But for these people it has been months without enough water. Everyone was dirty and had likely washed little while at sea. I could see just how meaningful it was for them to suddenly have a chance to drink and clean themselves with whatever small amount of water they could capture. REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY TEMPLATE OUT]()
Migrants, who were found at sea on a boat, collect rainwater during a heavy rain fall at a temporary refuge camp near Kanyin Chaung jetty, northern Rakhine state, Myanmar: photo by Soe Zeya Tun/Reuters, 4 June 2015
![An Indian rag-picker looks for recyclable material in what is reportedly the largest rubbish tip in the state of Assam on the eve of World Environment Day in the Boragoan area of Guwahati on June 4, 2015. World Environment Day is marked anually on June 5.]()
An Indian rag-picker looks for recyclable material in what is reportedly the largest rubbish tip in the state of Assam on the eve of World Environment Day in the Boragoan area of Guwahati on Thursday: photo by Biju Boro/AFP, 4 June 2015
![An Indian rag-picker looks for recyclable material in what is reportedly the largest rubbish tip in the state of Assam on the eve of World Environment Day in the Boragoan area of Guwahati on June 4, 2015. World Environment Day is marked anually on June 5.]()
An Indian rag-picker looks for recyclable material in what is reportedly the largest rubbish tip in the state of Assam on the eve of World Environment Day in the Boragoan area of Guwahati on Thursday: photo by Biju Boro/AFP, 4 June 2015
A migrant, who was found at sea on a boat, arrives at a temporary shelter near Maungdaw township, northern Rakhine state, Myanmar: photo by Ye Aung Thu/AFP, 4 June 2015
![A migrant, who was found at sea on a boa...A migrant, who was found at sea on a boat, arrive at a temporary shelter near the Kanyin Chaung jetty to MeeThike sub-township outside Maungdaw township, northern Rakhine state on June 4, 2015. More than 700 migrants found adrift on a fishing boat six days ago disembarked in Myanmar's western state of Rakhine as the US warned it was monitoring their fate "very closely". AFP PHOTO / YE AUNG THUYe Aung Thu/AFP/Getty Images]()
A migrant, who was found at sea on a boat, arrives at a temporary shelter near Maungdaw township, northern Rakhine state, Myanmar: photo by Ye Aung Thu/AFP, 4 June 2015
My new comic is a Tale of the Zombie Apocalypse in @tnr: image via Eli Valley @elivalley, 14 May 2015
The Great Hypocrisy Behind Sheldon Adelson's Anti-#BDS Summit | @AliGharib | @jdforward: image via JewishVoiceforPeace @jvplive, 3 June 2015
![lion | by Careless Edition]()
lion [Masai Mara, Kenya]: photo by Nicola Odemann, 13 April 2014
In a move that defied European pleas and prompted international outcry, Trump poured scorn on the "disastrous" 2015 Iran nuclear accord as he outlined his plan to leave the agreement, which he called an "embarrassment": image via AFP news agency @AFP, 8 May 2018
Columbus Nova, US affiliate of Viktor Vekselberg’s Renova Group, confirms that it hired Michael Cohen but denies that Vekselberg was directly involved: image via Jon Swaine @jonswaine, 8 May 2018
Michael Cohen. Avenatti did not provide details of sources for his information, which the Guardian has not independently verified.: photo by Lucas Jackson/Reuters, 8 May 2018
![Untitled | by kenwalton]()
