![Shatto palms | by ADMurr]()
![Golden hour garage | by ADMurr]()
Golden hour garage [south LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 28 October 2017
![Conduit | by ADMurr]()
Conduit[Inglewood, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 2 November 2017
![Lines | by ADMurr]()
Lines: photo by Andrew Murr, 31 October 2017
![Mars | by ADMurr]()
Mars [6th Street Bridge, LA 2016]: photo by Andrew Murr, 30 October 2017
![Granite | by ADMurr]()
Granite[Joshua Tree National Park]: photo by Andrew Murr, 4 November 2017
![Overgrowth | by ADMurr]()
Overgrowth[Northumberland, UK 2016]: photo by Andrew Murr, 31 October 2017
![Red rising right. | by ADMurr]()
Red rising right[MS]: photo by Andrew Murr, 29 October 2017
![Anticipation | by ADMurr]()
Crown Lodge Motel, MO: photo by Simon Kossoff, 2July2016
![Untitled | by Simon Kossoff]()
Rest Stop, WV/KY state line: photo by Simon Kossoff, 31 May 2011
![Everglades, FL | by Simon Kossoff]()
Everglades, FL: photo by Simon Kossoff, 25 July2015
![Moab, UT | by Simon Kossoff]()
Moab, UT: photo by Simon Kossoff, 26 October 2016
![Monument Valley, AZ | by Simon Kossoff]()
Monument valley, AZ: photo by Simon Kossoff, 27 October 2015
![Venice Beach, CA | by Simon Kossoff]()
Venice Beach, CA. Jolly Roger Motel.: photo by Simon Kossoff, 3 February2016
![White Sands, NM | by Simon Kossoff]()
White Sands, NM: photo by Simon Kossoff, 5 May2016
![Joshua Tree, CA | by Simon Kossoff]()
Joshua Tree, CA: photo by Simon Kossoff, 4 November2015
![Lebanon, KS | by Simon Kossoff]()
Lebanon, KS. Geographical center of the United States.: photo by Simon Kossoff, 31 August2015
![Geographical Center of the United States, KS | by Simon Kossoff]()
Geographical center of the United States, KS: photo by Simon Kossoff, 11 March 2015
![Dorset, UK | by Simon Kossoff]()
Dorset, UK: photo by Simon Kossoff, 2 July2015
![Bridport, Dorset, UK | by Simon Kossoff]()
Bridport, Dorset, UK. Tessa.: photo by Simon Kossoff, 8 June2015
![Vista, CA | by Simon Kossoff]()
Vista, CA: photo by Simon Kossoff, 31 December2015
![Escondido, CA (best viewed large) | by Simon Kossoff]()
Escondido, CA. "Deep Dream" generated (iPod).: photo by Simon Kossoff, 2 September2016
![Denver, CO | by Simon Kossoff]()
Denver, CO: photo by Simon Kossoff, 2 September2016
![Sheridan, WY | by Simon Kossoff]()
Sheridan, WY: photo by Simon Kossoff, 31 August2015
![Las Vegas, NV | by Simon Kossoff]()
Las Vegas, NV: photo by Simon Kossoff, 27 March 2016
![I-70 East, IL | by Simon Kossoff]()
I-70 East, IL: photo by Simon Kossoff, 20 September2013
![Cody, WY | by Simon Kossoff]()
Cody, WY: photo by Simon Kossoff, 8 September2015
![Cadillac, Michigan | by Simon Kossoff]()
Cadillac, Michigan: photo by Simon Kossoff, 18 August2015
![Rocky Mountain National Park, CO | by Simon Kossoff]()
Rocky Mountain National Park, CO. Medicine Bow.: photo by Simon Kossoff, 1 September2016
![I-70, CO/UT | by Simon Kossoff]()
I-70, CO/UT: photo by Simon Kossoff, 23 October2015
![Untitled | by Simon Kossoff]()
Untitled: photo by Simon Kossoff, 11 May 2013
![Untitled | by Simon Kossoff]()
I-70 north (Indianapolis-Chicago]: photo by Simon Kossoff, 23 July2014
I arrived in America when the recession was beginning to bite. It was an election year and both discontent and a need for change were in the air. Gas prices were rising steeply, the housing market was in crisis, businesses were on the brink of closing and the future for many people was looking uncertain.
![Energy #3 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
![Energy #3 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
![Energy #3 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
![Industry #2 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
![Industry #2 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles: photo by Roy, 4 June 2017
![Industry #2 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
![Aquaculture #1 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
![Aquaculture #1 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
![Aquaculture #1 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
Aquaculture #1: photo by Roy, 11 June 2017
![Altiplano #3 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
Altiplano #3: photo by Roy, c. 2017
![Altiplano #3 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
Altiplano #3: photo by Roy, c. 2017
Altiplano #7: photo by Roy, 7 September 2017
![Altiplano #7 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
Altiplano #7: photo by Roy, 7 September 2017
![Altiplano #7 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
Altiplano #7: photo by Roy, 7 September 2017
![Iran #4 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
Iran #4, In the Dasht-e-Kavir desert: photo by Roy, c. 2017
![Iran #4 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
Iran #4, In the Dasht-e-Kavir desert: photo by Roy, c. 2017
![Iran #4 | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
Iran #4, In the Dasht-e-Kavir desert: photo by Roy, c. 2017
![Allegheny Mountains near Mercersburg PA | by The Amazing Mr. Ripley]()
Allegheny Mountains near Mercersburg, PA: photo by Roy, c. 2017

