
Chicago, IL.: photo by Mike McCawley, 6 May 2017

Chicago, IL.: photo by Mike McCawley, 6 May 2017

Chicago, IL.: photo by Mike McCawley, 6 May 2017
The crocodile saw Brad Pitt praying in the wilderness
Lifting himself by his suspender straps into the Holy Awesome sky
Of our endangered wilderness
That's Brad's and yours and mine I mean
This land is your land and Brad's and I forget whose but probably not mine
This land is the amusement park where Reason commits suicide
On its day off
The ghost of a self-driving machine turns left at Escondido
Rousseau puts one in the air
Then runs away escaping back into Nature bruised and battered
By a rain of blows from the handbag of the ghost of Voltaire
And this is public life

flying!!: photo by Audsadang Satsadee, 7 May 2560

flying!!: photo by Audsadang Satsadee, 7 May 2560

flying!!: photo by Audsadang Satsadee, 7 May 2560

2017-101. Watsonville, CA.: photo by biosfear, 3 May 2017

2017-104. Watsonville, CA.: photo by biosfear, 3 May 2017

2017-102. Watsonville, CA.: photo by biosfear, 3 May 2017

2017-103. Tres Pinos, CA.: photo by biosfear, 3 May 2017

Cell tower palm [West Adams, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 8 May 2017

"Donald Trump's home". Boarded-up duplex in North Highlands, California.: photo by Rick Ele, 8 May 2017

"Donald Trump's home". Boarded-up duplex in North Highlands, California.: photo by Rick Ele, 8 May 2017

"Donald Trump's home". Boarded-up duplex in North Highlands, California.: photo by Rick Ele, 8 May 2017

Dying Aleppo. An Aleppo pine, Midtown Neighborhood, Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 12 January 2017

Dying Aleppo. An Aleppo pine, Midtown Neighborhood, Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 12 January 2017

Dying Aleppo. An Aleppo pine, Midtown Neighborhood, Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 12 January 2017

South Central Phoenix. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 27 January 2017

South Central Phoenix. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 27 January 2017

South Central Phoenix. Phoenix, Arizona.: photo by Dean Terasaki, 27 January 2017

Straits of the Precarious. Camping on Stockton Blvd in front of the old auto glass shop. [Sacramento]: photo by Rick Ele, 8 May 2017
It's getting harder and harder to ignore society's problems away. Scenes like this just ruin some people's perfect worlds. These problems are not really real to them until it pops up on their daily commute and they are forced to face it. And then they retreat further into safer, more homogenized bubbles. And/or they become calloused and practically weaponize their blame and point it at any scapegoat that conveniently removes them from feeling any responsibility. And rather than coming together to solve problems, they just get worse, with a growing toll on human lives. (R.E.)

Straits of the Precarious. Camping on Stockton Blvd in front of the old auto glass shop. [Sacramento]: photo by Rick Ele, 8 May 2017

Straits of the Precarious. Camping on Stockton Blvd in front of the old auto glass shop. [Sacramento]: photo by Rick Ele, 8 May 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Sirawit Kuwattananont, 29 April 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Sirawit Kuwattananont, 29 April 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Sirawit Kuwattananont, 29 April 2017

North 16th igloos [Sacramento]: photo by Rick Ele, 9 May 2017

North 16th igloos [Sacramento]: photo by Rick Ele, 9 May 2017

North 16th igloos [Sacramento]: photo by Rick Ele, 9 May 2017

Igloo and Cacti [Sacramento]: photo by Rick Ele, 9 May 2017

Igloo and Cacti [Sacramento]: photo by Rick Ele, 9 May 2017

Igloo and Cacti [Sacramento]: photo by Rick Ele, 9 May 2017

B-side Armenian Ghat Level Crossing, Kolkata: photo by Soumyendra Saha, 28 April 2017

B-side Armenian Ghat Level Crossing, Kolkata: photo by Soumyendra Saha, 28 April 2017

B-side Armenian Ghat Level Crossing, Kolkata: photo by Soumyendra Saha, 28 April 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Soumyendra Saha, 13 March 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Soumyendra Saha, 13 March 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Soumyendra Saha, 13 March 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Soumyendra Saha, 16 August 2016

[Untitled]: photo by Soumyendra Saha, 16 August 2016

[Untitled]: photo by Soumyendra Saha, 16 August 2016

[Untitled]: photo by Soumyendra Saha, 13 April 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Soumyendra Saha, 13 April 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Soumyendra Saha, 13 April 2017

[Untitled]: photo by noppadol maitreechit, 29 May 2015

Basmati [Montreal]: photo by navejo, 23 April 2017

Basmati [Montreal]: photo by navejo, 23 April 2017

Basmati [Montreal]: photo by navejo, 23 April 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Sirawit Kuwattananont, 11 March 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Sirawit Kuwattananont, 11 March 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Sirawit Kuwattananont, 11 March 2017

Balconville [Montreal]: photo by navejo, 3 May 2017

Balconville [Montreal]: photo by navejo, 3 May 2017

Balconville [Montreal]: photo by navejo, 3 May 2017

Residents crowd the balconies of an apartment building to watch soccer teams "La Polvora," (Gun Powder) and "Los Chatarreros" (The Scrappers) play a semi-final game at the Little World Cup Porvenir street soccer championship in Lima, Peru. Residents pay about $2 dollars for a balcony view of the annual ritual.: photo by Martin Mejia/AP, 1 May 2017

People watch the Little World Cup of Provenir street soccer championship from an apartment roof top, for which they pay about $2 dollars, in Lima, Peru. To score good seats, people camp out the night before, lining the road where the games have packed the streets every May 1 for a half century.: photo by Martin Mejia/AP, 1 May 2017

Teams "Purito Barrios Altos" and "Ají San Cosme" play the final game at the Little World Cup of Provenir street soccer championship in Lima, Peru. The tournament has been a big focus for Peruvian fans for a while, because the country’s national team hasn't qualified to play in international soccer’s World Cup since 1982.: photo by Martin Mejia/AP, 1 May 2017

A food vendor works the crowd during a break at the Little World Cup of Provenir street soccer championship in Lima, Peru. His tray is filled with plates of baked potatoes, boiled eggs and a spicy cream.: photo by Martin Mejia/AP, 1 May 2017