Untitled | Miami, 2017: photo by Ken Walton, 8 December 2017
![Untitled | by kenwalton]()
Untitled | Miami, 2017: photo by Ken Walton, 8 December 2017
![Untitled | by kenwalton]()
Untitled | Miami, 2017: photo by Ken Walton, 8 December 2017
![Crete , 2017 / 9903 | by dirtyharrry]()
Crete, 2017 / 9903: photo by dirty harrry, 3 May 2018
![. | by Careless Edition]()
![Crete 2018 / 07188 | by dirtyharrry]()
Imam (formerly Shah) Mosque (Masjed-e Imam), Isfahan: photo by Dara Mulhern, 18 October 2010
When I was a child
I thought a handgun in a holster
and the lead colored bullets on the belt
was one of the most beautiful things
made by man.
Of course at that time
I didn't consciously know
of the phallic significance or symbol,
but it doesn't really matter.
It's not the object now
but the feeling that accompanied,
which still remains and comes back,
but not for guns and bullets
but for eternity.
It must be the way Sumerians
felt for their Gilgamesh
and Jews for David
and Egyptians for Pharaoh
and anyone for heroes,
a hope of eternity
for ever and ever new.
A chance not for the object
but for the soul alone,
if that be possible.
But it's too easy
to love life too much
and all is gone away, alas,
like a shot from
the gun of childhood.
When I was a child
I thought of eternity.
JosephCeravolo (1934-1988): Hand Gun, 24 October 1986, from Collected Poems, 2012
Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque, Isfahan: photo by oceanbaby, 4 May 2007
Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque, Isfahan: photo by Behrooz Bashokooh, 15 March 2011
Muqarnas, Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque, Isfahan: photo by Mandana Fard (baraneh), 8 January 2008
Sheldon Adelson to meet with Trump in D.C. tomorrow. Described as a “friendly,” long-planned meeting, not related to today’s Iran news.: tweet via Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker, 8 May 2018
Dede kapıyı aç! #Hamsarayan #Koro (#KisaFilm) #Abbas Kiarostami (1982): image [from Hamasarayan / The Chorus, 1982] via Mahmut Islam @mahmutislam, 24 September 2013
El viento nos llevará Forough Farrokhzad #Poetuit #Cine #Kiarostami: image [from The Wind Will Carry Us, 1999] via Jorge Fuentes @jjorgefuentes, 26 December 2013
La banlieue de Téhéran capitale d'un pays très riche en Pétrole! Merci #Kiarostami and #Farhadi pour vos beaux films!: image via Dadsetan Djavad @Dadsetan, 9 April 2014
You can sympathize, understand, show compassion. But feel my pain? No. #Kiarostami #TasteofCherry: image [from Taste of Cherry, 1997] via Alma Krillic @ AlmaKrillic, 2 August 2014
If I told you, ... you wouldn't understand. #Kiarostami #TasteofCherry: image [from Taste of Cherry, 1997] via Alma Krillic @ AlmaKrillic, 2 August 2014
Et La Vie Continue... (Va Zendegi edame darad, 1992) Abbas Kiarostami #Kiarostami: image [from And Life Goes On / Life, and Nothing More, 1991] via Xacobo Martínez @Iacobus_81, 9 August 2014
Untitled, 1978, Abbas Kiarostami © 2003, from a series of 32 photographs, 122 x 93 cm.#Fotografía #Cine #Kiarostami: image via Xacobo Martínez @Iacobus_81, 9 August 2014
Neden İran sineması? #Kiarostami: image Close up #Iran #kiarostami: image [from Close-Up, 1990] via Stella Morgana @stellamorgana, 16 November 2013
Close up #Iran #kiarostami: image [from Close-Up, 1990] via Stella Morgana @stellamorgana, 16 November 2013

