[Death pays another call uponthe Ghouta]: image via Ahmad @Ahmad36120, 3 March 2018
[Death pays another call uponthe Ghouta]: image via Ahmad @Ahmad36120, 3 March 2018
The muezzin calls:
The situation in #EasternGhouta is in its worst period ever since the beginning of the siege of the Syrian government army until now, it’s really out of explanation.: tweet via Firas Abdullah @firasabdullah, 10.25 AM, 3 March 2018
Joseph Ceravolo: What chemicals have we forgotten?
![Connecticut Rubber Molding Co. | by efo]()
Connecticut Rubber Molding Co. | Danielson: photo by efo, 3 March 2018
![Nonspecific | by efo]()
Nonspecific [Ocean View, Albany, California]: photo by efo, February 2018
![Galaxie 500 | by efo]()
Galaxie 500 [Alameda Point, Alameda, California]: photo by efo, 24 February 2018
![west of hanksville | by cZak142]()
west of hanksville | sprocket rocket road trip (SR171202C23) [Hanksville, Utah]: photo by Michael C. Pastur, 14 February 2018
west of hanksville | sprocket rocket road trip (SR171202C23) [Hanksville, Utah]: photo by Michael C. Pastur, 14 February 2018
![west of hanksville | by cZak142]()
![Fumigation triptych | by efo]()
[Death pays another call uponthe Ghouta]: image via Ahmad @Ahmad36120, 3 March 2018
[Death pays another call uponthe Ghouta]: image via Ahmad @Ahmad36120, 3 March 2018

The muezzin calls:
Live on, prayer, Live on, farmer
After the adhaan says:
Muslims pray in your homes, away from the intensity of the shelling
Only in the Ghouta
Do not think that the number of raids has eased and that the alleged truce has changed anything but achieved the goal, which was to absorb the popular anger of the world and create justifications for killing us.
image via Amer almohibany @amer_almohibany, 2 March 2018

There should be a ceasefire. But the bombs fall, at any time. I am tired, listening to warplanes and helicopters, constantly above us and the sounds of missile. I see the pain of these mothers who try to comfort their children, and their screams never leave my mind. #Douma 03/03: image via Ahmad @Ahmad36120, 3 March 2018

There should be a ceasefire. But the bombs fall, at any time. I am tired, listening to warplanes and helicopters, constantly above us and the sounds of missile. I see the pain of these mothers who try to comfort their children, and their screams never leave my mind. #Douma 03/03: image via Ahmad @Ahmad36120, 3 March 2018
The situation in #EasternGhouta is in its worst period ever since the beginning of the siege of the Syrian government army until now, it’s really out of explanation.: tweet via Firas Abdullah @firasabdullah, 10.25 AM, 3 March 2018
Hundreds of missiles and mortars are being dropped, tens of airstrikes, most people still live underground in their basements, shelters, flats and houses, children may have breathing problems and other health cases by living in dry conditions and far from the sun.: tweet via Firas Abdullah @firasabdullah, 10.26 AM, 3 March 2018
Very huge distraction in the neighborhoods, no opened shops, people are depending on what they have in their homes, and some are going in rush to the nearest shop to by their daily meal.: tweet via Firas Abdullah @firasabdullah, 10.27 AM, 3 March 2018
The civilians are in the queue of death, everyday, it’s a turn of some people to be killed The #Holocaust is happening again in front of all the world. #EasternGhouta is the new #Auschwitz with the same death’s queues, the same criminal, the only difference is the name, #Assad: tweet via Firas Abdullah @firasabdullah, 10.29 AM, 3 March 2018
Our sky is crowded with warplanes, 3 jets, 2 helicopters and a drone. An airstrike every 2 minutes. An explosive barrel every 5 minutes. The drone is flying during 24 hours. #EasternGhouta: tweet via Firas Abdullah @firasabdullah, 11.15 AM, 3 March 2018

The ambulance department received a number of wounded today, including martyrs killed in the shelling of eastern Ghouta: image via Douma medical @Doumamedical, 28 February 2018

The ambulance department received a number of wounded today, including martyrs killed in the shelling of eastern Ghouta: image via Douma medical @Doumamedical, 28 February 2018

The ambulance department received a number of wounded today, including martyrs killed in the shelling of eastern Ghouta: image via Douma medical @Doumamedical, 28 February 2018

Louay, a 6-year-old boy who was injured yesterday as a result of the shelling of the eastern Ghouta, has a head injury and is now under surveillance in the intensive care unit @RevolutonSyria #syria #damascus #douma #East_Ghouta: image via Douma medical @Doumamedical, 3 March 2018

Syrie: La courte trève quotidienne ne permet pas d'acheminer l'aide à la Ghouta orientale: image via France 24 Français @France24_fr, 2 March 2018

Tranquilidad, no son nuestros muertos. En el fondo, siempre son otros. Hasta que nos toca, claro. Siria @hamza_alajweh: image via Miguel A. Rodriguez @marodriguez1971, 2 March 2018

Connecticut Rubber Molding Co. | Danielson: photo by efo, 3 March 2018
The morning is warm. A fan whirling
the air. The calm force of tiredness
shows up in everyone's body
chewing, languidly talking.
What chemicals have we forgotten?
The air blows cold
down the northern corridor
the ink freezes in my fingers
no electronics can soothe love.
What chemicals have we forgotten?
.............................. .............May 18, 1987
Joseph Ceravolo (1934-1988): The morning is warm. A fan whirling..., 18 May 1987, from Collected Poems (2013)
shows up in everyone's body
chewing, languidly talking.
What chemicals have we forgotten?
The air blows cold
down the northern corridor
the ink freezes in my fingers
no electronics can soothe love.
What chemicals have we forgotten?
Joseph Ceravolo (1934-1988): The morning is warm. A fan whirling..., 18 May 1987, from Collected Poems (2013)

Nonspecific [Ocean View, Albany, California]: photo by efo, February 2018

Galaxie 500 [Alameda Point, Alameda, California]: photo by efo, 24 February 2018

west of hanksville | sprocket rocket road trip (SR171202C23) [Hanksville, Utah]: photo by Michael C. Pastur, 14 February 2018

west of hanksville | sprocket rocket road trip (SR171202C23) [Hanksville, Utah]: photo by Michael C. Pastur, 14 February 2018