انظروا إلى هذه العيون! “Look into these eyes!” The words of @Bild Zeitung magazine on their picture of the day which taken in #EasternGhouta two days ago Ph:Mohammed Badra @epaphotos: image via Mohammed Badra @badramamet, 21 February 2018
Washington Post: “The desperate images from one of Syria’s bloodiest days” Ph: Mohammed Badra @epaphotos @washingtonpost #EasternGhouta: image via Mohammed Badra @badramamet, 2 February 2018
Death has a soundtrack in Eastern Ghouta: The growing rumble of a jet ripping through the sky, punctuated by a low but loud thud. Then come screams and sirens NBC News #EasternGhouta: today, Then they said:Bombing intensifies in EasternGhouta, Syria; 190 killed people since Sunday.: image via bela kharpotly @belalkh16, 20 February 2018
This is in short #EasternGhouta: image via bela kharpotly @belalkh16, 20 February 2018
Hamoria Today "A scene of hell" 21 Feb 2018 Photos by ABDULMONAM EASSA VIA @AFPphoto: image via Abdumonam Eassa @abdfree2, 21 February 2018
Hamoria Today "A scene of hell" 21 Feb 2018 Photoby ABDULMONAM EASSA VIA @AFPphoto: image via Abdumonam Eassa @abdfree2, 21 February 2018
This is Eastern Ghouta, where hundreds are being killed and injured by Assad's forces @SyriaCivilDef Photo @hamza_alajweh #AFP: image via Guardian photos @guardianphotos, 20 February 2018

Harrowing images from Eastern #Ghouta show children caught up in the siege against the rebel-held area east of Syria's capital Photo @badramamet @epaphoto: image via Sunday Times Pictures @STPictures, 21 February 2018

انظروا إلى هذه العيون! “Look into these eyes!” The words of @Bild Zeitung magazine on their picture of the day which taken in #EasternGhouta two days ago Ph:Mohammed Badra @epaphotos: image via Mohammed Badra @badramamet, 21 February 2018

Washington Post: “The desperate images from one of Syria’s bloodiest days” Ph: Mohammed Badra @epaphotos @washingtonpost #EasternGhouta: image via Mohammed Badra @badramamet, 2 February 2018

Death has a soundtrack in Eastern Ghouta: The growing rumble of a jet ripping through the sky, punctuated by a low but loud thud. Then come screams and sirens NBC News #EasternGhouta: today, Then they said:Bombing intensifies in EasternGhouta, Syria; 190 killed people since Sunday.: image via bela kharpotly @belalkh16, 20 February 2018

This is in short #EasternGhouta: image via bela kharpotly @belalkh16, 20 February 2018

This is in short #EasternGhouta: image via bela kharpotly @belalkh16, 20 February 2018
#SYRIA: At least 24 civilians killed in Eastern Ghouta this morning, bringing toll since Sunday to close to 300. More than 500 have been killed this month in two bouts of fierce bombing - via @AFP: tweet via Maya Gebelly @GebeilyM, 21 February 2018

Hamoria Today "A scene of hell" 21 Feb 2018 Photos by ABDULMONAM EASSA VIA @AFPphoto: image via Abdumonam Eassa @abdfree2, 21 February 2018

Hamoria Today "A scene of hell" 21 Feb 2018 Photoby ABDULMONAM EASSA VIA @AFPphoto: image via Abdumonam Eassa @abdfree2, 21 February 2018

Hamoria Today "A scene of hell" 21 Feb 2018 Photo by ABDULMONAM EASSA VIA @AFPphoto: image via Abdumonam Eassa @abdfree2, 21 February 2018

Hamoria Today "A scene of hell" 21 Feb 2018 Photo by ABDULMONAM EASSA VIA @AFPphoto: image via Abdumonam Eassa @abdfree2, 21 February 2018

SYRIA - Syria, Russia pound rebel enclave, put clinic out of service Photo by hamza_alajweh #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 February 2018

This is Eastern Ghouta, where hundreds are being killed and injured by Assad's forces @SyriaCivilDef Photo @hamza_alajweh #AFP: image via Guardian photos @guardianphotos, 20 February 2018

SYRIA - Syria, Russia pound rebel enclave, put clinic out of service Photo by hamza_alajweh #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 February 2018

"We are waiting our turn to die. This is the only thing I can say." Terrified residents of #EastGhouta are facing the most intense, deadly onslaught of attacks since 2013. #SaveGhouta #Ghouta #GhoutaGenocide Photo @amer_almohibany: image via Amer almohibany @amer_almohibany, 21 February 2018

