#USA The @RMSQueenMary2 passes under the Verrazano bridge finish line of #TheBridge2017 Photo @LoicVenance #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 2 July 2017
#Iraq An Iraqi federal policeman comforts a displaced woman as she holds on to him while they wait for medical aid in Mosul. Photo Ahmad Al-Rubaye: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 2 July 2017
#Japan People walk on a pedestrian crossing on the street in Tokyo Photo @ToruYamanaka #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 1 July 2017
We will always take care of our GREAT VETERANS. You have shed your blood, poured your love, and bared your soul, in defense of our country.: image via Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump, 1 July 2017
We will always take care of our GREAT VETERANS. You have shed your blood, poured your love, and bared your soul, in defense of our country.: image via Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump, 1 July 2017
We will always take care of our GREAT VETERANS. You have shed your blood, poured your love, and bared your soul, in defense of our country.: image via Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump, 1 July 2017
Joey Gibson speaks: image via Jason Wilson @jason_a_w, 30 June 2017
Back in downtown Portland for another Patriot Prayer rally: image via Jason Wilson @jason_a_w, 30 June 2017
![Untitled | by ADMurr]()
Untitled [LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 1 July 2017
![Eastside industrial light | by ADMurr]()
Eastside industrial light [LA): photo by Andrew Murr, 30 June 2017
![Untitled | by ADMurr]()
Untitled [Eastside, LA): photo by Andrew Murr, 30 June 2017
![Jump | by ADMurr]()
Jump [LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 1 July 2017
![Pico Gardens | by ADMurr]()
Pico Gardens [Eastside, LA): photo by Andrew Murr, 2 July 2017
![1551. Heaven can wait, Susi | by martincolomes]()
![1551. Heaven can wait, Susi | by martincolomes]()
1551. Heaven can wait, Susi.: photo by Martín Colomés, 27 June 2017
![1551. Heaven can wait, Susi | by martincolomes]()
1551. Heaven can wait, Susi.: photo by Martín Colomés, 27 June 2017
![STORM COMING | by akahawkeyefan]()
STORM COMING. Alkeny, Iowa.: photo by akahawkeyefan, 30 June 2017
![STORM COMING | by akahawkeyefan]()
STORM COMING. Alkeny, Iowa.: photo by akahawkeyefan, 30 June 2017
![STORM COMING | by akahawkeyefan]()
STORM COMING. Alkeny, Iowa.: photo by akahawkeyefan, 30 June 2017
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
John B. Robert Dam. Albuquerque, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
John B. Robert Dam. Albuquerque, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
John B. Robert Dam. Albuquerque, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
John B. Robert Dam. Albuquerque, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
Corrales, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
Corrales, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
Corrales, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
Hanover, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2016
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
Hanover, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2016
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
Hanover, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2016
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
[Prescott Valley, Arizona]: photo by Patrick, April 2017
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
[Prescott Valley, Arizona]: photo by Patrick, April 2017
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
![Near Mancos, Colorado | by GC_Dean]()
![Near Mancos, Colorado | by GC_Dean]()
![Near Mancos, Colorado | by GC_Dean]()
Near Mancos, Colorado: photo by Dean Terasaki, 29 June 2017
![2017-135 | by biosfear]()
2017-135. Berkeley, CA.: photo by biosfear, June 2017
![2017-134 | by biosfear]()
2017-134. Oakland, CA.: photo by biosfear, June 2017
![Portland | by austin granger]()
Portland: photo by Austin Granger, 11 June 2017
Portland: photo by Austin Granger, 29 June 2017
![Momo | by efo]()
Momo: photo by efo, 24 June 2017
!['He was the Shelley of his age and more.' -- Gerard Bellaart]()
![Heathcote Williams [Photo: JH, 2013]]()
Heathcote Williams 1941-2017
illustration: Elena Caldera
A choir performed The Battle Hymn of the Republic at the Trump rally.: photo by Pool/Getty Images, 1 July 2017
The preposterous now seems possible. Say it with me: "President Trump": image via David Horsey @davidhorsey, 25 February 2016
The Statue of Liberty's Burka
#US #DonaldTrump #GOP #SneakPeek #SteveBenson #Cartoon #arizonarepublic: image via Becca Dyer @CopyeditorDyer, 30 January 2017
Donald J. Trump: president of the US plutocratic pornocracy
What you need to know is that it's a military exercise. Are you trying to chose your side? #FrenchAirForce @ReutersPicturesoftheweek.: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 18 February 2017
#DonaldTrump #GOP #SneakPeek #SteveBenson #Cartoon #arizonarepublic: image via Becca Dyer @CopyeditorDyer, 12 February 2017
El Paso's Chicano neighborhood, the Second Ward, a classic "barrio" along the Mexican border, with its adobe houses and nineteenth-century brick Presidio apartments, is slowly losing its ethnic flavor and giving way to urban renewal: photos byDanny Lyon, June/July 1972
Gaede's Wrecking Yard, Albuquerque: photo by DannyLyon, April 1972
Housing and back porches in the inner city of Uptown Chicago, Illinois, a neighborhood of poor white Southerners: photo by Danny Lyon, August 1974
Two youths in Uptown, Chicago, Illinois: photo by Danny Lyon, August 1974
Abandoned house on the North side of Chicago: photo by Danny Lyon, August 1974
House in the inner city of Chicago, Illinois. The inner city today is an absolute contradiction to the mainstream America of gas stations, expressways, shopping centers and tract homes. Some of the best American architecture survives in the "worst" neighborhoods, only because it hasn't (yet) been demolished.: photo by Danny Lyon, August 1974

