![Untitled | by Alozor]()
![Untitled | by Alozor]()
![Untitled | by Alozor]()
[Untitled]: photo by Ali Boombayé, 4 December 2017
![Sea wall | by ADMurr]()
Sea wall [Santa Barbara County]: photo by Andrew Murr, 11 December 2017
![Shreds | by ADMurr]()
Shreds[MS]: photo by Andrew Murr, 10 December 2017
!["I Can't Do This Anymore" | by f u oscar]()
"I Can't Do This Anymore" | Vera: photo by f u oscar, 11December 2017
There are people so sick
in Lynwood Downey
Paramount and Hawthorne
as to leave out
paper plates of food
in alleys
to keep the wild dogs alive.
![DSCF0514new | by ilanbenyehuda]()
DSCF0514new: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 3 December 2017
![DSCF0514new | by ilanbenyehuda]()
DSCF0514new: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 3 December 2017
![DSCF0514new | by ilanbenyehuda]()
Israeli flags fly near the Dome of the Rock in the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem on 5 December 2017: photo by AFP/Getty, 5 December 2017
Goodbye Palestine. Goodbye the two-state solution. Goodbye the Palestinians. For this new Israeli “capital” is not for them. Trump did not even use the word “Palestine”. He talked about “Israel and the Palestinians” – in other words, of a state and of those who do not deserve – and can no longer aspire to – a state. No wonder I received a call in Beirut last night from a Palestinian woman who had just listened to the Trump destruction of the “peace process”. “Remember Kingdom of Heaven?” she asked me, referring to Ridley Scott’s great movie of the 1187 fall of Jerusalem. “Well it’s now the Kingdom of Hell.”
It’s not the Kingdom of Hell, of course. The Palestinians have been living in a kind of hell for a 100 years, ever since the Balfour Declaration declared Britain’s support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, when a single sentence – in which our beloved Theresa May takes such “pride” – became a textbook for refugeedom and the future dispossession of the Palestinian Arabs from their lands. As usual, the Arab response this week was sickening, warning of the “dangers” of Trump’s decision, which was “unjustified and irresponsible” – this piece of fluff produced by King Salman of Saudi Arabia, the so-called protector of Islam’s two holiest places (the third being Jerusalem, although he didn’t quite manage to point that out) – and we can be sure that in the coming days many an “emergency committee” will be formed by Arab and Muslim institutions to deal with this “danger”. They will, as we all know, be worthless.
But it was the linguistic analysis of Noam Chomsky when I was at university – he later became a good friend – which I applied to the Trump speech. The first thing I spotted was, as I mentioned above, the absence of “Palestine”. I always put the word in quotation marks because I don’t believe it will ever exist as a state. Go and look at the Jewish colonies in the West Bank and it’s clear that Israel has no intention that it should exist in the future. But that’s no excuse for Trump. In the spirit of the Balfour Declaration – which referred to Jews but to the Arabs as “existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine” – Trump downgrades the Arabs of Palestine to “Palestinians”.
Yet even at the start, the chicanery begins. Trump talks about “very fresh thinking” and “new approaches”. But there is nothing new about Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, since the Israelis have been banging on about this for decades. What is “new” is that – for the benefit of his party, Christian Evangelicals and those who claim to be American supporters of Israel – Trump has simply turned away from any notion of fairness in peace negotiations and run with Israel’s ball. Past presidents have issued waivers against the 1995 Jerusalem Congress Act, not because “delaying the recognition of Jerusalem would advance the cause of peace” but because that recognition should be given to the city as a capital for two peoples and two states – not one.
Then Trump tells us that his decision “is in the best interests” of the US. But he can’t explain how – by effectively taking America out of future “peace” negotiations and destroying any claim (admittedly dubious by now) that the US is an “honest broker” in these talks – this will benefit Washington. It clearly won’t – though it might help Trump’s party funding – since it further lowers American power, prestige and standing across the Middle East. Then he claims that “like every other sovereign nation”, Israel has the right to determine its own capital. Up to a point, Lord Copper. For when another people – the Arabs rather than just the Jews – also want to claim that city as a capital (or at least the east of it), then that right is suspended until a final peace comes into existence.
Israel may claim all of Jerusalem as its eternal and undivided capital – as Netanyahu also claims that Israel is the “Jewish state”, despite the fact that more than 20 per cent of the people of Israel are Muslim Arabs who live inside its borders – but America’s recognition of this claim means that Jerusalem can never be the capital of another nation. And here’s the rub. We don’t have the slightest idea of the real borders of this “capital”. Trump actually acknowledged this, in a line that went largely unreported, when he said that “we are not taking a position on … the specific boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem”. In other words, he recognised the sovereignty of a country over all of Jerusalem without knowing exactly where that city’s borders lie.
In fact, we don’t have the slightest idea of just where Israel’s eastern border is. Does it lie along the old front line that divided Jerusalem? Does it lie a mile or so to the east of east Jerusalem? Or does it lie along the Jordan river? In which case, goodbye Palestine. Trump has awarded Israel the right to a whole city as its capital but hasn’t the slightest idea where the eastern border of this country is, let alone the frontier of Jerusalem.
The world was happy to accept Tel Aviv as a temporary capital – as it was to pretend that Jericho or Ramallah was the “capital” of the Palestine Authority after Arafat arrived there. But Jerusalem was not to be recognised as the Israeli capital even though Israel claimed it was. Then we have Trump stating that in this “most successful” democracy, “people of all faiths are free to live and worship according to their conscience”. I trust he won’t be telling that to the more than two and a half million Palestinians in the West Bank who are not free to worship in Jerusalem without a special pass, or the population of besieged Gaza who cannot hope to reach the city. Yet Trump claims his decision is merely “a recognition of reality”. I suppose his ambassador in Tel Aviv – soon, presumably, in Jerusalem (if only, so far, in a hotel room) – believes this tosh; for it was he who claimed that Israel only occupied “2 per cent” of the West Bank.
And this new embassy, when it is eventually completed, will become “a magnificent tribute to peace”, according to Trump. Given the bunkers into which most US embassies in the Middle East have turned, it’s going to be a place with armoured gates and pre-stressed concrete walls and lots of inner bunkers for its diplomatic staff. But by then, I suppose, Trump will be gone. Or will he?
As usual, we had the Trump waffle. He wants “a great deal” for the Israelis and Palestinians, a peace agreement that is “acceptable to both sides” – even though this is not possible when he’s recognised all of Jerusalem as Israeli before the so-called “final status” talks, which the world still fondly expects to take place between “both sides”. But if Jerusalem is “one of the most sensitive issues” in these talks, if there was going to be “disagreement and dissent” about his announcement – all of which he said – then why on earth did he make the decision at all?
