![Apocalipsis | by talourcera]()
![Apocalipsis | by talourcera]()
![Dhaka | 2017 | by Sohail Bin Mohammad]()
Dhaka | 2017: photo by Sohail Bin Mohammed, 22 June 2017
![LOST and STRANDED | by N A Y E E M]()
![LOST and STRANDED | by N A Y E E M]()
![LOST and STRANDED | by N A Y E E M]()
![The Stars Do Not Belong To David Anymore.... | by N A Y E E M]()
![The Stars Do Not Belong To David Anymore.... | by N A Y E E M]()
![The Stars Do Not Belong To David Anymore.... | by N A Y E E M]()
The SLAVIC One. I actually had a childhood friend called Jaroslav from Czechoslovakia who looked exactly like this guy but that's not important here. This is Irshad, he crossed the border to Bangladesh the day before with the others and they were like thousands. The military took his mother away for raping of course and then they'll slaughter her like they did to the others, his father was taken away too and was most probably killed by the time I took this portrait of him. I did not want to ask too many questions as I saw him gasping for air, gulping and breaking down but the sisters who took me there (my Bengali American clients) kept insisting and then they tell me that they (Christian Aid) have to be politically correct and cannot report everything which was one of the two reasons why I cancelled my assignment with them although I gave them other excuses like my car broke down which was not a joke either. These are my people for fuck's sake! Through the car window....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![The SLAVIC One | by N A Y E E M]()
The SLAVIC One. I actually had a childhood friend called Jaroslav from Czechoslovakia who looked exactly like this guy but that's not important here. This is Irshad, he crossed the border to Bangladesh the day before with the others and they were like thousands. The military took his mother away for raping of course and then they'll slaughter her like they did to the others, his father was taken away too and was most probably killed by the time I took this portrait of him. I did not want to ask too many questions as I saw him gasping for air, gulping and breaking down but the sisters who took me there (my Bengali American clients) kept insisting and then they tell me that they (Christian Aid) have to be politically correct and cannot report everything which was one of the two reasons why I cancelled my assignment with them although I gave them other excuses like my car broke down which was not a joke either. These are my people for fuck's sake! Through the car window....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![Do We Look Like Terrorists To You ? | by N A Y E E M]()
Do We Look Like Terrorists To You? New arrival. A mother and her child by the side of the road. Through the car window...Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![Do We Look Like Terrorists To You ? | by N A Y E E M]()
Do We Look Like Terrorists To You? New arrival. A mother and her child by the side of the road. Through the car window...Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![Do We Look Like Terrorists To You ? | by N A Y E E M]()
Do We Look Like Terrorists To You? New arrival. A mother and her child by the side of the road. Through the car window...Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![The First Few Huts | by N A Y E E M]()
![The First Few Huts | by N A Y E E M]()
The First Few Huts. And soon there will be no space to properly walk even. Not that it's good for the environment or the local economy but where will they settle, this has been such a monumental blunder by the Myanmar government. Through the car window....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![The First Few Huts | by N A Y E E M]()
The First Few Huts. And soon there will be no space to properly walk even. Not that it's good for the environment or the local economy but where will they settle, this has been such a monumental blunder by the Myanmar government. Through the car window....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![WHAT WAS MY CRIME ? | by N A Y E E M]()
WHAT WAS MY CRIME? Just because I look different, because I have a different faith. I have not thought of harming anyone, why did you do this to us? I know Suu Kyi didn't do it but she is as responsible as those who committed the genocide, the Army and those brainwashed Rakhines. This is no ordinary tragedy my friends. A candid of a Rohingya refugee.Ukhia, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![WHAT WAS MY CRIME ? | by N A Y E E M]()
