Inspired use of the carving. In the people's house, a man bedeviled by apparitions. Photo @b_smialowski #Trump #EastRoom #notnormal: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 18 May 2017
Only a song people sing
A protester holds up a placard in front of the White House during a demonstration calling for an independent investigation into the Trump/Russia ties after the sudden firing of FBI director James Comey by US President Donald Trump. #russia #trump #comeyfiring #comey #whitehouse: image via Jim Watson @JimWatsonAFP, 10 May 2017
A young girl reacts as she tries to pet a police horse during a rally to denounce US President Donald Trump's immigration policies. #immigration #horse #petting #police #trump: image via Jim Watson @JimWatsonAFP, 2 May 2017

Inspired use of the carving. In the people's house, a man bedeviled by apparitions. Photo @b_smialowski #Trump #EastRoom #notnormal: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 18 May 2017
Only a song people sing
to chase off the demons?

A protester holds up a placard in front of the White House during a demonstration calling for an independent investigation into the Trump/Russia ties after the sudden firing of FBI director James Comey by US President Donald Trump. #russia #trump #comeyfiring #comey #whitehouse: image via Jim Watson @JimWatsonAFP, 10 May 2017

A young girl reacts as she tries to pet a police horse during a rally to denounce US President Donald Trump's immigration policies. #immigration #horse #petting #police #trump: image via Jim Watson @JimWatsonAFP, 2 May 2017

A White House staff with an elephant tattoo stands in high heels on the tarmac at Andrews Air Force Base as she waits for US President Donald Trump's arrival to board Air Force One. #uspresident #trump #elephanttattoo #highheels #tarmac #airforceone #feet #staff #republican: image via Jim Watson @JimWatsonAFP, 1 May 2017
Blake Hounshell added,
This is INSANE. Erdogan’s goons rough up Kurdish protesters ON EMBASSY ROW, as D.C. cops valiantly try to stop them.
image via Blake Hounshell @blakehounshell, 16 May 2017

@realDonaldTrump walks to Marine One as reporters shout questions about Comey.: photo by Jeff Mason @jeffmason1, 17 May 2017

President Trump walks off stage following a news conference with President Santos of Colombia in the East Room of the White House.: image via Doug Mills @dougmillsnyt, 18 May 2017

President Donald Trump listens to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos speak during a news conference in the East Room of the @WhiteHouse: image via Andrew Harnik @andyharnik, 18 May 2017
"No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly." -Donald Trump: image via Justin Williams @justinwcomedy, 17 May 2017

Nice photo shoot for me on the guys prepping for the 420 protest...: image via Paul Richards @RichardsAFP, 13 April 2017

holy moly - it looks like @SenSchumer and I are smoking reefer outside a wedding...: image via Ben Sasse @BenSasse, 18 May 2017
Reading The Pictures Retweeted MAD Magazine
Reading The Pictures added,
Reading The Pictures added,
#MAD not mad, actually glad. Could also see as progression. On way to total stain?
image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 18 May 2017
Studying Under the Ground is Safer. "They said knowledge is a flame, so we lit the lamp that illuminates what injustice has darkened around us." Students in besieged Eastern Ghouta practice writing in an underground classoom.: photo by Dimashqi Lens, 23 February 2017

And waiting for the arrival of my parents #Madaya_and_Zubadani and the arrival of buses carrying the people of #Kfraya_and_al-Fu'a: image via Abd Alkader Habak, 13 April 2017

After briefly being knocked unconscious by the blast activist and journalist Abd Alkader Habak put aside his camera to help those wounded: image via Aleppo Media Centre, 15 April 2017
Distressing images of a man carrying an injured child away from a burning vehicle and another of him weeping next to a boy’s body have emerged from a bombing of a bus convoy that targeted Syrian civilians over the weekend.
Photographer Abd Alkader Habak can be seen in one of the images, running away from the scene of the attack with a small boy in his arms. The pictures were shared by the Aleppo Media Centre, an umbrella group of anti-regime journalists and activists.
Mr Habak told CNN that he had been documenting the evacuation of civilians from the besieged towns of Kefraya and Foua, held by forces loyal to the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad.
As buses passed through Rashidin in rebel territory to a town near Aleppo, the blast occurred, briefly knocking him unconscious, he said.
“The scene was horrible - especially seeing children wailing and dying in front of you,” he said. “So I decided along with my colleagues that we'd put our cameras aside and start rescuing injured people.”
The first child he checked was dead, he added. The next was breathing raggedly, so Mr Habak picked him up and ran towards the nearest ambulance.
In a second image, Mr Habak is seen kneeling and sobbing next to the corpse of a dead child, unable to take in what he is witnessing.
Beth McKernan, The Independent, 19 April 2017

Despite the war, the inhabitants of the village of Armanaz maintain the oldest professions in the world (industry of alfakkar): image via Abd Alkader Habak@AbdHabak, 9 May 2017

Russian air strike with phosphorus bombs on the city of #Ariha: image via Adb Alkader Habak @AbdHabak, 22 March 2017

Air raid carried out by Russian warplanes on the city of #Idlib: image via Adb Alkader Habak @AbdHabak, 14 March 2017

In his destroyed bedroom - Some of the music that gives some hope. #syria_Aleppo: image via Adb Alkader Habak @AbdHabak, 13 March 2017

From The Walls Of Jasmine And Love City Love You As I Loved Revolution #Qaboun #Damascus: image via Adb Alkader Habak @AbdHabak, 11 March 2017

So, im already enjoying my first hot, greasy pizza: image via Chelsea Manning @xychelsea, 18 May 2017

"This is our third try to fill it with gas this week". There's no gas in the besieged areas, no power supplies, no food, no babies milk, no medicine, no goods... the list of necessary items is missing an end time... South of Damascus: photo by Dimashqi Lens, 16 February 2017
better than a scream

granite fist [Joshua Tree National Park, California desert]: photo by Andrew Murr, 15 March 2017

You never know when that time will come [Adams Blvd, south LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 16 May 2017

Granite kiss [Joshua Tree National Park, California desert]: photo by Andrew Murr, 11 May 2017

Monzogranite [Joshua Tree National Park, California desert]: photo by Andrew Murr, 28 March 2017

Cholla [Joshua Tree National Park, California desert]: photo by Andrew Murr, 23 March 2017

Untitled [south LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 23 March 2017

East Windsor Avenue. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 11 January 2017

East Windsor Avenue. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 11 January 2017

East Windsor Avenue. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 11 January 2017
By the road to the contagious hospital

South Central Phoenix. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 7 January 2017

South Central Phoenix. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 7 January 2017

South Central Phoenix. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 7 January 2017