Only when he descended into Blair-like verbosity – that the future of the region was held back by “bloodshed, ignorance and terror” – did it really become too much to stomach any more of these lies. If people are supposed to respond to “disagreement” with “reasoned debate, not violence”, what is the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital supposed to produce? A “debate”, for heaven’s sake? Is that what to “rethink old assumptions” means?
Enough of this twaddle. What more folly can this wretched man dream up and lie about? So what was going on in his befuddled mind when he made this decision? Sure, he wants to follow up on his campaign promises. But how come he decided to honour this promise but could not bring himself to say last April that the mass murder of a million and a half Armenians in 1915 constituted an act of genocide? He was obviously frightened of upsetting the Turks, who deny the first industrial holocaust of the 20th century. Well, he’s sure upset the Turks now. I’d like to think he’d taken that into account. But forget it. The guy is crackers. And it will take many years for his country to recover from this latest act of folly.
A magnificent long-haired mammoth from Pech Merle drawn ~25,000 years ago. A woolly mammoth’s thick outer guard hairs could be almost 1 m long. They probably shed their heaviest hairs in spring. Pech Merle is one of the few French caves still open to the public #IceAgeArt: image via The Ice Age @Jamie_Woodward_, 9 December 2017
Woolly mammoth slayer - skillfully crafted grooved spear of mammoth ivory found within the rib cage of mammoth carcass: image via The Ice Age @Jamie_Woodward_, 9 December 2017
Proof that mammoths had long, thick, red woolly coats.......: image via The Ice Age @Jamie_Woodward_, 11 December 2017
![Muslims pray at President's Park beside Pennsylvania Avenue across the street from the White House in Washington. Hundreds gathered at President's Park near the White House to protest US President Donald Trump's announcement that he is recognising Jerusalem as the Israeli capital and will relocate the US embassy to Jerusalem. Photo: EPA-EFE]()
Muslims pray at President's Park beside Pennsylvania Avenue across the street from the White House in Washington. Hundreds gathered at President's Park to protest President Donald Trump's announcement that he is recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital and will relocate the US embassy to Jerusalem: photo by EPA-EFE, 9 December 2017
Wearing traditional Palestinian keffiyeh scarves or the colours of the Palestinian flag, protesters also held placards denouncing Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
![President Donald Trump walks to board Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House. Photo: AP]()
![A Muslim woman drapes the US national flag over her head while joining other Muslims before prayer at President's Park beside Pennsylvania Avenue across the street from the White House. Photo: EPA-EFE]()
Speaking alongside other prominent figures from the American Muslim community during the protest, Awad called upon Trump to “put the American interests first, not those of a foreign power and its lobbies in the US.”
Another protester, Zaid al-Harasheh, said that Trump’s decision is “not for peace” and will “create more chaos.”
Trump’s declaration sparked anger across the Muslim world.
On Friday, clashes between thousands of Palestinians and Israeli security forces in the West Bank and on the Gaza Strip left two people dead and dozens more injured.
Israel seized control of Palestinian East Jerusalem from Jordan in 1967 and later annexed it, a move not recognised by the international community.
The Jewish state considers Jerusalem its undivided capital, but Palestinians believe East Jerusalem is illegally occupied and see it as the capital of their future state.
![Muslim protesters hold Friday prayers in front of the White House, two days after President Donald Trump declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in Washington on December 8. Photo: AFP]()
Hundreds of Muslims attended prayers on Friday in front of the White House to protest President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.: photo by AFP, 9 December 2017
I switch consciousnesses with the best people. Top guys. Head-dress guy, here. He's great. I'm gonna use the #orb to switch with him. Magic!: image via Fake Trump Talk @faketrumptalk, 21 May 2017
So telling and consistent they would Instagram this one (to illustrate signing of Jerusalem statement). More evidence of symbiosis. So thoroughly obsessed with the media, his coverage, and the attention. Photo @whitehouse #notnormal: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 10 December 2017
![File:Entering a Lunar Outpost.jpg]()
Astronauts entering a Lunar outpost: concept art by NASA, 15 May 2006 (NASA)
“He will change our nation’s human spaceflight policy to help America become the driving force for the space industry, gain new knowledge from the cosmos, and spur incredible technology,” Gidley said in a statement.
‘Oumuamua. Scientists will monitor the asteroid to see if it is transmitting anything.: photo by ESO/M. Kornmesser/PA, 11 December 2017
“The chances that we’ll hear something are very small, but if we do, we will report it immediately and then try to interpret it,” Loeb said. “It would be prudent just to check and look for signals. Even if we find an artefact that was left over and there are no signs of life on it, that would be the greatest thrill I can imagine having in my lifetime. It’s really one of the fundamental questions in science, perhaps the most fundamental: are we alone?”
The Breakthrough Listen project was launched at the Royal Society in London in 2015, when the Cambridge cosmologist Stephen Hawking announced the effort to listen for signs of life on planets that orbit the million stars closest to Earth. The $100m project is funded by the internet billionaire Yuri Milner, and has secured time on telescopes in the US and Australia to search for alien civilisations.
Astronomers do not have good ideas about how such elongated objects could be created in asteroid belts. By studying ‘Oumuamua more closely, they hope to learn how they might form and whether there are others in the solar system that have so far gone unnoticed. “If it’s of natural origin, there should be many more of them,” Loeb said.Previous work on the body found it to be extremely dark red, absorbing about 96% of light that falls on it. The colour is associated with carbon-based molecules on comets and asteroids.
If, as expected, the telescope fails to pick up any intelligent broadcasts from ‘Oumuamua, the observations are still expected to aid scientists in understanding the body. Other signals detected by the Green Bank telescope could shed light on whether the object is shrouded in a comet-like cloud of gas, and reveal whether it is carrying water and ice through the solar system.
One #orb to find them. One orb to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.: image via NopeSec @NeuralCulture, 21 May 2017
Just some billionaires, gathered in the dark, holding a glowing orb. #trump #orb: image via Kelly @_itsmekt, 21 May 2017
![* | by Sakulchai Sikitikul]()
![* | by Sakulchai Sikitikul]()
![* | by Sakulchai Sikitikul]()
President Trump boarding Air Force One on Saturday. He is more unpopular than any of his modern predecessors at this point in his tenure, yet he dominates the landscape like no other.: photo by Tom Brenner/The New York Times, 11 December 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Ali Boombayé, 4 December 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Ali Boombayé, 4 December 2017