Shatto palms[south LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 2 November 2017
![Adobe buttress | by ADMurr]()

Adobe buttress [Taos]: photo by Andrew Murr, 16 April 2016

Golden hour garage [south LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 28 October 2017

Conduit[Inglewood, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 2 November 2017

Lines: photo by Andrew Murr, 31 October 2017

Mars [6th Street Bridge, LA 2016]: photo by Andrew Murr, 30 October 2017

Granite[Joshua Tree National Park]: photo by Andrew Murr, 4 November 2017

Overgrowth[Northumberland, UK 2016]: photo by Andrew Murr, 31 October 2017

Red rising right[MS]: photo by Andrew Murr, 29 October 2017

Anticipation [Rome]: photo by Andrew Murr, 17 July 2017
![Lottery ticket man | by ADMurr]()
Lottery ticket man [Naples]: photo by Andrew Murr, 23 October 2017
![Liberty | by ADMurr]()
Liberty [Memphis]: photo by Andrew Murr, 3 November 2017
![Storefront photo | by ADMurr]()
Storefront photo [Clarksdale, MS]: photo by Andrew Murr, 1 November 2017
![Orange truck | by ADMurr]()
Orange truck. Bassman by day.[eastside LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 3 November 2017
![Trump (Zombie), Lawrence, KS | by Simon Kossoff]()
Trump (Zombie), Lawrence, KS: photo by Simon Kossoff, 19 September2016
“Just as a bull fighter with his skill and knowledge extricates himself from danger he has himself invoked, so in this operation the surgeon deliberately endangers his patient, and then, with incredible speed and celerity, rescues him from death at the last possible split second…. Did any of you ever see Dr. Tetrazzini perform? I say perform advisedly because his operations were performances. He would start by throwing a scalpel across the room into the patient and then make his entrance like a ballet dancer. His speed was incredible: ‘I don’t give them time to die,’ he would say. Tumors put him in a frenzy of rage. ‘Fucking undisciplined cells!’ he would snarl, advancing on the tumor like a knife-fighter.”
![Farmington, NM | by Simon Kossoff]()
Farmington, NM: photo by Simon Kossoff, 4 June2010
![Gas Station, I-70, KS | by Simon Kossoff]()
Gas Station, I-70, KS: photo by Simon Kossoff, 27 August2016
![Crown Lodge Motel, MO | by Simon Kossoff]()