WHAT WAS MY CRIME? Just because I look different, because I have a different faith. I have not thought of harming anyone, why did you do this to us? I know Suu Kyi didn't do it but she is as responsible as those who committed the genocide, the Army and those brainwashed Rakhines. This is no ordinary tragedy my friends. A candid of a Rohingya refugee.Ukhia, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![These Are The Times | by N A Y E E M]()
These Are The Times. At least he had an umbrella. Many thousands of them arrived that day, crossing the border in terrible conditions, some of them waited by the side of the road and others just kept walking. It was not a nice sight although it might look good in pictures. An old Rohingya refugee, through the windshield....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![These Are The Times | by N A Y E E M]()
These Are The Times. At least he had an umbrella. Many thousands of them arrived that day, crossing the border in terrible conditions, some of them waited by the side of the road and others just kept walking. It was not a nice sight although it might look good in pictures. An old Rohingya refugee, through the windshield....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![These Are The Times | by N A Y E E M]()
SAVAGE BEASTS. And I am not talking of the ones you see in the picture but the ones that are inside the van in the background. They threw money onto the road as they drove past these hapless refugees as if it were a freak show or something, I was driving behind them you see and I was quick too I guess, in terms of braking on time and shooting. Through the windshield....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
SAVAGE BEASTS. And I am not talking of the ones you see in the picture but the ones that are inside the van in the background. They threw money onto the road as they drove past these hapless refugees as if it were a freak show or something, I was driving behind them you see and I was quick too I guess, in terms of braking on time and shooting. Through the windshield....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![Tempers Get High | by N A Y E E M]()
Tempers Get High. They are not in the best of situations you know, many of them have not eaten for days, they have no place to sleep and it was raining too. A quick snap from inside the car as we were on our way back to the city....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![Tempers Get High | by N A Y E E M]()
Tempers Get High. They are not in the best of situations you know, many of them have not eaten for days, they have no place to sleep and it was raining too. A quick snap from inside the car as we were on our way back to the city....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![Tempers Get High | by N A Y E E M]()
Tempers Get High. They are not in the best of situations you know, many of them have not eaten for days, they have no place to sleep and it was raining too. A quick snap from inside the car as we were on our way back to the city....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![Untitled | by xuhin]()
Untitled [Moscow]: photo by Ksenia Tsykunva, 19 October 2013
October 9, 2017.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017
Crossing the Naf river on October 9, 2017.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017
Crossing the Naf river on October 9, 2017.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017
September 29, 2017.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 29 September 2017
October 9, 2017.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017
A Rohingya man mourns over the bodies of his three children who died while crossing the Naf river. September 29, 2017.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 29 September 2017
A man covers the bodies of six children who died while crossing the Naf river. September 28, 2017. : photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 28September 2017
Waiting for food aid, October 6, 2017.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 6 October 2017
Men carry the body of a Rohingya refugee after a boat capsized near Teknaf on October 9, 2017, killing at least 12 people, most of them children.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017
A Rohingya fleeing Myanmar is seen in a refugee camp in Bangladesh:photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017
A Rohingya fleeing Myanmar is seen in a refugee camp in Bangladesh:photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017