Sea wall [Santa Barbara County]: photo by Andrew Murr, 11 December 2017

Shreds[MS]: photo by Andrew Murr, 10 December 2017

"I Can't Do This Anymore" | Vera: photo by f u oscar, 11December 2017
There are people so sick
in Lynwood Downey
Paramount and Hawthorne
as to leave out
paper plates of food
in alleys
to keep the wild dogs alive.
TC: Collaborators, 1982, from Paradise Resisted (1984)
![Untitled | by Md. Imam Hasan]()
Untitled [Dhaka]: photo by Muhammad Imam Hasan, 15 February 2017
![Screed | by ADMurr]()
Screed[Orange Mound, Memphis]: photo by Andrew Murr, 10 December 2017

Untitled [Dhaka]: photo by Muhammad Imam Hasan, 15 February 2017

Screed[Orange Mound, Memphis]: photo by Andrew Murr, 10 December 2017

DSCF0514new: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 3 December 2017

DSCF0514new: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 3 December 2017

DSCF0514new: photo by ilan Ben yehuda, 3 December 2017
![Wrigleyville, Chicago | by Mike_McCawley]()
Wrigleyville, Chicago: photo by Mike McCawley, 11 March 2017
![Elche, Spain | by Miguel M.A.S.]()
Elche, Spain: photo by Miguel M. A. S., 18 February 2017
![Elche, Spain | by Miguel M.A.S.]()
Elche, Spain: photo by Miguel M. A. S., 18 February 2017
![Elche, Spain | by Miguel M.A.S.]()
Elche, Spain: photo by Miguel M. A. S., 18 February 2017
![Untitled | by Street photographer - http://www.gabibest.com/]()
Untitled [Tel Aviv]: photo by gabi Ben avraham, 3 June 2016

Wrigleyville, Chicago: photo by Mike McCawley, 11 March 2017

Elche, Spain: photo by Miguel M. A. S., 18 February 2017

Elche, Spain: photo by Miguel M. A. S., 18 February 2017

Elche, Spain: photo by Miguel M. A. S., 18 February 2017

Untitled [Tel Aviv]: photo by gabi Ben avraham, 3 June 2016

Incredible @nytimes front page pic by @dougmillsnyt: image via barbara davidson @photospice, 10 December 2017
Trump is so often shown this way because he is shady, shifty and lacks a basic measure of knowledge and thought. It’s also why these @maggieNYT @GlennThrush @peterbakernyt “inside look” stories (this atop the latest) have grown just as empty. Photo @dougmillsnyt: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 10 December 2017

Trump is so often shown this way because he is shady, shifty and lacks a basic measure of knowledge and thought. It’s also why these @maggieNYT @GlennThrush @peterbakernyt “inside look” stories (this atop the latest) have grown just as empty. Photo @dougmillsnyt: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 10 December 2017

A Palestinian kicks a burning tire near Ramallah, during protests around the world after Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 11 December 2017
Israeli security forces clash with #Palestinian protestors in the West Bank city of #Ramallah #Jerusalem Photo @Abbasmomani: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 11 December 2017
Protesters in #Lebanon try to remove the fence surrounding the US Embassy in #Beirut Lebanon demonstrations against recognizing Jerusalem as "Israel's" capital have been ongoing for hours now despite being attacked and dispersed by Lebanese security forces. #HandsOffJerusalem: image via Ouds News Network @OudsNen, 10 December 2017
Angry protesters attack the US Embassy in #Beirut, Lebanon in rejection to Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of 'Israel'. #Lebanon #Palestinian Territories #JerusalemIsTheCapitalOfPalestine #HandsOffJerusalem: image via Free Palestine @Taghreeba, 10 December 2017
Angry protesters attack the US Embassy in #Beirut, Lebanon in rejection to Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of 'Israel'. #Lebanon #Palestinian Territories #JerusalemIsTheCapitalOfPalestine #HandsOffJerusalem: image via Free Palestine @Taghreeba, 10 December 2017
Today in front of the #American Embassy in #Beirut ... Lebanese Journalist @KaramRachel protected one of the demonstrators after being severely beaten up by anti-riot police. Humanity first. #respect: image via Carol Malouf Khattab @carolmalouf, 10 December 2017
#Lebanon Security Forces guarding the perimeter of US embassy in #Beirut. ANWAR AMRO/AFP/Getty Images: image via Aldin @aldin_ww, 10 December 2017
#Lebanon Mass demonstrations in the Lebanese capital #Beirut as a victory for #Jerusalem and rejection for Trump's decision #RejectTrumpPolicy: image via Jan Kakar @OfficialAjan, 8 December 2017
#Lebanon Mass demonstrations in the Lebanese capital #Beirut as a victory for #Jerusalem and rejection for Trump's decision #RejectTrumpPolicy: image via Jan Kakar @OfficialAjan, 8 December 2017
#Lebanon Mass demonstrations in the Lebanese capital #Beirut as a victory for #Jerusalem and rejection for Trump's decision #RejectTrumpPolicy: image via Jan Kakar @OfficialAjan, 8 December 2017
#Lebanon Mass demonstrations in the Lebanese capital #Beirut as a victory for #Jerusalem and rejection for Trump's decision #RejectTrumpPolicy: image via Jan Kakar @OfficialAjan, 8 December 2017
Church and Mosque in #Beirut lit up in solidarity with #Jerusalem: image via Ameerah @araab_advocate, 8 December 2017
Saint George Cathedral in Down Town #Beirut lit with image of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in #Jerusalem #Palestine #BeirutLovesPalestine: image via Halim Shebaya @halimshebaya, 7 December 2017

Israeli security forces clash with #Palestinian protestors in the West Bank city of #Ramallah #Jerusalem Photo @Abbasmomani: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 11 December 2017

Protesters in #Lebanon try to remove the fence surrounding the US Embassy in #Beirut Lebanon demonstrations against recognizing Jerusalem as "Israel's" capital have been ongoing for hours now despite being attacked and dispersed by Lebanese security forces. #HandsOffJerusalem: image via Ouds News Network @OudsNen, 10 December 2017

