![Hey Obama Dude | by ADMurr]()
Hey Obama Dude (Hollywood): photo by Andrew Murr, 19 January 2017
![Head repair | by ADMurr]()
Head repair (south LA): photo by Andrew Murr, 9 June 2016
![Inauguration Day | by ADMurr]()
![Inauguration Day | by ADMurr]()
Inauguration Day(La Brea, LA): photo by Andrew Murr, 20 January 2017 ![American brain death | by michaelj1998]()
![American brain death | by michaelj1998]()
Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986): Mateo XXV, 30(Matthew XXV, 30), 1953, from El otro, el mismo, 1964; English version by Robert Mezey and Richard Barnes
Matthew XXV, 30
The first bridge at Constitucion, and at my feet
The rumble of trains threading their iron mazes.
Smoke and whistles rose up in the night
That all of a sudden was the night of Doomsday. From the hidden horizon,
From the core of my being, an infinite voice
Spoke these things (these things, not these words,
Which are my poor timebound attempt to translate
One single word):
-- Stars, bread, libraries east and west,
Playing cards, chessboards, galleries, skylights and cellars,
A human body to walk the earth,
Fingernails growing at night and after death,
Forgetful shadow, mirrors intently multiplying images,
Cadences of music, most yielding of all the forms of time,
The Brazil and Uruguay borders, horses, mornings,
A bronze weight and a copy of the Grettirsaga,
Algebra, fire, the cavalry charge at Junin in your blood,
Days more crowded than Balzac, the fragrance of honeysuckle,
Love and the eve of love and unbearable recollections,
Dreams like buried treasure, rich contingency,
And memory, not to be gazed on without vertigo,
All this was given you, and also
The ancient bread of heroes:
Betrayal, defeat, humiliation.
We have lavished the ocean on you, all in vain,
In vain the sun, that Whitman saw with marvelling eyes;
You have wasted the years and they have wasted you,
And still, you have not written the poem.
Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986): Mateo XXV, 30(Matthew XXV, 30), 1953, from El otro, el mismo, 1964; English version by Robert Mezey and Richard Barnes
![Look out | by michaelj1998]()
![Look out | by michaelj1998]()
![Look out | by michaelj1998]()
Look out. Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 17 January 2017
![Not open | by michaelj1998]()
Not open. Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 6 December 2016
![Not open | by michaelj1998]()
Not open. Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 6 December 2016
![Not open | by michaelj1998]()
Not open. Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 6 December 2016
All bayonets from here on out Photo @samuelhodgson @nytimes #inauguration2017: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThe Pix, 21 January 2017
Views of the the National Mall at the inaugurations of Pres. Barack Obama, above, in 2009, and Pres. Donald Trump, below, in 2017: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 21 January 2017
1st WH presser #inauguration crowd size diatribe! 4 yrs of wall-to-wall #Trump masculinity complex ahead?? and Spicer's jacket too big. @Getty: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThe Pix, 21 January 2017
1st WH presser #inauguration crowd size diatribe! 4 yrs of wall-to-wall #Trump masculinity complex ahead?? and Spicer's jacket too big. @Getty: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThe Pix, 21 January 2017
Just look at the crowds, #SeanSpicer, massive crowds. You look like a fool right now. I'm embarrassed for you: image via Lilly @lillysaho, 21 January 2017