Apocalipsis [Vigo]: photo by talo urcera, 15 October 2017

Apocalipsis [Vigo]: photo by talo urcera, 15 October 2017
![Apocalipsis | by talourcera]()
Apocalipsis [Vigo]: photo by talo urcera, 15 October 2017
![Malditos | by oscarbarreiro170779]()
Malditos. Estos días estan siendo muy duros en Galicia, algunos desalmados han hecho un infierno de un paraiso prendiendo fuego a nuestros montes y a nuestra gente. Han provocado la muerte a dos señoras que iban en este coche tan tranquilas y que encontraron su fín gracias a estos desgraciados. Estos algún día arderan en el averno, estoy seguro.: photo by Oscar Barreiro, 16 October 2017
![Malditos | by oscarbarreiro170779]()
Malditos. Estos días estan siendo muy duros en Galicia, algunos desalmados han hecho un infierno de un paraiso prendiendo fuego a nuestros montes y a nuestra gente. Han provocado la muerte a dos señoras que iban en este coche tan tranquilas y que encontraron su fín gracias a estos desgraciados. Estos algún día arderan en el averno, estoy seguro.: photo by Oscar Barreiro, 16 October 2017
![Malditos | by oscarbarreiro170779]()
Malditos. Estos días estan siendo muy duros en Galicia, algunos desalmados han hecho un infierno de un paraiso prendiendo fuego a nuestros montes y a nuestra gente. Han provocado la muerte a dos señoras que iban en este coche tan tranquilas y que encontraron su fín gracias a estos desgraciados. Estos algún día arderan en el averno, estoy seguro.: photo by Oscar Barreiro, 16 October 2017
![Arde Baiona | by oscarbarreiro170779]()
Arde Baiona. Después de meses sin llover cae la primera agua bendita, por fin las llamas se apagan pero los daños han sido muchos, Galicia se recuperará como siempre pero queda un largo camino. Lo peor, los años venideros..., los malditos siguen en la calle.: photo by Oscar Barreiro, 15 October 2017
![Arde Baiona | by oscarbarreiro170779]()
Arde Baiona. Después de meses sin llover cae la primera agua bendita, por fin las llamas se apagan pero los daños han sido muchos, Galicia se recuperará como siempre pero queda un largo camino. Lo peor, los años venideros..., los malditos siguen en la calle.: photo by Oscar Barreiro, 15 October 2017
![Arde Baiona | by oscarbarreiro170779]()
Arde Baiona. Después de meses sin llover cae la primera agua bendita, por fin las llamas se apagan pero los daños han sido muchos, Galicia se recuperará como siempre pero queda un largo camino. Lo peor, los años venideros..., los malditos siguen en la calle.: photo by Oscar Barreiro, 15 October 2017
Firefighters work to extinguish flames near Lousa, as deadly wildfires rage through Portugal and Spain: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 16 October 2017
Sky over London turns red as Storm Ophelia brings dust from Sahara and smoke from wild fires in southern Europe: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 16 October 2017
Volunteers use a water hose to fight a wild fire raging near houses in the outskirts of Obidos, Portugal, in the early hours of Monday, Oct. 16 2017. At least six people were killed Sunday as hundreds of forest fires spread across Portugal fueled by high temperatures, strong winds and a persistent drought.: photo by Armando Franca/AP, 16 October 2017
![Portugal Forest Fires]()
Volunteers use a water hose to fight a wild fire raging near houses in the outskirts of Obidos, Portugal, in the early hours of Monday, Oct. 16 2017. At least six people were killed Sunday as hundreds of forest fires spread across Portugal fueled by high temperatures, strong winds and a persistent drought.: photo by Armando Franca/AP, 16 October 2017
![Spain Portugal Wildfires]()
![Britain Weather]()
![Spain Daily Life]()
An artist’s rendering of the collision and merger of two neutron stars from Aug. 17.: image byRobin Dienel/The Carnegie Institution for Science, 16 October 2017
An artist’s rendering of the collision and merger of two neutron stars from Aug. 17.: image byRobin Dienel/The Carnegie Institution for Science, 16 October 2017
When they turned and looked back across the valley, they could see flames already beginning to climb the steep wooded ridge behind them. The fire area, large enough to be visible from space, was now a luminous web created by the smaller fires advancing impatiently toward and then mingling with each other at their points of connection. These nodes of contact showed up as bright flares. The decision to abandon the vehicle was starting to feel like it might have been a mistake. They walked on into the blazing woods, no longer pausing to look back.

Apocalipsis [Vigo]: photo by talo urcera, 15 October 2017

Malditos. Estos días estan siendo muy duros en Galicia, algunos desalmados han hecho un infierno de un paraiso prendiendo fuego a nuestros montes y a nuestra gente. Han provocado la muerte a dos señoras que iban en este coche tan tranquilas y que encontraron su fín gracias a estos desgraciados. Estos algún día arderan en el averno, estoy seguro.: photo by Oscar Barreiro, 16 October 2017