Still from Close-Up [1990], dir. Abbas Kiarostami: image via Bombastic Scholastic @BombasticScholastic, 3 February 2015

Still from Close-Up [1990], dir. Abbas Kiarostami: image via Bombastic Scholastic @BombasticScholastic, 3 February 2015

Still from Close-Up [1990], dir. Abbas Kiarostami: image via Bombastic Scholastic @BombasticScholastic, 3 February 2015
In the Kingdom of the Goblin King (Zombie Apocalypse)

reconstituted cheetoh and medical waste golem sheldon adelson: image via BAKOON! @BAKKOOONN, 28 May 2015

jncatron: Sheldon Adelson To Host Secret Anti-BDS Summit for Jewish Donors via jdforward: image via Sheldon Adelson @VegasGoblinKing, 2 June 2015
Pakistani rag-pickers search for recycleable items at a garbage dump on the outskirts of Lahore on Friday. World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5 with the objective to raise global awareness among the common people for global environmental concerns: photo by Arif Ali/AFP, 5 June 2015

Pakistani rag-pickers search for recycleable items at a garbage dump on the outskirts of Lahore on Friday. World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5 with the objective to raise global awareness among the common people for global environmental concerns: photo by Arif Ali/AFP, 5 June 2015
![Migrants, who were found at sea on a boat, collect rainwater during a heavy rain fall at a temporary refuge camp near Kanyin Chaung jetty, outside Maungdaw township, northern Rakhine state, Myanmar June 4, 2015. Soe Zeya Tun: This shot is of a group of Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants from a boat carrying 734 people rescued off Myanmar's southern coast last week. Those on board had been at sea for more than two months, at the end with little food or water. The men in this photo were part of a group of 400 crammed into a warehouse by Myanmar police. They had arrived the day before, but while the women, children and some men had already been moved, these men were left behind. There was no sign of the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR or foreign aid agencies. Just moments before this shot, the sky opened up and the monsoon rains started coming down. The men were jostling with each other for space to catch water in their bottles and plates. The authorities were hesitant to grant us access at first, but as the morning wore on and the rains started, we were able to enter [the warehouse or the area around it?] and started photographing and speaking to migrants. Just after taking this photo, the men were loaded into buses and trucks and driven to a camp where international aid agencies were waiting. I have worked on long and difficult assignments where I have gone days without a proper shower. But for these people it has been months without enough water. Everyone was dirty and had likely washed little while at sea. I could see just how meaningful it was for them to suddenly have a chance to drink and clean themselves with whatever small amount of water they could capture. REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY TEMPLATE OUT](http://blogs.ft.com/photo-diary/files/2015/06/Thirst_Reut.jpg)
Migrants, who were found at sea on a boat, collect rainwater during a heavy rain fall at a temporary refuge camp near Kanyin Chaung jetty, northern Rakhine state, Myanmar: photo by Soe Zeya Tun/Reuters, 4 June 2015
![Migrants, who were found at sea on a boat, collect rainwater during a heavy rain fall at a temporary refuge camp near Kanyin Chaung jetty, outside Maungdaw township, northern Rakhine state, Myanmar June 4, 2015. Soe Zeya Tun: This shot is of a group of Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants from a boat carrying 734 people rescued off Myanmar's southern coast last week. Those on board had been at sea for more than two months, at the end with little food or water. The men in this photo were part of a group of 400 crammed into a warehouse by Myanmar police. They had arrived the day before, but while the women, children and some men had already been moved, these men were left behind. There was no sign of the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR or foreign aid agencies. Just moments before this shot, the sky opened up and the monsoon rains started coming down. The men were jostling with each other for space to catch water in their bottles and plates. The authorities were hesitant to grant us access at first, but as the morning wore on and the rains started, we were able to enter [the warehouse or the area around it?] and started photographing and speaking to migrants. Just after taking this photo, the men were loaded into buses and trucks and driven to a camp where international aid agencies were waiting. I have worked on long and difficult assignments where I have gone days without a proper shower. But for these people it has been months without enough water. Everyone was dirty and had likely washed little while at sea. I could see just how meaningful it was for them to suddenly have a chance to drink and clean themselves with whatever small amount of water they could capture. REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY TEMPLATE OUT](http://blogs.ft.com/photo-diary/files/2015/06/Thirst_Reut.jpg)
Migrants, who were found at sea on a boat, collect rainwater during a heavy rain fall at a temporary refuge camp near Kanyin Chaung jetty, northern Rakhine state, Myanmar: photo by Soe Zeya Tun/Reuters, 4 June 2015

An Indian rag-picker looks for recyclable material in what is reportedly the largest rubbish tip in the state of Assam on the eve of World Environment Day in the Boragoan area of Guwahati on Thursday: photo by Biju Boro/AFP, 4 June 2015

An Indian rag-picker looks for recyclable material in what is reportedly the largest rubbish tip in the state of Assam on the eve of World Environment Day in the Boragoan area of Guwahati on Thursday: photo by Biju Boro/AFP, 4 June 2015

A migrant, who was found at sea on a boat, arrives at a temporary shelter near Maungdaw township, northern Rakhine state, Myanmar: photo by Ye Aung Thu/AFP, 4 June 2015

