Relatives mourn over the body on a child, killed in an airstrike targetting IS fighters, West Mosul, Iraq. #MosulOffensive Photo @ArisMessinis #Mosul: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 17 March 2017
IRAQ - Relatives mourn over the body on a child, killed in an airstrike targetting IS fighters, West Mosul. Photo @ArisMessinis #MosulOffensive: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 17 March 2017
IRAQ - Relatives mourn over bodies of Iraqi residents of west Mosul killed in an airstrike targeting IS fighters. @ArisMessinis: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 17 March 2017
US Navy crew members work on the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson during South Korea-US joint military exercise. Photo Jung Yeon-Je: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 14 March 2017
IRAQ - Displaced residents evacuate a neighbourhood in West Mosul during#MosulOffensive Photo @ArisMessinis: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 17 March 2017
IRAQ - A shepherd stands with his sheep amidst fog in west Mosul. Photo @ArisMessinis #AFP #MosulOffensive: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 17 March 2017
#Iraq. If you don't flee #mosul ..... #MosulOffensive: image via Aris Messinis @ArisMessinis, 17 March 2017
#Iraq. Inside west #Mosul. #MosulOffensive: image via Aris Messinis @ArisMessinis, 16 March 2017
A Humvee passes over the body of an ISIS jihadist in the streets of west #Mosul on March 10, 2017 By @ArisMessinis @AFPphoto: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 10 March 2017
#Iraq. The battle for #Mosul Photo @yasinakgul: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 10 March 2017
President Trump and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany in the Oval Office on Friday: photo by The New York Times, 17 March 2017
President Trump and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany in the Oval Office on Friday: photo by The New York Times, 17 March 2017
Angela Merkel on her relationship with Donald Trump: ‘People are different. People have different abilities, different origins … That is diversity. That is good.’: photo by Jonathan Ernst/Reuters, 17 March 2017
The cameras clicked and the photographers asked Angela Merkel and Donald Trump to shake hands. "Do you want to have a handshake?" she asked.
Trump looked straight ahead with a presidential grimace frozen on his face but gave no response. If he had heard her, he did not show it.
The most powerful leader in Europe was offering an opening to start mending bilateral ties that have frayed badly since Trump's stunning rise. But the president was preoccupied with looking resolute for the cameras, and behind them, his supporters.
![Signals traffic/traffic signal | by ADMurr]()
![Untitled | by ADMurr]()
[Untitled, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 13 March 2017
![Climate change | by ADMurr]()
Climate change [Mojave]: photo by Andrew Murr, 16 March 2017
![Destino | by ADMurr]()
Destino [MacArthur Park, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 16 March 2017
![Burned Caddy | by ADMurr]()
Burned Caddy [San Fernando Valley, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 6 February 2017
![Fronds | by ADMurr]()
Fronds: photo by Andrew Murr, 7 March 2017
![Eastside industrial garage | by ADMurr]()
Eastside industrial garage [LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 5 March 2017
![Broadway yellow | by ADMurr]()
Broadway yellow [Broadway, south LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 5 March 2017
![Covered Chrysler | by ADMurr]()
Covered Chrysler [Hollywood]: photo by Andrew Murr, 18 February 2017
![Blind | by ADMurr]()
Blind [Mt. Washington, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 12 November 2016
![Glo's and Daisy's | by ADMurr]()
Glo's and Daisy's [south LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 1 March 2017
![South Central Phoenix, no. 4 | by GC_Dean]()
South Central Phoenix, No. 4 [Phoenix, Arizona]: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 January 2017
![South Central Phoenix, no. 4 | by GC_Dean]()
South Central Phoenix, No. 4 [Phoenix, Arizona]: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 January 2017
![South Central Phoenix, no. 4 | by GC_Dean]()
South Central Phoenix, No. 4 [Phoenix, Arizona]: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 January 2017
![South Central Phoenix, no. 3 | by GC_Dean]()
South Central Phoenix, No. 3 [Phoenix, Arizona]: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 January 2017
![South Central Phoenix, no. 3 | by GC_Dean]()
South Central Phoenix, No. 3 [Phoenix, Arizona]: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 January 2017
![South Central Phoenix, no. 3 | by GC_Dean]()
South Central Phoenix, No. 3 [Phoenix, Arizona]: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 January 2017
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
[Brooklyn, Baltimore, Maryland]: photo by Patrick, March 2016
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
[Brooklyn, Baltimore, Maryland]: photo by Patrick, March 2016
![Untitled | by patrickjoust]()
[Brooklyn, Baltimore, Maryland]: photo by Patrick, March 2016
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
Albuquerque, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, March 2017
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
Albuquerque, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, March 2017
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
Albuquerque, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, March 2017
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
Albuquerque, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, March 2017
![Untitled | by el zopilote]()
Albuquerque, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, March 2017

