![Cahuenga underpass | by ADMurr]()
Los Angeles, CA: photo by Mike Murphy, 31 October 2017
![Los Angeles, CA | by Mike Murphy -]()
Los Angeles, CA: photo by Mike Murphy, 31 October 2017
![Los Angeles_0080.1 | by Thomas Willard]()
Los Angeles_0080.1 (culture cultivation), CA: photo by Thomas Willard, 2 December 2017
![South 22nd Avenue | by GC_Dean]()
South 22nd Avenue | Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 13 January 2015
![South 22nd Avenue | by GC_Dean]()
South 22nd Avenue | Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 13 January 2015
![South 22nd Avenue | by GC_Dean]()
South 22nd Avenue | Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 13 January 2015
![Waima, East Coast, NZ | by bobsan88]()
Waima, East Coast, NZ: photo by bobsan88, 4 December2017
![Sunday Morning, Washington DC National Mall | by I Shot Baltimore]()
Sunday morning, Washington DC National Mall: photo by Larry Cohen, 18 November 2017
![Sunday Morning, Washington DC National Mall | by I Shot Baltimore]()
Sunday morning, Washington DC National Mall: photo by Larry Cohen, 18 November 2017
![Sunday Morning, Washington DC National Mall | by I Shot Baltimore]()
![Golden hour at stucco garage | by ADMurr]()
Golden hour at stucco garage [east Hollywood]: photo by Andrew Murr, 4 December 2017
![Posted | by ADMurr]()
Posted [Greenspring Ave, Baltimore]: photo by Andrew Murr, taken July 2016, posted 4 December 2017
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
Untitled [Television Hill, Baltimore]: photo by Patrick,4 December 2017
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
Untitled [Television Hill, Baltimore]: photo by Patrick,4 December 2017
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
Untitled [Parkside, Baltimore]: photo by Patrick, September 2017
![stumps and slumps and ferris wheels | by all quiet please proceed]()
stumps and slumps and ferris wheels | Charlie Patton (2) [Near West Side, Chicago]: photo by Annie Maus, 3 September 2017
![Get out | by ADMurr]()
Get out [La Brea, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 1 December 2017
![quick patch (1) | by all quiet please proceed]()
quick patch (1). Wood north of 16th [West Side, Chicago]: photo by Annie Maus, 19 March 2017
![Untitled | by I Shot Baltimore]()
Untitled [Baltimore]: photo by Larry Cohen, 3 December 2017
![Untitled | by I Shot Baltimore]()
Untitled [Baltimore]: photo by Larry Cohen, 3 December 2017
![Untitled | by I Shot Baltimore]()
Untitled [Baltimore]: photo by Larry Cohen, 3 December 2017
![_MG_5468s | by krysolove]()
_MG_5468s: photo by Ilya Shtutsa, 16 October 2016
![_MG_6155s | by krysolove]()
_MG_6155s: photo by Ilya Shtutsa, 23October 2016
![_MG_1279s | by krysolove]()
_MG_1279s: photo by Ilya Shtutsa, 25 June 2017
![_MG_7517s | by krysolove]()
_MG_7517s: photo by Ilya Shtutsa, 18 December 2016
![_MG_0200_ | by krysolove]()
_MG_0200_: photo by Ilya Shtutsa, 15 January 2017
![I T A M #2 | by all quiet please proceed]()
I T A M #2. 1108 N. California [Chicago]: photo by Annie Maus, 23 March 2017
![Selfish Gene#1 | by herr_muell]()
Selfish Gene #1: photo by Herr_Muell, 13 November 2017
![Selfish Gene#1 | by herr_muell]()
Selfish Gene #1: photo by Herr_Muell, 13 November 2017
![Selfish Gene#1 | by herr_muell]()
Selfish Gene #1: photo by Herr_Muell, 13 November 2017
![I T A M #5 | by all quiet please proceed]()
I T A M #5 [Near West Side, Chicago]: photo by Annie Maus, 11 November 2017
![Untitled | by I Shot Baltimore]()
Untitled: photo by Larry Cohen, 3 October 2017
![Untitled | by I Shot Baltimore]()
Untitled: photo by Larry Cohen, 3 October 2017
![Untitled | by I Shot Baltimore]()
Untitled: photo by Larry Cohen, 3 October 2017
![Grade Crossing | by ADMurr]()
