![1977_7010 | by Pierre Wayser]()
![Untitled | by Nadav G.]()
![Oo | by Riccardo Gerbi Cattaneo]()
![Sans titre | by Guy Le Guiff]()
![Untitled | by - STUART PATON -]()
#Iran View of an art dealer's gallery at the Bazaar in Tabriz in Iran's northwestern East-Azerbaijan province. Photo Atta Kenare #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 25 April 2018
#Bangladesh / #Myanmar Rohingya refugee children gather in the "no man's land" behind Myanmar's border lined with barb wire fences in Maungdaw district Photo @ye_aung_thu #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 25 April 2018

1977_7071 | Singapore 1977 [Sambau, Kapalaruan, Riau, Indonesia]: photo by Pierre Wayser, sometime in 1977

"WATCH YOUR HEAD!" | ! זהירות על הראש: photo by Nadav Gazit, 11 March 2018

Oo [Milan]: photo by Riccardo Cattaneo, 17 April 2018
Submission guidelines
To not be refused admission one must submit
to the first guideline.
To submit
is the first guideline. The second guideline
remembers the first temple. The second temple was not like the first
is the second guideline. But pay no mind. And do admit. You will never gain admission by paying mind
to these guidelines. You will not have time. You will not die
for a long time and you will die
without ever knowing the first temple
existed. But you may well have become admitted to the second temple, made famous, and you will definitely
have submitted to the guidelines. It may almost
not even have hurt, or if it did you will not have noticed
and if you did you will have forgotten
by now. Unless you are dead. In which case your remains will be
refused permission, much asthe commingled bones of the christian martyrs buried in the catacombs
beneath Rome were not admitted to the above ground city of Rome, so that you will no longer be
feeling any pain, if you ever did, from the unfortunatestumble that happened
after you bumped your head upon an overhanging vine latticed
monumental arch as you entered the second temple to receive your laurels.
They were always going to be heavy
after all.
not even have hurt, or if it did you will not have noticed
and if you did you will have forgotten
by now. Unless you are dead. In which case your remains will be
refused permission, much asthe commingled bones of the christian martyrs buried in the catacombs
beneath Rome were not admitted to the above ground city of Rome, so that you will no longer be
feeling any pain, if you ever did, from the unfortunatestumble that happened
after you bumped your head upon an overhanging vine latticed
monumental arch as you entered the second temple to receive your laurels.
They were always going to be heavy
after all.

My entire family survived a real death this afternoon. Airstrikes hit near Fun City in Sanaa, where hundreds of children including mine were playing. Shrapnels, sand and stones hit under their feet. They were almost suffocated by dust and smoke. Shock is unfathomable! #Yemen: image via Mohammed Al-Asaadi @alasaadim, 19 April 2018

#Iran View of an art dealer's gallery at the Bazaar in Tabriz in Iran's northwestern East-Azerbaijan province. Photo Atta Kenare #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 25 April 2018

An illegal oil well burns amid the fire damage it caused in Indonesia: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 25 April 2018

#Bangladesh / #Myanmar Rohingya refugee children gather in the "no man's land" behind Myanmar's border lined with barb wire fences in Maungdaw district Photo @ye_aung_thu #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 25 April 2018

Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer poses next to wax figures of President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump. Photo Mike Segar: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 25 April 2018
![1975_6999 | by Pierre Wayser]()
![3233 | by pkomo]()
3233: photo by Petros Kotzabasis, 17 June 2012
![IMG_9816s | by krysolove]()
2018-03-31_06-38-01 [Jakarta, Indonesia]: photo by Chris Tuarissa, 30 March 2018
![Untitled | by Md. Imam Hasan]()
Untitled [Dhaka]: photo by Muhammad Imam Hasan, 16 April 2018
![Untitled | by JV Damasio]()
Untitled [Sao Paulo]: photo by Vitor Damasio, 8 March 2018
![Untitled | by JV Damasio]()
Untitled [Sao Paulo]: photo by Vitor Damasio, 8 March 2018
![Untitled | by JV Damasio]()
Untitled [Sao Paulo]: photo by Vitor Damasio, 8 March 2018
You don't have to agree with trump but the mob can't make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone. I don't agree with everything anyone does. That's what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought.: tweet via Kanye West @kanyewest, 25 April 2018
my MAGA hat is signed: tweet via Kanye West @kanyewest, 25 April 2018
Just three days later, West checked into the UCLA medical center, suffering from exhaustion and lack of sleep, and spent a week there receiving mental health treatment. His wife, Kim Kardashian, who has made no public appearances since a robbery in Paris in October, where she was tied up and robbed of millions of dollars’ worth of jewelry, was not with him for his arrival at Trump Tower. His entourage included a videographer. Trump’s daughter Ivanka was also there.
Amber Jamieson, The Guardian, 13 December 2016
Kanye West arrives at Trump Tower with his entourage on Tuesday morning.: photo by Timothy A Clary/AFP, 16 December 2017
Kanye West meets with Donald Trump at Trump Tower on 13 December 2016.: photo by Rex/Shutterstock, 13 December 2016
![Dire Dawa, Ethiopia | by f.d. walker]()
![Dire Dawa, Ethiopia | by f.d. walker]()
![Dire Dawa, Ethiopia | by f.d. walker]()
Donald J. Trump Retweeted KANYE WEST
Donald J. Trump added,
that little bit more
![Anti-Nazi / NSO protest. Newnan, GA 2018 | by Ben Helton]()
![Anti-Nazi / NSO protest. Newnan, GA 2018 | by Ben Helton]()
![Anti-Nazi / NSO protest. Newnan, GA 2018 | by Ben Helton]()
![Rural Maranhao 2 - Origins (1 di 1)-2 | by gianlucamorini1]()

3233: photo by Petros Kotzabasis, 17 June 2012

IMG9815s [St Petersburg]: photo by Ilya Shtutsa, 29 March 2018
![2018-03-31_06-38-01 | by Chris Tuarissa]()
2018-03-31_06-38-01 [Jakarta, Indonesia]: photo by Chris Tuarissa, 30 March 2018
![2018-03-31_06-38-01 | by Chris Tuarissa]()
2018-03-31_06-38-01 [Jakarta, Indonesia]: photo by Chris Tuarissa, 30 March 2018
![2018-03-31_06-38-01 | by Chris Tuarissa]()

2018-03-31_06-38-01 [Jakarta, Indonesia]: photo by Chris Tuarissa, 30 March 2018

2018-03-31_06-38-01 [Jakarta, Indonesia]: photo by Chris Tuarissa, 30 March 2018

2018-03-31_06-38-01 [Jakarta, Indonesia]: photo by Chris Tuarissa, 30 March 2018

Untitled [Dhaka]: photo by Muhammad Imam Hasan, 16 April 2018

Untitled [Sao Paulo]: photo by Vitor Damasio, 8 March 2018

Untitled [Sao Paulo]: photo by Vitor Damasio, 8 March 2018

Untitled [Sao Paulo]: photo by Vitor Damasio, 8 March 2018
You don't have to agree with trump but the mob can't make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone. I don't agree with everything anyone does. That's what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought.: tweet via Kanye West @kanyewest, 25 April 2018

my MAGA hat is signed: tweet via Kanye West @kanyewest, 25 April 2018
Just three days later, West checked into the UCLA medical center, suffering from exhaustion and lack of sleep, and spent a week there receiving mental health treatment. His wife, Kim Kardashian, who has made no public appearances since a robbery in Paris in October, where she was tied up and robbed of millions of dollars’ worth of jewelry, was not with him for his arrival at Trump Tower. His entourage included a videographer. Trump’s daughter Ivanka was also there.
Amber Jamieson, The Guardian, 13 December 2016

Kanye West arrives at Trump Tower with his entourage on Tuesday morning.: photo by Timothy A Clary/AFP, 16 December 2017

Kanye West meets with Donald Trump at Trump Tower on 13 December 2016.: photo by Rex/Shutterstock, 13 December 2016

Donald J. Trump Retweeted KANYE WEST
Donald J. Trump added,
Donald J. Trump Retweeted KANYE WEST
Donald J. Trump added,
Thank you Kanye, very cool!Donald J. Trump added,
everything is everything
and justthat little bit more