Angry protesters attack the US Embassy in #Beirut, Lebanon in rejection to Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of 'Israel'. #Lebanon #Palestinian Territories #JerusalemIsTheCapitalOfPalestine #HandsOffJerusalem: image via Free Palestine @Taghreeba, 10 December 2017

Angry protesters attack the US Embassy in #Beirut, Lebanon in rejection to Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of 'Israel'. #Lebanon #Palestinian Territories #JerusalemIsTheCapitalOfPalestine #HandsOffJerusalem: image via Free Palestine @Taghreeba, 10 December 2017

Protesters have begun to breach the main gates of the #US embassy in #Beirut. Violent clashes now reported between local police and demonstrators.: image via Crabby Claus @IntelCrab, 10 December 2017

Protesters have begun to breach the main gates of the #US embassy in #Beirut. Violent clashes now reported between local police and demonstrators.: image via Crabby Claus @IntelCrab, 10 December 2017

Protesters have begun to breach the main gates of the #US embassy in #Beirut. Violent clashes now reported between local police and demonstrators.: image via Crabby Claus @IntelCrab, 10 December 2017

Today in front of the #American Embassy in #Beirut ... Lebanese Journalist @KaramRachel protected one of the demonstrators after being severely beaten up by anti-riot police. Humanity first. #respect: image via Carol Malouf Khattab @carolmalouf, 10 December 2017

#Lebanon Security Forces guarding the perimeter of US embassy in #Beirut. ANWAR AMRO/AFP/Getty Images: image via Aldin @aldin_ww, 10 December 2017

#Lebanon Mass demonstrations in the Lebanese capital #Beirut as a victory for #Jerusalem and rejection for Trump's decision #RejectTrumpPolicy: image via Jan Kakar @OfficialAjan, 8 December 2017

#Lebanon Mass demonstrations in the Lebanese capital #Beirut as a victory for #Jerusalem and rejection for Trump's decision #RejectTrumpPolicy: image via Jan Kakar @OfficialAjan, 8 December 2017

#Lebanon Mass demonstrations in the Lebanese capital #Beirut as a victory for #Jerusalem and rejection for Trump's decision #RejectTrumpPolicy: image via Jan Kakar @OfficialAjan, 8 December 2017

#Lebanon Mass demonstrations in the Lebanese capital #Beirut as a victory for #Jerusalem and rejection for Trump's decision #RejectTrumpPolicy: image via Jan Kakar @OfficialAjan, 8 December 2017

Church and Mosque in #Beirut lit up in solidarity with #Jerusalem: image via Ameerah @araab_advocate, 8 December 2017

Saint George Cathedral in Down Town #Beirut lit with image of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in #Jerusalem #Palestine #BeirutLovesPalestine: image via Halim Shebaya @halimshebaya, 7 December 2017

At the American University in #Beirut #Lebanon. #HandsOffPalestine: image via Dr. Basem Naim @basemn63, 7 December 2017