Malditos. Estos días estan siendo muy duros en Galicia, algunos desalmados han hecho un infierno de un paraiso prendiendo fuego a nuestros montes y a nuestra gente. Han provocado la muerte a dos señoras que iban en este coche tan tranquilas y que encontraron su fín gracias a estos desgraciados. Estos algún día arderan en el averno, estoy seguro.: photo by Oscar Barreiro, 16 October 2017

Malditos. Estos días estan siendo muy duros en Galicia, algunos desalmados han hecho un infierno de un paraiso prendiendo fuego a nuestros montes y a nuestra gente. Han provocado la muerte a dos señoras que iban en este coche tan tranquilas y que encontraron su fín gracias a estos desgraciados. Estos algún día arderan en el averno, estoy seguro.: photo by Oscar Barreiro, 16 October 2017

Arde Baiona. Después de meses sin llover cae la primera agua bendita, por fin las llamas se apagan pero los daños han sido muchos, Galicia se recuperará como siempre pero queda un largo camino. Lo peor, los años venideros..., los malditos siguen en la calle.: photo by Oscar Barreiro, 15 October 2017

Arde Baiona. Después de meses sin llover cae la primera agua bendita, por fin las llamas se apagan pero los daños han sido muchos, Galicia se recuperará como siempre pero queda un largo camino. Lo peor, los años venideros..., los malditos siguen en la calle.: photo by Oscar Barreiro, 15 October 2017

Arde Baiona. Después de meses sin llover cae la primera agua bendita, por fin las llamas se apagan pero los daños han sido muchos, Galicia se recuperará como siempre pero queda un largo camino. Lo peor, los años venideros..., los malditos siguen en la calle.: photo by Oscar Barreiro, 15 October 2017

Firefighters work to extinguish flames near Lousa, as deadly wildfires rage through Portugal and Spain: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 16 October 2017

Sky over London turns red as Storm Ophelia brings dust from Sahara and smoke from wild fires in southern Europe: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 16 October 2017

Sky over London turns red as Storm Ophelia brings dust from Sahara and smoke from wild fires in southern Europe: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 16 October 2017
Volunteers use a water hose to fight a wild fire raging near houses in the outskirts of Obidos, Portugal, in the early hours of Monday, Oct. 16 2017. At least six people were killed Sunday as hundreds of forest fires spread across Portugal fueled by high temperatures, strong winds and a persistent drought.: photo by Armando Franca/AP, 16 October 2017

Volunteers use a water hose to fight a wild fire raging near houses in the outskirts of Obidos, Portugal, in the early hours of Monday, Oct. 16 2017. At least six people were killed Sunday as hundreds of forest fires spread across Portugal fueled by high temperatures, strong winds and a persistent drought.: photo by Armando Franca/AP, 16 October 2017

An artist’s rendering of the collision and merger of two neutron stars from Aug. 17.: image byRobin Dienel/The Carnegie Institution for Science, 16 October 2017

An artist’s rendering of the collision and merger of two neutron stars from Aug. 17.: image byRobin Dienel/The Carnegie Institution for Science, 16 October 2017

Dhaka | 2017: photo by Sohail Bin Mohammed, 22 June 2017

LOST and STRANDED. First they built their own shelters then came the rain, it was probably not as bad as when they were in the jungle but things must have seemed like they are back to basics again. Stranded and lost, the Rohingya refugees near the camp. Through the car window....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

LOST and STRANDED. First they built their own shelters then came the rain, it was probably not as bad as when they were in the jungle but things must have seemed like they are back to basics again. Stranded and lost, the Rohingya refugees near the camp. Through the car window....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

LOST and STRANDED. First they built their own shelters then came the rain, it was probably not as bad as when they were in the jungle but things must have seemed like they are back to basics again. Stranded and lost, the Rohingya refugees near the camp. Through the car window....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

The Stars Do Not Belong To David Anymore. Another quick snap from inside the car as we were heading to another camp. Conditions were absolutely appalling, I am talking about the weather and the roads, if you think of the refugees, well....you just can't imagine unless you've been there. Some of the ones who could carry some Burmese money only to be ripped off at the Bangladesh border by the local crooks, the exchange rate is a farce you know. Some saved their last for a ride on those local tractors, they had no energy left to walk I am sure. What I have witnessed was unforgettable for someone like me, I felt so much anger and rage but then I felt a sense of pride too, pride because I realized I was documenting the history of my own people. No Rohingya photographers or journalists were there, it's not easy for them you know. Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

