
Journey on both sides of the US-Mexican border by AFP photographer @GmoAriasC #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffard AFP, 15 February 2017

Journey on both sides of the US-Mexican border by AFP photographer @JimWatson_AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffard AFP, 15 February 2017

Journey on both sides of the US-Mexican border by AFP photographer @GmoAriasC #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffard AFP, 15 February 2017

Journey on both sides of the US-Mexican border by AFP photographer @JimWatson_AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffard AFP, 15 February 2017
Day 2 of the ongoing project by @JimWatson_AFP and @GmoAriasC documenting the life on the two sides of the US/Mexico border simultaneously: image via Stéphane Arnaud @StephaneArnaud, 16 February 2017

Day 2 of the ongoing project by @JimWatson_AFP and @GmoAriasC documenting the life on the two sides of the US/Mexico border simultaneously: image via Stéphane Arnaud @StephaneArnaud, 16 February 2017

Day 2 of the ongoing project by @JimWatson_AFP and @GmoAriasC documenting the life on the two sides of the US/Mexico border simultaneously: image via Stéphane Arnaud @StephaneArnaud, 16 February 2017

Day 2 of the ongoing project by @JimWatson_AFP and @GmoAriasC documenting the life on the two sides of the US/Mexico border simultaneously: image via Stéphane Arnaud @StephaneArnaud, 16 February 2017

DAY1 - Journey on both sides of the US-Mexican border by AFP photographers @JimWatson_AFP and @GmoAriasC #afp: image via Sylvain Estibal @Sestibal, 14 February 2017

DAY1 - Journey on both sides of the US-Mexican border by AFP photographers @JimWatson_AFP and @GmoAriasC #afp: image via Sylvain Estibal @Sestibal, 14 February 2017

DAY1 - Journey on both sides of the US-Mexican border by AFP photographers @JimWatson_AFP and @GmoAriasC #afp: image via Sylvain Estibal @Sestibal, 14 February 2017

