RFK Funeral Train. USA. 1968.: photo by Paul Fusco © Paul Fusco | Magnum Photos, 1968
Here’s what I believe

RFK Funeral Train. USA. 1968.: photo by Paul Fusco © Paul Fusco | Magnum Photos, 1968
Here’s what I believe
occurred by the Ice Machine
I believe that Robert Kennedy
was assassinated
by U.S. Clandestine Intelligence Agencies
probably by the CIA
& that Sirhan was robowashed
by CIA doctors and hypno-warriors
who may have also worked on James Earl Ray
in L.A.
That's what I believe
in America
where you can still believe without handcuffs
and where the guns of the lone nuts
always point to the left
“The pages of history are written in gore,”
I once read—
Not all of them of course
but certainly all the pages by the Ice Machine
They wounded the nation
in countless ways
wounded her history
the rest of her days
They wounded the future
Like Lincoln amort
Roosevelt at 220/130
& the A-bomb’s retort
Tell me again why the guns
always point to the left?
with gun powder ballots
and voting with knife-heft
never for peace
always for strife
& war
a dollar a life
O Robert Kennedy in the Time-Torrent tossed
O Robert Kennedy by the Ice Machine lost
Alone we weep in the cistern of the Muses
Alone, as the philosopher said, with no excuses
Edward Sanders:from Robert F. Kennedy's Final Day June 4, 1968inRobert Francis Kennedy -- A Poem (2017)
Edward Sanders:from Robert F. Kennedy's Final Day June 4, 1968inRobert Francis Kennedy -- A Poem (2017)