Good morning Displacement is continue, Aleppo still under siege #Aleppo #standwithAleppo: image via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 1 December 2016
Air raid by government forces on the city of Aleppo: image via baraa al halabi @baraaalhalabi, 20 September 2015
death path [Aleppo]: image by baraa al-halabi, 20 September 2015
We used to know the world inside out:
1 hour ago, The beauty Sky of #Aleppo 21 mins, The clear beautiful sky of #Aleppo has 4 helicopters and 2 Jets and heavy shillings now@MahmoudRslan: image via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 3 December 2016 ![]()
Message From East #Aleppo #standwithAleppo: image via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 2 December 2016
Message From East #Aleppo #standwithAleppo: image via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 2 December 2016
Message From East #Aleppo #standwithAleppo: image via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 2 December 2016

Aleppo this morning Aleppo beauty even it's 70% Destroyed: tweet via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 3 December 2016

Good morning Displacement is continue, Aleppo still under siege #Aleppo #standwithAleppo: image via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 1 December 2016

Good morning Displacement is continue, Aleppo still under siege #Aleppo #standwithAleppo: image via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 1 December 2016
Air raid by government forces on the city of Aleppo: image via baraa al halabi @baraaalhalabi, 20 September 2015
death path [Aleppo]: image by baraa al-halabi, 20 September 2015
Wislawa Szymborska:"We used to know the world inside out"
We used to know the world inside out:
It was so small that it fit into two clenched fists,
So easy, that it could be described with a smile,
As ordinary as the echo of old truths in a prayer.
History did not greet us with a victorious fanfare:
It poured dirty sand into our eyes.
Before us there were roads, distant and blind,
Poisoned wells, bitter bread.
Our war loot was information about the world:
It is so big that it fits into two clenched fists,
So difficult that it can be described with a smile,
As strange as the echo of old truths in a prayer.
Wislawa Szymborska (1923-2012):"We used to know the world inside out", uncollected poem from Walka / Battle(no. 8), 1945, as cited in Wislawa Szymborska - The Poetry of Existence: Krystyna Dąbrowska, Culture.Pl, December 2007, translated from the Polish by Tadeusz Z. Wolański

It's not normal Day, We wake up since 5 days on the sound of bombs, we don't listen to #Fayroz or even drink our coffee #Aleppo: image via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 3 December 2016
6 civilians killed 12 injured in #Alshaar Several air strikes on #Alsukari neighborhood #standwithAleppo: tweet via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 3 December 2016
The shillings come back to east Aleppo after two cloudy days make No Fly Zone, Dear world you'll see Bodies pictures Soon: tweet via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 3 December 2016
6 Civilians killed in #Alshaar neighborhood by Regime forces shillings targeted a gathering for who fled east part of Besieged #Aleppo: tweet via IRT @InsRepTeam, 3 December 2016

1 hour ago, The beauty Sky of #Aleppo 21 mins, The clear beautiful sky of #Aleppo has 4 helicopters and 2 Jets and heavy shillings now@MahmoudRslan: image via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 3 December 2016

Message From East #Aleppo #standwithAleppo: image via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 2 December 2016

Message From East #Aleppo #standwithAleppo: image via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 2 December 2016

Message From East #Aleppo #standwithAleppo: image via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 2 December 2016

Message From East #Aleppo #standwithAleppo: image via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 2 December 2016

100 Day of siege, We're still alive in #Aleppo, save the people #standwithAleppo @MontherEtaky: image via Ahmad Alkhatib @AhmadAlkhtiib, 2 December 2016