A choir performed The Battle Hymn of the Republic at the Trump rally.: photo by Pool/Getty Images, 1 July 2017

There are grandpas and there are grandpas. Photo @dougmillsnyt: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 30 June 2017

#USA Marine One takes off from the White House with US President Donald Trump and his family in Washington, DC. Photo @b_smialowski #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 2 July 2017

#USA The Washington monument is seen reflected in raindrops on a car window during a rain storm in Washington, DC. Photo Andrew Caballero-Reynolds: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 2 July 2017

#USA The @RMSQueenMary2 passes under the Verrazano bridge finish line of #TheBridge2017 Photo @LoicVenance #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 2 July 2017

#Iraq An Iraqi federal policeman comforts a displaced woman as she holds on to him while they wait for medical aid in Mosul. Photo Ahmad Al-Rubaye: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 2 July 2017

#Iraq Members of Iraq's elite Rapid Response Division patrol the Shifa neighbourhood during #MosulOffensive. Photo Fadel Senna #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 2 July 2017

SYRIA - Syrians gather to inspect the damage at the site of a suicide bomb attack in Damascus Louai Beshara #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 2 July 2017

#Afghanistan An Afghan woman collects water from a hand pump in Mazar-i-Sharif. Photo @Farshadusyan #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 1 July 2017

A passenger sunbathes aboard the @RMSQueenMary2 sailing in the Atlantic ocean during #TheBridge2017 Photo @LoicVenance #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 1 July 2017

A waitress holds a tray aboard thesailing in the Atlantic ocean during @TheBridge2017 Photo @LoicVenance #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 1 July 2017

#Japan People walk on a pedestrian crossing on the street in Tokyo Photo @ToruYamanaka #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 1 July 2017
We will always take care of our GREAT VETERANS. You have shed your blood, poured your love, and bared your soul, in defense of our country.: image via Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump, 1 July 2017

We will always take care of our GREAT VETERANS. You have shed your blood, poured your love, and bared your soul, in defense of our country.: image via Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump, 1 July 2017

We will always take care of our GREAT VETERANS. You have shed your blood, poured your love, and bared your soul, in defense of our country.: image via Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump, 1 July 2017

We will always take care of our GREAT VETERANS. You have shed your blood, poured your love, and bared your soul, in defense of our country.: image via Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump, 1 July 2017

Getting rdy to leave for tonight's Celebrate Freedom Concert honoring our GREAT VETERANS w/ so many of my evangelical friends. See you soon!: image via Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump, 1 July 2017

First Baptist Dallas Choir with other church choirs sings a song with the words "Make America Great Again": image via Jeff Mason @jeffmason1, 1 July 2017

