
Songkran Nuanchan [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 23 June 2014

Songkran Nuanchan [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 23 June 2014

Songkran Nuanchan [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 23 June 2014
Andrew Marvell: The Mower's Song
My Mind was once the true survey
My Mind was once the true survey
Of all these Medows fresh and gay;
And in the greenness of the Grass
Did see its Hopes as in a Glass;
When Juliana came, and She
What I do to the Grass, does to my Thoughts and Me.
But these, while I with Sorrow pine,
Grew more luxuriant still and fine;
That not one Blade of Grass you spy'd,
But had a Flower on either side;
When Juliana came, and She
What I do to the Grass, does to my Thoughts and Me.
Unthankful Medows, could you so
A fellowship so true forego,
And in your gawdy May-games meet,
While I lay trodden under feet?
When Juliana came, and She
What I do to the Grass, does to my Thoughts and Me.
But what you in Compassion ought,
Shall now by my Revenge be wrought:
And Flow'rs, and Grass, and I and all,
Will in one common Ruine fall.
For Juliana comes, and She
What I do to the Grass, does to my Thoughts and Me.
And thus, ye Meadows, which have been
Companions of my thoughts more green,
Shall now the Heraldry become
With which I shall adorn my Tomb;
For Juliana comes, and She
What I do to the Grass, does to my Thoughts and Me.
Andrew Marvell (1621-1678): The Mower's Song, from Miscellaneous Poems, 1681
![Keroppi Girl | by Tavepong Pratoomwong]()
Keroppi Girl [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 8 June 2014
![Keroppi Girl | by Tavepong Pratoomwong]()
Keroppi Girl [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 8 June 2014
![Keroppi Girl | by Tavepong Pratoomwong]()
Keroppi Girl [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 8 June 2014
Andrew Marvell (1621-1678): The Mower's Song, from Miscellaneous Poems, 1681

Keroppi Girl [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 8 June 2014

Keroppi Girl [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 8 June 2014

Keroppi Girl [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 8 June 2014
Andrew Marvell: Damon the Mower
Heark how the Mower Damon Sung,
With love of Juliana stung!
While ev'ry thing did seem to paint
The Scene more fit for his complaint.
Like her fair Eyes the day was fair;
But scorching like his am'rous Care.
Sharp like his Sythe his Sorrow was,
And wither'd like his Hopes the Grass.
Oh what unusual Heats are here,
Which thus our Sun-burn'd Meadows sear!
The Grass-hopper its pipe gives ore;
And hamstring'd Frogs can dance no more.
But in the brook the green Frog wades;
And Grass-hoppers seek out the shades.
Only the Snake, that kept within,
Now glitters in its second skin.
This heat the Sun could never raise,
Nor Dog-star so inflame's the dayes.
It from an higher Beauty grow'th,
Which burns the Fields and Mower both:
Which made the Dog, and makes the Sun
Hotter then his own Phaeton.
Not July causeth these Extremes,
But Juliana's scorching beams.
Tell me where I may pass the Fires
Of the hot day, or hot desires.
To what cool Cave shall I descend,
Or to what gelid Fountain bend?
Alas! I look for Ease in vain,
When Remedies themselves complain.
No moisture but my Tears do rest,
Nor Cold but in her Icy Breast.
How long wilt Thou, fair Shepheardess,
Esteem me, and my Presents less?
To Thee the harmless Snake I bring,
Disarmed of its teeth and sting.
To Thee Chameleons changing-hue,
And Oak leaves tipt with hony due.
Yet Thou ungrateful hast not sought
Nor what they are, nor who them brought.
I am the Mower Damon, known
Through all the Meadows I have mown.
On me the Morn her dew distills
Before her darling Daffadils.
And, if at Noon my toil me heat,
The Sun himself lick's off my Sweat.
While, going home, the Ev'ning sweet
In cowslip-water bathes my feet.
What, though the piping Shepherd stock
The plains with an unnum'red Flock,
This Sithe of mine discovers wide
More ground then all his Sheep do hide.
With this the golden fleece I shear
Of all these Closes ev'ry Year.
And though in Wooll more poor then they,
Yet am I richer far in Hay.
Nor am I so deform'd to sight,
If in my Sithe I looked right;
In which I see my Picture done,
As in a crescent Moon the Sun.
The deathless Fairyes take me oft
To lead them in their Danses soft:
And, when I tune my self to sing,
About me they contract their Ring.
How happy might I still have mow'd,
Had not Love here his Thistles sow'd!
But now I all the day complain,
Joyning my Labour to my Pain;
And with my Sythe cut down the Grass,
Yet still my Grief is where it was:
But, when the Iron blunter grows,
Sighing I whet my Sythe and Woes.
While thus he threw his Elbow round,
Depopulating all the Ground,
And, with his whistling Sythe, does cut
Each stroke between the Earth and Root,
The edged Stele by careless chance
Did into his own Ankle glance;
And there among the Grass fell down,
By his own Sythe, the Mower mown.
Alas! said He, these hurts are slight
To those that dye by Loves despight.
With Shepherds-purse, and Clowns-all-heal,
The Blood I stanch, and Wound I seal.
Only for him no Cure is found,
Whom Julianas Eyes do wound.
'Tis death alone that this must do:
For Death thou art a Mower too.
Andrew Marvell (1621-1678): Damon the The Mower, from Miscellaneous Poems, 1681
Andrew Marvell (1621-1678): Damon the The Mower, from Miscellaneous Poems, 1681