Grade Crossing [Clarksdale, MS]: photo by Andrew Murr, 4 July 2017
![quick patch (2) | by all quiet please proceed]()
quick patch (2). Hubbard Corridor [Chicago]: photo by Annie Maus, 2 April 2017
![Standard American Sumbitch | by rickele]()
Standard American Sumbitch [Murica]: photo by Rick Ele, 2 December 2017
![Standard American Sumbitch | by rickele]()
Standard American Sumbitch [Murica]: photo by Rick Ele, 2 December 2017
![Standard American Sumbitch | by rickele]()
Standard American Sumbitch [Murica]: photo by Rick Ele, 2 December 2017
!["why you take picture?" (Last Call Lounge) | by find myself a city (1001 Afternoons in Chicago)]()
![Deindustrial | by ADMurr]()
Deindustrial [Television Hill, Baltimore]: photo by Andrew Murr, 3 December 2017
![On Road#1(please google for this scene) | by herr_muell]()
On Road #1 (please google for this scene): photo by Herr_Muell, 13 November 2017
![On Road#1(please google for this scene) | by herr_muell]()
On Road #1 (please google for this scene): photo by Herr_Muell, 13 November 2017
![On Road#1(please google for this scene) | by herr_muell]()
On Road #1 (please google for this scene): photo by Herr_Muell, 13 November 2017
![File:London2007brighton img 5631.jpg]()
Brighton: photo by Gürkan Sengün, 2007
![File:Brighton Pier.jpg]()
Brighton West Pier: photo by Barbara Mürdtler, 1995
Brighton West Pier: photo by Gürkan Sengün, 22 August 2007
2017-221. Humboldt County, CA.: photo by biosfear, November 2017
![Mom & Dad wrapping presents | by Joey Harrison]()
Mom and Dad wrapping presents. Photo and comments by my mom."Christmas of 1952. Jerry and I were spending our final days in the apartment over the unclaimed freight store. After 5 1/2 years of marriage, and a little money in the bank, we wanted to begin a family. One of the two apartments on the second floor of the large brick residence where my employer practiced medicine had become available; we would renovate it and move in. The object was to make it as easy as possible for me to continue working after a hoped-for birth. We even spoke to the other upstairs occupant, a young mother who had gone through nurse's training. Perfect! I would hand over baby in the back hallway every morning, then slide down the curving front bannister to the doctor's office! We would miss our spacious two-bedroom, rent-controlled apartment with extra features like a screened-and-glassed porch at the rear where we slept in summers. There were three dining room windows behind us in this photo. Since the scene outside was of another building only feet away, we bought yards of muslin, then sewed and gathered it on a long rod, which Jerry installed. We could relieve all of the white with color according to the season; here, our Christmas cards hung on wide satin streamers, to display and to decorate. Similar to our winter departure from the apartment, is Jerry's final departure from life, this December 11, 2005.": photo by Joey Harrison, 13 December 2005
![My dad and his father | by Joey Harrison]()
My dad and his father.My grandfather, who was born in Italy and came to the States at an early age, was a firm believer in drinking a glass of red wine daily, for health.: photo by Joey Harrison, sometime in 1974
![Keeneland | by Joey Harrison]()
Keeneland [Lexington, KY]: photo by Joey Harrison, 23 April 2016
![Big cat | by efo]()
Big cat [berkeley]: photo by efo, November 2017
![Big cat | by efo]()
Big cat [berkeley]: photo by efo, November 2017
![Big cat | by efo]()
Big cat [berkeley]: photo by efo, November 2017
![Untitled | by Missy Prince]()
Untitled: photo by Missy Prince, 27 November 2017
![Untitled | by Missy Prince]()
Untitled: photo by Missy Prince, 27 November 2017
![Untitled | by Missy Prince]()
Untitled: photo by Missy Prince, 27 November 2017

