![DSC00954 | by Xaris P / (Haris P)]()
DSC00954: photo by xaris p, 16 January 2018
![Bangladesh Myanmar Rohingya]()
Denise Lindstrom, a 49-year-old homeless woman, sits in a wheelchair at a homeless encampment on the Santa Ana River trail today in Anaheim, Calif. Authorities on Monday told the homeless living in the encampment that it is being closed down. | Photo @jaethephotog: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 23 January 2018
Children play with a kite in the neighborhood of Chicharrones in Santiago, Cuba, Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018.: photo by Ramon Espinosa/AP, 23 January 2018
![Cuba Daily Life]()
Children play with a kite in the neighborhood of Chicharrones in Santiago, Cuba, Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018.: photo by Ramon Espinosa/AP, 23 January 2018
![The intruder. Munich, Germany. 2017 | by Davide Albani]()
![Bangladesh Rohingya Repatriations]()
![California Homeless Encapment]()
![California Homeless Encapment]()
![Turkey Syria]()
#Map #Syria - #FSA (Opposition) backed by Turkish forces advancing in #Bulbul area in north of #Afrin. #Aleppo: image via archic civilians @archiciviians, 22 January 2018
Map shows the controlled power around #Afrin. Blue is Euphrates Shield area. Red is Assad regime. Green is #FSA in #Idlib. @AfrinOperasyonu #OliveBranchOperation: image via Asaad Hanna @Asaad Hannaa, 21 January 2018
#Aleppo #Afrin #FSA with support of #TSK entered in #Syria and captured Şankal village. Now, heavy clashes in the area as #SDF launched a counterattack: Image va Suriyak @Suriyakmaps, 21 January 2018
Picture taken after a rocket attack by the Syrian government forces on the city of Arbeen: a man cries after his house was destroyed in the bombing: photo by Abdulmonam Eassa @abdfree2, 19 January 2018
Picture taken after a rocket attack by the Syrian government forces on the city of Arbeen: a boy looks out the window of a destroyed house: photo by Abdulmonam Eassa @abdfree2, 19 January 2018
SYRIA - Children look at a building that was damaged in a missile attack in Arbeen, eastern Ghouta. photo by Abdulmonam Eassa @abdfree2#AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 18 January 2018
SYRIA - A girl holds an oxygen mask over the face of an infant at a make-shift hospital following a reported gas attack on the rebel-held besieged town of Douma on the outskirts of Damascus Photo @hasanmohammed89 #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 22 January 2018
![Philippines Volcano]()
![Israel Pence]()
![Haiti Trump Reactions]()
![Cyprus Newspaper Attack]()

DSC00954: photo by xaris p, 16 January 2018

People's shadows are cast on a wall at sunset in the neighborhood of Chicharrones in Santiago, Cuba, Jan. 22, 2018. #APPhoto @AP_respinosa: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 23 January 2018
![Paris Fashion Mabille Backstage]()
A model is being made up before the presentation of French fashion designer Alexis Mabille's Haute Couture Spring-Summer 2018 fashion collection, in Paris, Tuesday, Jan.23, 2018.: photo by Francois Mori/AP, 23 January 2018
![Paris Fashion Mabille Backstage]()
A model is being made up before the presentation of French fashion designer Alexis Mabille's Haute Couture Spring-Summer 2018 fashion collection, in Paris, Tuesday, Jan.23, 2018.: photo by Francois Mori/AP, 23 January 2018
![File:Rosa Cuenca.JPG]()
Rose hips, Sierra de Valdemeca, Cuenca, Spain: photo by Retama, 29 October 2007
Mirando 'l sol de' begli occhi sereno,
Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374):Canzoniere CLXXIII
![Untitled | by noppadol.maitreechit]()
Untitled: photo by noppadol maitreechit, 23 January 2018

