![Thoughtful Buster | by MichaelRyerson]()
Thoughtful Buster. Buster Keaton in momentary repose. Appears to be post-war.: photo by Michael Ryerson, 16 December 2017
![Hong-Kong | by jeansebd]()
Hong-Kong: photo by Jean-Sebastien David, 2 September 2015
![Untitled | by sasistudios]()
Untitled [Chennai]: photo by Sasikumar Ramachandran, 12 November 2017
![The pleasures of the flesh | by efo]()
The pleasures of the flesh: photo by efo, 9 December 2015
![86th Street Crosstown Bus, New York, NY 1976 | by M. Chaussettes]()
86th Street Crosstown Bus, New York, NY 1976: photo by M. Chaussettes, 13 December 2017
![86th Street Crosstown Bus, New York, NY 1976 | by M. Chaussettes]()
86th Street Crosstown Bus, New York, NY 1976: photo by M. Chaussettes, 13 December 2017
![86th Street Crosstown Bus, New York, NY 1976 | by M. Chaussettes]()
86th Street Crosstown Bus, New York, NY 1976: photo by M. Chaussettes, 13 December 2017
![Father Time | by DonStevie]()
Father Time | London, England: photo by DonStevie, August 2016
![;] | by www.bawgaj.eu /Brighton now/]()
; Istanbul | “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”― Confucius: photo by Przemek Strzelecki, 5 December 2017
![WAITING DOG | by LitterART]()
WAITING DOG | Neuberg, Styria, Austria: photo by LitterART, 11 December 2015
![;] | by www.bawgaj.eu /Brighton now/]()
; Morocco 2017 | “Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose.”― Garrison Keillor: photo by Przemek Strzelecki, 12 December 2017
![Untitled | by sasistudios]()
Untitled [Chennai]: photo by Sasikumar Ramachandran, 9 December 2015
![Untitled | by adrian_t]()
Untitled [Kiev]: photo by Adrian Tsim, 7 December 2015
![Frosty Fog Alders | by Nicholas Lyle]()
Frosty Fog Alders: photo by Nick Lyle, 11 December 2017
![Frosty Fog Alders | by Nicholas Lyle]()
Frosty Fog Alders: photo by Nick Lyle, 11 December 2017
![Frosty Fog Alders | by Nicholas Lyle]()
Frosty Fog Alders: photo by Nick Lyle, 11 December 2017
![Crescent Street, Montreal, 1983 | by Avard Woolaver]()
Crescent Street, Montreal, 1983. No filters, no phone | There was no direction home | Only the moment: photo by Avard Woolaver, sometime in 1983
![Untitled | by sasistudios]()
Untitled [Chennai]: photo by Sasikumar Ramachandran, 13 December 2017
![Meanwhile at home: February 2017 | by Roccantica]()
Meanwhile at home: February 2017: photo by Roccantica, 28 February 2017
Sixth Graders from Giannini Middle School, Outer Sunset District - San Francisco, CA. These kids were looking for something to photograph with their iPads. Yeah, a little ironic.Fuck you Donald Trump. You don't have the guts to call out hate groups. You're the biggest coward in the world.: photo by Rex Mandel, 3 May 2016
Sixth Graders from Giannini Middle School, Outer Sunset District - San Francisco, CA. These kids were looking for something to photograph with their iPads. Yeah, a little ironic.Fuck you Donald Trump. You don't have the guts to call out hate groups. You're the biggest coward in the world.: photo by Rex Mandel, 3 May 2016
