![. | by jack_b_]()
[Untitled, Los Angeles]: photo by jack_b_,11 February 2017
![. | by jack_b_]()
[Untitled, Los Angeles]: photo by jack_b_,11 February 2017
![People just love seeing a spillway working as it was designed to do | by rickele]()
![People just love seeing a spillway working as it was designed to do | by rickele]()
People just love seeing a spillway working as it was designed to do. Thronging tourists overlook the "Glory Hole" spillway at the Monticello Dam.: photo by Rick Ele, 20 February 2017
![People just love seeing a spillway working as it was designed to do | by rickele]()
People just love seeing a spillway working as it was designed to do. Thronging tourists overlook the "Glory Hole" spillway at the Monticello Dam.: photo by Rick Ele, 20 February 2017
![Glory Hole | by Jeremy Brooks]()
Glory Hole [Monticello Dam Spillway, Lake Berryessa, Napa County]: photo by Jeremy Brooks, 19 February 2017
![Glory Hole | by Jeremy Brooks]()
Glory Hole [Monticello Dam Spillway, Lake Berryessa, Napa County]: photo by Jeremy Brooks, 19 February 2017
Glory Hole [Monticello Dam Spillway, Lake Berryessa, Napa County]: photo by Jeremy Brooks, 19 February 2017
![Pull The Plug | by Jeremy Brooks]()
Pull the Plug [Glory Hole, Monticello Dam Spillway, Lake Berryessa, Napa County]: photo by Jeremy Brooks, 19 February 2017
![Pull The Plug | by Jeremy Brooks]()
Pull the Plug [Glory Hole, Monticello Dam Spillway, Lake Berryessa, Napa County]: photo by Jeremy Brooks, 19 February 2017
![Pull The Plug | by Jeremy Brooks]()
Pull the Plug [Glory Hole, Monticello Dam Spillway, Lake Berryessa, Napa County]: photo by Jeremy Brooks, 19 February 2017
![Valley creek | by ADMurr]()
![Andre the Giant has a posse | by michaelj1998]()
Andre the Giant has a posse [Los Angeles]: photo by michaelj1998, 14 February 2017
![. | by jack_b_]()
[Untitled, Los Angeles]: photo by jack_b_, 6 November 2016
![. | by jack_b_]()
[Untitled, Los Angeles]: photo by jack_b_, 6 November 2016
![. | by jack_b_]()
[Untitled, Los Angeles]: photo by jack_b_, 6 November 2016
I can't stop squinting at this one-page H.R. McMaster dossier @realDonaldTrump is holding in the photo on the front page of the @nytimes: image via David Gura @davidgura, 21 February 2017
Here's the tweet Trump deleted—he's seriously calling the media "the enemy of the American people": image via Kyle Griifin @#kylegriffin1, 17 February 2017
Photo lends Trump’s election the impact of Ali’s achievement in the ring AND his conversion to Islam. Hmm. Photo Kevin Dietsch @UPIphotos @NMAAHC: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 23 February 2017
It's not whether Miller is flashing white power symbol (we doubt it) or just adjusting coat & tie. It's that it's SO imaginable. Photo @Reuters: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 23 February 2017
Once you see the spiraling floodwater in California's Lake Berryessa, it's hard to take your eyes off it: image via The New York Times @nytimes, 23 February 2017
"It was like I was looking at an aquarium": San Jose flood victims tell their stories: image via Los Angeles Times@latimes, 23 January 2017
"It was like I was looking at an aquarium": San Jose flood victims tell their stories: image via Los Angeles Times@latimes, 23 January 2017
The conservative grassroots faces a moment of crisis at its annual gathering, by @aaltman82: image via Ryan Teague Beckwith, 23 February2017
Trump administration outlines in memos its plan to crack down on undocumented immigrants.: image via CNN Breaking News@cnnbrk, 21 February 2017
Mexico slams the Trump administration's immigration plan ahead of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's visit: image via CNN Politics @CNNPolitics 23 February 2017
President Trump says the budget proposal will focus on spending cuts: image via CNN Politics @CNNPolitics 23 February 2017
Kellyanne Conway has been sidelined from TV appearances after her Michael Flynn debacle: image via CNN Politics @CNNPolitics 23 February 2017
White House strategist Steve Bannon and Vice President Mike Pence send contradictory messages to the EU: image via CNN Politics @CNNPolitics 23 February 2017
A man from Missouri has been charged with attempting to aid an ISIS-inspired attack, Justice Department says.: image via CNN Breaking News @cnnbrk, 23 February 2017
Chicago Public Schools to ICE agents: Stay away unless you have a warrant: image via CNN Breaking News@cnnbrk, 23 February 2017
Evening Briefing: Here's what you need to know at the end of the day: image via The New York Times @nytimes, 23 February 2017
Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back. No games!
Hamfisted Bun Vendor Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Hamfisted Bun Vendor added,
Scotland voted to stay and plan on a second referendum, you tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon.
![. | by jack_b_]()
[Untitled, Los Angeles]: photo by jack_b_, 9 February 2017
![. | by jack_b_]()
[Untitled, Los Angeles]: photo by jack_b_, 9 February 2017