Nothing to worry about here. Just the man with the nuclear codes, keeping us all updated on which insulting hashtag he's considering next.: image via J.K. Rowling @jkrowling, 1 July 2017

Emergency responders gather at crash of an aircraft on I-405, just short of a runway at John Wayne Airport in Calif. #APTOPIX July 1, 2017: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 1 July 2017
This one i got especially for @FluorescentGrey: image via Jason Wilson @jason_a_w, 30 June 201

Some speakers have managed to get up, this chap was talking about the New World Order's plans for genocide: image via Jason Wilson @jason_a_w, 30 June 2017

Tiny is right there in the middle of most confrontations I've seen: image via Jason Wilson @jason_a_w, 30 June 2017

Some Proud Boys made a sign: image via Jason Wilson @jason_a_w, 30 June 2017

This one i got especially for @FluorescentGrey: image via Jason Wilson @jason_a_w, 30 June 201

Joey Gibson speaks: image via Jason Wilson @jason_a_w, 30 June 2017

Back in downtown Portland for another Patriot Prayer rally: image via Jason Wilson @jason_a_w, 30 June 2017

Untitled [LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 1 July 2017

Eastside industrial light [LA): photo by Andrew Murr, 30 June 2017

Untitled [Eastside, LA): photo by Andrew Murr, 30 June 2017

Jump [LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 1 July 2017

Pico Gardens [Eastside, LA): photo by Andrew Murr, 2 July 2017

1551. Heaven can wait, Susi.: photo by Martín Colomés, 27 June 2017

1551. Heaven can wait, Susi.: photo by Martín Colomés, 27 June 2017

1551. Heaven can wait, Susi.: photo by Martín Colomés, 27 June 2017

STORM COMING. Alkeny, Iowa.: photo by akahawkeyefan, 30 June 2017

STORM COMING. Alkeny, Iowa.: photo by akahawkeyefan, 30 June 2017

STORM COMING. Alkeny, Iowa.: photo by akahawkeyefan, 30 June 2017

Silver City, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2016
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
John B. Robert Dam. Albuquerque, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
John B. Robert Dam. Albuquerque, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()

John B. Robert Dam. Albuquerque, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017

John B. Robert Dam. Albuquerque, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017

John B. Robert Dam. Albuquerque, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017

John B. Robert Dam. Albuquerque, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017

John B. Robert Dam. Albuquerque, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017

John B. Robert Dam. Albuquerque, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017

Corrales, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017

Corrales, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017

Corrales, New Mexico.: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2017

Hanover, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2016

Hanover, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2016

Hanover, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, June 2016

[Prescott Valley, Arizona]: photo by Patrick, April 2017

[Prescott Valley, Arizona]: photo by Patrick, April 2017

[Prescott Valley, Arizona]: photo by Patrick, April 2017
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
[Kayenta, Arizona]: photo by Patrick, April 2017
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
[Kayenta, Arizona]: photo by Patrick, April 2017
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
[Kayenta, Arizona]: photo by Patrick, April 2017
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
Coconino, Arizona: photo by Patrick, April 2017
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
Coconino, Arizona: photo by Patrick, April 2017
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()

[Kayenta, Arizona]: photo by Patrick, April 2017

[Kayenta, Arizona]: photo by Patrick, April 2017

[Kayenta, Arizona]: photo by Patrick, April 2017

Coconino, Arizona: photo by Patrick, April 2017

Coconino, Arizona: photo by Patrick, April 2017

Coconino, Arizona: photo by Patrick, April 2017

Near Mancos, Colorado: photo by Dean Terasaki, 29 June 2017

Near Mancos, Colorado: photo by Dean Terasaki, 29 June 2017

Near Mancos, Colorado: photo by Dean Terasaki, 29 June 2017

2017-135. Berkeley, CA.: photo by biosfear, June 2017

2017-134. Oakland, CA.: photo by biosfear, June 2017

Portland: photo by Austin Granger, 11 June 2017

Portland: photo by Austin Granger, 29 June 2017

Momo: photo by efo, 24 June 2017
A Great One Died Today: RIP Heathcote Williams

![Heathcote Williams [Photo: JH, 2013]](http://www.artsjournal.com/herman/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/heathcote-williams-photo-copy.png)
Heathcote Williams 1941-2017
A Great One Died Today: via Jan Herman @Straight Up | Herman, 1 July 2017
Heathcote Williams: There has to be an Afterlife