Israeli flags fly near the Dome of the Rock in the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem on 5 December 2017: photo by AFP/Getty, 5 December 2017
Donald Trump says recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel will bring peace – it will do quite the opposite: Robert Fisk, Middle East Correspondent, The Independent, 7 December 2017
I was called by an Irish radio station in Dublin to respond to President Donald Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. What did I think was going on inside the US President’s mind, I was asked? And I replied immediately: “I don’t have the key to the lunatic asylum.” What might once have seemed an outrageously over-the-top remark was simply accepted as a normal journalistic reaction to the leader of the world’s greatest superpower. And re-listening to the speech that Trump made in the White House, I realised I should have been far less restrained. The very text of the document is insane, preposterous, shameful.Goodbye Palestine. Goodbye the two-state solution. Goodbye the Palestinians. For this new Israeli “capital” is not for them. Trump did not even use the word “Palestine”. He talked about “Israel and the Palestinians” – in other words, of a state and of those who do not deserve – and can no longer aspire to – a state. No wonder I received a call in Beirut last night from a Palestinian woman who had just listened to the Trump destruction of the “peace process”. “Remember Kingdom of Heaven?” she asked me, referring to Ridley Scott’s great movie of the 1187 fall of Jerusalem. “Well it’s now the Kingdom of Hell.”
It’s not the Kingdom of Hell, of course. The Palestinians have been living in a kind of hell for a 100 years, ever since the Balfour Declaration declared Britain’s support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, when a single sentence – in which our beloved Theresa May takes such “pride” – became a textbook for refugeedom and the future dispossession of the Palestinian Arabs from their lands. As usual, the Arab response this week was sickening, warning of the “dangers” of Trump’s decision, which was “unjustified and irresponsible” – this piece of fluff produced by King Salman of Saudi Arabia, the so-called protector of Islam’s two holiest places (the third being Jerusalem, although he didn’t quite manage to point that out) – and we can be sure that in the coming days many an “emergency committee” will be formed by Arab and Muslim institutions to deal with this “danger”. They will, as we all know, be worthless.
But it was the linguistic analysis of Noam Chomsky when I was at university – he later became a good friend – which I applied to the Trump speech. The first thing I spotted was, as I mentioned above, the absence of “Palestine”. I always put the word in quotation marks because I don’t believe it will ever exist as a state. Go and look at the Jewish colonies in the West Bank and it’s clear that Israel has no intention that it should exist in the future. But that’s no excuse for Trump. In the spirit of the Balfour Declaration – which referred to Jews but to the Arabs as “existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine” – Trump downgrades the Arabs of Palestine to “Palestinians”.
Yet even at the start, the chicanery begins. Trump talks about “very fresh thinking” and “new approaches”. But there is nothing new about Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, since the Israelis have been banging on about this for decades. What is “new” is that – for the benefit of his party, Christian Evangelicals and those who claim to be American supporters of Israel – Trump has simply turned away from any notion of fairness in peace negotiations and run with Israel’s ball. Past presidents have issued waivers against the 1995 Jerusalem Congress Act, not because “delaying the recognition of Jerusalem would advance the cause of peace” but because that recognition should be given to the city as a capital for two peoples and two states – not one.
Then Trump tells us that his decision “is in the best interests” of the US. But he can’t explain how – by effectively taking America out of future “peace” negotiations and destroying any claim (admittedly dubious by now) that the US is an “honest broker” in these talks – this will benefit Washington. It clearly won’t – though it might help Trump’s party funding – since it further lowers American power, prestige and standing across the Middle East. Then he claims that “like every other sovereign nation”, Israel has the right to determine its own capital. Up to a point, Lord Copper. For when another people – the Arabs rather than just the Jews – also want to claim that city as a capital (or at least the east of it), then that right is suspended until a final peace comes into existence.
Israel may claim all of Jerusalem as its eternal and undivided capital – as Netanyahu also claims that Israel is the “Jewish state”, despite the fact that more than 20 per cent of the people of Israel are Muslim Arabs who live inside its borders – but America’s recognition of this claim means that Jerusalem can never be the capital of another nation. And here’s the rub. We don’t have the slightest idea of the real borders of this “capital”. Trump actually acknowledged this, in a line that went largely unreported, when he said that “we are not taking a position on … the specific boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem”. In other words, he recognised the sovereignty of a country over all of Jerusalem without knowing exactly where that city’s borders lie.
In fact, we don’t have the slightest idea of just where Israel’s eastern border is. Does it lie along the old front line that divided Jerusalem? Does it lie a mile or so to the east of east Jerusalem? Or does it lie along the Jordan river? In which case, goodbye Palestine. Trump has awarded Israel the right to a whole city as its capital but hasn’t the slightest idea where the eastern border of this country is, let alone the frontier of Jerusalem.
The world was happy to accept Tel Aviv as a temporary capital – as it was to pretend that Jericho or Ramallah was the “capital” of the Palestine Authority after Arafat arrived there. But Jerusalem was not to be recognised as the Israeli capital even though Israel claimed it was. Then we have Trump stating that in this “most successful” democracy, “people of all faiths are free to live and worship according to their conscience”. I trust he won’t be telling that to the more than two and a half million Palestinians in the West Bank who are not free to worship in Jerusalem without a special pass, or the population of besieged Gaza who cannot hope to reach the city. Yet Trump claims his decision is merely “a recognition of reality”. I suppose his ambassador in Tel Aviv – soon, presumably, in Jerusalem (if only, so far, in a hotel room) – believes this tosh; for it was he who claimed that Israel only occupied “2 per cent” of the West Bank.
And this new embassy, when it is eventually completed, will become “a magnificent tribute to peace”, according to Trump. Given the bunkers into which most US embassies in the Middle East have turned, it’s going to be a place with armoured gates and pre-stressed concrete walls and lots of inner bunkers for its diplomatic staff. But by then, I suppose, Trump will be gone. Or will he?
As usual, we had the Trump waffle. He wants “a great deal” for the Israelis and Palestinians, a peace agreement that is “acceptable to both sides” – even though this is not possible when he’s recognised all of Jerusalem as Israeli before the so-called “final status” talks, which the world still fondly expects to take place between “both sides”. But if Jerusalem is “one of the most sensitive issues” in these talks, if there was going to be “disagreement and dissent” about his announcement – all of which he said – then why on earth did he make the decision at all?
Only when he descended into Blair-like verbosity – that the future of the region was held back by “bloodshed, ignorance and terror” – did it really become too much to stomach any more of these lies. If people are supposed to respond to “disagreement” with “reasoned debate, not violence”, what is the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital supposed to produce? A “debate”, for heaven’s sake? Is that what to “rethink old assumptions” means?
Enough of this twaddle. What more folly can this wretched man dream up and lie about? So what was going on in his befuddled mind when he made this decision? Sure, he wants to follow up on his campaign promises. But how come he decided to honour this promise but could not bring himself to say last April that the mass murder of a million and a half Armenians in 1915 constituted an act of genocide? He was obviously frightened of upsetting the Turks, who deny the first industrial holocaust of the 20th century. Well, he’s sure upset the Turks now. I’d like to think he’d taken that into account. But forget it. The guy is crackers. And it will take many years for his country to recover from this latest act of folly.
A magnificent long-haired mammoth from Pech Merle drawn ~25,000 years ago. A woolly mammoth’s thick outer guard hairs could be almost 1 m long. They probably shed their heaviest hairs in spring. Pech Merle is one of the few French caves still open to the public #IceAgeArt: image via The Ice Age @Jamie_Woodward_, 9 December 2017

Woolly mammoth slayer - skillfully crafted grooved spear of mammoth ivory found within the rib cage of mammoth carcass: image via The Ice Age @Jamie_Woodward_, 9 December 2017

Proof that mammoths had long, thick, red woolly coats.......: image via The Ice Age @Jamie_Woodward_, 11 December 2017

Top photo is before arrival of #POTUS (note: no Secret Service detail); bottom photo of rally in progress. #pensacola #trumprally: image via Stephen Crowley @ Stcrow, 8 December 2017
Law enforcement officials work following an explosion near New York’s Times Square on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017. Police said a man with a pipe bomb strapped to his body set off the crude device in a passageway under 42nd Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues.: photo by Andres Kudacki/AP, 11 December 2017
Police stand guard in front of Port Authority Bus Terminal following an explosion near New York’s Times Square on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017. Police said a man with a pipe bomb strapped to him set off the crude device in an underground passageway under 42nd Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues.: photo by Andres Kudacki/AP, 11 December 2017
Law enforcement officials work following an explosion near New York’s Times Square on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017. Police said a man with a pipe bomb strapped to him set off the crude device in an underground passageway under 42nd Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues.: photo by Andres Kudacki/AP, 11 December 2017

Law enforcement officials work following an explosion near New York’s Times Square on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017. Police said a man with a pipe bomb strapped to his body set off the crude device in a passageway under 42nd Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues.: photo by Andres Kudacki/AP, 11 December 2017

Police stand guard in front of Port Authority Bus Terminal following an explosion near New York’s Times Square on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017. Police said a man with a pipe bomb strapped to him set off the crude device in an underground passageway under 42nd Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues.: photo by Andres Kudacki/AP, 11 December 2017

Law enforcement officials work following an explosion near New York’s Times Square on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017. Police said a man with a pipe bomb strapped to him set off the crude device in an underground passageway under 42nd Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues.: photo by Andres Kudacki/AP, 11 December 2017

Muslims pray at President's Park beside Pennsylvania Avenue across the street from the White House in Washington. Hundreds gathered at President's Park to protest President Donald Trump's announcement that he is recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital and will relocate the US embassy to Jerusalem: photo by EPA-EFE, 9 December 2017
Muslims hold Friday prayers outside White House to protest Donald Trump’s Jerusalem move: Agence France-Presse, 9 December 2017
Responding to the call of American Muslim organisations, worshippers laid out their prayer mats at a park in front of the president’s residence.
Wearing traditional Palestinian keffiyeh scarves or the colours of the Palestinian flag, protesters also held placards denouncing Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

President Donald Trump eyes the press defiantlyas he crosses the White House lawn after announcing his decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.: photo by AFP, 9 December 2017
On Wednesday, Trump declared that the US recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and announced the relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem – turning his back on decades of American and international diplomacy.
“Trump does not own a piece of soil of Jerusalem and Palestine. He owns the Trump Tower. He can give it away to the Israelis,” Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said.