[Untitled, Los Angeles]: photo by jack_b_,11 February 2017

[Untitled, Los Angeles]: photo by jack_b_,11 February 2017

People just love seeing a spillway working as it was designed to do. Thronging tourists overlook the "Glory Hole" spillway at the Monticello Dam.: photo by Rick Ele, 20 February 2017

People just love seeing a spillway working as it was designed to do. Thronging tourists overlook the "Glory Hole" spillway at the Monticello Dam.: photo by Rick Ele, 20 February 2017

People just love seeing a spillway working as it was designed to do. Thronging tourists overlook the "Glory Hole" spillway at the Monticello Dam.: photo by Rick Ele, 20 February 2017

Glory Hole [Monticello Dam Spillway, Lake Berryessa, Napa County]: photo by Jeremy Brooks, 19 February 2017

Glory Hole [Monticello Dam Spillway, Lake Berryessa, Napa County]: photo by Jeremy Brooks, 19 February 2017

Glory Hole [Monticello Dam Spillway, Lake Berryessa, Napa County]: photo by Jeremy Brooks, 19 February 2017

Pull the Plug [Glory Hole, Monticello Dam Spillway, Lake Berryessa, Napa County]: photo by Jeremy Brooks, 19 February 2017

Pull the Plug [Glory Hole, Monticello Dam Spillway, Lake Berryessa, Napa County]: photo by Jeremy Brooks, 19 February 2017

Pull the Plug [Glory Hole, Monticello Dam Spillway, Lake Berryessa, Napa County]: photo by Jeremy Brooks, 19 February 2017

Valley creek (San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles): photo by Andrew Murr, 6 February 2017

Andre the Giant has a posse [Los Angeles]: photo by michaelj1998, 14 February 2017

[Untitled, Los Angeles]: photo by jack_b_, 6 November 2016

[Untitled, Los Angeles]: photo by jack_b_, 6 November 2016

[Untitled, Los Angeles]: photo by jack_b_, 6 November 2016
He shook up the world

I can't stop squinting at this one-page H.R. McMaster dossier @realDonaldTrump is holding in the photo on the front page of the @nytimes: image via David Gura @davidgura, 21 February 2017

I can't stop squinting at this one-page H.R. McMaster dossier @realDonaldTrump is holding in the photo on the front page of the @nytimes: image via David Gura @davidgura, 21 February 2017

Here's the tweet Trump deleted—he's seriously calling the media "the enemy of the American people": image via Kyle Griifin @#kylegriffin1, 17 February 2017

Photo lends Trump’s election the impact of Ali’s achievement in the ring AND his conversion to Islam. Hmm. Photo Kevin Dietsch @UPIphotos @NMAAHC: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 23 February 2017

It's not whether Miller is flashing white power symbol (we doubt it) or just adjusting coat & tie. It's that it's SO imaginable. Photo @Reuters: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 23 February 2017

Once you see the spiraling floodwater in California's Lake Berryessa, it's hard to take your eyes off it: image via The New York Times @nytimes, 23 February 2017

"It was like I was looking at an aquarium": San Jose flood victims tell their stories: image via Los Angeles Times@latimes, 23 January 2017

"It was like I was looking at an aquarium": San Jose flood victims tell their stories: image via Los Angeles Times@latimes, 23 January 2017
Spiraling down down down floodoutside my door here come the law orange cheeto he don't care
This is how Trump's expanded deportation policy is being felt across the U.S.: image via Los Angeles Times @latimes, 23 February 2017

The conservative grassroots faces a moment of crisis at its annual gathering, by @aaltman82: image via Ryan Teague Beckwith, 23 February2017

Trump administration outlines in memos its plan to crack down on undocumented immigrants.: image via CNN Breaking News@cnnbrk, 21 February 2017

Mexico slams the Trump administration's immigration plan ahead of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's visit: image via CNN Politics @CNNPolitics 23 February 2017

214 people have been indicted on felony rioting charges in connection with Inauguration Day protests in Washington: image via CNN Breaking News@cnnbrk, 23 February 2017