The Stars Do Not Belong To David Anymore. Another quick snap from inside the car as we were heading to another camp. Conditions were absolutely appalling, I am talking about the weather and the roads, if you think of the refugees, well....you just can't imagine unless you've been there. Some of the ones who could carry some Burmese money only to be ripped off at the Bangladesh border by the local crooks, the exchange rate is a farce you know. Some saved their last for a ride on those local tractors, they had no energy left to walk I am sure. What I have witnessed was unforgettable for someone like me, I felt so much anger and rage but then I felt a sense of pride too, pride because I realized I was documenting the history of my own people. No Rohingya photographers or journalists were there, it's not easy for them you know. Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

The Stars Do Not Belong To David Anymore. Another quick snap from inside the car as we were heading to another camp. Conditions were absolutely appalling, I am talking about the weather and the roads, if you think of the refugees, well....you just can't imagine unless you've been there. Some of the ones who could carry some Burmese money only to be ripped off at the Bangladesh border by the local crooks, the exchange rate is a farce you know. Some saved their last for a ride on those local tractors, they had no energy left to walk I am sure. What I have witnessed was unforgettable for someone like me, I felt so much anger and rage but then I felt a sense of pride too, pride because I realized I was documenting the history of my own people. No Rohingya photographers or journalists were there, it's not easy for them you know. Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![The SLAVIC One | by N A Y E E M]()
The SLAVIC One. I actually had a childhood friend called Jaroslav from Czechoslovakia who looked exactly like this guy but that's not important here. This is Irshad, he crossed the border to Bangladesh the day before with the others and they were like thousands. The military took his mother away for raping of course and then they'll slaughter her like they did to the others, his father was taken away too and was most probably killed by the time I took this portrait of him. I did not want to ask too many questions as I saw him gasping for air, gulping and breaking down but the sisters who took me there (my Bengali American clients) kept insisting and then they tell me that they (Christian Aid) have to be politically correct and cannot report everything which was one of the two reasons why I cancelled my assignment with them although I gave them other excuses like my car broke down which was not a joke either. These are my people for fuck's sake! Through the car window....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017
![The SLAVIC One | by N A Y E E M]()

The SLAVIC One. I actually had a childhood friend called Jaroslav from Czechoslovakia who looked exactly like this guy but that's not important here. This is Irshad, he crossed the border to Bangladesh the day before with the others and they were like thousands. The military took his mother away for raping of course and then they'll slaughter her like they did to the others, his father was taken away too and was most probably killed by the time I took this portrait of him. I did not want to ask too many questions as I saw him gasping for air, gulping and breaking down but the sisters who took me there (my Bengali American clients) kept insisting and then they tell me that they (Christian Aid) have to be politically correct and cannot report everything which was one of the two reasons why I cancelled my assignment with them although I gave them other excuses like my car broke down which was not a joke either. These are my people for fuck's sake! Through the car window....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

The SLAVIC One. I actually had a childhood friend called Jaroslav from Czechoslovakia who looked exactly like this guy but that's not important here. This is Irshad, he crossed the border to Bangladesh the day before with the others and they were like thousands. The military took his mother away for raping of course and then they'll slaughter her like they did to the others, his father was taken away too and was most probably killed by the time I took this portrait of him. I did not want to ask too many questions as I saw him gasping for air, gulping and breaking down but the sisters who took me there (my Bengali American clients) kept insisting and then they tell me that they (Christian Aid) have to be politically correct and cannot report everything which was one of the two reasons why I cancelled my assignment with them although I gave them other excuses like my car broke down which was not a joke either. These are my people for fuck's sake! Through the car window....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