Lottery ticket man [Naples]: photo by Andrew Murr, 23 October 2017

Liberty [Memphis]: photo by Andrew Murr, 3 November 2017

Storefront photo [Clarksdale, MS]: photo by Andrew Murr, 1 November 2017

Orange truck. Bassman by day.[eastside LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 3 November 2017

Trump (Zombie), Lawrence, KS: photo by Simon Kossoff, 19 September2016
William S. Burroughs: Drumpfcare: Just What The Doctor Ordered
The lavatory has been locked for three hours solid…. I think they are using it for an operating room….
NURSE: “I can’t find her pulse, doctor.”
DR. BENWAY: “Maybe she got it up her snatch in a finger stall.”
NURSE: “Adrenalin, doctor?”
DR. BENWAY: “The night porter shot it all up for kicks.” He looks around and picks up one of those rubber vacuum cups at the end of a stick they use to unstop toilets…. He advances on the patient…. “Make an incision, Doctor Limpf,” he says to his appalled assistant…. “I’m going to massage the heart.”
Dr. Limpf shrugs and begins the incision. Dr. Benway washes the suction cup by swishing it around in the toilet-bowl….
NURSE: “Shouldn’t it be sterilized, doctor?”
DR. BENWAY: “Very likely but there’s no time.” He sits on the suction cup like a cane seat watching his assistant make the incision…. “You young squirts couldn’t lance a pimple without an electric vibrating scalpel with automatic drain and suture…. Soon we’ll be operating by remote control on patients we never see…. We’ll be nothing but button pushers. All the skill is going out of surgery…. All the know-how and make-do… Did I ever tell you about the time I performed an appendectomy with a rusty sardine can? And once I was caught short without instrument one and removed a uterine tumor with my teeth. That was in the Upper Effendi, and besides…”
DR. LIMPF: “The incision is ready, doctor.”
Dr. Benway forces the cup into the incision and works it up and down. Blood spurts all over the doctors, the nurse and the wall…. The cup makes a horrible sucking sound.
NURSE: “I think she’s gone, doctor.”
DR. BENWAY: “Well, it’s all in the day’s work.” He walks across the room to a medicine cabinet…. “Some fucking drug addict has cut my cocaine with Saniflush! Nurse! Send the boy out to fill this RX on the double!”
Hygienic Products Company ad for Sani-Flush Toilet Bowl Cleaner: Woman's Day, 1 May 1940 (Gallery of Graphic Design)
Dr. Benway is operating in an auditorium filled with students: “Now, boys, you won’t see this operation performed very often and there’s a reason for that…. You see it has absolutely no medical value. No one knows what the purpose of it originally was or if it had a purpose at all. Personally I think it was a pure artistic creation from the beginning.
“Just as a bull fighter with his skill and knowledge extricates himself from danger he has himself invoked, so in this operation the surgeon deliberately endangers his patient, and then, with incredible speed and celerity, rescues him from death at the last possible split second…. Did any of you ever see Dr. Tetrazzini perform? I say perform advisedly because his operations were performances. He would start by throwing a scalpel across the room into the patient and then make his entrance like a ballet dancer. His speed was incredible: ‘I don’t give them time to die,’ he would say. Tumors put him in a frenzy of rage. ‘Fucking undisciplined cells!’ he would snarl, advancing on the tumor like a knife-fighter.”
A young man leaps down into the operating theatre and, whipping out a scalpel, advances on the patient.
DR. BENWAY: “An espontaneo! Stop him before he guts my patient!”
(Espontaneo is a bull-fighting term for a member of the audience who leaps down into the ring, pulls out a concealed cape and attempts a few passes with the bull before he is dragged out of the ring.)
The orderlies scuffle with the espontaneo, who is finally ejected from the hall. The anesthetist takes advantage of the confusion to pry a large gold filling from the patient’s mouth.…
William S. Burroughs (1914-1997): from Naked Lunch (1959)