A new poll shows President Trump's approval rating continues to dip: image via CNN Politics @CNNPolitics 23 February 2017

Kellyanne Conway has been sidelined from TV appearances after her Michael Flynn debacle: image via CNN Politics @CNNPolitics 23 February 2017

White House strategist Steve Bannon and Vice President Mike Pence send contradictory messages to the EU: image via CNN Politics @CNNPolitics 23 February 2017

A man from Missouri has been charged with attempting to aid an ISIS-inspired attack, Justice Department says.: image via CNN Breaking News @cnnbrk, 23 February 2017

Chicago Public Schools to ICE agents: Stay away unless you have a warrant: image via CNN Breaking News@cnnbrk, 23 February 2017

Emails reveal EPA head Scott Pruitt's behind-the-scenes collaboration with an oil and natural gas giant: image via CNN Politics @CNNPolitics, 23 February 2017
Evening Briefing: Here's what you need to know at the end of the day: image via The New York Times @nytimes, 23 February 2017

Hamfisted Bun Vendor Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Hamfisted Bun Vendor added,
Scotland voted to stay and plan on a second referendum, you tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon.
tweet via Hamfisted Bun Vendor @MetalOllie, 24 June 2016

Time to head to work with my shiny new #snowflake fastpass! #TrumpImpeachmentParty #shitgibbon outamyway Trumptards!!!: image via Maltiplication @Maltiplication, 15 February 2017

Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!
Hamfisted Bun Vendor Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Hamfisted Bun Vendor added,
Immigration has helped their economy grow 4.5%. How's yours doing, you feckless, hamster-haired wanknobbler? Bullshit away.. You LIED
image via Hamfisted Bun Vendor @MetalOllie, 20 February 2017
BREAKING. Scenes of sheer devastation, as Swedish Massacre is caught on camera. Photo may cause distress.: tweet via Hamfisted Bun Vendor @MetalOllie, 19 February 2017
Although fortunate enough to survive the Swedish Massacre, I'm now suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. SAD! #swedenattack #lastnightinsweden: image via Hamfisted Bun Vendor @MetalOllie, 19 February 2017
My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on@FoxNews concerning immigrants and Sweden.
Hamfisted Bun Vendor Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Hamfisted Bun Vendor added,
Sure it was.. And I have moths softly fluttering out of my anus, you hobbit-fingered, growler-grabbing, pork-faced snizzmuffin:tweet via Hamfisted Bun Vendor @MetalOllie, 19 February 2017
BREAKING. Trump buggered by Appeals Court. Pass my tiny vioiin, and cue 3am angry tweet storm by @realDonaldTrump: image via Hamfisted Bun Vendor @MetalOllie, 19 February 2017
Hamfisted Bun Vendor Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Hamfisted Bun Vendor added,
Immigration has helped their economy grow 4.5%. How's yours doing, you feckless, hamster-haired wanknobbler? Bullshit away.. You LIED
image via Hamfisted Bun Vendor @MetalOllie, 20 February 2017

BREAKING. Scenes of sheer devastation, as Swedish Massacre is caught on camera. Photo may cause distress.: tweet via Hamfisted Bun Vendor @MetalOllie, 19 February 2017
Although fortunate enough to survive the Swedish Massacre, I'm now suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. SAD! #swedenattack #lastnightinsweden: image via Hamfisted Bun Vendor @MetalOllie, 19 February 2017
My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on
Hamfisted Bun Vendor Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Hamfisted Bun Vendor added,
Sure it was.. And I have moths softly fluttering out of my anus, you hobbit-fingered, growler-grabbing, pork-faced snizzmuffin:tweet via Hamfisted Bun Vendor @MetalOllie, 19 February 2017
BREAKING. Trump buggered by Appeals Court. Pass my tiny vioiin, and cue 3am angry tweet storm by @realDonaldTrump: image via Hamfisted Bun Vendor @MetalOllie, 19 February 2017

Thousands rally as British MPs debate Trump state visit Picture taken yesterday in London in front of "Big Ben". Photo @JustinTallis #AFP: image via Aurelia BAILLY Verified account @AureliaBAILLY, 21 February 2017

What a letter to the New York Times this is.: image via Stig Abell Verified account @StigAbell, 1 February 2017

8 demonstrators including several clergy were arrested protesting Trump policies today in Chicago. #gettyimagesnews: image via Scott Olson @olsongetty, 22 February 2017

[Untitled, Los Angeles]: photo by jack_b_, 9 February 2017

[Untitled, Los Angeles]: photo by jack_b_, 9 February 2017