illustration: Elena Caldera
There has to be an afterlife, since matter
Can neither be created nor destroyed.
So, fear not, you’ll continue. According to physics
Your future presence is definitely required.
Can neither be created nor destroyed.
So, fear not, you’ll continue. According to physics
Your future presence is definitely required.
Look, here’s an atom once breathed by Socrates;
There’s another breathed by Van Gogh.
Inhale deeply, you can morph into a Neanderthal.
Every second new afterlives are kicking off.
There’s another breathed by Van Gogh.
Inhale deeply, you can morph into a Neanderthal.
Every second new afterlives are kicking off.
The physicist, Ilya Prigognine, believed that atoms
Make conscious decisions in a conscious existence,
Enabling the atomic thoughts in your head that are you
To enjoy an immortal persistence.
Make conscious decisions in a conscious existence,
Enabling the atomic thoughts in your head that are you
To enjoy an immortal persistence.
His theory means that the ‘now’ can go on forever,
And that its swirling thought forms may linger –
So essential distillations of our substance can be saved
From their falling victim to fate’s fickle finger.
And that its swirling thought forms may linger –
So essential distillations of our substance can be saved
From their falling victim to fate’s fickle finger.
Does all this conceal a road-bump for atheists?
Could it hide an inconvenient truth?
Do invisible parts of our being possess
Encrypted secrets of eternal youth?
Could it hide an inconvenient truth?
Do invisible parts of our being possess
Encrypted secrets of eternal youth?
When Vincent van Gogh was studying the Milky Way
With candles perched on his hat
He meditated on each billion-year-old shining dot
Spinning through the starry night.
With candles perched on his hat
He meditated on each billion-year-old shining dot
Spinning through the starry night.
He believed that the heavens were our future destination
And he declared, “we take death to reach a star.”
Now that there’s stardust in every single cell of our body
More mystery is added to knowing who we are.
And he declared, “we take death to reach a star.”
Now that there’s stardust in every single cell of our body
More mystery is added to knowing who we are.
But in bereavement it’s a very great comfort
To those who are feeling dispossessed
To consider that those they’ve known who’ve died
Have simply changed their cosmic address.
To those who are feeling dispossessed
To consider that those they’ve known who’ve died
Have simply changed their cosmic address.
Heathcote Williams (1941-2017): There has to be an Afterlife (2017)

A choir performed The Battle Hymn of the Republic at the Trump rally.: photo by Pool/Getty Images, 1 July 2017