DAY1 - Journey on both sides of the US-Mexican border by AFP photographers @JimWatson_AFP and @GmoAriasC #afp: image via Sylvain Estibal @Sestibal, 14 February 2017
Jesus Salvador places crosses in a pauper's cemetery where hundreds of unidentified migrants are buried Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2017, in Holtville, Calif. As part of a Valentine's Day celebration, a group from San Diego and the Imperial Valley replaced wooden crosses on the graves in this dirt field Tuesday, the final resting place for hundreds of migrants killed while attempting to illegally cross the U.S. - Mexico border through the nearby mountains and desert.: photo by Gregory Bull/AP, 14 February 2017
![Secretary Tillerson Participates in a Meeting on Yemen in Bonn | by U.S. Department of State]()
Secretary Tillerson Participates in a Meeting on Yemen in Bonn. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson participates in a meeting on Yemen with counterparts from the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, and the United Nations on the sidelines of the G-20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Bonn, Germany, on February 16, 2017. This is his first official trip as Secretary of State.: photo by U.S. Department of State, 16 February 2017
![Untitled | by wigmore126]()
chinese new year san francisco 2017: photo by Jaya Bhat, 27 January 2017
![Untitled | by wigmore126]()
[street protest, San Francisco]: photo by Jaya Bhat, 21 January 2017
![Untitled | by z.ikon1399]()
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: photo by z.ikon1399, 21 January 2017
![Untitled | by z.ikon1399]()
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: photo by z.ikon1399, 21 January 2017
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: photo by z.ikon1399, 21 January 2017
![Untitled | by z.ikon1399]()
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: photo by z.ikon1399, 21 January 2017
![Untitled | by z.ikon1399]()
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: photo by z.ikon1399, 21 January 2017
![Untitled | by z.ikon1399]()
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: photo by z.ikon1399, 21 January 2017
![Untitled | by z.ikon1399]()
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: photo by z.ikon1399, 21 January 2017
![Fluorescent | by mohrgo]()
Fluorescent [Berkeley]: photo by David Gould, 22 January 2017
![Fluorescent | by mohrgo]()
Fluorescent [Berkeley]: photo by David Gould, 22 January 2017
Shelter [Berkeley]: photo by David Gould, 22 January 2017
San Pablo [Oakland]: photo by David Gould, 20 January 2017
![2017-33 | by biosfear]()
Berkeley, Ca.: photo by biosfear, February 2017
![2017-32 | by biosfear]()
Berkeley, Ca.: photo by biosfear, 11 February 2017
![2017-30 | by biosfear]()
Berkeley, Ca.: photo by biosfear, February 2017
![2017-31 | by biosfear]()
Berkeley, Ca.: photo by biosfear, 11 February 2017
Sunshine, big clouds and fast wind. #Oroville: image via Marcus Yam @yamphoto, 16 February 2017
How Sikhs came to the rescue of Oroville Dam evacuees: image via Jaweed Kaleem @jaweedkaleem, 14 February 2017
This might be a good metaphor for dealing with life's problems. Spotted earlier today at Surplus City in #Oroville: image via Marcus Yam @yamphoto, 16 February 2017
Not often you see a 982mb low heading into San Francisco. Possibly an all-time February low for Bay Area? #CAStorm #cawx: image via Eric Fisher Verified account @ericfisher, 16 February 2017
Not often you see a 982mb low heading into San Francisco. Possibly an all-time February low for Bay Area? #CAStorm #cawx: image via Eric Fisher Verified account @ericfisher, 16 February 2017
#Bombogenesis off our coast tomorrow? Varying model solutions depicting a very deep sfc low press Fri aftn.: image via NS Bay Area, 16 February 2017
![the robin williams tunnel, US highway 101 | by DJ shekky]()
the robin williams tunnel, US highway 101: photo by DJ shekky, 6 August 2016
![shelter from the storm | by KevinIrvineChi]()
![Highway 101 crash just before Robin Williams Tunnel (South Marin Fire)]()
Highway 101 crash just before Robin Williams Tunnel: photo by South Marin Fire via KCBS, 30 November 2016
Where's the #Bridge #aPaD: 20160320 © Wilson Photography #RobinWilliamsTunnel #goldengatebridge #Rain #SanFrancisco: image via Angie C.V. Wilson @macVwilson, 24 March 2016
#GoldenGateBridge: The moveable median is repaired! SB is open, but it's slow from south of #RobinWilliamsTunnel #SF #BayArea #traffic: image via Elaine Leung @ElaineLeung4, 3 January 2017
The lights are off in the Robin Williams tunnel ("running like a fine-tuned machine")
@realDonaldTrump to reporters: "We're going to find the leakers; they’ll pay a big price for leaking...": image via Stephen Crowley @Stcrow, 16 February 2017![]()
@realDonaldTrump, w coalminers and lawmakers, signing into law H.J. Res. 38, a joint resolution that nullifies the Stream Protection Rule.: image via Stephen Crowley @Stcrow, 16 February 2017
Hard to know where to start w @alexwongcw shot of #Spicer and WH briefing room. Fishiness? Hallucination? Rabbit hole?: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 15 February 2016
aleppo citadel: people visit the heavily damaged grand #umayyad mosque #Aleppo #Syria #peace #war #History #PictureOfTheDay: image via Hassan Ammar @HassanAmmar5, 6 February 2017
"DACA is a very difficult subj 4 me" Trump sez, adding he will deal with it "with heart. ...I find it vv hard doing what the law sez to do": tweet via Julie Davis @juliehdavis, 16 February 2017

Along the U.S.-Mexico border, #AsylumSeekers continue to arrive as Pres. Trump travel ban hinges on court appeal: image via Carolyn Cole @Carolyn_Cole, 6 February 2017

Along the U.S.-Mexico border, #AsylumSeekers continue to arrive as Pres. Trump travel ban hinges on court appeal: image via Carolyn Cole @Carolyn_Cole, 6 February 2017

Along the U.S.-Mexico border, #AsylumSeekers continue to arrive as Pres. Trump travel ban hinges on court appeal: image via Carolyn Cole @Carolyn_Cole, 6 February 2017