Spillage [shopping mall, Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 22 August 2015

Spillage [shopping mall, Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 22 August 2015

Spillage [shopping mall, Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 22 August 2015

[Phetchaburi, Thailand]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 8 April 2017

[Phetchaburi, Thailand]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 8 April 2017

[Phetchaburi, Thailand]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 8 April 2017

Mrs. Bun [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 9 March 2016

Mrs. Bun [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 9 March 2016

Mrs. Bun [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 9 March 2016

White Walker. Awake in a Dream [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 15 September 2015

White Walker. Awake in a Dream [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 15 September 2015

White Walker. Awake in a Dream [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 15 September 2015

Yellow Twilight [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 10 November 2014

Yellow Twilight [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 10 November 2014

Yellow Twilight [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 10 November 2014

#Ecuador A man carries his wife on a flooded street after heavy rainfall in Milagro. By Henry Romero @reuterspictures: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 14 April 2017

SYRIA - A Christian woman lights candles during a Good Friday mass at the Syriac church of the Holy Virgin in Qamishli. @DelilSouleman: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 14 April 2017

Red Magic [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 17 August 2014

Red Magic [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 17 August 2014

Red Magic [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 17 August 2014

#Venezuela Opposition activists protesting against the government of Nicolas Maduro clash with riot police in Caracas. Photo @jbarreto1974: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 14 April 2017

#Instantané Un boulanger au travail, le 13 avril en banlieue de Damas (Syrie) Photo @SameerAlDoumy #AFP: image via Agence France-Presse @afpfr, 14 April 2017

Dangerous game to play: A boy stands with a toy-gun in front of a bullet-riddled wall in the rebel-held town of Douma, Syria @SameerAlDoumy: image via AFP news agency @AFP, 14 April 2017

A member of the Iraqi counter-terrorism service (CTS) forces at a processing center for displaced citizens in western Mosul. Photo @tofsimon: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 14 April 2017

El laboratorio de ISIS q hemos visto en Jamdaniya tenía todos los materiales para fabricar explosivos caseros: image via Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia, 14 April 2017

La mítica Planicie de Nínive alrededor de Mosul: 6.000 años de Historia Humana. Qué hermosa es y cuánto dolor carga ahora.: image via Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia, 14 April 2017

Pueblos enteros destrozados por ISIS en la carretera a Mosul. Volverá alguna vez la vida aquí?: image via Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia, 14 April 2017

ISIS ha pasado por esta zona cercana a Mosul: image via Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia, 14 April 2017

El claustro de una iglesia cristiana convertida por ISIS en un campo de tiro. En Jamdaniya, cerca de Mosul.: image via Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia, 14 April 2017

Una fábrica de explosivos de ISIS, dentro de una iglesia cristiana en Jamdaniya, cerca de Mosul: image via Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia, 14 April 2017

Buenos días desde Irak. Hoy en Jamdaniya, un pueblo cristiano cercano a Mosul destrozado por ISIS. Cruz recién construida tras liberación.: image via Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia, 14 April 2017

Así son los coches bomba suicidas q está utilizando ISIS en Mosul. Los blindan para q sea imposible pararlos a tiros.: image via Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia, 14 April 2017
ISIS afirma q ha utilizado 401 coches bomba suicidas desde que se inició la batalla por Mosul. 401 coches bomba suicidas en una misma ciudad.: tweet via Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia, 14 April 2017

Después de 3 años de gobierno de ISIS en Mosul, y entre la destrucción, el dolor y los combates, la sonrisa de los más pequeños.: image via Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia, 13 April 2017