Hey Obama Dude (Hollywood): photo by Andrew Murr, 19 January 2017

Head repair (south LA): photo by Andrew Murr, 9 June 2016

Inauguration Day(La Brea, LA): photo by Andrew Murr, 20 January 2017

American brain death. Dallas, Texas.: photo by michaelj1998, 13 January 2017

American brain death. Dallas, Texas.: photo by michaelj1998, 13 January 2017
Jorge Luis Borges: Mateo XXV, 30
El primer puente de Constitución y a mis pies
Fragor de trenes que tejían laberintos de hierro.
Humo y silbidos escalaban la noche,
Que de golpe fue el Juicio Universal. Desde el invisible horizonte
Y desde el centro de mi ser, una voz infinita
Dijo estas cosas (estas cosas, no estas palabras,
Que son mi pobre traducción temporal de una sola palabra):
-- Estrellas, pan, bibliotecas orientales y occcidentales,
Naipes, tableros de ajedrez, galerías, claraboyas y sótanos,
Un cuerpo humano para andar por la tierra,
Uñas que crecen en la noche, en la muerte,
Sombra que olvida, atareados espejos que multiplican,
Declives de la música, la más dócil de las formas del tiempo,
Fronteras del Brasil y del Uruguay, caballos y mañanas,
Una pesa de bronce y un ejemplar de la Saga de Grettir,
Algebra y fuego, la carga de Junín en tu sangre,
Días más populosos que Balzac, el olor de la madreselva,
Amor y vísperas de amor y recuerdos intolerables,
El sueño como un tesoro enterrado, el dadivoso azar
Y la memoria, que el hombre no mira sin vértigo,
Todo eso te fue dado, y también
El antiguo alimento de los héroes:
La falsía, la derrota, la humillación.
En vano te hemos prodigado el océano,
En vano el sol, que vieron los maravillosos ojos de Whitman;
Has gastado los años y te han gastado,
Y todavía no has escrito el poema.
Fragor de trenes que tejían laberintos de hierro.
Humo y silbidos escalaban la noche,
Que de golpe fue el Juicio Universal. Desde el invisible horizonte
Y desde el centro de mi ser, una voz infinita
Dijo estas cosas (estas cosas, no estas palabras,
Que son mi pobre traducción temporal de una sola palabra):
-- Estrellas, pan, bibliotecas orientales y occcidentales,
Naipes, tableros de ajedrez, galerías, claraboyas y sótanos,
Un cuerpo humano para andar por la tierra,
Uñas que crecen en la noche, en la muerte,
Sombra que olvida, atareados espejos que multiplican,
Declives de la música, la más dócil de las formas del tiempo,
Fronteras del Brasil y del Uruguay, caballos y mañanas,
Una pesa de bronce y un ejemplar de la Saga de Grettir,
Algebra y fuego, la carga de Junín en tu sangre,
Días más populosos que Balzac, el olor de la madreselva,
Amor y vísperas de amor y recuerdos intolerables,
El sueño como un tesoro enterrado, el dadivoso azar
Y la memoria, que el hombre no mira sin vértigo,
Todo eso te fue dado, y también
El antiguo alimento de los héroes:
La falsía, la derrota, la humillación.
En vano te hemos prodigado el océano,
En vano el sol, que vieron los maravillosos ojos de Whitman;
Has gastado los años y te han gastado,
Y todavía no has escrito el poema.
Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986): Mateo XXV, 30(Matthew XXV, 30), 1953, from El otro, el mismo, 1964; English version by Robert Mezey and Richard Barnes
Matthew XXV, 30
The first bridge at Constitucion, and at my feet
The rumble of trains threading their iron mazes.
Smoke and whistles rose up in the night
That all of a sudden was the night of Doomsday. From the hidden horizon,
From the core of my being, an infinite voice
Spoke these things (these things, not these words,
Which are my poor timebound attempt to translate
One single word):
-- Stars, bread, libraries east and west,
Playing cards, chessboards, galleries, skylights and cellars,
A human body to walk the earth,
Fingernails growing at night and after death,
Forgetful shadow, mirrors intently multiplying images,
Cadences of music, most yielding of all the forms of time,
The Brazil and Uruguay borders, horses, mornings,
A bronze weight and a copy of the Grettirsaga,
Algebra, fire, the cavalry charge at Junin in your blood,
Days more crowded than Balzac, the fragrance of honeysuckle,
Love and the eve of love and unbearable recollections,
Dreams like buried treasure, rich contingency,
And memory, not to be gazed on without vertigo,
All this was given you, and also
The ancient bread of heroes:
Betrayal, defeat, humiliation.
We have lavished the ocean on you, all in vain,
In vain the sun, that Whitman saw with marvelling eyes;
You have wasted the years and they have wasted you,
And still, you have not written the poem.
Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986): Mateo XXV, 30(Matthew XXV, 30), 1953, from El otro, el mismo, 1964; English version by Robert Mezey and Richard Barnes