Jesus Salvador places crosses in a pauper's cemetery where hundreds of unidentified migrants are buried Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2017, in Holtville, Calif. As part of a Valentine's Day celebration, a group from San Diego and the Imperial Valley replaced wooden crosses on the graves in this dirt field Tuesday, the final resting place for hundreds of migrants killed while attempting to illegally cross the U.S. - Mexico border through the nearby mountains and desert.: photo by Gregory Bull/AP, 14 February 2017
'I am scared,' he said

Secretary Tillerson Participates in a Meeting on Yemen in Bonn. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson participates in a meeting on Yemen with counterparts from the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, and the United Nations on the sidelines of the G-20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Bonn, Germany, on February 16, 2017. This is his first official trip as Secretary of State.: photo by U.S. Department of State, 16 February 2017

A Yemeni man crossing U.S.-Canada border was shaking so badly police asked if he was cold. 'I am scared,' he said: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 15 February 2017

chinese new year san francisco 2017: photo by Jaya Bhat, 27 January 2017

[street protest, San Francisco]: photo by Jaya Bhat, 21 January 2017

Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: photo by z.ikon1399, 21 January 2017

Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: photo by z.ikon1399, 21 January 2017

Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: photo by z.ikon1399, 21 January 2017

Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: photo by z.ikon1399, 21 January 2017

Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: photo by z.ikon1399, 21 January 2017

Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: photo by z.ikon1399, 21 January 2017

Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: photo by z.ikon1399, 21 January 2017

Fluorescent [Berkeley]: photo by David Gould, 22 January 2017

Fluorescent [Berkeley]: photo by David Gould, 22 January 2017

Shelter [Berkeley]: photo by David Gould, 22 January 2017

San Pablo [Oakland]: photo by David Gould, 20 January 2017

Berkeley, Ca.: photo by biosfear, February 2017

Berkeley, Ca.: photo by biosfear, 11 February 2017

Berkeley, Ca.: photo by biosfear, February 2017

Berkeley, Ca.: photo by biosfear, 11 February 2017
#Breaking: Bombogenesis RobinWilliamsTunnel goes dark

Sunshine, big clouds and fast wind. #Oroville: image via Marcus Yam @yamphoto, 16 February 2017

How Sikhs came to the rescue of Oroville Dam evacuees: image via Jaweed Kaleem @jaweedkaleem, 14 February 2017

This might be a good metaphor for dealing with life's problems. Spotted earlier today at Surplus City in #Oroville: image via Marcus Yam @yamphoto, 16 February 2017
As new storms approach, officials are confident that the Oroville Dam and spillways will hold up.: image via Marcus Yam @yamphoto, 16 February 2017

Not often you see a 982mb low heading into San Francisco. Possibly an all-time February low for Bay Area? #CAStorm #cawx: image via Eric Fisher Verified account @ericfisher, 16 February 2017

Not often you see a 982mb low heading into San Francisco. Possibly an all-time February low for Bay Area? #CAStorm #cawx: image via Eric Fisher Verified account @ericfisher, 16 February 2017

#Bombogenesis off our coast tomorrow? Varying model solutions depicting a very deep sfc low press Fri aftn.: image via NS Bay Area, 16 February 2017

Inundation map for Lake Oroville if major failure occurs: image via Operations Chief @Opschielf7102, 12 February 2017

the robin williams tunnel, US highway 101: photo by DJ shekky, 6 August 2016

A favorite place--this tunnel into Marin County formerly known as the Waldo Tunnel, is now #ROBINWILLIAMSTUNNEL: image via DAR @Silvercrone, 14 July 2016

Highway 101 crash just before Robin Williams Tunnel: photo by South Marin Fire via KCBS, 30 November 2016

Where's the #Bridge #aPaD: 20160320 © Wilson Photography #RobinWilliamsTunnel #goldengatebridge #Rain #SanFrancisco: image via Angie C.V. Wilson @macVwilson, 24 March 2016