Cahuenga underpass [LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 5 December 2017
![File:The damnation of obadiah.jpg]()
The Damnation of Obadiah: engraving by Henry Bunbury in The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, published by J. Bretherton, London, 1773. Dr. Slop holding book containing the form of excommunication, and pointing at Obadiah who is disappearing, one leg and his back alone being visible. Behind Dr. Slop stands Mr. Shandy and Uncle Toby, with crutch under his left arm, pointing at map of Flanders and speaking to Corporal Trim. (British Cartoon Collection, Library of Congress)
![Is This A Metaphor (#1) | by all quiet please proceed]()
Is This A Metaphor (#1). Vicinity Tilden and Morgan [Chicago]: photo by Annie Maus, 9 October 2017
![Virtual Nursery | by david grim]()
Virtual Nursery [Detroit-Shoreway, westside Cleveland]: photo by David Grim, 22 October 2017
![Virtual Nursery | by david grim]()
Virtual Nursery [Detroit-Shoreway, westside Cleveland]: photo by David Grim, 22 October 2017
![Virtual Nursery | by david grim]()
Virtual Nursery [Detroit-Shoreway, westside Cleveland]: photo by David Grim, 22 October 2017
![H #2 | by andi_heuser]()
H#2: photo by andi_heuser, 31 March 2017
![Los Angeles, CA | by Mike Murphy -]()
Los Angeles, CA: photo by Mike Murphy, 31 October 2017
![Los Angeles, CA | by Mike Murphy -]()
Tristram Shandy: The Damnation of Obadiah