Look out. Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 17 January 2017

Not open. Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 6 December 2016

Not open. Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 6 December 2016

Not open. Los Angeles, Ca.: photo by michaelj1998, 6 December 2016

All bayonets from here on out Photo @samuelhodgson @nytimes #inauguration2017: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThe Pix, 21 January 2017

Views of the the National Mall at the inaugurations of Pres. Barack Obama, above, in 2009, and Pres. Donald Trump, below, in 2017: image via AP Images @AP_Images, 21 January 2017

Reading The Pictures retweeted shauna@goldengateblond
when camera angles matter
image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThe Pix, 21 January 2017

1st WH presser #inauguration crowd size diatribe! 4 yrs of wall-to-wall #Trump masculinity complex ahead?? and Spicer's jacket too big. @Getty: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThe Pix, 21 January 2017

1st WH presser #inauguration crowd size diatribe! 4 yrs of wall-to-wall #Trump masculinity complex ahead?? and Spicer's jacket too big. @Getty: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThe Pix, 21 January 2017

Just look at the crowds, #SeanSpicer, massive crowds. You look like a fool right now. I'm embarrassed for you: image via Lilly @lillysaho, 21 January 2017

#Gendered Photo @smahaskey #inauguration2017 #washingtondc: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThe Pix, 21 January 2017

One of Trump's first tweets as leader of the free world. "On'er? I don't even know 'er!": image via shauna@goldengateblond, 21 January 2017

#2americas Photo @Graeme_rj #inauguration2017 #race #gender: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThe Pix, 21 January 2017

Part of compulsive need to keep selling fact that he won. Mouthing "My Way." Not 1 grace note. @evanvucci #LibertyBell#inauguration2017: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThe Pix, 21 January 2017
Donald and Melania Trump dance at the Armed Services ball following Donald Trump's #inaguration Photo @JimWatson_AFP: image via AFP Photo Department @AFPphoto, 20 January 2017

Donald and Melania Trump dance at the Armed Services ball following Donald Trump's #inaguration Photo @JimWatson_AFP: image via AFP Photo Department @AFPphoto, 20 January 2017

NICARAGUA - A man wearing a traditional character "Toro Huaco" mask attends the feast day of Saint Sebastian in Diriamba. By @intiocon #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017

Let's not confuse anger with honesty. You want to see an angry person? There's Mike Flynn. (via Imani Gandy): image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThe Pix, 21 January 2017
MEXICO - A policeman walks in front of a graffiti against US President Donald Trump in Mexico City. By @rschemidt #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017
Old friends, #belgrade #migrants #refugees: image via Marko Drobnjakovic, 19 January 2017
Growing number of persecuted Rohingya support an armed insurgency: image via Mikko Takkumen @photojournalism, 19 January 2017
For a behind-the-scenes look at the #Inauguration, check out our @instagram story takeover w/ @Gareth_smit: image via Blink @blinkdotla, 19 January 2017![]()
Palestinian Demonstration against the construction of Jewish settlements and against Donald Trump in Maale Adumim. #AFP @Abbasmomani: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 20 January 2017
WEST BANK - A Palestinian protester walks past a burning tire during clashes with Israeli security forces in Kfar Qaddum. By Jaafar Ashtiyeh: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 20 January 2017
SYRIA - Syrian children gather sticks in the rebel-held town of Douma, on the eastern outskirts of the capital Damascus. By @AbdDoumany #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017
IRAQ - A Iraqi man carries a sack of flour as he crosses a bridge which was destroyed by IS in Mosul's al-Sukkar neighbourhood. By @dilkoff: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017
IRAQ - A reflected image of Iraqis standing next to a bridge on the Khusar river which was destroyed by IS in Mosul. By @dilkoff #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017
IRAQ - A member of the Iraqi counter-terrorism service stands near a rigged vehicle that was dismantled in Mosul . By @ahmedafp #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017
SOUTH KOREA - A man carries a bird on his head during an anti-government protest in Seoul. By @edwardesjones #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017
MYANMAR - Snake and heads of goats are displayed over lotion mixed with oil from rare animals and plants at a traditional medicine shop. By R. Gacad: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017
IRAQ - A vehicle belonging to Iraqi special forces is parked near eastern Mosul during military operation against IS fighters. By @dilkoff: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017
![Saas-Balen | by TomOlson]()
Saas-Grund: photo by Tom Olson, 12 November 2016
![Saas-Balen | by TomOlson]()
![Saas-Balen | by TomOlson]()
Saas-Grund: photo by Tom Olson, 12 November 2016
"Buy american", hat @POTUS gerade gesagt: image via Florian Klenk @florianklenk, 20 January 2017