![Sixth Graders from Giannini Middle School, Outer Sunset District - San Francisco, CA | by Rex Mandel]()
You get what you pay for | Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 14 December 2017
![You get what you pay for | by michaelj1998]()
You get what you pay for | Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 14 December 2017
![Imagined 53 | by Desperate John]()
Imagined 53: photo by Desperate John, 14December 2017
![Imagined 53 | by Desperate John]()
Imagined 53: photo by Desperate John, 14December 2017
![CARNIVAL WOMAN - 1953 | by johnmike1959]()
CARNIVAL WOMAN - 1953| photo by Jack Welpott: image by johnmike1969, 2 December 2017
![IMG_4041 | by alberto.velardi]()
IMG_4041: photo by ALBERTO VELARDI,9December 2017
![IMG_4041 | by alberto.velardi]()
IMG_4041: photo by ALBERTO VELARDI,9December 2017
![IMG_4041 | by alberto.velardi]()
IMG_4041: photo by ALBERTO VELARDI,9December 2017
![Untitled | by l'autre hidalgo]()
Untitled: photo by lautrehidalgo, 11 December 2017
Ni par l'aveugle poignard des roches,
ni par la plus creusante tempête
tournant des paquets de feuilles à la fois,
ni par l'œil attentif de l'homme employé avec peine
et d'ailleurs sans contrôle
dans un milieu interdit aux orifices débouchés des autres sens
et qu'un bras plongé pour saisir trouble plus encore,
ce livre au fond n'a été lu.
Francis Ponge
![Harmony | by michaelj1998]()
![2017-163 | by biosfear]()
2017-163| Los Angeles, CA.: photo by biosfear, December 2017
![As seen from afar | by michaelj1998]()
As seen from afar| Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 16 December 2017
![As seen from afar | by michaelj1998]()
As seen from afar| Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 16 December 2017
![As seen from afar | by michaelj1998]()
As seen from afar| Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 16 December 2017
![Harrison Street, San Francisco | by Postcards from San Francisco]()
Harrison Street, San Francisco: photo by Patrick Vennari, 11 December 2017
![Harrison Street, San Francisco | by Postcards from San Francisco]()
Harrison Street, San Francisco: photo by Patrick Vennari, 11 December 2017
![Harrison Street, San Francisco | by Postcards from San Francisco]()
Harrison Street, San Francisco: photo by Patrick Vennari, 11 December 2017
![Vác, Hungary, 2017 | by tamas bernath]()
Vác Hungary, 2017: photo by tamas bernath, 21 November 2017
![Poor Clarence | by richham14 - (Mr Cubs}]()
Poor Clarence [Lone Pine, CA}: photo by Richard Hammond, 9 December 2017
![On the roof | by efo]()
On the roof | Djupavik [Iceland]: photo by efo, 2December 2017
![On the roof | by efo]()
On the roof | Djupavik [Iceland]: photo by efo, 2December 2017
![On the roof | by efo]()
On the roof | Djupavik [Iceland]: photo by efo, 2December 2017
Bangkok, Thailand |Near the Grand Palace in the Phra Nakhon district, Bangkok, Thailand 1986: photo by Dave Glass, December 1986
![Bangkok, Thailand | by Dave Glass . foto]()