I and my child Omar who [are in] solidarity with the child Karim's campaign we are still alive in the #EasternGhouta #Ghouta #Ghouta #GhoutaGenocide: image via Amer almohibany @amer_almohibany, 21 February 2018

Here are some of the "terrorists" whom Assad and Putin are trying to kill in besieged #EasternGhoutaThe real terrorists are child killers #Assad and #Putin #GhoutaGenocide: image via Amer almohibany @amer_almohibany, 21 February 2018

From inside a shelter We wish all the peoples of the world a happy and happy life We have a lot of love for you From the #EasternGhouta where [there is] the extermination of humans.: image via belal kharpotly @belalkh16, 21 February 2018
Now a new round of extermination Dozens of dead and hundreds wounded Drums [barrels], rockets, rockets#EasternGhouta: tweet via belal kharpotly @belalkh16, 21 February 2018

Because of the large numbers [of wounded] and the lack of supplies and tools and after the removal of most of the hospitals of #EasternGhouta from service the wounded are being treated on the ground.: image via belal kharpotly @belalkh16, 20 February 2018

Because of the large numbers [of wounded] and the lack of supplies and tools and after the removal of most of the hospitals of #EasternGhouta from service the wounded are being treated on the ground.: image via belal kharpotly @belalkh16, 20 February 2018

Because of the large numbers [of wounded] and the lack of supplies and tools and after the removal of most of the hospitals of #EasternGhouta from service the wounded are being treated on the ground.: image via belal kharpotly @belalkh16, 20 February 2018

Because of the large numbers [of wounded] and the lack of supplies and tools and after the removal of most of the hospitals of #EasternGhouta from service the wounded are being treated on the ground.: image via belal kharpotly @belalkh16, 20 February 2018

Most of the field hospitals in the #EasternGhouta are currently out of service as a result of their targeting with Telegraph and guided missiles #EasternGhouta: image via belal kharpotly @belalkh16, 20 February 2018

We can not even breathe #EasternGhouta: image via belal kharpotly @belalkh16, 20 February 2018

The destruction of 380,000 civilians in the #EasternGhouta continues So far there are 80 dead and more than 400 injured.: image via belal kharpotly @belalkh16, 20 February 2018

What is this type of criminality? Is it reasonable to have this in the modern century? Where is the United Nations, human rights and the Security Council? #EasternGhouta: image via belal kharpotly @belalkh16, 20 February 2018

Here are some of the "terrorists" whom Assad and Putin are trying to kill in besieged #EasternGhoutaThe real terrorists are child killers #Assad and #Putin #GhoutaGenocide: image via Amer almohibany @amer_almohibany, 21 February 2018

SYRIA - Fears and outrage over bloodshed in Syria enclave Photo @abdfree2 #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 February 2018

Lo cierto es que, los bombardeos sobre hospitales o escuelas, no suelen ser accidentes. Se trata de minar aún más al 'enemigo', de joderle hasta las trancas, sin piedad. Y de dejar claro que te la pelan los Derechos Humanos y esas gilipolleces @badramamet: image via Miguel A. Rodríguez @marodriguez1971, 21 February 2018

Harrowing images from Eastern #Ghouta show children caught up in the siege against the rebel-held area east of Syria's capital Photo @badramamet @epaphoto: image via Sunday Times Pictures @STPictures, 21 February 2018

Harrowing images from Eastern #Ghouta show children caught up in the siege against the rebel-held area east of Syria's capital Photo @badramamet @epaphoto: image via Sunday Times Pictures @STPictures, 21 February 2018

Harrowing images from Eastern #Ghouta show children caught up in the siege against the rebel-held area east of Syria's capital Photo @badramamet @epaphoto: image via Sunday Times Pictures @STPictures, 21 February 2018