The Damnation of Obadiah: engraving by Henry Bunbury in The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, published by J. Bretherton, London, 1773. Dr. Slop holding book containing the form of excommunication, and pointing at Obadiah who is disappearing, one leg and his back alone being visible. Behind Dr. Slop stands Mr. Shandy and Uncle Toby, with crutch under his left arm, pointing at map of Flanders and speaking to Corporal Trim. (British Cartoon Collection, Library of Congress)
'BY the authority of God Almighty, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and of the holy canons, and of the undefiled Virgin Mary, mother and patroness of our Saviour.' I think there is no necessity, quoth Dr. Slop, dropping the paper down to his knee, and addressing himself to my father-----as you have read it over, Sir, so lately, to read it aloud---and as Captain Shandy seems to have no great inclination to hear it,-----I may as well read it to myself. That's contrary to treaty, replied my father,---besides, there is something so whimsical, especially in the latter part of it, I should grieve to lose the pleasure of a second reading. Dr. Slop did not altogether like it,---but my uncle Tobyoffering at that instant to give over whistling, and read it himself to them;-----Dr. Slop thought he might as well read it under the cover of my uncle Toby's whistling—as suffer my uncle Toby to read it alone;---so raising up the paper to his face, and holding it quite parallel to it, in order to hide his chagrin---he read it aloud as follows-----my uncle Tobywhistling Lillabullero, though not quite so loud as before.
'By the authority of God Almighty, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and of the undefiled Virgin Mary, mother and patroness of our Saviour, and of all the celestial virtues, angels, archangels, thrones, dominions, powers, cherubins and seraphins, and of all the holy patriarchs, prophets, and of all the apostles and evangelists, and of the holy innocents, who in the sight of the Holy Lamb, are found worthy to sing the new song of the holy martyrs and holy confessors, and of the holy virgins, and of all the saints together, with the holy and elect of God,-----May he' (Obadiah) 'be damn'd' (for tying these knots.)-----'We excommunicate, and anathematize him, and from the thresholds of the holy church of God Almighty we sequester him, that he may be tormented, disposed, and delivered over with Dathan and Abiram, and with those who say unto the Lord God, Depart from us, we desire none of thy ways. And as fire is quenched with water, so let the light of him be put out for evermore, unless it shall repent him' (Obadiah, of the knots which he has tied) 'and make satisfaction' (for them) Amen.
'May the Father who created man, curse him.---May the Son who suffered for us curse him.-----May the Holy Ghost, who was given to us in baptism, curse him' (Obadiah)---'May the holy cross which Christ, for our salvation triumphing over his enemies, ascended, curse him.
'May the holy and eternal Virgin Mary, mother of God, curse him.---May St. Michael, the advocate of holy souls, curse him.---May all the angels and archangels, principalities and powers, and all the heavenly armies, curse him.' [Our armies swore terribly in Flanders, cried my uncle Toby,---but nothing to this.---For my own part I could not have a heart to curse my dog so.]
'May St. John the Prae-cursor, and St. John the Baptist, and St. Peter and St. Paul, and St. Andrew, and all other Christ's apostles, together curse him. And may the rest of his disciples and four evangelists, who by their preaching converted the universal world, and may the holy and wonderful company of martyrs and confessors who by their holy works are found pleasing to God Almighty, curse him' (Obadiah.)
'May the holy choir of the holy virgins, who for the honour of Christ have despised the things of the world, damn him---May all the saints, who from the beginning of the world to everlasting ages are found to be beloved of God, damn him---May the heavens and earth, and all the holy things remaining therein, damn him,' (Obadiah) 'or her,' (or whoever else had a hand in tying these knots.)
'May he" (Obadiah) "be damn'd wherever he be---whether in the house or the stables, the garden or the field, or the highway, or in the path, or in the wood, or in the water, or in the church.---May he be cursed in living, in dying.' [Here my uncle Toby, taking the advantage of a minim in the second bar of his tune, kept whistling one continued note to the end of the sentence.-----Dr. Slop, with his division of curses moving under him, like a running bass all the way.] 'May he be cursed in eating and drinking, in being hungry, in being thirsty, in fasting, in sleeping, in slumbering, in walking, in standing, in sitting, in lying, in working, in resting, in pissing, in shitting, and in blood-letting!
'May he' (Obadiah) 'be cursed in all the faculties of his body!
'May he be cursed inwardly and outwardly!---May he be cursed in the hair of his head!---May he be cursed in his brains, and in his vertex,' (that is a sad curse, quoth my father) 'in his temples, in his forehead, in his ears, in his eye-brows, in his cheeks, in his jaw-bones, in his nostrils, in his fore-teeth and grinders, in his lips, in his throat, in his shoulders, in his wrists, in his arms, in his hands, in his fingers!
'May he be damn'd in his mouth, in his breast, in his heart and purtenance, down to the very stomach!
'May he be cursed in his reins, and in his groin,' (God in heaven forbid! quoth my uncle Toby) 'in his thighs, in his genitals,' (my father shook his head) 'and in his hips, and in his knees, his legs, and feet, and toe-nails!
'May he be cursed in all the joints and articulations of the members, from the top of his head to the sole of his foot! May there be no soundness in him!
'May the son of the living God, with all the glory of his Majesty'—[Here my uncle Toby, throwing back his head, gave a monstrous, long, loud Whew---w---w----- something betwixt the interjectional whistle of Hey day! and the word itself.-----
---By the golden beard of Jupiter---(and of Juno, if her majesty wore one) and by the beards of the rest of your heathen worships, which by the bye was no small number, since what with the beards of your celestial gods, and gods aerial and aquatick---to say nothing of the beards of town-gods and country-gods, or of the celestial goddesses your wives, or of the infernal goddesses your whores and concubines (that is in case they wore 'em)-----all which beards, as Varro tells me, upon his word and honour, when mustered up together, made no less than thirty thousand effective beards upon the pagan establishment;-----every beard of which claimed the rights and privileges of being stroken and sworn by---by all these beards together then-----I vow and protest, that of the two bad cassocks I am worth in the world, I would have given the better of them, as freely as ever Cid Hamet offered his-----to have stood by, and heard my uncle Toby's accompanyment.]
-----'Curse him!'-----continued Dr. Slop,-----'and may heaven, with all the powers which move therein, rise up against him, curse and damn him' (Obadiah) 'unless he repent and make satisfaction! Amen. So be it,---so be it. Amen.'
I declare, quoth my uncle Toby, my heart would not let me curse the devil himself with so much bitterness.-----He is the father of curses, replied Dr. Slop.---So am not I, replied my uncle.-----But he is cursed, and damn'd already, to all eternity,-----replied Dr. Slop.
I am sorry for it, quoth my uncle Toby.
Dr. Slop drew up his mouth, and was just beginning to return my uncle Toby the compliment of his Whu---u---u-----or interjectional whistle,-----when the door hastily opening in the next chapter but one-----put an end to the affair.
LaurenceSterne (1713-1768): from The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman: Volume III (176i), Chapter XI