#GoldenGateBridge: The moveable median is repaired! SB is open, but it's slow from south of #RobinWilliamsTunnel #SF #BayArea #traffic: image via Elaine Leung @ElaineLeung4, 3 January 2017
The lights are off in the Robin Williams tunnel ("running like a fine-tuned machine")

@realDonaldTrump to reporters: "We're going to find the leakers; they’ll pay a big price for leaking...": image via Stephen Crowley @Stcrow, 16 February 2017
"I could shoot that ship out of the water," @POTUS on Russian ship currently off US shores. Appears to be saying he's showing restraint: tweet via margaret brennan @margbrennan, 16 February 2017
I think POTUS just said out loud that @Reince is so consumed pushing back on stories of WH dysfunction that he has no time for policy: tweet via Julie Davis @juliehdavis, 16 February 2017
"The public doesn't believe you anymore," Trump sez when asked if he is undermining free press "Maybe I had something to do w that, I dunno": tweet via Julie Davis @juliehdavis, 16 February 2017
"The tone is such hatred. I'm really not a bad person, by the way" -Trump answering how the leaks can be real but the news fake: tweet via Julie Davis @juliehdavis, 16 February 2017
Jim @Acosta prefaces question by telling POTUS "We don't hate you, I don't hate you." Trump fires back: "Ask Jeff Zucker how he got his job": tweet via Julie Davis @juliehdavis, 16 February 2017
After picking only conservative outlets at last 2 news confs, Trump is calling on wide variety of reporters today, engaging in back and forth: tweet via Julie Davis @juliehdavis, 16 February 2017
Confronted by #PeterAlexander w evidence his wasn't close to biggest EC win, Trump blames staff "I was given that info, I was just given it": tweet via Julie Davis @juliehdavis, 16 February 2017
Trump implies that having hi quality replacement 4 Flynn in mind cemented decision 2 fire him "That also helps in the making of my decision": tweet via Julie Davis @juliehdavis, 16 February 2017
Trump sez 9th Circuit that blocked his travel ban has been overturned a record # of times - 80% "That's just a number I heard.": tweet via Julie Davis @juliehdavis, 16 February 2017
Phrases rarely heard from an @POTUS in the East Room: “They screw things up royally.": tweet via Michael D. Shear @shearm, 16 February 2017
"This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine," President Trump, one month in: tweet via Julie Davis @juliehdavis, 16 February 2017
"I'm here following thru on what I pledged to do" - Trump as he uses East Rm press conf for 2nd day in row to tout his 306 electoral votes: tweet via Julie Davis @juliehdavis, 16 February 2017
Trump returns to "American carnage" theme of inaugural. "To be honest, I inherited a mess - it's a mess - at home and abroad": tweet via Julie Davis @juliehdavis, 16 February 2017
Trump says he's doing this news conference to talk directly to ppl bc "many of our nation's reporters and folks will not tell you the truth": tweet via Julie Davis @juliehdavis, 16 February 2017
Trump, headed 2 FL 2morrow for 3rd straight wknd of golf, says he only criticized Obama 4 golf bc he played w friends not leaders/lawmakers: tweet via Julie Davis @juliehdavis, 16 February 2017

@realDonaldTrump, w coalminers and lawmakers, signing into law H.J. Res. 38, a joint resolution that nullifies the Stream Protection Rule.: image via Stephen Crowley @Stcrow, 16 February 2017

Irony of miner on O2 clapping for more poisoning enabled by Trump going over heads in DC to the people. #StreamProtectionNullified Photo @Stcrow: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 16 February 2016

"Fake news!” “Russia scam!” “Ruse!”, dismissing reports on the turmoil in his White House: image via NYT Opinion @nytopinion, 16 February 2017
Pres. Trump asked an African-American reporter if she'd set up for him a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus: image via CNN @CNN, 16 February 2017

Hard to know where to start w @alexwongcw shot of #Spicer and WH briefing room. Fishiness? Hallucination? Rabbit hole?: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 15 February 2016

aleppo citadel: people visit the heavily damaged grand #umayyad mosque #Aleppo #Syria #peace #war #History #PictureOfTheDay: image via Hassan Ammar @HassanAmmar5, 6 February 2017