#EasternGhouta: image via bela kharpotly @belalkh16, 21 February 2018

#EasternGhouta: image via bela kharpotly @belalkh16, 21 February 2018
![A man weeps over his child at a make-shift morgue in Douma who was killed in air strikes on the Syrian village of Mesraba in the besieged Eastern Ghouta region on the outskirts of the capital Damascus (AFP Photo/Hamza Al-Ajweh)]()
She was among 54 civilians killed Monday in the latest wave of Syrian regime air strikes on the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta enclave, of which Douma is the main town.
At least nine of the victims were children, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring organisation. More than 300 people were wounded.
As more bodies were brought in from the chaos of the emergency room, Nidal knelt down near his lifeless daughter and cried - not just for her but also for the five other children he lost track of in the bombardment.
Farah was killed in the town of Masraba and her body brought to Douma by paramedics, who have been completely overwhelmed since the regime intensified its strikes two weeks ago.
"I have five other children I know nothing about, all five of them and their mother," he sobbed, resting his hand on the black shroud his daughter was wrapped in.
"Is there a fridge to put her in?", he asked.
A volunteer for the civil defence, an organisation known as the White Helmets, awkwardly looked for something to tell the bereaved father and eventually said: "May God reward you."
Nidal later told AFP that he managed to find his other children.
Douma hospital was full of distraught civilians: one father slapped his forehead after finding his two dead children, another erupted into tears as he discovered the body of his newborn on a purple sheet next to a pool of blood.
Shellshocked children
Lost and wounded children also cried for their parents, others sat silently, rivulets of blood running down their faces whitened by dust from the strikes, as they received treatment.
Two of them sat next to each other on a cot, shellshocked and blood staining their fresh bandages.
They were left unattended because the scope of the disaster is such that the medical staff has to prioritise patients and five of them were busy treating a disfigured young boy who was screaming in pain.
Those scenes were repeated in hospitals across Eastern Ghouta, a semi-rural area which is controlled by Islamist and jihadist groups and has been besieged by government forces since 2013.
Air strikes have intensified and killed more than 300 people this month, in what appears to be a prelude to a ground offensive that could start any day.
In Hammuriyeh, another of the enclave's main towns, the hospital was also teeming with bloodied civilians looking for their relatives, dead or alive.
One man's heart was still beating but he had already been moved to the morgue, his head wounds so bad that his case was deemed hopeless.
![Syrian children cry at a makeshift hospital in the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta town of Douma on February 19, 2018 after heavy regime bombardment that killed dozens of civilians (AFP Photo/Hamza Al-Ajweh)]()

A man weeps at a make-shift morgue in Doumaover his child who was killed in air strikes on the Syrian village of Mesraba in the besieged Eastern Ghouta region on the outskirts of the capital Damascus: photo by Hamza Al-Ajweh/AFP, 19 February 2018
Dead or alive, parents in Syria's Ghouta search for children: Hasan Mohamed/AFP, 19 February 2018
Douma (Syria) (AFP) - Nidal had to unfold several little shrouds, all lined up on the concrete floor of the morgue of the hospital in Syria's Douma, before recognising the body of his daughter Farah.
She was among 54 civilians killed Monday in the latest wave of Syrian regime air strikes on the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta enclave, of which Douma is the main town.
At least nine of the victims were children, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring organisation. More than 300 people were wounded.
As more bodies were brought in from the chaos of the emergency room, Nidal knelt down near his lifeless daughter and cried - not just for her but also for the five other children he lost track of in the bombardment.
Farah was killed in the town of Masraba and her body brought to Douma by paramedics, who have been completely overwhelmed since the regime intensified its strikes two weeks ago.
"I have five other children I know nothing about, all five of them and their mother," he sobbed, resting his hand on the black shroud his daughter was wrapped in.
"Is there a fridge to put her in?", he asked.
A volunteer for the civil defence, an organisation known as the White Helmets, awkwardly looked for something to tell the bereaved father and eventually said: "May God reward you."
Nidal later told AFP that he managed to find his other children.
Douma hospital was full of distraught civilians: one father slapped his forehead after finding his two dead children, another erupted into tears as he discovered the body of his newborn on a purple sheet next to a pool of blood.
Shellshocked children
Lost and wounded children also cried for their parents, others sat silently, rivulets of blood running down their faces whitened by dust from the strikes, as they received treatment.
Two of them sat next to each other on a cot, shellshocked and blood staining their fresh bandages.
They were left unattended because the scope of the disaster is such that the medical staff has to prioritise patients and five of them were busy treating a disfigured young boy who was screaming in pain.
Those scenes were repeated in hospitals across Eastern Ghouta, a semi-rural area which is controlled by Islamist and jihadist groups and has been besieged by government forces since 2013.
Air strikes have intensified and killed more than 300 people this month, in what appears to be a prelude to a ground offensive that could start any day.
In Hammuriyeh, another of the enclave's main towns, the hospital was also teeming with bloodied civilians looking for their relatives, dead or alive.
One man's heart was still beating but he had already been moved to the morgue, his head wounds so bad that his case was deemed hopeless.
Moments later, a man walked in looking for his son. As the sheets wrapping the bodies laid in front of him were lifted, he eventually identified his child and collapsed.

