![Two lane downhill | by ADMurr]()
Two lane downhill [ranch road, Santa Barbara County]: photo by Andrew Murr, 5 May 2018
![White box building | by ADMurr]()
![Topaz | by ADMurr]()
Topaz [Eastside, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 3 May 2018
![Indoor plants | by ADMurr]()
![Public Service Commission, Yazoo City | by ADMurr]()

Two lane downhill [ranch road, Santa Barbara County]: photo by Andrew Murr, 5 May 2018

White box building [Eastside, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 5 May 2018
eerie orange glow
hiero graffiti
lit silhouette
mystery play
illuminati show
night before something
white box
white box
unmarked dark green
darkened windows
unmarked dark green
darkened windows
night side street
metal gate locked
warehouse light
warehouse light
industrial site
desert of dead souls
no one's home
one dim star
no one's home
one dim star
glimmers fuzzed
storage yard
security lamp
down the block?
maybe next block over?
storage yard
security lamp
down the block?
maybe next block over?
eerie orange glow
hiero graffiti
lit silhouette
mystery play
illuminati show
night before something
mood of foreboding
something about to happen
could be any minute
look out feeling
sacrificial poultry
in air
and san pablo

San Pablo and Delaware [West Berkeley] | at this intersection in W Berk, the corners consist of a fast food joint (popeye's chicken whose smell radiates almost a block away), 2 auto maintenance businesses, and a liquor store: photo by CalEJ.org, 20 December 2006

San Pablo and Delaware [West Berkeley]: photo by CalEJ.org, 20 December 2006

Topaz [Eastside, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 3 May 2018

Indoor plants [Yazoo City, MS]: photo by Andrew Murr, 2 May 2018
![Bridge St., Yazoo City | by ADMurr]()

Bridge St., Yazoo City[MS]: photo by Andrew Murr, 2July 2017

Public Service Commission, Yazoo City[MS]: photo by Andrew Murr, 1 May 2018
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
Untitled [Shenandoah, Pennsylvania]: photo by Patrick,October 2017
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
![abandoned new yorker saguaro. brenda, az. 2018. | by eyetwist]()
![no gas. mojave desert, ca. 2016. | by eyetwist]()
![burnt palms. faria beach, ca. 2017. | by eyetwist]()
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
Untitled [Chester, Pennsylvania]: photo by Patrick,March 2017
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
Untitled [Chester, Pennsylvania]: photo by Patrick,March 2017
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
Untitled [Chester, Pennsylvania]: photo by Patrick,March 2017
![Norman, Nebraska | by josephvavak]()
![Norman, Nebraska | by josephvavak]()
Norman, Nebraska: photo by Joseph Vavak, 19 April 2018
![Still growing up | by francesmac]()
![As Big a Train Station as you will see | by martyr_67]()
As Big a Train Station as you will ever see | West Kowloon Station is the terminus of the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link. Yes... they are trees on the roof.[Hong Kong]: photo by martyr_67, 7 April 2018
![As Big a Train Station as you will see | by martyr_67]()
As Big a Train Station as you will ever see | West Kowloon Station is the terminus of the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link. Yes... they are trees on the roof.[Hong Kong]: photo by martyr_67, 7 April 2018
![As Big a Train Station as you will see | by martyr_67]()
As Big a Train Station as you will ever see | West Kowloon Station is the terminus of the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link. Yes... they are trees on the roof.[Hong Kong]: photo by martyr_67, 7 April 2018
![Untitled | by ✞bens▲n]()
![Untitled | by ✞bens▲n]()
![Untitled | by ✞bens▲n]()
![2018-84 | by biosfear]()
![Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico 2018 | by Don Hudson]()
![Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico 2018 | by Don Hudson]()
![Española, NM 2018 | by Don Hudson]()
![Morning mass | by ADMurr]()
Garfield Historic Neighborhood | Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 25 May 2016

Untitled [Shenandoah, Pennsylvania]: photo by Patrick,October 2017

Untitled [Shenandoah, Pennsylvania]: photo by Patrick,October 2017

Portland, Oregon: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizàrraga, 4 May 2018
![Gorman_0094 | by Thomas Willard]()
Gorman_0094 [California]: photo by Thomas Willard, 21 October 2017
![Mall Landscape | by real00]()
Mall Landscape | An extension to the Edgewood Town Centre Mall includes a lot of strange new transitory landscaping. [Pittsburgh]: photo by William Real, 19 April 2018
![Mall Landscape | by real00]()
Mall Landscape | An extension to the Edgewood Town Centre Mall includes a lot of strange new transitory landscaping. [Pittsburgh]: photo by William Real, 19 April 2018
![Mall Landscape | by real00]()
Mall Landscape | An extension to the Edgewood Town Centre Mall includes a lot of strange new transitory landscaping. [Pittsburgh]: photo by William Real, 19 April 2018
![Mall Landscape | by real00]()
Mall Landscape | An extension to the Edgewood Town Centre Mall includes a lot of strange new transitory landscaping. [Pittsburgh]: photo by William Real, 19 April 2018
![Mall Landscape | by real00]()
Mall Landscape | An extension to the Edgewood Town Centre Mall includes a lot of strange new transitory landscaping. [Pittsburgh]: photo by William Real, 19 April 2018