Farmington, NM: photo by Simon Kossoff, 4 June2010

Gas Station, I-70, KS: photo by Simon Kossoff, 27 August2016

Crown Lodge Motel, MO: photo by Simon Kossoff, 2July2016

Rest Stop, WV/KY state line: photo by Simon Kossoff, 31 May 2011

Everglades, FL: photo by Simon Kossoff, 25 July2015

Moab, UT: photo by Simon Kossoff, 26 October 2016

Monument valley, AZ: photo by Simon Kossoff, 27 October 2015

Venice Beach, CA. Jolly Roger Motel.: photo by Simon Kossoff, 3 February2016

White Sands, NM: photo by Simon Kossoff, 5 May2016

Joshua Tree, CA: photo by Simon Kossoff, 4 November2015

Lebanon, KS. Geographical center of the United States.: photo by Simon Kossoff, 31 August2015

Geographical center of the United States, KS: photo by Simon Kossoff, 11 March 2015

Dorset, UK: photo by Simon Kossoff, 2 July2015

Bridport, Dorset, UK. Tessa.: photo by Simon Kossoff, 8 June2015

Vista, CA: photo by Simon Kossoff, 31 December2015

Escondido, CA. "Deep Dream" generated (iPod).: photo by Simon Kossoff, 2 September2016

Denver, CO: photo by Simon Kossoff, 2 September2016

Sheridan, WY: photo by Simon Kossoff, 31 August2015

Las Vegas, NV: photo by Simon Kossoff, 27 March 2016

I-70 East, IL: photo by Simon Kossoff, 20 September2013

Cody, WY: photo by Simon Kossoff, 8 September2015

Cadillac, Michigan: photo by Simon Kossoff, 18 August2015

Rocky Mountain National Park, CO. Medicine Bow.: photo by Simon Kossoff, 1 September2016

I-70, CO/UT: photo by Simon Kossoff, 23 October2015

Untitled: photo by Simon Kossoff, 11 May 2013

I-70 north (Indianapolis-Chicago]: photo by Simon Kossoff, 23 July2014
Simon Kossoff. From Brighton, England now living in Kansas City.
I arrived in America when the recession was beginning to bite. It was an election year and both discontent and a need for change were in the air. Gas prices were rising steeply, the housing market was in crisis, businesses were on the brink of closing and the future for many people was looking uncertain.
These images were made on several road trips I made during this time (and am still making) and could be described as a collection of psychic co-ordinate points that I have plotted between the imagined America that I brought with me from England and the real America which I found on my arrival in 08.
They are the search for a kind of personal orientation between the dream or idea of a place and my actual experience of it in reality. Half truth, half fiction, and tangled with personal symbolism these photographs are a psychogeography - a journey which explores the destination.

Energy #3: photo by Roy, 4 November 2017

Energy #3: photo by Roy, 4 November 2017

Energy #3: photo by Roy, 4 November 2017

Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles: photo by Roy, 4 June 2017

Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles: photo by Roy, 4 June 2017

Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles: photo by Roy, 4 June 2017

Aquaculture #1: photo by Roy, 11 June 2017

Aquaculture #1: photo by Roy, 11 June 2017

Aquaculture #1: photo by Roy, 11 June 2017

Altiplano #3: photo by Roy, c. 2017

Altiplano #7: photo by Roy, 7 September 2017

Altiplano #7: photo by Roy, 7 September 2017

Altiplano #7: photo by Roy, 7 September 2017

Iran #4, In the Dasht-e-Kavir desert: photo by Roy, c. 2017

Iran #4, In the Dasht-e-Kavir desert: photo by Roy, c. 2017

Iran #4, In the Dasht-e-Kavir desert: photo by Roy, c. 2017

Allegheny Mountains near Mercersburg, PA: photo by Roy, c. 2017