Syrian children cry at a makeshift hospital in the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta town of Douma on February 19, 2018 after heavy regime bombardment that killed dozens of civilians: photo by Hamza Al-Ajweh/AFP, 19 February 2018

Map of Syria, where new raids on a rebel-held stronghold killed at least 54 civilians on Monday: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 19 February 2018
Zimbabwe Supporters of the late opposition strongman Morgan Tsvangirai gather under an umbrella during a rains storm ahead of his burial in Humanikwa. Photo @ZinyangePhoto #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 February 2018
GAZA STRIP - Palestinian children ride a donkey cart to school in Beit Lahia Photo @mohmabed #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 February 2018
GAZA STRIP - Palestinians wait for permission to cross into Egypt through the Rafah border crossing in the southern Gaza Strip after it was opened by Egyptian authorities. Photo @saidkhatib #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 February 2018
Washington Post: “The desperate images from one of Syria’s bloodiest days” Ph: Mohammed Badra @epaphotos @washingtonpost #EasternGhouta: image via Mohammed Badra @badramamet, 2 February 2018
Washington Post: “The desperate images from one of Syria’s bloodiest days” Ph: Mohammed Badra @epaphotos @washingtonpost #EasternGhouta: image via Mohammed Badra @badramamet, 2 February 2018
Oh what a feeling! Emma is a badass. We won the dopey meaningless game. We are so badass. U-S-A!!!!!

Oh what a feeling. #gold #TeamUSA #PyeongChang2018: Image via FOX Sports @FOXSports, 21 February 2018
Gucci models carry replica heads in their arms, and more highlights from Milan Fashion Week: Photo @tonygentile64: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 21 February 2018
Trump holds his notes and prepared questions as he hosts a listening session with high school students and teachers to discuss school safety at the White House Photo Jonathan Ernst: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 21 February 2018

Gucci models carry replica heads in their arms, and more highlights from Milan Fashion Week: Photo @tonygentile64: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 21 February 2018

Trump holds his notes and prepared questions as he hosts a listening session with high school students and teachers to discuss school safety at the White House Photo Jonathan Ernst: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 21 February 2018

Zimbabwe Supporters of the late opposition strongman Morgan Tsvangirai gather under an umbrella during a rains storm ahead of his burial in Humanikwa. Photo @ZinyangePhoto #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 February 2018

GAZA STRIP - Palestinian children ride a donkey cart to school in Beit Lahia Photo @mohmabed #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 February 2018

GAZA STRIP - Palestinians wait for permission to cross into Egypt through the Rafah border crossing in the southern Gaza Strip after it was opened by Egyptian authorities. Photo @saidkhatib #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 February 2018

I took these pictures of Emma a few weeks ago. Emma is real. Emma is a badass. Emma is going to change the nation. @Emma4Change: image via Kyra @longlivekc, 20 February 2018

I took these pictures of Emma a few weeks ago. Emma is real. Emma is a badass. Emma is going to change the nation. @Emma4Change: image via Kyra @longlivekc, 20 February 2018
It's hour seven on the Stoneman Douglas bus headed to Tallahassee.: image via julieturkewitz @julieturkewitz, 20 February 2018
At one table, Mallory Muller, 17, a Stoneman Douglas student, hugged a teddy bear. She had spent much of the trip on the phone with her mom. “The whole bus ride here I was very anxious. You have the nervousness about—what happens? And kind of scared for your own safety." hour seven on the Stoneman Douglas bus headed to Tallahassee.: image via julieturkewitz @julieturkewitz, 20 February 2018

It's hour seven on the Stoneman Douglas bus headed to Tallahassee.: image via julieturkewitz @julieturkewitz, 20 February 2018

At one table, Mallory Muller, 17, a Stoneman Douglas student, hugged a teddy bear. She had spent much of the trip on the phone with her mom. “The whole bus ride here I was very anxious. You have the nervousness about—what happens? And kind of scared for your own safety." hour seven on the Stoneman Douglas bus headed to Tallahassee.: image via julieturkewitz @julieturkewitz, 20 February 2018

Washington Post: “The desperate images from one of Syria’s bloodiest days” Ph: Mohammed Badra @epaphotos @washingtonpost #EasternGhouta: image via Mohammed Badra @badramamet, 2 February 2018

Washington Post: “The desperate images from one of Syria’s bloodiest days” Ph: Mohammed Badra @epaphotos @washingtonpost #EasternGhouta: image via Mohammed Badra @badramamet, 2 February 2018