Turkey’s T-129 helicopters hit PYD/PKK targets in Afrin #OliveBranchOperation #Turkey #Syria #AfrinOperasyonu #Afrin: image via Turkish Trade News@trtradenews, 24 January 2018
Thomas Wyatt: Fruitless Fruit ("Avysing the bright bemes of these fayer Iyes")
Avysing the bright bemes of these fayer Iyes
...where he is that mine oft moisteth and washeth
...the werid mynde streght from the hert dep[ar]teth
...for to rest in his woroldly p[ar]adise
And fynde the swete bitter vnder this gyse
...what webbe he hath wrought well he p[er]ceveth
...whereby with him self on love he playneth
...that spurreth with fyer and bridlith w[i]th Ise
Thus is it in suche extremitie brought
...in frossen though[t] nowe and nowe it stondeth in flame
...twyst misery and welth twist ernest and game
But few glad and many dyvers thought
with sore repentance of his hardines
of suche a rote cometh ffruyte fruytles
Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542): Avysing the bright bemes of these fayer Iyes: transcription by Richard Harrier (1975) from British Library Egerton MS 2711, fol. 22

A model is being made up before the presentation of French fashion designer Alexis Mabille's Haute Couture Spring-Summer 2018 fashion collection, in Paris, Tuesday, Jan.23, 2018.: photo by Francois Mori/AP, 23 January 2018

A model is being made up before the presentation of French fashion designer Alexis Mabille's Haute Couture Spring-Summer 2018 fashion collection, in Paris, Tuesday, Jan.23, 2018.: photo by Francois Mori/AP, 23 January 2018
Rose hips, Sierra de Valdemeca, Cuenca, Spain: photo by Retama, 29 October 2007
Mirando 'l sol de' begli occhi sereno,
Ove è chi spesso i miei depinge e bagna,
Dal cor l' anima stanca si scompagna
Per gir nel paradiso suo terreno.
Poi, trovandol di dolce e d' amar' pieno,
Quant' al mondo si tesse opra d' aragna
Vede; onde seco e con Amor si lagna,
Ch'à sí caldi gli spron, sí duro 'l freno.
Per questi estremi duo, contrari e misti,
Or con voglie gelate, or con accese
Stassi cosí fra misera e felice.
Ma pochi lieti, e molti penser tristi;
E 'l piú si pente de l' ardite imprese:
Tal frutto nasce di cotal radice.
Poi, trovandol di dolce e d' amar' pieno,
Quant' al mondo si tesse opra d' aragna
Vede; onde seco e con Amor si lagna,
Ch'à sí caldi gli spron, sí duro 'l freno.
Per questi estremi duo, contrari e misti,
Or con voglie gelate, or con accese
Stassi cosí fra misera e felice.
Ma pochi lieti, e molti penser tristi;
E 'l piú si pente de l' ardite imprese:
Tal frutto nasce di cotal radice.
Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374):Canzoniere CLXXIII

Untitled: photo by noppadol maitreechit, 23 January 2018

The gradual repatriation of more than 680,000 Rohingya Muslim refugees back to Myanmar from Bangladesh, scheduled to begin Tuesday, has likely been delayed: | Photo @ManishSwarup: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 23 January 2018

Denise Lindstrom, a 49-year-old homeless woman, sits in a wheelchair at a homeless encampment on the Santa Ana River trail today in Anaheim, Calif. Authorities on Monday told the homeless living in the encampment that it is being closed down. | Photo @jaethephotog: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 23 January 2018

Children play with a kite in the neighborhood of Chicharrones in Santiago, Cuba, Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018.: photo by Ramon Espinosa/AP, 23 January 2018

Children play with a kite in the neighborhood of Chicharrones in Santiago, Cuba, Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018.: photo by Ramon Espinosa/AP, 23 January 2018

"We have seen doves with olive branches in the mouth but never seen olive branch attached to F-16 fighter jets" #OliveBranch Operation #Afrin #Turkey: image via Baxtiyar Goran @BaxtiyarGoran, 20 January 2018

"We have seen doves with olive branches in the mouth but never seen olive branch attached to F-16 fighter jets" #OliveBranch Operation #Afrin #Turkey: image via Baxtiyar Goran @BaxtiyarGoran, 20 January 2018

72 Turkish jets for Turkey's 72 martyrs 72 Turkish jets commemorate 72 martyrs of Operation Euphrates Shield by taking part in ongoing #OliveBranch Operation: image via ANADOLU AGENCY (ENG) @anadoluagency, 24 January 2018