A migrant, who was found at sea on a boat, arrives at a temporary shelter near Maungdaw township, northern Rakhine state, Myanmar: photo by Ye Aung Thu/AFP, 4 June 2015
My new comic is a Tale of the Zombie Apocalypse in @tnr: image via Eli Valley @elivalley, 14 May 2015
The Great Hypocrisy Behind Sheldon Adelson's Anti-#BDS Summit | @AliGharib | @jdforward: image via JewishVoiceforPeace @jvplive, 3 June 2015

lion [Masai Mara, Kenya]: photo by Nicola Odemann, 13 April 2014

In a move that defied European pleas and prompted international outcry, Trump poured scorn on the "disastrous" 2015 Iran nuclear accord as he outlined his plan to leave the agreement, which he called an "embarrassment": image via AFP news agency @AFP, 8 May 2018
Spokesman for NOVARTIS does not dispute Avenatti's assertion that it paid Cohen. Says: "Any agreements with Essential Consultants were entered before our current CEO taking office in February of this year and have expired.": tweet via Jon Swaine @jonswaine, 8 May 2018

Columbus Nova, US affiliate of Viktor Vekselberg’s Renova Group, confirms that it hired Michael Cohen but denies that Vekselberg was directly involved: image via Jon Swaine @jonswaine, 8 May 2018

Michael Cohen. Avenatti did not provide details of sources for his information, which the Guardian has not independently verified.: photo by Lucas Jackson/Reuters, 8 May 2018

Untitled | Miami, 2017: photo by Ken Walton, 8 December 2017

Untitled | Miami, 2017: photo by Ken Walton, 8 December 2017

Untitled | Miami, 2017: photo by Ken Walton, 8 December 2017

Crete, 2017 / 9903: photo by dirty harrry, 3 May 2018

Imam (formerly Shah) Mosque (Masjed-e Imam), Isfahan: photo by Dara Mulhern, 18 October 2010
JosephCeravolo: Hand Gun
When I was a child
I thought a handgun in a holster
and the lead colored bullets on the belt
was one of the most beautiful things
made by man.
Of course at that time
I didn't consciously know
of the phallic significance or symbol,
but it doesn't really matter.
It's not the object now
but the feeling that accompanied,
which still remains and comes back,
but not for guns and bullets
but for eternity.
It must be the way Sumerians
felt for their Gilgamesh
and Jews for David
and Egyptians for Pharaoh
and anyone for heroes,
a hope of eternity
for ever and ever new.
A chance not for the object
but for the soul alone,
if that be possible.
But it's too easy
to love life too much
and all is gone away, alas,
like a shot from
the gun of childhood.
When I was a child
I thought of eternity.
JosephCeravolo (1934-1988): Hand Gun, 24 October 1986, from Collected Poems, 2012

Main Dome, Imam (formerly Shah) Mosque (Masjed-e Imam), Isfahan (1611-1629}: photo by Dara Mulhern, 18 October 2010
Against the lucidity of instinct he opposed the instinct for lucidity: the invisible is not obscure or mysterious, it is transparent...
Octavio Paz on Marcel Duchamp, in Paz: Marcel Duchamp: Appearance Stripped Bare, translated by Rachel Phillips and Donald Gardner, 1978
Side Dome, Imam (formerly Shah) Mosque (Masjed-e Imam), Isfahan: photo by Dara Mulhern, 18 October 2010
The conventional view holds that girih (geometric star-and-polygon, or strapwork) patterns in medieval Islamic architecture were conceived by their designers as a network of zigzagging lines, where the lines were drafted directly with a straightedge and a compass. We show that by 1200 C.E. a conceptual breakthrough occurred in which girih patterns were reconceived as tessellations of a special set of equilateral polygons ("girih tiles") decorated with lines. These tiles enabled the creation of increasingly complex periodic girih patterns, and by the 15th century, the tessellation approach was combined with self-similar transformations to construct nearly perfect quasi-crystalline Penrose patterns, five centuries before their discovery in the West.
Decagonal and Quasi-Crystalline Tilings in Medieval Islamic Architecture, by Peter J. Lu and Paul J. Steinhardt: abstract of a paper in Science 23, February 2007, Vol. 315. no. 5815
Imam (formerly Shah) Mosque, Isfahan: photo by HORIZON, 18 May 2006
For all their tantalizing glimpses into medieval scientific knowledge, the designs of the Darb-i Imam [in Isfahan, taken by Peter Lu as a template for his thesis] and other Islamic buildings must also be understood in their religious context. Geometric patterns in Islamic architecture and ornamentation were used as much for spiritual as for artistic reasons. As Robert Irwin writes in his study of Islamic art, such patterns may have been viewed 'as exteriorized representations of abstract, even mystical, thought' -- aiming to inspire contemplation or to make a statement about the imponderable harmonies of a divinely ordered universe. Sufism in particular is closely linked to the practice of geometry, above all in the form of symmetries, as a way of giving physical expression to mystical thought.
The girih designs are thus comparable to Gothic art and architecture in another sense, namely in their shared ambition to embody spiritual cogitation and emotion through geometry. The real significance of the magnificent tiling of the Darb-i Imam lies not in any kind of cultural one-upmanship about who first conceived a certain idea or technique, but rather in the remarkable trajectories of ideas and scientific endeavors through time.
Sebastian R. Prange, on the Lu thesis, in Islamic Arts and Architecture, 20 May 2012
Octavio Paz on Marcel Duchamp, in Paz: Marcel Duchamp: Appearance Stripped Bare, translated by Rachel Phillips and Donald Gardner, 1978