MEXICO - A policeman walks in front of a graffiti against US President Donald Trump in Mexico City. By @rschemidt #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017

Growing number of persecuted Rohingya support an armed insurgency: image via Mikko Takkumen @photojournalism, 19 January 2017

For a behind-the-scenes look at the #Inauguration, check out our @instagram story takeover w/ @Gareth_smit: image via Blink @blinkdotla, 19 January 2017
Photographer@Gareth_smit captures police clashing with anti-Trump protestors after the #inauguration #InaugurationDay: image via Blink @blinkdotla, 19 January 2017
Anti-Trump #protestors set a limousine alight on K St after #inauguration2017 Photo @Gareth_smit: image via Blink @blinkdotla, 19 January 2017
SYRIA - A Syrian Kurdish man arranges his vegetable stall in the northeastern city of Qamishli. By @Delilsouleman #AFP: image via AFP Photo Department @AFPphoto, 21 January 2017

Anti-Trump #protestors set a limousine alight on K St after #inauguration2017 Photo @Gareth_smit: image via Blink @blinkdotla, 19 January 2017

SYRIA - A Syrian Kurdish man arranges his vegetable stall in the northeastern city of Qamishli. By @Delilsouleman #AFP: image via AFP Photo Department @AFPphoto, 21 January 2017

WEST BANK - A Palestinian protester walks past a burning tire during clashes with Israeli security forces in Kfar Qaddum. By Jaafar Ashtiyeh: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 20 January 2017

SYRIA - Syrian children gather sticks in the rebel-held town of Douma, on the eastern outskirts of the capital Damascus. By @AbdDoumany #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017

SYRIA - Civil defence volunteers prepare the body of a child, who was killed with three members of his family, in Douma. By @SameerAlDoumy: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 20 January 2017

MEXICO - A Haitian migrant seeking asylum in US is seen through a window as he remains at a shelter in Tijuana. Photo Guillermo Arias: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017
IRAQ - An Iraqi soldier inspects remains of a rocket, that embedded into window of their vehicle following an attack in Mosul. By @ahmedafp: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017

IRAQ - An Iraqi soldier inspects remains of a rocket, that embedded into window of their vehicle following an attack in Mosul. By @ahmedafp: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017

IRAQ - A Iraqi man carries a sack of flour as he crosses a bridge which was destroyed by IS in Mosul's al-Sukkar neighbourhood. By @dilkoff: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017

IRAQ - A reflected image of Iraqis standing next to a bridge on the Khusar river which was destroyed by IS in Mosul. By @dilkoff #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017

IRAQ - A member of the Iraqi counter-terrorism service stands near a rigged vehicle that was dismantled in Mosul . By @ahmedafp #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017

SOUTH KOREA - A man carries a bird on his head during an anti-government protest in Seoul. By @edwardesjones #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017

MYANMAR - Snake and heads of goats are displayed over lotion mixed with oil from rare animals and plants at a traditional medicine shop. By R. Gacad: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017

IRAQ - A vehicle belonging to Iraqi special forces is parked near eastern Mosul during military operation against IS fighters. By @dilkoff: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 21 January 2017

Saas-Grund: photo by Tom Olson, 12 November 2016

Saas-Grund: photo by Tom Olson, 12 November 2016