#Obamacare #ACA #GOP #SneakPeek #SteveBenson #Cartoon #arizonarepublic: image via Becca Dyer @CopyeditorDyer, 30 January 2017
Heathcote Williams: Two for Trump (2017)
The preposterous now seems possible. Say it with me: "President Trump": image via David Horsey @davidhorsey, 25 February 2016
The President is obsessed with deporting Arabs
Although, by a superb comic irony,
It was an Arab who modeled for the United States’ icon --
Namely the Statue of Liberty.
Although, by a superb comic irony,
It was an Arab who modeled for the United States’ icon --
Namely the Statue of Liberty.
The sculptor’s monument was initially designed
For the opening of the Suez canal:
The original depicted an Arab woman holding a torch.
It was destined for the canal’s southern portal.
For the opening of the Suez canal:
The original depicted an Arab woman holding a torch.
It was destined for the canal’s southern portal.
His first drawings show “a gigantic female fellah, or Arab peasant”
With a veil modestly hiding her lips,
The sculptor told Egypt’s ruler she represented “Progress”
A beacon, to light the way for oncoming ships.
With a veil modestly hiding her lips,
The sculptor told Egypt’s ruler she represented “Progress”
A beacon, to light the way for oncoming ships.
Unfortunately for the artist, Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi,
Egypt’s bankrupt Khedive couldn’t afford its installation
But undeterred, Bartholdi recycled it and offered it to New York
To commemorate the American revolution.
Egypt’s bankrupt Khedive couldn’t afford its installation
But undeterred, Bartholdi recycled it and offered it to New York
To commemorate the American revolution.
Its first title had been, “Egypt carrying the Light to Asia’
But now the figure’s veil would be removed
And for his prospective US clients Bartholdi called it,
“Liberty enlightening the world”.
But now the figure’s veil would be removed
And for his prospective US clients Bartholdi called it,
“Liberty enlightening the world”.
But despite Bartholdi’s tweaking the flowing Arab garments
And his turning them into Graeco-Roman dress,
It’s still a huge stone Arab that occupies New York Harbour,
Making fun of the President’s petty mindedness –
And his turning them into Graeco-Roman dress,
It’s still a huge stone Arab that occupies New York Harbour,
Making fun of the President’s petty mindedness –
And of the President’s paranoia for far more Americans die
As a result of their falling out of bed,
Or their being stung by bees rather than being killed by terrorists
Never mind their fellow-citizens shooting them dead.
As a result of their falling out of bed,
Or their being stung by bees rather than being killed by terrorists
Never mind their fellow-citizens shooting them dead.
Despite the most worthless President in US history
Wishing to banish all Arabs from his shores
An Arab giantess in New York is welcoming migrants
And giving the lie to his immigration laws.
Wishing to banish all Arabs from his shores
An Arab giantess in New York is welcoming migrants
And giving the lie to his immigration laws.
However much the President may demonise Arabs
There’s one who’s rooted to the ground,
Making a better job of symbolising American liberty
Without her having to utter a sound.
There’s one who’s rooted to the ground,
Making a better job of symbolising American liberty
Without her having to utter a sound.