The SLAVIC One. I actually had a childhood friend called Jaroslav from Czechoslovakia who looked exactly like this guy but that's not important here. This is Irshad, he crossed the border to Bangladesh the day before with the others and they were like thousands. The military took his mother away for raping of course and then they'll slaughter her like they did to the others, his father was taken away too and was most probably killed by the time I took this portrait of him. I did not want to ask too many questions as I saw him gasping for air, gulping and breaking down but the sisters who took me there (my Bengali American clients) kept insisting and then they tell me that they (Christian Aid) have to be politically correct and cannot report everything which was one of the two reasons why I cancelled my assignment with them although I gave them other excuses like my car broke down which was not a joke either. These are my people for fuck's sake! Through the car window....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

Do We Look Like Terrorists To You? New arrival. A mother and her child by the side of the road. Through the car window...Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

Do We Look Like Terrorists To You? New arrival. A mother and her child by the side of the road. Through the car window...Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

Do We Look Like Terrorists To You? New arrival. A mother and her child by the side of the road. Through the car window...Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

The First Few Huts. And soon there will be no space to properly walk even. Not that it's good for the environment or the local economy but where will they settle, this has been such a monumental blunder by the Myanmar government. Through the car window....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

WHAT WAS MY CRIME? Just because I look different, because I have a different faith. I have not thought of harming anyone, why did you do this to us? I know Suu Kyi didn't do it but she is as responsible as those who committed the genocide, the Army and those brainwashed Rakhines. This is no ordinary tragedy my friends. A candid of a Rohingya refugee.Ukhia, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

WHAT WAS MY CRIME? Just because I look different, because I have a different faith. I have not thought of harming anyone, why did you do this to us? I know Suu Kyi didn't do it but she is as responsible as those who committed the genocide, the Army and those brainwashed Rakhines. This is no ordinary tragedy my friends. A candid of a Rohingya refugee.Ukhia, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

WHAT WAS MY CRIME? Just because I look different, because I have a different faith. I have not thought of harming anyone, why did you do this to us? I know Suu Kyi didn't do it but she is as responsible as those who committed the genocide, the Army and those brainwashed Rakhines. This is no ordinary tragedy my friends. A candid of a Rohingya refugee.Ukhia, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

These Are The Times. At least he had an umbrella. Many thousands of them arrived that day, crossing the border in terrible conditions, some of them waited by the side of the road and others just kept walking. It was not a nice sight although it might look good in pictures. An old Rohingya refugee, through the windshield....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

These Are The Times. At least he had an umbrella. Many thousands of them arrived that day, crossing the border in terrible conditions, some of them waited by the side of the road and others just kept walking. It was not a nice sight although it might look good in pictures. An old Rohingya refugee, through the windshield....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

These Are The Times. At least he had an umbrella. Many thousands of them arrived that day, crossing the border in terrible conditions, some of them waited by the side of the road and others just kept walking. It was not a nice sight although it might look good in pictures. An old Rohingya refugee, through the windshield....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

SAVAGE BEASTS. And I am not talking of the ones you see in the picture but the ones that are inside the van in the background. They threw money onto the road as they drove past these hapless refugees as if it were a freak show or something, I was driving behind them you see and I was quick too I guess, in terms of braking on time and shooting. Through the windshield....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

SAVAGE BEASTS. And I am not talking of the ones you see in the picture but the ones that are inside the van in the background. They threw money onto the road as they drove past these hapless refugees as if it were a freak show or something, I was driving behind them you see and I was quick too I guess, in terms of braking on time and shooting. Through the windshield....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

SAVAGE BEASTS. And I am not talking of the ones you see in the picture but the ones that are inside the van in the background. They threw money onto the road as they drove past these hapless refugees as if it were a freak show or something, I was driving behind them you see and I was quick too I guess, in terms of braking on time and shooting. Through the windshield....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

Tempers Get High. They are not in the best of situations you know, many of them have not eaten for days, they have no place to sleep and it was raining too. A quick snap from inside the car as we were on our way back to the city....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