Hundreds of Muslims attend prayers on Friday in front of the White House to protest President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.: photo by AFP, 9 December 2017
The president is “empowering Christian religious extremism in the US,” he added.
Speaking alongside other prominent figures from the American Muslim community during the protest, Awad called upon Trump to “put the American interests first, not those of a foreign power and its lobbies in the US.”
Another protester, Zaid al-Harasheh, said that Trump’s decision is “not for peace” and will “create more chaos.”
Trump’s declaration sparked anger across the Muslim world.
On Friday, clashes between thousands of Palestinians and Israeli security forces in the West Bank and on the Gaza Strip left two people dead and dozens more injured.
Israel seized control of Palestinian East Jerusalem from Jordan in 1967 and later annexed it, a move not recognised by the international community.
The Jewish state considers Jerusalem its undivided capital, but Palestinians believe East Jerusalem is illegally occupied and see it as the capital of their future state.

Hundreds of Muslims attended prayers on Friday in front of the White House to protest President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.: photo by AFP, 9 December 2017

I switch consciousnesses with the best people. Top guys. Head-dress guy, here. He's great. I'm gonna use the #orb to switch with him. Magic!: image via Fake Trump Talk @faketrumptalk, 21 May 2017

So telling and consistent they would Instagram this one (to illustrate signing of Jerusalem statement). More evidence of symbiosis. So thoroughly obsessed with the media, his coverage, and the attention. Photo @whitehouse #notnormal: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 10 December 2017
Space Policy Directive 1

Astronauts entering a Lunar outpost: concept art by NASA, 15 May 2006 (NASA)
Trump to start process of sending Americans back to moon: White House: Reuters, 11 December 2017
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday will sign a directive aimed at sending Americans back to the moon and eventually to Mars, the White House said.
Trump will sign “Space Policy Directive 1” that orders NASA “to lead an innovative space exploration program to send American astronauts back to the Moon, and eventually Mars,” spokesman Hogan Gidley said.
Gidley said Trump’s move is based on recommendations from the National Space Council.
“He will change our nation’s human spaceflight policy to help America become the driving force for the space industry, gain new knowledge from the cosmos, and spur incredible technology,” Gidley said in a statement.
Apocalypse Sheela Retweeted KRANG T. NELSON
Apocalypse Sheela added,
Im not sure why the universe keeps giving us gifts like these but, please, keep it coming.
image via Apocalypse Sheela @PettyLupone, 21 May 2017
image via Apocalypse Sheela @PettyLupone, 21 May 2017

Apocalypse Sheela Retweeted KRANG T. NELSON
Apocalypse Sheela added,
Im not sure why the universe keeps giving us gifts like these but, please, keep it coming.
image via Apocalypse Sheela @PettyLupone, 21 May 2017
image via Apocalypse Sheela @PettyLupone, 21 May 2017
A tiny man saw a ball of gold and thought about a tremendous deal to make money by building a whole chain of luxury hotels in outer space

Once in D and D I touched an #orb and got trapped inside for 4 years so send ur prayers up to the great DM in the sky: image via Karen McCormack @itsbaberuth, 21 May 2017
Stephen Crane: A man saw a ball of gold
A man saw a ball of gold in the sky;
He climbed for it,
And eventually he achieved it --
It was clay.
Now this is the strange part:
When the man went to the earth
And looked again,
Lo, there was the ball of gold.
Now this is the strange part:
It was a ball of gold.
Aye, by the heavens, it was a ball of gold.
He climbed for it,
And eventually he achieved it --
It was clay.
Now this is the strange part:
When the man went to the earth
And looked again,
Lo, there was the ball of gold.
Now this is the strange part:
It was a ball of gold.
Aye, by the heavens, it was a ball of gold.
Stephen Crane (1871-1900):"A man saw a ball of gold...", from The Black Riders and Other Lines, 1895
The #orb is an entertaining meme—for sure. But I've yet to read an explanation of what they think they are actually doing. —Anyone know?: image via Theodore Grunewald @TedGrunewald, 21 May 2017 ![]()

The #orb is an entertaining meme—for sure. But I've yet to read an explanation of what they think they are actually doing. —Anyone know?: image via Theodore Grunewald @TedGrunewald, 21 May 2017

The #orb is an entertaining meme—for sure. But I've yet to read an explanation of what they think they are actually doing. —Anyone know?: image via Theodore Grunewald @TedGrunewald, 21 May 2017
this object escaped from the orb and raced toward Jupiter at the speed of light
this object escaped from the orb and raced toward Jupiter at the speed of light