#US #DonaldTrump #GOP #SneakPeek #SteveBenson #Cartoon #arizonarepublic: image via Becca Dyer @CopyeditorDyer, 30 January 2017
I don’t like to analyze myself because I might not like what I see– Donald Trump
On buying a beauty spot in Scotland for a golf-course
And for luxury condominiums,
Trump notices some old houses on the horizon
And he orders them bulldozed to oblivion.
On buying a beauty spot in Scotland for a golf-course
And for luxury condominiums,
Trump notices some old houses on the horizon
And he orders them bulldozed to oblivion.
On seeing a woman that he desires, he oafishly
Recommends “grabbing her pussy”.
He boasts that, ‘My fame lets me take liberties;
‘My fame allows me to abuse her.’
Recommends “grabbing her pussy”.
He boasts that, ‘My fame lets me take liberties;
‘My fame allows me to abuse her.’
Trump’s grandfather ran brothels in the Yukon
And to his grandson, people are also for sale.
Trump’s ego tells him he has supernatural powers
And that almost nothing is beyond the pale.
And to his grandson, people are also for sale.
Trump’s ego tells him he has supernatural powers
And that almost nothing is beyond the pale.
“I will deport 12 million Latinos”, Donald Trump insists --
This buddy of asset strippers and union busters --
A charlatan who papers over his character’s cracks
With bank loans and with megalomaniac bluster.
This buddy of asset strippers and union busters --
A charlatan who papers over his character’s cracks
With bank loans and with megalomaniac bluster.
Trump was a casino owner (a synonym for gangster),
A suitable past for the President of casino capitalism
Who boasts about who he’s been able to shake down,
And who also represents a home-grown neo-fascism.
A suitable past for the President of casino capitalism
Who boasts about who he’s been able to shake down,
And who also represents a home-grown neo-fascism.
Trump’s a demagogue who’s prone to magical thinking
With a compulsion to build concrete penises
Upon which his name appears in enormous letters
And whose robotic staff repeat, “he’s a genius”.
With a compulsion to build concrete penises
Upon which his name appears in enormous letters
And whose robotic staff repeat, “he’s a genius”.
He has pretended to be anti-establishment
And to be standing up for the little guy
Yet without Wall Street and the Deutsche Bank
This exhibitionist parasite would die.
And to be standing up for the little guy
Yet without Wall Street and the Deutsche Bank
This exhibitionist parasite would die.
He’s a slave to his monumental indebtedness.
He owes 600 million dollars.
But now that he’s President he can pay his creditors,
The mob and their sinister callers --
He owes 600 million dollars.
But now that he’s President he can pay his creditors,
The mob and their sinister callers --
While doubtless remaining reluctant to pay taxes
For he regards tax evasion as an art.
When challenged about his not filing tax returns
He brags, “That makes me smart.”
For he regards tax evasion as an art.
When challenged about his not filing tax returns
He brags, “That makes me smart.”
He’s risen to power on the magniloquent claim
That he’ll make America great
While representing the lowest common denominator
Of his country’s racist hate.
That he’ll make America great
While representing the lowest common denominator
Of his country’s racist hate.
In 1992 the Casino Control Commission fined him $200,000
For removing African-American card dealers
From his Plaza Hotel’s casino to appease the racism
Of the Plaza’s big-spending gamblers.
For removing African-American card dealers
From his Plaza Hotel’s casino to appease the racism
Of the Plaza’s big-spending gamblers.
Trump would disparage his black casino employees as “lazy”.
“I’ve got black accountants and isn’t it funny?” he’d say,
“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people
“I want are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”
“I’ve got black accountants and isn’t it funny?” he’d say,
“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people
“I want are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”
“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino”,
Recalls Kip Brown, an employee at Trump’s Castle,
“The bosses would order all the black people off the floor,”
He told the New Yorker in a 2015 article.
Recalls Kip Brown, an employee at Trump’s Castle,
“The bosses would order all the black people off the floor,”
He told the New Yorker in a 2015 article.
Regarding an African-American President
As an affront to his Aryan sensibility,
Trump became vocal in the ‘Birther’ movement
Questioning Obama’s legitimacy.
As an affront to his Aryan sensibility,
Trump became vocal in the ‘Birther’ movement
Questioning Obama’s legitimacy.
Trump failed to disavow the Ku Klux Klan
When they supported his candidacy.
He’d airily pretend he didn’t know who they were
With an ignorance approaching lunacy.
When they supported his candidacy.
He’d airily pretend he didn’t know who they were
With an ignorance approaching lunacy.
Donald J. Trump has been elected President
Of the US’s plutocratic pornocracy --
A plot twist, and suddenly the whole world
Is having to adjust to his squalid reality.
Of the US’s plutocratic pornocracy --
A plot twist, and suddenly the whole world
Is having to adjust to his squalid reality.
He believes women should suffer punishment
If they decide to have abortions.
He sees life as conquest and victory and winning,
As if in a childish competition.
If they decide to have abortions.
He sees life as conquest and victory and winning,
As if in a childish competition.
In a half-hearted apology for mocking women’s looks
Trump says he does it “to be entertaining” --
Unaware that he himself is overweight and bright orange
And hardly qualifies as an oil painting.
Trump says he does it “to be entertaining” --
Unaware that he himself is overweight and bright orange
And hardly qualifies as an oil painting.
“I’d bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding.”
Says Trump who advocates torture.
“When I say they’ll do as I tell them, they’ll do as I tell them,”
Is how he plans to overcome any legal stricture.
Says Trump who advocates torture.
“When I say they’ll do as I tell them, they’ll do as I tell them,”
Is how he plans to overcome any legal stricture.
Fifty billion tons of carbon dioxide fall annually
On the earth, causing deadly climate change,
Yet Trump says he’ll cancel the lifesaving treaties
The international community has arranged.
On the earth, causing deadly climate change,
Yet Trump says he’ll cancel the lifesaving treaties
The international community has arranged.
So more earthquakes will be on the horizon
And extreme heat will now be inevitable.
One man’s hot air will have consequences
As air becomes less and less breathable.
And extreme heat will now be inevitable.
One man’s hot air will have consequences
As air becomes less and less breathable.
“We need some global warming. It’s freezing!
Trump would joke while he was out campaigning
Then America’s Emperor repeats his strident rhetoric
And his insistence “the swamp needs draining.”
Trump would joke while he was out campaigning
Then America’s Emperor repeats his strident rhetoric
And his insistence “the swamp needs draining.”
He threatens to attack ISIS with nuclear weapons --
To use a nuclear sledgehammer to crack a nut --
Unable to see that every Trump Tower would be
Transformed into a radioactive mud hut.
To use a nuclear sledgehammer to crack a nut --
Unable to see that every Trump Tower would be
Transformed into a radioactive mud hut.
Donald Trump is really Donald Drumpf,
To give him his ancestral, and risible name.
It suggests dumbness, even the passing of wind
As well as the merciful transience of fame.
To give him his ancestral, and risible name.
It suggests dumbness, even the passing of wind
As well as the merciful transience of fame.