Is This A Metaphor (#1). Vicinity Tilden and Morgan [Chicago]: photo by Annie Maus, 9 October 2017

Virtual Nursery [Detroit-Shoreway, westside Cleveland]: photo by David Grim, 22 October 2017

Virtual Nursery [Detroit-Shoreway, westside Cleveland]: photo by David Grim, 22 October 2017

Virtual Nursery [Detroit-Shoreway, westside Cleveland]: photo by David Grim, 22 October 2017

H#2: photo by andi_heuser, 31 March 2017

Los Angeles, CA: photo by Mike Murphy, 31 October 2017

Los Angeles, CA: photo by Mike Murphy, 31 October 2017

Los Angeles, CA: photo by Mike Murphy, 31 October 2017

Los Angeles_0080.1 (culture cultivation), CA: photo by Thomas Willard, 2 December 2017

South 22nd Avenue | Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 13 January 2015

South 22nd Avenue | Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 13 January 2015

South 22nd Avenue | Phoenix, Arizona: photo by Dean Terasaki, 13 January 2015

Waima, East Coast, NZ: photo by bobsan88, 4 December2017

Sunday morning, Washington DC National Mall: photo by Larry Cohen, 18 November 2017

Sunday morning, Washington DC National Mall: photo by Larry Cohen, 18 November 2017

Golden hour at stucco garage [east Hollywood]: photo by Andrew Murr, 4 December 2017

Posted [Greenspring Ave, Baltimore]: photo by Andrew Murr, taken July 2016, posted 4 December 2017

Untitled [Television Hill, Baltimore]: photo by Patrick,4 December 2017

Untitled [Television Hill, Baltimore]: photo by Patrick,4 December 2017

Untitled [Parkside, Baltimore]: photo by Patrick, September 2017

stumps and slumps and ferris wheels | Charlie Patton (2) [Near West Side, Chicago]: photo by Annie Maus, 3 September 2017

Get out [La Brea, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 1 December 2017

quick patch (1). Wood north of 16th [West Side, Chicago]: photo by Annie Maus, 19 March 2017

Untitled [Baltimore]: photo by Larry Cohen, 3 December 2017

Untitled [Baltimore]: photo by Larry Cohen, 3 December 2017

Untitled [Baltimore]: photo by Larry Cohen, 3 December 2017

_MG_5468s: photo by Ilya Shtutsa, 16 October 2016

_MG_6155s: photo by Ilya Shtutsa, 23October 2016

_MG_1279s: photo by Ilya Shtutsa, 25 June 2017

_MG_7517s: photo by Ilya Shtutsa, 18 December 2016

_MG_0200_: photo by Ilya Shtutsa, 15 January 2017

I T A M #2. 1108 N. California [Chicago]: photo by Annie Maus, 23 March 2017

Selfish Gene #1: photo by Herr_Muell, 13 November 2017

Selfish Gene #1: photo by Herr_Muell, 13 November 2017

Selfish Gene #1: photo by Herr_Muell, 13 November 2017

I T A M #5 [Near West Side, Chicago]: photo by Annie Maus, 11 November 2017

Untitled: photo by Larry Cohen, 3 October 2017

Untitled: photo by Larry Cohen, 3 October 2017

Untitled: photo by Larry Cohen, 3 October 2017

Grade Crossing [Clarksdale, MS]: photo by Andrew Murr, 4 July 2017

quick patch (2). Hubbard Corridor [Chicago]: photo by Annie Maus, 2 April 2017

Standard American Sumbitch [Murica]: photo by Rick Ele, 2 December 2017

Standard American Sumbitch [Murica]: photo by Rick Ele, 2 December 2017

Standard American Sumbitch [Murica]: photo by Rick Ele, 2 December 2017

Deindustrial [Television Hill, Baltimore]: photo by Andrew Murr, 3 December 2017

On Road #1 (please google for this scene): photo by Herr_Muell, 13 November 2017

On Road #1 (please google for this scene): photo by Herr_Muell, 13 November 2017

On Road #1 (please google for this scene): photo by Herr_Muell, 13 November 2017
Larry Eigner: One of a Series