Tempers Get High. They are not in the best of situations you know, many of them have not eaten for days, they have no place to sleep and it was raining too. A quick snap from inside the car as we were on our way back to the city....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

Tempers Get High. They are not in the best of situations you know, many of them have not eaten for days, they have no place to sleep and it was raining too. A quick snap from inside the car as we were on our way back to the city....Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh: photo by Nayeem KALAM, 20 September 2017

Untitled [Moscow]: photo by Ksenia Tsykunva, 19 October 2013
They suffer in silence, she said. She was talking about animals.
A Rohingya fleeing Myanmar is seen in a refugee camp in Bangladesh:photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017

October 9, 2017.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017
Theywere like ghosts: Fred Dufour, AFP, 16 October 2017
Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh -- Once, during the night, I was waiting for them on the beach, wanting to photograph them as they disembarked from the boats. They walked on the sand in silence, utterly exhausted, paying no attention to me. They looked like ghosts, coming onto land from the sea. Out of the dark, one little boy walked toward me, attracted by the light of my phone. He stopped in front of me, no expression on his face, holding his head in his hands. He seemed completely lost, not sure what to do next.

Crossing the Naf river on October 9, 2017.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017
I deliberately did not look at any photo coverage of the Rohingya refugee crisis before arriving for the assignment in Bangladesh. The worst thing for a photographer is to try and capture the picture that you have in your mind -- and miss the things happening all around you. I decided to see once I was on the spot.

Crossing the Naf river on October 9, 2017.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017
One of the things that struck me most was how exhausted and shocked they all were. From the beginning, none of them seemed to care at all about me being there, snapping away pictures. They seemed so much in shock that they didn’t even see me. They seemed to be on automatic, in a desperate mode. Like ghosts on the beach.

September 29, 2017.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 29 September 2017
I volunteered to go on this mission. I love covering the human condition and am fascinated by how people fight for themselves in times of crisis.

October 9, 2017.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017
The enormity and horror of the situation hit me as soon as I got to Cox’s Bazaar near the Myanmar border. You’re a human being and you can’t help but be affected by the misery you see. But I had a job to do and so I tried to keep that in mind as much as possible as I worked. It was very difficult.

A Rohingya man mourns over the bodies of his three children who died while crossing the Naf river. September 29, 2017.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 29 September 2017
It’s hard to stay stone faced when you have bodies of five dead kids in front of you. You can’t help but think about your kids. Most of the time, I’m not prepared for the rush of emotion. I get as much information as I can when I get to a spot and then I try and manage the emotions in my mind.

A man covers the bodies of six children who died while crossing the Naf river. September 28, 2017. : photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 28September 2017
Stay focused on the job, how best to shoot this, keep good distance from the bodies. Sometimes I kept my camera in front of my face a bit longer than need be. It hid the tears well. “Stay focused, work, work, work,” I would repeat to myself. “Don’t get overcome by emotion.”

Waiting for food aid, October 6, 2017.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 6 October 2017
I made sure to work excruciatingly long hours. I guess it was my small way of making sure that I was also suffering a bit. And when I was tired, I didn’t have the energy to think about all the misery around me. Every night when I would return to my hotel I would have to have a drink.

Men carry the body of a Rohingya refugee after a boat capsized near Teknaf on October 9, 2017, killing at least 12 people, most of them children.: photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017
I kept a distance with these people, especially the ones who were crying over the loss of a loved one. They may not have been paying any attention to me, but out of respect for them I refused to come up to them with a wide-angle 24 mm lens. I also avoided photographing those who looked me directly in the eye. The people who really stood out to me where the ones with the empty look in their eyes…
A Rohingya fleeing Myanmar is seen in a refugee camp in Bangladesh:photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017
A Rohingya fleeing Myanmar is seen in a refugee camp in Bangladesh:photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017
A Rohingya fleeing Myanmar is seen in a refugee camp in Bangladesh:photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017
A Rohingya fleeing Myanmar is seen in a refugee camp in Bangladesh:photo by Fred Dufour/AFP, 9 October 2017