Cientos de críos q han vivido bajo ISIS durante 3 años y ahora duermen en el barro tras escapar de los combates en Mosul.: image via Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia, 12 April 2017

Buenos días desde Mosul. Esta es la línea de frente q separa ahora mismo al ejército iraquí del ISIS.: image via Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia, 12 April 2017

En la batalla por la Ciudad Vieja de Mosul, las tropas avanzan por agujeros en las casas. ISIS a veces esté al otro lado del la pared.: image via Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia, 11 April 2017

Así ha quedado el campus de la Universidad de Mosul, una zona de la ciudad ya liberada del ISIS (Foto de Marko Djurica): image via Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia, 10 April 2017

No he visto en mi vida una ciudad tan destrozada como Mosul. Y los combates continúan.: image via Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia, 10 April 2017
What's the problem with cold wars?

Missiles and kids are a popular and politically correct combo in the show at Pyongyang Children's palace. #ylemaailmalla: image via Mika Mäkeläinen @Mikareport, 14 April 2017

Start time changed to 520am again; neat rows of vehicles moving slowly through streets of #Pyongyang presumably for parade today #DPRK: image via Jeremy Koh @JeremyKohCNA, 14 April 2017
J. H. Almeida: What's the problem with cold wars?
The plums drop,
Spoiling on the concrete,
As I peel the skin off my forehead.
"What's the problem with cold wars?"
J. H. Almeida: What's the problem with cold wars? (16 July 2016)
At the big parade

#DPRK begins military parade in Pyongyang to mark 105th anniversary of birth of founder Kim Il Sung: image via Steve Herman @W7VOA, 14 April 2017

Crowd cheers as Kim Jong Un appears on dais for the parade. #DPRK: image via Steve Herman @W7VOA, 14 April 2017

In North Korea there shall be no disputes in the media about the crowd count for the leadership's parade.: image via Steve Herman @W7VOA, 14 April 2017

In North Korea there shall be no disputes in the media about the crowd count for the leadership's parade.: image via Steve Herman @W7VOA, 14 April 2017

Kim Jong Un enjoys the fly-by in honor of his grandfather's 105th birth anniversary. #DPRK: image via Steve Herman @W7VOA, 14 April 2017

Kim Jong Un enjoys the fly-by in honor of his grandfather's 105th birth anniversary. #DPRK: image via Steve Herman @W7VOA, 14 April 2017

And the parade in Kim Il Sung Square is underway. #DPRK: image via Steve Herman @W7VOA, 14 April 2017

This is major development: image via Nathan J Hunt @ISNJH, 14 April 2017

@DaveSchmerler @mhanham @ArmsControlWonk KN-11 or Pukguksong-2: image via Nathan J Hunt @ISNJH, 14 April 2017

Just released #Japan NISD annual report: #DPRK missile capabilities are diversifying, while its nuclear development is advancing.: image via Steve Herman @W7VOA, 14 April 2017

Kim Jong Un’s rockets are getting an important boost — from China. Another sobering [report] from from @Joby Warrick: image via Anna Fifield @annafifield, 13 April 2017

Despite China’s public efforts to rein in North Korea’s behavior, Chinese companies continue to act as enablers: image via Anna Fifield @annafifield, 13 April 2017

#China A woman stands in front of the window during a polluted day in Beijing. Photo @freddufour_AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 14 April 2017
Tavepong Pratoomwong: Half a Body

No Parking [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 5 September 2015

No Parking [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 5 September 2015

No Parking [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 5 September 2015

The Smooth Criminal [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 29 March 2016

The Smooth Criminal [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 29 March 2016

The Smooth Criminal [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 29 March 2016

Half a Body [Varanasi]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 28 April 2014

Half a Body [Varanasi]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 28 April 2014

Half a Body [Varanasi]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 28 April 2014

Magic Carpet [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 15 January 2017

Magic Carpet [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 15 January 2017

Magic Carpet [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 15 January 2017

Ukelele [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 10 January 2016

Ukelele [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 10 January 2016

Ukelele [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 10 January 2016

Bangkok's Not My Home: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 10 January 2016

Bangkok's Not My Home: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 10 January 2016

Bangkok's Not My Home: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 10 January 2016

Pray for His Majesty's soul to rise to heaven [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 14 October 2016

Pray for His Majesty's soul to rise to heaven [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 14 October 2016

Pray for His Majesty's soul to rise to heaven [Bangkok]: photo by TAVEPONG PRATOOMWONG, 14 October 2016