The Turkish army with #FSA started to enter #Afrin land after they crossed the Turkish borders #OliveBranch Operation #ZeytinDaliHarekati: image via Asaad Hanna @AsaadHannaa, 21 January 2018
Turkey-backed fighters liberate more villages in Syria Turkish army, Syrian opposition seized 16 targets on the fourth day of Turkey’s #OliveBranchOperation: image via ANADOLU AGENCY (ENG) @anadoluagency, 24 January 2018
Why don't people want to understand the right of Turkiye to protect her own borders while the U.S.A. coming to the Middle East and invade transoceanic countries for their own security? That is our right granted by international law. #OliveBranchOperation: image via Horizon AKDENIZ @ufukadenizz, 22 January 2018
The #PYD attacking #Riyhanli city inside Turkey by missiles.#OliveBranchOperation #ZeytinDaliHarekati: image via Asaad Hanna @Asaad Hannaa, 21 January 2018
BREAKING: Third Turkish soldier killed in Syria’s #Afrin dentified as Spec. Sergeant Mehmet Muratdağı, assigned to the 1st Commando Brigade (Kayseri). #OliveBranchOperation : image via e-Amyna @e_amyna, 23 January 2018
Turkish President #Erdogan receives information about the status of the #OliveBranch Operation from the Operation Center via video conference: image via EHA News @eha_news, 22 January 2018
Turkish President #Erdogan receives information about the status of the #OliveBranch Operation from the Operation Center via video conference: image via EHA News @eha_news, 22 January 2018

Turkey-backed fighters liberate more villages in Syria Turkish army, Syrian opposition seized 16 targets on the fourth day of Turkey’s #OliveBranchOperation: image via ANADOLU AGENCY (ENG) @anadoluagency, 24 January 2018

Why don't people want to understand the right of Turkiye to protect her own borders while the U.S.A. coming to the Middle East and invade transoceanic countries for their own security? That is our right granted by international law. #OliveBranchOperation: image via Horizon AKDENIZ @ufukadenizz, 22 January 2018

The #PYD attacking #Riyhanli city inside Turkey by missiles.#OliveBranchOperation #ZeytinDaliHarekati: image via Asaad Hanna @Asaad Hannaa, 21 January 2018

BREAKING: Third Turkish soldier killed in Syria’s #Afrin dentified as Spec. Sergeant Mehmet Muratdağı, assigned to the 1st Commando Brigade (Kayseri). #OliveBranchOperation : image via e-Amyna @e_amyna, 23 January 2018

Turkish President #Erdogan receives information about the status of the #OliveBranch Operation from the Operation Center via video conference: image via EHA News @eha_news, 22 January 2018

Turkish President #Erdogan receives information about the status of the #OliveBranch Operation from the Operation Center via video conference: image via EHA News @eha_news, 22 January 2018

Aleppo and Mosul are lost cities of Turks and people of these cities still miss the golden days of rule of Ottomans. This is the time for Turkey to reclaim all lost lands. #OliveBranch Operation: image via Sideeque @sideeque96, 22 January 2018

#Map #Syria - #FSA (Opposition) backed by Turkish forces advancing in #Bulbul area in north of #Afrin. #Aleppo: image via archic civilians @archiciviians, 22 January 2018

Map shows the controlled power around #Afrin. Blue is Euphrates Shield area. Red is Assad regime. Green is #FSA in #Idlib. @AfrinOperasyonu #OliveBranchOperation: image via Asaad Hanna @Asaad Hannaa, 21 January 2018

#Aleppo #Afrin #FSA with support of #TSK entered in #Syria and captured Şankal village. Now, heavy clashes in the area as #SDF launched a counterattack: Image va Suriyak @Suriyakmaps, 21 January 2018

Picture taken after a rocket attack by the Syrian government forces on the city of Arbeen: a man cries after his house was destroyed in the bombing: photo by Abdulmonam Eassa @abdfree2, 19 January 2018

Picture taken after a rocket attack by the Syrian government forces on the city of Arbeen: a boy looks out the window of a destroyed house: photo by Abdulmonam Eassa @abdfree2, 19 January 2018

SYRIA - Children look at a building that was damaged in a missile attack in Arbeen, eastern Ghouta. photo by Abdulmonam Eassa @abdfree2#AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 18 January 2018

SYRIA - A girl holds an oxygen mask over the face of an infant at a make-shift hospital following a reported gas attack on the rebel-held besieged town of Douma on the outskirts of Damascus Photo @hasanmohammed89 #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 22 January 2018