De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. advertisement for diamonds: Salvador Dali, Life, 30 November 1953 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. advertisement for diamonds: Miguel Covarrubias, Time, 15 June 1942 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. advertisement for diamonds: Herbert Saslow, Time, 1 June 1957 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Textron Incorporated advertisement for Textron Lingerie: Frederick Siebel, Life, 15 November 1948 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Monroe Calculating Machine Company advertisement for Monroe Calculators: Kravis, Time, 28 December 1942 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Brown Shoe Company advertisement for Naturalizer Shoes: Bolin, Life, 21 February 1944 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Container Corporation of America advertisement for product packaging: Art Kane, Time, 13 July 1962 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Jantzen Knitting Mills advertisement for Jantzen Swim Suits: Pete Hawley, Life, 24 May 1943 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
The Upjohn Company advertisement for Upjohn Pharmaceuticals: Fletcher Martin, Saturday Evening Post, 6 October 1945 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
International Cellucotton Products Company advertisement for Kleenex Tissues: Marge, Woman's Day, 1 November 1948 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Manning, Bowman Company advertisement for Manning Bowman Irons: Garrett Price, Life, 30 September 1940 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Royal Typewriter Company advertisement for Royal Typewriters: Sheilah Beckett, Life, 23 October 1944 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Du Pont advertisement for Du Pont Zerex Anti-Freeze: Adams, Life, 11 October 1948 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. advertisement for diamonds: Miguel Covarrubias, Time, 15 June 1942 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. advertisement for diamonds: Herbert Saslow, Time, 1 June 1957 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Textron Incorporated advertisement for Textron Lingerie: Frederick Siebel, Life, 15 November 1948 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Monroe Calculating Machine Company advertisement for Monroe Calculators: Kravis, Time, 28 December 1942 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Brown Shoe Company advertisement for Naturalizer Shoes: Bolin, Life, 21 February 1944 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Container Corporation of America advertisement for product packaging: Art Kane, Time, 13 July 1962 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Jantzen Knitting Mills advertisement for Jantzen Swim Suits: Pete Hawley, Life, 24 May 1943 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
The Upjohn Company advertisement for Upjohn Pharmaceuticals: Fletcher Martin, Saturday Evening Post, 6 October 1945 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
International Cellucotton Products Company advertisement for Kleenex Tissues: Marge, Woman's Day, 1 November 1948 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Manning, Bowman Company advertisement for Manning Bowman Irons: Garrett Price, Life, 30 September 1940 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Royal Typewriter Company advertisement for Royal Typewriters: Sheilah Beckett, Life, 23 October 1944 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Du Pont advertisement for Du Pont Zerex Anti-Freeze: Adams, Life, 11 October 1948 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Barbasol advertisement for Barbasol Shave Cream: E. Simms Campbell, Life, 8 November 1943
Barbasol advertisement for Barbasol Shave Cream: E. Simms Campbell, Life, 25 November 1946 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Barbasol advertisement for Barbasol Shave Cream: E. Simms Campbell, Life, 16 September 1940 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Bestform advertisement for Bestform Bras and Foundations: George Petty, Life, 23 October 1944 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Bestform advertisement for Bestform Bras and Foundations: George Petty, Life, 13 November 1944 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Bestform advertisement for Bestform Bras and Foundations: George Petty, Life, 13 November 1944 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Berkshire Knitting Mills advertisement for Berkshire Stockings: Gladys Parker, Life, 16 December 1940 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
American Safety Razor Corporation advertisement for Gem Razors and Blades: Peter Arno, Life, 4 June 1940 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Mennen advertisement for Mennen Brushless Shaving Cream: Richard Taylor, Life, 23 June 1941 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Mennen advertisement for Mennen Skin Bracer: Richard Taylor, Life, 9 August 1941 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Ry-Krisp advertisement for Ry-Krisp: Richard Taylor, Life, 24 December 1941
Cluett, Peabody and Co. advertisement for Arrow Ties: Richard Decker, Life, 16 December 1940 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Cluett, Peabody and Company advertisement for Arrow Ties: Richard Decker, Life, 30 November 1942 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corporation advertisement for Sir Walter Raleigh Pipe Tobacco: Richard Decker,Saturday Evening Post, 19 May 1945 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
American Express Company advertisement for American Express Travelers Cheques: John Rosol, Life, 17 April 1950 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Socony-Vacuum Oil Company advertisement for Bug-a-Boo Insecticide: James Thurber, Liberty, 8 August 1936 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Lever Brothers advertisement for Pepsodent Tooth Powder: Dick Williams, Life, 24 July 1939 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Durkee's Famous Foods advertisement for Durkee's Famous Sauce: Brickman, Woman's Day, 1 July 1955 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Ace Hard Rubber Combs advertisement for hard rubber combs: F. C., Saturday Evening Post, 6 October 1945 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Nicholson File Company advertisement for Nicholson Files: Chon Day, Saturday Evening Post, 6 October 1945 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Webster Eisenlohr Incorporated ad for Daniel Webster Pipe Tobacco: Carl Rose, Saturday Evening Post, 19 May 1945 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Hiram Walker and Sons advertisement for Hiram Walker's Ten High Bourbon Whiskey: C. A. Voight, Life, 22 June 1942 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Kellogg Company advertisement for Kellogg's All-Bran: Bud Fisher, Life, 30 September 1940 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Strunk Equipment Company advertisement for Strunk Chain Saws: Al Capp, Life, 19 October 1953 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Consolidated Razor Blade Company advertisement for Berkeley Double Edge Blades: Rube Goldberg, Life, 18 January 1943 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
The Pennzoil Company advertisement for Pennzoil Motor Oil: Rube Goldberg, Life, 11 October 1943 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
The Pennzoil Company advertisement for Pennzoil Motor Oil: Rube Goldberg, Life, 8 November 1943 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Lever Brothers advertisement for Pepsodent Tooth Powder: Dick Williams, Life, 24 July 1939 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Durkee's Famous Foods advertisement for Durkee's Famous Sauce: Brickman, Woman's Day, 1 July 1955 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Ace Hard Rubber Combs advertisement for hard rubber combs: F. C., Saturday Evening Post, 6 October 1945 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Nicholson File Company advertisement for Nicholson Files: Chon Day, Saturday Evening Post, 6 October 1945 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Webster Eisenlohr Incorporated ad for Daniel Webster Pipe Tobacco: Carl Rose, Saturday Evening Post, 19 May 1945 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Hiram Walker and Sons advertisement for Hiram Walker's Ten High Bourbon Whiskey: C. A. Voight, Life, 22 June 1942 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Kellogg Company advertisement for Kellogg's All-Bran: Bud Fisher, Life, 30 September 1940 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Strunk Equipment Company advertisement for Strunk Chain Saws: Al Capp, Life, 19 October 1953 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Consolidated Razor Blade Company advertisement for Berkeley Double Edge Blades: Rube Goldberg, Life, 18 January 1943 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
The Pennzoil Company advertisement for Pennzoil Motor Oil: Rube Goldberg, Life, 11 October 1943 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
The Pennzoil Company advertisement for Pennzoil Motor Oil: Rube Goldberg, Life, 8 November 1943 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Auto-Lite advertisement for Auto-Lite Spark Plugs: Chester Gould, Life, 4 March 1966 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
John F. Jelke Co. advertisement for Jelke's Good Luck Vegetable Margarine: Robert Ripley, Life, 27 September 1937 (Gallery of Graphic Design)