‘Oumuamua. Scientists will monitor the asteroid to see if it is transmitting anything.: photo by ESO/M. Kornmesser/PA, 11 December 2017
Mysterious object confirmed to be from another solar system: Astronomers to check interstellar body for signs of alien technology: Green Bank telescope in West Virginia will listen for radio signals from ‘Oumuamua, an object from another solar system: Ian Sample, Science Editor, The Guardian, 11 December 2017
Astronomers are to use one of the world’s largest telescopes to check a mysterious object that is speeding through the solar system for signs of alien technology.
The Green Bank telescope in West Virginia will listen for radio signals being broadcast from a cigar-shaped body which was first spotted in the solar system in October. The body arrived from interstellar space and reached a peak speed of 196,000 mph as it swept past the sun.
Scientists on the Breakthrough Listen project, which searches for evidence of alien civilisations, said the Green Bank telescope would monitor the object, named ‘Oumuamua, from Wednesday. The first phase of observations is expected to last 10 hours and will tune in to four different radio transmission bands.
“Most likely it is of natural origin, but because it is so peculiar, we would like to check if it has any sign of artificial origin, such as radio emissions,” said Avi Loeb, professor of astronomy at Harvard University and an adviser to the Breakthrough Listen project. “If we do detect a signal that appears artificial in origin, we’ll know immediately.”
The interstellar body, the first to be seen in the solar system, was initially spotted by researchers on the Pan-Starrs telescope, which the University of Hawaii uses to scan the heavens for killer asteroids. Named after the Hawaiian word for “messenger”, the body was picked up as it swept past Earth at 85 times the distance to the moon.
While many astronomers believe the object is an interstellar asteroid, its elongated shape is unlike anything seen in the asteroid belt in our own solar system. Early observations of ‘Oumuamua show that it is about 400m long but only one tenth as wide. “It’s curious that the first object we see from outside the solar system looks like that,” said Loeb.
The body is now about twice as far from Earth as the sun, but from that distance the Green Bank telescope can still detect transmissions as weak as those produced by a mobile phone. Loeb said that while he did not expect Green Bank to detect an alien transmission, it was worth checking.
The body is now about twice as far from Earth as the sun, but from that distance the Green Bank telescope can still detect transmissions as weak as those produced by a mobile phone. Loeb said that while he did not expect Green Bank to detect an alien transmission, it was worth checking.
“The chances that we’ll hear something are very small, but if we do, we will report it immediately and then try to interpret it,” Loeb said. “It would be prudent just to check and look for signals. Even if we find an artefact that was left over and there are no signs of life on it, that would be the greatest thrill I can imagine having in my lifetime. It’s really one of the fundamental questions in science, perhaps the most fundamental: are we alone?”
The Breakthrough Listen project was launched at the Royal Society in London in 2015, when the Cambridge cosmologist Stephen Hawking announced the effort to listen for signs of life on planets that orbit the million stars closest to Earth. The $100m project is funded by the internet billionaire Yuri Milner, and has secured time on telescopes in the US and Australia to search for alien civilisations.
Astronomers do not have good ideas about how such elongated objects could be created in asteroid belts. By studying ‘Oumuamua more closely, they hope to learn how they might form and whether there are others in the solar system that have so far gone unnoticed. “If it’s of natural origin, there should be many more of them,” Loeb said.Previous work on the body found it to be extremely dark red, absorbing about 96% of light that falls on it. The colour is associated with carbon-based molecules on comets and asteroids.
If, as expected, the telescope fails to pick up any intelligent broadcasts from ‘Oumuamua, the observations are still expected to aid scientists in understanding the body. Other signals detected by the Green Bank telescope could shed light on whether the object is shrouded in a comet-like cloud of gas, and reveal whether it is carrying water and ice through the solar system.

One #orb to find them. One orb to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.: image via NopeSec @NeuralCulture, 21 May 2017

Just some billionaires, gathered in the dark, holding a glowing orb. #trump #orb: image via Kelly @_itsmekt, 21 May 2017
cosmic response to Emperor Lord Tiny Hands (this object also escaped from the orb, can cure any known human ailment w/in 10 mins.)

TAIPEI TAIWAN: photo by Sakulchai Sikitikul, 25 November 2017

TAIPEI TAIWAN: photo by Sakulchai Sikitikul, 25 November 2017
Moon inhabitants advise Lord Tinyhands: Keep off earthling, you don't own the universe: Luna Press, 11 December 2017
LUNA, 11 December: The August Council for Lunar Affairs, convening in a special emergency meeting to respond to the latest wave of threatening murmurations from Earth, has voted unanimously to reject US Emperor Lord Tinyhands Trump's proposal to resume interference in interplanetary space.
"I think I can speak for Mars and the rest of the universe in this matter," said Council Secretary Jor-El Big Mitts. "Those honkies would be a lot better off if they took to minding their own business, for once. They've caused more than enough trouble out here already, without starting up more of it just to take attention away from their own ridiculous political problems, such as tilting their planet completely out of orbit so that all the wealth is allowed to run off into the privileged domain of the very rich. If they want to 'spur technology'somewhere, let them do it in their ownmessed-up nest.
"On the other hand, in the event they should choose to ignore this warning, we have today ordered that the Smoke Simulators be fired up, pending the arrival of any unlicensed 'exploratory' vehicles."
![Smoke simulator | by AntEater Theater]()
Smoke simulator [Taipei]: photo by Aaron Aardvark, 19 September 2009
Fire on the 150 both sides at Chismahoo on the ridge above Gobanador [sic] canyon, Cate School and Shepard Mesa, from Y on Shepard Mesa. Also with McDonalds in foreground. GET OUT NOW! #thomasfire #carpinteria #cate #ojai: image via Susan Robbins @MsPSCard, 10 December 2017
Fire on the 150 both sides at Chismahoo on the ridge above Gobanador [sic] canyon, Cate School and Shepard Mesa, from Y on Shepard Mesa. Also with McDonalds in foreground. GET OUT NOW! #thomasfire #carpinteria #cate #ojai: image via Susan Robbins @MsPSCard, 10 December 2017
Fire on the 150 both sides at Chismahoo on the ridge above Gobanador [sic] canyon, Cate School and Shepard Mesa, from Y on Shepard Mesa. Also with McDonalds in foreground. GET OUT NOW! #thomasfire #carpinteria #cate #ojai: image via Susan Robbins @MsPSCard, 10 December 2017
The view from my grandpa’s porch in the San Roque mobile estates on Via Real in #Carpinteria they are already packed. All the neighbors are leaving too. It’s still on the hills but the size is too large to take any risks #ThomasFire: image via lindso @thelop, 10 December 2017
destruction up on Shepard’s Mesa lane above #carpinteria #thomasfire: image via Matt Hartman @ShorealoneFilms, 10 December 2017
![Suratthani,Thailand | by Pazta Sakulpradit]()
Suratthani, Thailand: photo by Pazta Sakulpradit, 10 December 2017
![Suratthani,Thailand | by Pazta Sakulpradit]()
Suratthani, Thailand: photo by Pazta Sakulpradit, 10 December 2017
![Suratthani,Thailand | by Pazta Sakulpradit]()
Suratthani, Thailand: photo by Pazta Sakulpradit, 10 December 2017
Melania and Donald Trump attend a Hanukkah reception at the White House.: photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images, December 2017
![Untitled | by Alozor]()
[Untitled]: photo by Ali Boombayé, 4 December 2017
![Untitled | by Alozor]()
[Untitled]: photo by Ali Boombayé, 4 December 2017
![Untitled | by Alozor]()
[Untitled]: photo by Ali Boombayé, 4 December 2017
The mammoth bone huts at Mezhirich near Kiev are ~15,000 years old. The base of each dwelling is a circle of interlocking mammoth jaw bones.: image via The Ice Age @Jamie_Woodward_, 5 November 2017
Andrew Beatty retweeted NYT Opinion
Andrew Beatty added,
Oh fuck right off
image via Andrew Beatty @AndrewBeatty, 8 December 2017
LUNA, 11 December: The August Council for Lunar Affairs, convening in a special emergency meeting to respond to the latest wave of threatening murmurations from Earth, has voted unanimously to reject US Emperor Lord Tinyhands Trump's proposal to resume interference in interplanetary space.
"I think I can speak for Mars and the rest of the universe in this matter," said Council Secretary Jor-El Big Mitts. "Those honkies would be a lot better off if they took to minding their own business, for once. They've caused more than enough trouble out here already, without starting up more of it just to take attention away from their own ridiculous political problems, such as tilting their planet completely out of orbit so that all the wealth is allowed to run off into the privileged domain of the very rich. If they want to 'spur technology'somewhere, let them do it in their ownmessed-up nest.
"The inhabitants of the rest of the cosmos remain united against earthling terror. While today’s announcement from the earthling emperor reinforces our need to be vigilant, it will not break our resolve to live our lives as we see fit. No cowardly interference or attack from Earth can change the core of who we are as citizens of the cosmos. Potential invaders should understand our views, and refrain from testing our resolve.
"On the other hand, in the event they should choose to ignore this warning, we have today ordered that the Smoke Simulators be fired up, pending the arrival of any unlicensed 'exploratory' vehicles."