IRAQ - Displaced children evacuate a neighbourhood in West Mosul during#MosulOffensive Photo @ArisMessinis: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 17 March 2017

Relatives mourn over the body on a child, killed in an airstrike targetting IS fighters, West Mosul, Iraq. #MosulOffensive Photo @ArisMessinis #Mosul: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 17 March 2017

IRAQ - Relatives mourn over the body on a child, killed in an airstrike targetting IS fighters, West Mosul. Photo @ArisMessinis #MosulOffensive: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 17 March 2017

IRAQ - Relatives mourn over bodies of Iraqi residents of west Mosul killed in an airstrike targeting IS fighters. @ArisMessinis: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 17 March 2017

US Navy crew members work on the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson during South Korea-US joint military exercise. Photo Jung Yeon-Je: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 14 March 2017

IRAQ - Displaced residents evacuate a neighbourhood in West Mosul during#MosulOffensive Photo @ArisMessinis: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 17 March 2017

GREECE - Some 3000 refugees live in the Moria camp, out of some 14000 stuck on the Aegean islands since the closing of borders. Photo @lgouliam: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 17 March 2017

IRAQ - Iraqis, displaced from Mosul, walk around the muddy grounds of Hammam al-Alil camp for the internally displaced. Photo Ahmad Al-Rubaye: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 17 March 2017
Displaced people walk through fog during fighting between Iraqi security forces and Islamic State militants in west Mosul, Iraq. Photo @felipedana: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 17 March 2017

Displaced people walk through fog during fighting between Iraqi security forces and Islamic State militants in west Mosul, Iraq. Photo @felipedana: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 17 March 2017

IRAQ - A shepherd stands with his sheep amidst fog in west Mosul. Photo @ArisMessinis #AFP #MosulOffensive: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 17 March 2017

#Iraq. If you don't flee #mosul ..... #MosulOffensive: image via Aris Messinis @ArisMessinis, 17 March 2017

#Iraq. Inside west #Mosul. #MosulOffensive: image via Aris Messinis @ArisMessinis, 16 March 2017

#Iraq. Inside west #Mosul. #MosulOffensive: image via Aris Messinis @ArisMessinis, 16 March 2017

A Humvee passes over the body of an ISIS jihadist in the streets of west #Mosul on March 10, 2017 By @ArisMessinis @AFPphoto: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 10 March 2017

#Iraq. The battle for #Mosul Photo @yasinakgul: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 10 March 2017
A Palestinian man takes a selfie next to a blast crater reportedly caused by an Israeli air strike, east of #Gaza By @mohmdabed @AFP: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 17 March 2017

President Trump and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany in the Oval Office on Friday: photo by The New York Times, 17 March 2017

President Trump and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany in the Oval Office on Friday: photo by The New York Times, 17 March 2017