Brighton: photo by Gürkan Sengün, 2007
The tray his best friend started him wriggling
all of a sudden; at which reclused he read;
after ten years; down went his head
further in a clinch. Shoulder or fingers
fixed in an act forever very nagging
unless he could forget a certain way
what he was up to and how useless it was
in a certain sense remember and be mad
himselfhimself, his limbs and his mind
and so much sooner his tract, but he couldn't help that:
often as not he must live excitedly
and what happened to others would finally happen to him
-- which self was wild now? A waste . Well, he
laid it aside and held the book in his lap.
all of a sudden; at which reclused he read;
after ten years; down went his head
further in a clinch. Shoulder or fingers
fixed in an act forever very nagging
unless he could forget a certain way
what he was up to and how useless it was
in a certain sense remember and be mad
himselfhimself, his limbs and his mind
and so much sooner his tract, but he couldn't help that:
often as not he must live excitedly
and what happened to others would finally happen to him
-- which self was wild now? A waste . Well, he
laid it aside and held the book in his lap.

Brighton West Pier: photo by Barbara Mürdtler, 1995
Brighton West Pier: photo by Gürkan Sengün, 22 August 2007
Larry Eigner (1927-1996):One of a Series, 1951,from Collected Poems (2010)
![Glow | by michaelj1998]()
![Glow | by michaelj1998]()
![Glow | by michaelj1998]()
![2017-224 | by biosfear]()
![2017-221 | by biosfear]()

Glow. Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 4 December 2017

Glow. Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 4 December 2017

Glow. Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 4 December 2017

2017-224. Humboldt County, CA.: photo by biosfear, November 2017

2017-221. Humboldt County, CA.: photo by biosfear, November 2017

Mom and Dad wrapping presents. Photo and comments by my mom."Christmas of 1952. Jerry and I were spending our final days in the apartment over the unclaimed freight store. After 5 1/2 years of marriage, and a little money in the bank, we wanted to begin a family. One of the two apartments on the second floor of the large brick residence where my employer practiced medicine had become available; we would renovate it and move in. The object was to make it as easy as possible for me to continue working after a hoped-for birth. We even spoke to the other upstairs occupant, a young mother who had gone through nurse's training. Perfect! I would hand over baby in the back hallway every morning, then slide down the curving front bannister to the doctor's office! We would miss our spacious two-bedroom, rent-controlled apartment with extra features like a screened-and-glassed porch at the rear where we slept in summers. There were three dining room windows behind us in this photo. Since the scene outside was of another building only feet away, we bought yards of muslin, then sewed and gathered it on a long rod, which Jerry installed. We could relieve all of the white with color according to the season; here, our Christmas cards hung on wide satin streamers, to display and to decorate. Similar to our winter departure from the apartment, is Jerry's final departure from life, this December 11, 2005.": photo by Joey Harrison, 13 December 2005

My dad and his father.My grandfather, who was born in Italy and came to the States at an early age, was a firm believer in drinking a glass of red wine daily, for health.: photo by Joey Harrison, sometime in 1974

Keeneland [Lexington, KY]: photo by Joey Harrison, 23 April 2016

Big cat [berkeley]: photo by efo, November 2017

Big cat [berkeley]: photo by efo, November 2017

Big cat [berkeley]: photo by efo, November 2017

Untitled: photo by Missy Prince, 27 November 2017

Untitled: photo by Missy Prince, 27 November 2017

Untitled: photo by Missy Prince, 27 November 2017