Berlin, Lichtenberg. Frankfurter Allee.: photo by Lyd.ium, November 2016
Andrew Marvell: The Mower against Gardens
Luxurious Man, to bring his Vice in use,
Did after him the World seduce:
And from the fields the Flow'rs and Plants allure,
Where Nature was most plain and pure.
He first enclos'd within the Gardens square
A dead and standing pool of Air:
And a more luscious Earth for them did knead,
Which stupifi'd them while it fed.
The Pink grew then as double as his Mind;
The nutriment did change the kind.
With strange perfumes he did the Roses taint.
And Flow'rs themselves were taught to paint.
The Tulip, white, did for complexion seek;
And learn'd to interline its cheek:
Its Onion root they then so high did hold,
That one was for a Meadow sold.
Another World was search'd, through Oceans new,
To find the Marvel of Peru.
And yet these Rarities might be allow'd,
To Man, that sov'raign thing and proud;
Had he not dealt between the Bark and Tree,
Forbidden mixtures there to see.
No Plant now knew the Stock from which it came;
He grafts upon the Wild the Tame:
That the uncertain and adult'rate fruit
Might put the Palate in dispute.
His green Seraglio has its Eunuchs too;
Lest any Tyrant him out-doe.
And in the Cherry he does Nature vex,
To procreate without a Sex.
'Tis all enforc'd; the Fountain and the Grot;
While the sweet Fields do lye forgot:
Where willing Nature does to all dispence
A wild and fragrant Innocence:
And Fauns and Faryes do the Meadows till,
More by their presence then their skill.
Their Statues polish' d by some ancient hand,
May to adorn the Gardens stand:
But howso'ere the Figures do excel,
The Gods themselves with us do dwell.
Andrew Marvell (1621-1678): The Mower against Gardens, from Miscellaneous Poems, 1681

Berlin, Hermannstrasse: photo by Lyd.ium, 2015

Berlin, Hermannstrasse: photo by Lyd.ium, 2015

Berlin, Hermannstrasse: photo by Lyd.ium, 2015

Berlin, Hohenzollerndamm: photo by Lyd.ium, 2015

Berlin, Lichtenberg. Frankfurter Allee.: photo by Lyd.ium, 2016

Berlin, Marzahn: photo by Lyd.ium, 2016

Berlin, Marzahn: photo by Lyd.ium, 2016

Berlin, Marzahn: photo by Lyd.ium, November 2016

Berlin, Marzahn: photo by Lyd.ium, November 2016

Berlin, Marzahn: photo by Lyd.ium, November 2016

Berlin, Selchower Strasse: photo by Lyd.ium, 2015

Berlin, Wismannstrasse: photo by Lyd.ium, 2015

Berlin, Hallesches Tor: photo by Lyd.ium, 2015

Berlin, Neukölln. Karl-Marx Strasse.: photo by Lyd.ium, 2015

Exarchia, Athens, Greece: photo by Lyd.ium, December 2014

Athens, Greece: photo by Lyd.ium, December 2014
![Untitled | by Lyd.ium]()
Berlin, Flughafenstrasse: photo by Lyd.ium, 2015

Berlin, Flughafenstrasse: photo by Lyd.ium, 2015

Berlin, Rahnsdorf: photo by Lyd.ium, 2015

Elevator: photo by Lyd.ium, March 2017

Smokers' room: photo by Lyd.ium, February 2017

Berlin, Skalitzer Strasse: photo by Lyd.ium, 2015

Lisbon: photo by Lyd.ium, 2015
(Imitation Life)

#3: photo by toufiq_ovi, 9 April 2017

#3: photo by toufiq_ovi, 9 April 2017

#3: photo by toufiq_ovi, 9 April 2017

Berlin, Alexanderplatz: photo by Lyd.ium, May 2014

Berlin: photo by Lyd.ium, November 2014

[Untitled]: photo by Rammy Narula, 25 May 2015

[Untitled]: photo by Rammy Narula, 25 May 2015

[Untitled]: photo by Rammy Narula, 25 May 2015

A couple sits by the Pothong River which runs through the North Korean capital at the end of a work day Monday, April 10, 2017, in Pyongyang, North Korea.: photo by Wong Maye-E/AP, 10 April 2017

Montana: photo by Lucas DeShazer, 23 January 2017

Montana: photo by Lucas DeShazer, 23 January 2017

Montana: photo by Lucas DeShazer, 23 January 2017

Grab a drink. Rethymna, Crete.: photo by Spyros Papaspyropoulos, 26 February 2017

Grab a drink. Rethymna, Crete.: photo by Spyros Papaspyropoulos, 26 February 2017

Grab a drink. Rethymna, Crete.: photo by Spyros Papaspyropoulos, 26 February 2017

[Untitled]: photo by Artyt Lerdrakmongkol, 8 April 2017