Angela Merkel on her relationship with Donald Trump: ‘People are different. People have different abilities, different origins … That is diversity. That is good.’: photo by Jonathan Ernst/Reuters, 17 March 2017
The cameras clicked and the photographers asked Angela Merkel and Donald Trump to shake hands. "Do you want to have a handshake?" she asked.
Trump looked straight ahead with a presidential grimace frozen on his face but gave no response. If he had heard her, he did not show it.
The most powerful leader in Europe was offering an opening to start mending bilateral ties that have frayed badly since Trump's stunning rise. But the president was preoccupied with looking resolute for the cameras, and behind them, his supporters.
The moment passed and its embarrassment washed over the chancellor’s face. This was a man who, after all, held hands with Theresa May – the messenger of Brexit. Merkel, the embodiment of European unity, could not even get a perfunctory shake.
That eventually came, at the joint press conference, but the personal chemistry did not improve.. On the podium, Trump talked past Merkel, launching into a version of his campaign speech about the need to rebuild the American industrial base in the wake of a string of bad trade deals.
The president said he supported Nato, but then segued into a claim that the US had been ripped off by its allies, who he alleged owed “vast sums of money”.
“This is very unfair to the US,” he said. “These nations must pay what they owe.”
The performance suggested the new proprietor of a firm who had discovered its books had been cooked by the previous owner and his shady business partners, one of whom he was now parading in front of the angry shareholders.
Trump’s one moment of attempted levity was a pointed joke about how being wiretapped by Barack Obama was what the two leaders had in common. It allowed him to restate his claim to have been bugged, and shrug off questions on whether the White House should apologise to Britain for suggesting it was carrying out the surveillance on Obama’s behalf.
And the quip served as a reminder to Merkel that, however much she might miss Obama in that moment, things had not always been easy between them, particularly after it was revealed in 2013 that the NSA had hacked her mobile phone.
Trump smiled broadly; Merkel did not. She remained stony-faced to that and his jibes about trade and defence.
She voiced appreciation for the “gracious hospitality”, though by this point it seemed likely she was being ironic. She noted it was better to “talk to each other rather than about one another” – a reference to Trump’s trolling of her leadership during his campaign, particularly on immigration. “What she’s done in Germany is insane,” he declared in an interview in October 2015.
Without directly challenging Trump, the chancellor went through almost all his talking points and knocked them down. She argued that trade deals tend to benefit both parties, and noting that Germany had pledged to raise its defence spending to 2% of GDP by 2024.
This was a gently worded riposte to Trump’s claims that US allies owed huge sums to Nato, pointing out that the issue is not unpaid dues but a promise by European allies to spend more on defence over the next few years.
This was never going to be easy. The president and the chancellor now represent opposite poles in the western camp.
Merkel built her leadership on the postwar concrete of the liberal order – free markets, the European Union and Nato.
Trump is dismissive of all those institutions, belittling them by Twitter, and offering lip service in their support only when pressed. His chief strategist, the White House ideologue Steve Bannon, has explicitly called for the dismantling of the old liberal order and given support to the European far right.
Merkel never tries to pretend when she is not enjoying herself. She parried a question from a German reporter about what she made of Trump’s personal style by pointing out that it is a leader’s job to talk to other leaders who are not like them.
“People are different. People have different abilities, different origins … That is diversity. That is good,” she explained, sounding like a teacher telling her pupils they were being joined by a new classmate with special needs.
And she added: “If things went without problems, we wouldn’t need politicians.”
In other words: it is because I have to deal with people like this that you pay me the big bucks.
Sign of the times

Signals traffic / traffic signal [E. Slauson, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 15 November 2015

[Untitled, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 13 March 2017

Climate change [Mojave]: photo by Andrew Murr, 16 March 2017

Destino [MacArthur Park, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 16 March 2017

Burned Caddy [San Fernando Valley, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 6 February 2017

Fronds: photo by Andrew Murr, 7 March 2017

Eastside industrial garage [LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 5 March 2017

Broadway yellow [Broadway, south LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 5 March 2017

Covered Chrysler [Hollywood]: photo by Andrew Murr, 18 February 2017

Blind [Mt. Washington, LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 12 November 2016

Glo's and Daisy's [south LA]: photo by Andrew Murr, 1 March 2017

South Central Phoenix, No. 4 [Phoenix, Arizona]: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 January 2017

South Central Phoenix, No. 4 [Phoenix, Arizona]: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 January 2017

South Central Phoenix, No. 4 [Phoenix, Arizona]: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 January 2017

South Central Phoenix, No. 3 [Phoenix, Arizona]: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 January 2017

South Central Phoenix, No. 3 [Phoenix, Arizona]: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 January 2017

South Central Phoenix, No. 3 [Phoenix, Arizona]: photo by Dean Terasaki, 10 January 2017

[Brooklyn, Baltimore, Maryland]: photo by Patrick, March 2016

[Brooklyn, Baltimore, Maryland]: photo by Patrick, March 2016

[Brooklyn, Baltimore, Maryland]: photo by Patrick, March 2016

Albuquerque, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, March 2017

Albuquerque, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, March 2017

Albuquerque, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, March 2017

Albuquerque, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, March 2017

Albuquerque, New Mexico: photo by Jorge Guadalupe Lizárraga, March 2017
diplomacy, diplodocus style
The White House East Room is set up for the press conference with @realDonaldTrump and German Chancellor Merkel: tweet via Jeff Mason @Jeff Mason1, 17 March 2017

The White House East Room is set up for the press conference with @realDonaldTrump and German Chancellor Merkel: tweet via Jeff Mason @Jeff Mason1, 17 March 2017