Smoke simulator [Taipei]: photo by Aaron Aardvark, 19 September 2009

Fire on the 150 both sides at Chismahoo on the ridge above Gobanador [sic] canyon, Cate School and Shepard Mesa, from Y on Shepard Mesa. Also with McDonalds in foreground. GET OUT NOW! #thomasfire #carpinteria #cate #ojai: image via Susan Robbins @MsPSCard, 10 December 2017

Fire on the 150 both sides at Chismahoo on the ridge above Gobanador [sic] canyon, Cate School and Shepard Mesa, from Y on Shepard Mesa. Also with McDonalds in foreground. GET OUT NOW! #thomasfire #carpinteria #cate #ojai: image via Susan Robbins @MsPSCard, 10 December 2017

Fire on the 150 both sides at Chismahoo on the ridge above Gobanador [sic] canyon, Cate School and Shepard Mesa, from Y on Shepard Mesa. Also with McDonalds in foreground. GET OUT NOW! #thomasfire #carpinteria #cate #ojai: image via Susan Robbins @MsPSCard, 10 December 2017

The view from my grandpa’s porch in the San Roque mobile estates on Via Real in #Carpinteria they are already packed. All the neighbors are leaving too. It’s still on the hills but the size is too large to take any risks #ThomasFire: image via lindso @thelop, 10 December 2017

destruction up on Shepard’s Mesa lane above #carpinteria #thomasfire: image via Matt Hartman @ShorealoneFilms, 10 December 2017

Firefighters monitor the Thomas fire as it burns through Los Padres National Forest near Ojai, Calif., on Friday. | Photo Noah Berger: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 8 December 2017
Midnight. Linden Ave. Carpinteria. #ThomasFire: image via Henry Galvan @HJGalvan, 10 December 2017

Just drove down the 101 from #SantaBarbara. #ThomasFire becomes visible from the highway just after #Summerland. Photo from Linden and 192 in #Carpinteria: image via Melissa @missgord, 10 December 2017

About 1 hour ago looking north from near Via Real #ThomasFire #Carpinteria: image via Retrovet @Retrovet, 10 December 2017

Midnight. Linden Ave. Carpinteria. #ThomasFire: image via Henry Galvan @HJGalvan, 10 December 2017

#ThomasFire: View from a crew boat in #Carpinteria this morning at 2:30am (Photo via Instagram @pnut_vbwl): image via Max Jacobs @maxkjacobs, 10 December 2017

Firefighters at #Carpinteria High School. Getting ready for the day as flames flicker behind them. @KNX1070 @CBSLA: image via Jon baird @KNXBaird, 11 December 2017

The thick, obscuring smoke from California's #ThomasFire—now 70 percent as large as L.A.—smothers a large swath of SoCal's coast. Satellite imagery reveals just how appalling the situation is. #carpinteria @DiscoverMag: image via Tom Yulsman @yulsman, 11 December 2017

The #ThomasFire as seen from my @SouthwestAir flight threatening #Carpinteria. @NBCNews @NBCLA @KTLA @CaliforniaFires: image via Anna @IAmAnnaBauer, 10 December 2017

Suratthani, Thailand: photo by Pazta Sakulpradit, 10 December 2017

Suratthani, Thailand: photo by Pazta Sakulpradit, 10 December 2017

Suratthani, Thailand: photo by Pazta Sakulpradit, 10 December 2017

Melania and Donald Trump attend a Hanukkah reception at the White House.: photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images, December 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Ali Boombayé, 4 December 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Ali Boombayé, 4 December 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Ali Boombayé, 4 December 2017
Space Policy Directive #2: What to do when a woolly mammoth in a clown santa suit w/a fat ass and a comb-over drops down the chimney of the cosmos and sets the christmas tree on fire

The mammoth bone huts at Mezhirich near Kiev are ~15,000 years old. The base of each dwelling is a circle of interlocking mammoth jaw bones.: image via The Ice Age @Jamie_Woodward_, 5 November 2017
Andrew Beatty added,
Oh fuck right off
image via Andrew Beatty @AndrewBeatty, 8 December 2017

Palestinians paint an ‘X’ over a mural of Donald Trump on the Israeli West Bank barrier wall.: photo by Abed Al Hashlamoun/EPA, December 2017

A Palestinian protester flies Palestinian flags today in the West Bank city of Ramallah during clashes with Israeli troops following protests against U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. | Photo @nnasserx, 9 December 2017: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 9 December 2017
![Flames from the Thomas fire burn on a hillside behind a truck on Highway 101 north of Ventura, Calif., on Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2017. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)]()
![U.S. flags wave as snow falls, blanketing vehicles in a car sales lot, Friday, Dec. 8, 2017, in Jackson, Miss. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)]()
![An orthodox Jewish man reads from a holy book in a cemetery near the Dome of the Rock Mosque in the Al Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City, Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017. A day earlier, U.S. President Donald Trump announced his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)]()
People look out from a window at masked Hamas gunmen during a rally against the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza Strip, Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017.: photo by Khalil Hamra/AP, 7 December 2017

People look out from a window at masked Hamas gunmen during a rally against the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza Strip, Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017.: photo by Khalil Hamra/AP, 7 December 2017