Thoughtful Buster. Buster Keaton in momentary repose. Appears to be post-war.: photo by Michael Ryerson, 16 December 2017

Hong-Kong: photo by Jean-Sebastien David, 2 September 2015

Untitled [Chennai]: photo by Sasikumar Ramachandran, 12 November 2017

The pleasures of the flesh: photo by efo, 9 December 2015

86th Street Crosstown Bus, New York, NY 1976: photo by M. Chaussettes, 13 December 2017

86th Street Crosstown Bus, New York, NY 1976: photo by M. Chaussettes, 13 December 2017

86th Street Crosstown Bus, New York, NY 1976: photo by M. Chaussettes, 13 December 2017

Father Time | London, England: photo by DonStevie, August 2016
![;] | by www.bawgaj.eu /Brighton now/](http://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4566/27088895319_09049f6ffc_z.jpg)
; Istanbul | “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”― Confucius: photo by Przemek Strzelecki, 5 December 2017

WAITING DOG | Neuberg, Styria, Austria: photo by LitterART, 11 December 2015
![;] | by www.bawgaj.eu /Brighton now/](http://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4585/27245495699_8e3fc9ae9f_b.jpg)
; Morocco 2017 | “Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose.”― Garrison Keillor: photo by Przemek Strzelecki, 12 December 2017

Untitled [Chennai]: photo by Sasikumar Ramachandran, 9 December 2015

Untitled [Kiev]: photo by Adrian Tsim, 7 December 2015

Frosty Fog Alders: photo by Nick Lyle, 11 December 2017

Frosty Fog Alders: photo by Nick Lyle, 11 December 2017

Frosty Fog Alders: photo by Nick Lyle, 11 December 2017

Crescent Street, Montreal, 1983. No filters, no phone | There was no direction home | Only the moment: photo by Avard Woolaver, sometime in 1983

Untitled [Chennai]: photo by Sasikumar Ramachandran, 13 December 2017

Meanwhile at home: February 2017: photo by Roccantica, 28 February 2017

Sixth Graders from Giannini Middle School, Outer Sunset District - San Francisco, CA. These kids were looking for something to photograph with their iPads. Yeah, a little ironic.Fuck you Donald Trump. You don't have the guts to call out hate groups. You're the biggest coward in the world.: photo by Rex Mandel, 3 May 2016

Sixth Graders from Giannini Middle School, Outer Sunset District - San Francisco, CA. These kids were looking for something to photograph with their iPads. Yeah, a little ironic.Fuck you Donald Trump. You don't have the guts to call out hate groups. You're the biggest coward in the world.: photo by Rex Mandel, 3 May 2016

Sixth Graders from Giannini Middle School, Outer Sunset District - San Francisco, CA. These kids were looking for something to photograph with their iPads. Yeah, a little ironic.Fuck you Donald Trump. You don't have the guts to call out hate groups. You're the biggest coward in the world.: photo by Rex Mandel, 3 May 2016
![You get what you pay for | by michaelj1998]()

You get what you pay for | Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 14 December 2017

You get what you pay for | Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 14 December 2017

Imagined 53: photo by Desperate John, 14December 2017

Imagined 53: photo by Desperate John, 14December 2017

CARNIVAL WOMAN - 1953| photo by Jack Welpott: image by johnmike1969, 2 December 2017

IMG_4041: photo by ALBERTO VELARDI,9December 2017

IMG_4041: photo by ALBERTO VELARDI,9December 2017

IMG_4041: photo by ALBERTO VELARDI,9December 2017

Untitled: photo by lautrehidalgo, 11 December 2017
Ni par l'aveugle poignard des roches,
ni par la plus creusante tempête
tournant des paquets de feuilles à la fois,
ni par l'œil attentif de l'homme employé avec peine
et d'ailleurs sans contrôle
dans un milieu interdit aux orifices débouchés des autres sens
et qu'un bras plongé pour saisir trouble plus encore,
ce livre au fond n'a été lu.
Francis Ponge

2017-163| Los Angeles, CA.: photo by biosfear, December 2017

As seen from afar| Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 16 December 2017

As seen from afar| Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 16 December 2017

As seen from afar| Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 16 December 2017

Harrison Street, San Francisco: photo by Patrick Vennari, 11 December 2017

Harrison Street, San Francisco: photo by Patrick Vennari, 11 December 2017

Harrison Street, San Francisco: photo by Patrick Vennari, 11 December 2017

Vác Hungary, 2017: photo by tamas bernath, 21 November 2017

Poor Clarence [Lone Pine, CA}: photo by Richard Hammond, 9 December 2017

On the roof | Djupavik [Iceland]: photo by efo, 2December 2017

On the roof | Djupavik [Iceland]: photo by efo, 2December 2017

On the roof | Djupavik [Iceland]: photo by efo, 2December 2017

Bangkok, Thailand |Near the Grand Palace in the Phra Nakhon district, Bangkok, Thailand 1986: photo by Dave Glass, December 1986