@realDonaldTrump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the start of a press conference at the White House: image via Jeff Mason @jeffmason1, 17 March 2017

President Donald Trump, w German Chancellor Angela Merkel, re alleged eavesdropping "at least we have something in common, perhaps.": image via Stephen Crowley @Stcrow, 17 March 2017

Sad Merkel is the best Merkel
Olivier Knox Retweeted Zeke Miller
Olivier Knox added
Olivier Knox Retweeted Zeke Miller
Olivier Knox added
Bonus: She is holding a "tap-proof" phone.
image via Olivier Knox @OKnox, 17 March 2017
image via Olivier Knox @OKnox, 17 March 2017

In which the Spy Museum in DC trolls Time's Person of the Year in their display on phone wiretapping...
Olivier Knox Retweeted Olivier Knox
Olivier Knox added,
image via Olivier Knox @OKnox, 17 March 2017
@realDonaldTrump holds first Oval Office meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.: image via Jeff Mason @Jeff Mason1, 17 March 2017
A White House official says @realDonaldTrump pressed Merkel hard about @NATO dues during meeting: tweet via Jeff Mason @Jeff Mason1, 17 March 2017
Olivier Knox Retweeted Olivier Knox
Olivier Knox added,
image via Olivier Knox @OKnox, 17 March 2017

@realDonaldTrump holds first Oval Office meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.: image via Jeff Mason @Jeff Mason1, 17 March 2017
A White House official says @realDonaldTrump pressed Merkel hard about @NATO dues during meeting: tweet via Jeff Mason @Jeff Mason1, 17 March 2017
Pres Trump says all the "no" or "maybe" votes of the 12 House members he met with are now "yes" for the bill to repeal/replace ObamaCare.: image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

Pres Trump greets Chancellor Merkel at the West Wing Portico on her arrival for talks, working lunch and joint press conference.: image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

By greeting foreign leaders at the door, Pres Trump has established a new presidential etiquette. Predecessors rarely did this.: image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

"Send a good picture back to Germany, please - make sure," Pres Trump told press pool during Oval Office photo op with Chancellor Merkel.: image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

Asked if they're discussing @NATO - "many things," replied Pres Trump during 48-second photo op with Chancellor Merkel.: image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

The two leaders have a joint press conference at 120pm/ET in the East Room.: image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

Trump/Merkel news conference running late.: image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

Pres Trump and Chancellor Merkel hold discussion on workforce training programs. "Germany has been amazing at this," says @POTUS: image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

At his 5th photo op today, Pres Trump offered support for corporate apprenticeship programs. "I like that word," he said of 'apprentice.': image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

Also taking part in Trump/Merkel workforce training talks, CEOs from BMW, Siemens, Dow Chemical and IBM, et al. @IvankaTrump too.: image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

Pres Trump again calls on all @NATO allies "to pay their fair share" to the alliance. Thanks Merkel for increasing defense spending.: image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

In tweak at Pres Trump, Merkel says "it's much better to talk to one another and not about one another.": image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

In answer to question, Pres Trump says GOP bill to repeal/replace ObamaCare is going to be passed. "It's coming together beautifully.": image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

Despite some disputes on health care within GOP, Pres Trump tells reporter, "I think we have a very unified Republican Party.": image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

News conference runs 26 mins. 2 US and 2 German reporters called on. Leaders off to working lunch in State Dining Room.: image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump and their son, Barron, leaving the Oval Office, en route weekend in Palm Beach.: image via Stephen Crowley @Stcrow, 17 March 2017

Pres and Mrs Trump and son Barron before boarding Air Force One for flight to West Palm Beach.: image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017
On report British Intelligence at behest of Obama Admin wiretapped him. Pres Trump said all @PressSec did was cite an article. "Ask Fox.": tweet via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017
No apology. "I don't think we regret anything," says @PressSec about having cited report on British Intelligence wiretapping Trump Campaign.: tweet via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017
No apology. "I don't think we regret anything," says @PressSec about having cited report on British Intelligence wiretapping Trump Campaign.: tweet via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

[Untitled]: image via bhaub khorwen @bhaub, 16 March 2017
Leading the network evening newscasts across-the-board: Pres Trump, wiretap allegations and WH citing British Intelligence.: tweet via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017

First Family arrives in West Palm Beach.: image via Mark Knoller @markknoller, 17 March 2017
Planet Earth... sometime soon: image via bhaub khorwen @bhaub, 17 March 2017