What you need to know is that it's a military exercise. Are you trying to chose your side? #FrenchAirForce @ReutersPicturesoftheweek.: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 18 February 2017
#DonaldTrump #GOP #SneakPeek #SteveBenson #Cartoon #arizonarepublic: image via Becca Dyer @CopyeditorDyer, 12 February 2017
Danny Lyon: American Street, 1972-1974
I Second Ward, El Paso, 1972

El Paso's Chicano neighborhood, the Second Ward, a classic "barrio" along the Mexican border, with its adobe houses and nineteenth-century brick Presidio apartments, is slowly losing its ethnic flavor and giving way to urban renewal: photos byDanny Lyon, June/July 1972
II Houston, 1973

Hub Cap Center, Houston, Texas: photo by Danny Lyon, April 1973

Downtown Main Street, Houston, Texas: photo by Danny Lyon, April 1973

House and trees in the Fifth Ward of Houston, Texas: photo by Danny Lyon, April 1973
III Albuquerque, 1972

Gaede's Wrecking Yard, Albuquerque: photo by DannyLyon, April 1972
IV Uptown, Chicago, 1974

Housing and back porches in the inner city of Uptown Chicago, Illinois, a neighborhood of poor white Southerners: photo by Danny Lyon, August 1974

Two youths in Uptown, Chicago, Illinois: photo by Danny Lyon, August 1974

Abandoned house on the North side of Chicago: photo by Danny Lyon, August 1974

House in the inner city of Chicago, Illinois. The inner city today is an absolute contradiction to the mainstream America of gas stations, expressways, shopping centers and tract homes. Some of the best American architecture survives in the "worst" neighborhoods, only because it hasn't (yet) been demolished.: photo by Danny Lyon, August 1974
V New York City, 1974
Boy at bat in a softball game in Hiland Park, Brooklyn, July 1974
Stand with feet apart
Hold the bat up and back
Hips level, knees bent
Keep eyes level, head straight
Watch ball, keep eyes on ball.
Weight shifted slightly to back leg
Keep eyes on ball
Snap or swing bat at ball
with level, slightly upward motion
holding onto bat with both hands
shifting weight slightly forward.
Follow swing through,
holding onto bat with both hands.
When ball is hit at split second
let the body do what feels right for you.
Young man with his leg in a cast, Hiland Park, Brooklyn, July 1974
Three boys and "A Train" graffiti, Lynch Park, Brooklyn, June 1974
Two black youths and a dog in Paterson, New Jersey, June 1974
Three young girls in Brooklyn, July 1974
Three young girls on Bond Street in Brooklyn, July 1974
Inner city life on Bond Street in Brooklyn, July 1974
Row houses on Bond Street in Brooklyn, July 1974
Boys playing frisbee across West 46th Street in Manhattan, July 1974
Wall painting in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, July 1974
Sports heroes are the motifs in these wall paintings on Nostrand Avenue in Brooklyn, July 1974
Graffiti with a supergraphic "Vail" and other words on on a wall in Brooklyn, July 1974
Boy against a yellow platform at the Kosciusko Swimming Pool in the Bedford-Stuyvesant district of Brooklyn, July 1974
The Kosciusko Swimming Pool in the heart of the Bedford-Stuyvesant district of Brooklyn, July 1974
Avenue D housing project on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York City, July 1974
People relaxing in East River Park in Manhattan, July 1974
People on an outing in East River Park in Manhattan, July 1974
Kids enjoying playground equipment in East River Park in Manhattan, July 1974
People looking at boat traffic on the East River Park with the Manhattan Bridge and New York City in the background, July 1974 looking at boat traffic on the
Young Latin male in Paterson, New Jersey's inner city, June 1974
Latin girl holding a child on an inner city porch in Paterson, New Jersey, June 1974
Man working on car in Hell's Kitchen, New York City, June 1974
Man lounging on a park bench with his radio on the Reis Park Boardwalk in New York City, July 1974
Wall painting at Division and Forsyth Streets in Lower Manhattan, June 1974
Apartment house across from Fort Green Park in Brooklyn, June 1974
Fire set by Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute to test wires and insulation in New York City, June 1974
Inner city residents of Brooklyn walk along Bushwick Avenue, July 1974
The underside of an elevated train platform is part of the environment on Bushwick Avenue in Brooklyn, June 1974
View from under elevated train tracks at Bushwick Avenue in Brooklyn, June 1974
Brooklyn's Bushwick Avenue seen from an elevated train platform, June 1974
All photos by DannyLyon (b. 1942) forDOCUMERICA,an Environmental Protection Agency program to photographically document subjects of environmental concern, 1972-1974 (U.S. National Archives)