Side Dome, Imam (formerly Shah) Mosque (Masjed-e Imam), Isfahan: photo by Dara Mulhern, 18 October 2010
Decagonal and Quasi-Crystalline Tilings in Medieval Islamic Architecture, by Peter J. Lu and Paul J. Steinhardt: abstract of a paper in Science 23, February 2007, Vol. 315. no. 5815

Imam (formerly Shah) Mosque, Isfahan: photo by HORIZON, 18 May 2006
For all their tantalizing glimpses into medieval scientific knowledge, the designs of the Darb-i Imam [in Isfahan, taken by Peter Lu as a template for his thesis] and other Islamic buildings must also be understood in their religious context. Geometric patterns in Islamic architecture and ornamentation were used as much for spiritual as for artistic reasons. As Robert Irwin writes in his study of Islamic art, such patterns may have been viewed 'as exteriorized representations of abstract, even mystical, thought' -- aiming to inspire contemplation or to make a statement about the imponderable harmonies of a divinely ordered universe. Sufism in particular is closely linked to the practice of geometry, above all in the form of symmetries, as a way of giving physical expression to mystical thought.
The girih designs are thus comparable to Gothic art and architecture in another sense, namely in their shared ambition to embody spiritual cogitation and emotion through geometry. The real significance of the magnificent tiling of the Darb-i Imam lies not in any kind of cultural one-upmanship about who first conceived a certain idea or technique, but rather in the remarkable trajectories of ideas and scientific endeavors through time.
Sebastian R. Prange, on the Lu thesis, in Islamic Arts and Architecture, 20 May 2012

Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque, Isfahan: photo by oceanbaby, 4 May 2007

Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque, Isfahan: photo by Behrooz Bashokooh, 15 March 2011

Muqarnas, Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque, Isfahan: photo by Mandana Fard (baraneh), 8 January 2008

#CannesFilmFestival #cannes #18 Australian actress and President of the Jury Cate Blanchett is infused with genetically modifying agents as she arrives at the Grand Hyatt Cannes Hotel Martinez on the eve of the opening of the 71st edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France.: image via Alberto Pizzoli @AlbertoPizzoli, 7 May 2018
Dmarie Retweeted The Hill
Dmarie added,
#Trump aides meaning #JaredKushner #Netanyahu #Adelson and co.
image via Dmarie @Daelnlie, 5 May 2018

Dmarie Retweeted The Hill
Dmarie added,
#Trump aides meaning #JaredKushner #Netanyahu #Adelson and co.
image via Dmarie @Daelnlie, 5 May 2018
Sheldon Adelson to meet with Trump in D.C. tomorrow. Described as a “friendly,” long-planned meeting, not related to today’s Iran news.: tweet via Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker, 8 May 2018

Wearing crisp red-and-white uniforms, a group of seniors pile into a bus as they go to school to fight loneliness at a time when changing demographics mean more elderly people are living alone in Thailand: Photo Athit Perawongmetha: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 8 May 2018