Gorman_0094 [California]: photo by Thomas Willard, 21 October 2017

Mall Landscape | An extension to the Edgewood Town Centre Mall includes a lot of strange new transitory landscaping. [Pittsburgh]: photo by William Real, 19 April 2018

Mall Landscape | An extension to the Edgewood Town Centre Mall includes a lot of strange new transitory landscaping. [Pittsburgh]: photo by William Real, 19 April 2018

Mall Landscape | An extension to the Edgewood Town Centre Mall includes a lot of strange new transitory landscaping. [Pittsburgh]: photo by William Real, 19 April 2018

Mall Landscape | An extension to the Edgewood Town Centre Mall includes a lot of strange new transitory landscaping. [Pittsburgh]: photo by William Real, 19 April 2018

Mall Landscape | An extension to the Edgewood Town Centre Mall includes a lot of strange new transitory landscaping. [Pittsburgh]: photo by William Real, 19 April 2018

abandoned new yorker saguaro. brenda. az. 2018 |according to local tales from the arizona desert, this 1978 chrysler new yorker sedan has sat alongside an abandoned house and giant saguaro cactus since the owner's death nearly 20 years ago.: photo by eyetwist, 11 February 2018

no gas. mojave desert, ca. 2016.| there's no eats or gas to be had at this abandoned mojave desert truck stop.: photo by eyetwist, 11 November 2017

burnt palms, faria beach, ca. 2017.| the thomas wildfire burned almost to the pacific ocean along highway 101 north of ventura, scorching these palm trees. [Ventura County]: photo by eyetwist, 25 December 2017

Untitled [Chester, Pennsylvania]: photo by Patrick,March 2017

Untitled [Chester, Pennsylvania]: photo by Patrick,March 2017

Untitled [Chester, Pennsylvania]: photo by Patrick,March 2017

Norman, Nebraska: photo by Joseph Vavak, 19 April 2018

Still growing up [Berlin]: photo by Francesca Mach, 18 February 2017
![Still growing up | by francesmac]()
Still growing up [Berlin]: photo by Francesca Mach, 18 February 2017
![Still growing up | by francesmac]()
Still growing up [Berlin]: photo by Francesca Mach, 18 February 201
![The Research Vessel 'Hero,' Palix River, Washington | by austin granger]()
![The Research Vessel 'Hero,' Palix River, Washington | by austin granger]()
![The Research Vessel 'Hero,' Palix River, Washington | by austin granger]()

Still growing up [Berlin]: photo by Francesca Mach, 18 February 2017

Still growing up [Berlin]: photo by Francesca Mach, 18 February 201

The Research Vessel 'Hero', Palix River, Washington: photo by Austin Granger, 3 May 2018

The Research Vessel 'Hero', Palix River, Washington: photo by Austin Granger, 3 May 2018

As Big a Train Station as you will ever see | West Kowloon Station is the terminus of the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link. Yes... they are trees on the roof.[Hong Kong]: photo by martyr_67, 7 April 2018

As Big a Train Station as you will ever see | West Kowloon Station is the terminus of the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link. Yes... they are trees on the roof.[Hong Kong]: photo by martyr_67, 7 April 2018

As Big a Train Station as you will ever see | West Kowloon Station is the terminus of the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link. Yes... they are trees on the roof.[Hong Kong]: photo by martyr_67, 7 April 2018

Untitled [Hakuba, Nagano, Japan]: photo by ✞bens▲n, 7 May 2018

Untitled [Hakuba, Nagano, Japan]: photo by ✞bens▲n, 7 May 2018

Untitled [Hakuba, Nagano, Japan]: photo by ✞bens▲n, 7 May 2018

2018-84 | Shasta County, CA: photo by biosfear, 19 April 2018

Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico 2018: photo by Don Hudson, 5 May 2018

Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico 2018: photo by Don Hudson, 5 May 2018

Española, New Mexico 2018: photo by Don Hudson, 21 March 2018

Morning mass [Joshua Tree National Park, CA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 3 May 2018
![Garfield Historic Neighborhood | by GC_Dean]()
![Garfield Historic Neighborhood | by GC_Dean]()
![Garfield Historic Neighborhood | by GC_Dean]()

Garfield Historic Neighborhood | Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 25 May 2016

Garfield Historic Neighborhood | Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 25 May 2016

Garfield Historic Neighborhood | Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 25 May 2016