Boy at bat in a softball game in Hiland Park, Brooklyn, July 1974
Joseph Ceravolo: Beginner Method
Stand with feet apart
Hold the bat up and back
Hips level, knees bent
Keep eyes level, head straight
Watch ball, keep eyes on ball.
Weight shifted slightly to back leg
Keep eyes on ball
Snap or swing bat at ball
with level, slightly upward motion
holding onto bat with both hands
shifting weight slightly forward.
Follow swing through,
holding onto bat with both hands.
When ball is hit at split second
let the body do what feels right for you.
Joseph Ceravolo (1934-1988): Beginner Method, 4 May 1987, from Collected Poems, 2012

Puerto Rican boys playing softball in Hiland Park, Brooklyn, July 1974

Puerto Rican boy playing ball in Hiland Park, Brooklyn, July 1974

Three boys and "A Train" graffiti, Lynch Park, Brooklyn, June 1974

Two black youths and a dog in Paterson, New Jersey, June 1974

Three young girls in Brooklyn, July 1974

Three young girls on Bond Street in Brooklyn, July 1974

Inner city life on Bond Street in Brooklyn, July 1974

Row houses on Bond Street in Brooklyn, July 1974

Boys playing frisbee across West 46th Street in Manhattan, July 1974

Wall painting in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, July 1974

Sports heroes are the motifs in these wall paintings on Nostrand Avenue in Brooklyn, July 1974

Graffiti with a supergraphic "Vail" and other words on on a wall in Brooklyn, July 1974

Two Latin girls pose in front of a wall of graffiti in Lynch Park, Brooklyn, June 1974
Latin youths at Lynch Park in Brooklyn, June 1974

Latin youths at Lynch Park in Brooklyn, June 1974

Boy against a yellow platform at the Kosciusko Swimming Pool in the Bedford-Stuyvesant district of Brooklyn, July 1974

The Kosciusko Swimming Pool in the heart of the Bedford-Stuyvesant district of Brooklyn, July 1974

Avenue D housing project on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York City, July 1974

People relaxing in East River Park in Manhattan, July 1974

People on an outing in East River Park in Manhattan, July 1974

Kids enjoying playground equipment in East River Park in Manhattan, July 1974

People looking at boat traffic on the East River Park with the Manhattan Bridge and New York City in the background, July 1974 looking at boat traffic on the

Young Latin male in Paterson, New Jersey's inner city, June 1974

Latin girl holding a child on an inner city porch in Paterson, New Jersey, June 1974

Man working on car in Hell's Kitchen, New York City, June 1974

Man lounging on a park bench with his radio on the Reis Park Boardwalk in New York City, July 1974

Wall painting at Division and Forsyth Streets in Lower Manhattan, June 1974

Apartment house across from Fort Green Park in Brooklyn, June 1974

Fire set by Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute to test wires and insulation in New York City, June 1974

Inner city residents of Brooklyn walk along Bushwick Avenue, July 1974

The underside of an elevated train platform is part of the environment on Bushwick Avenue in Brooklyn, June 1974

View from under elevated train tracks at Bushwick Avenue in Brooklyn, June 1974

Brooklyn's Bushwick Avenue seen from an elevated train platform, June 1974