![L1200866-chizhgora2017 | by Emil Gataullin]()
William Carlos Williams: Complete Destruction
It was an icy day.
We buried the cat,
then took her box
and set match to it
in the back yard.
Those fleas that escaped
earth and fire
died by the cold.
William Carlos Williams (1883-1963): Complete Destruction [1919], from Sour Grapes, 1921
![L1280658 | by Emil Gataullin]()
#Mexico Newborn jaguar cubs draw fans at Mexico wildlife park Photo @PPardo #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 28 April 2018
![_DSC8190 | by Pierre Wayser]()
![Untitled | by pratyay]()
part of 'In own world' series: photo by pratyay, 30 October 2016
![Untitled | by pratyay]()
part of 'In own world' series: photo by pratyay, 30 October 2016
![Untitled | by pratyay]()
part of 'In own world' series: photo by pratyay, 30 October 2016
The disappearing jobs of yesterday. In Gaza, a kerosene cooker. Photo @mohmdabed #AFP: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 28 April 2018
![DSC06586 | by stavrosstam]()

L1200866-chizhgora2017 | Chizhgora, Akhangelsk region, Russia, 2017: photo by Emil Gataullin, 24 April 2018
It was an icy day.
We buried the cat,
then took her box
and set match to it
in the back yard.
Those fleas that escaped
earth and fire
died by the cold.
William Carlos Williams (1883-1963): Complete Destruction [1919], from Sour Grapes, 1921

L1280568 | Arkhangelsk region, Russia, 2018: photo by Emil Gataullin, 22 March 2018
![DSC08967=stavrosstam | by stavrosstam]()
![Untitled | by Md. Imam Hasan]()
Mumbai 2017: photo by Muhammad Imam Hasan, 7 September 2017

Mumbai 2017: photo by Muhammad Imam Hasan, 7 September 2017

#Mexico Newborn jaguar cubs draw fans at Mexico wildlife park Photo @PPardo #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 28 April 2018

part of 'In own world' series: photo by pratyay, 30 October 2016

part of 'In own world' series: photo by pratyay, 30 October 2016

part of 'In own world' series: photo by pratyay, 30 October 2016

The disappearing jobs of yesterday. In Gaza, a kerosene cooker. Photo @mohmdabed #AFP: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 28 April 2018