Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe toasts during a lunch at the government house in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Abe is on an official visit to Argentina after attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Peru.: photo by Natacha Pisarenko/AP, 21 November 2016
![Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, left, toasts during a lunch at the government house in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Monday, Nov. 21, 2016. Abe is on an official visit to Argentina after attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Peru. (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)]()
Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe toasts during a lunch at the government house in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Abe is on an official visit to Argentina after attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Peru.: photo by Natacha Pisarenko/AP, 21 November 2016
A Trump Tower worker cleans the waterfall at Trump Tower on another day of meetings scheduled for President-elect Donald Trump in New York: photo by Timothy A. Clary/AFP, 21 November 2016
![A Trump Tower worker cleans the waterfall at Trump Tower on another day of meetings scheduled for President-elect Donald Trump November 21, 2016 in New York. / AFP PHOTO / TIMOTHY A. CLARYTIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images]()
A vendor reads a newspaper as he waits for customers at a wholesale onion market in Kolkata, India: photo by Rupak De Chowdhuri/Reuters, 21 November 2016
![A vendor reads newspaper as he waits for customers at a wholesale onion market in Kolkata, India, November 21, 2016. REUTERS/Rupak De Chowdhuri]()
A vendor reads a newspaper as he waits for customers at a wholesale onion market in Kolkata, India: photo by Rupak De Chowdhuri/Reuters, 21 November 2016

Police officers near Cannon Ball, N.D., confront protesters with rubber bullet guns on Sunday night near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation: photo by Stephanie Keith/Reuters, 21 November 2016
Police officers near Cannon Ball, N.D., confront protesters with rubber bullet guns on Sunday night near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation: photo by Stephanie Keith/Reuters, 21 November 2016
Can we start calling them the Dakota Access Oil Police? They are serving and protecting the oil companies not the people. #standingrock #noda: image via Josh Fox Verified account @joshfoxfilm, 21 November 2016
Can we start calling them the Dakota Access Oil Police? They are serving and protecting the oil companies not the people. #standingrock #noda: image via Josh Fox Verified account @joshfoxfilm, 21 November 2016
Can we start calling them the Dakota Access Oil Police? They are serving and protecting the oil companies not the people. #standingrock #noda: image via Josh Fox Verified account @joshfoxfilm, 21 November 2016
Can we start calling them the Dakota Access Oil Police? They are serving and protecting the oil companies not the people. #standingrock #noda: image via Josh Fox Verified account @joshfoxfilm, 21 November 2016 ![]()
Police near Cannon Ball, N.D., on Sunday fire tear gas at protesters opposed to plans that would run the Dakota Access pipeline near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation: photo byStephanie Keith/Reuters, 21 November 2016
Police near Cannon Ball, N.D., on Sunday fire tear gas at protesters opposed to plans that would run the Dakota Access pipeline near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation: photo byStephanie Keith/Reuters, 21 November 2016
The Battle of #StandingRock began at 10:32 EST when Govt troops opened fire on peaceful water Protectors w/ rubber bullets and water cannon: image via Daniel Schneider @BiologistDan, 21 November 2016
This is not from a History book. This was today, in America, in 2016 #NoDAPL #standingrock #WaterIsLife #northdakota #ourworld: image via Amy @CocoGemsBlog, 21 November 2016
The Battle of #StandingRock began at 10:32 EST when Govt troops opened fire on peaceful water Protectors w/ rubber bullets and water cannon: image via Daniel Schneider @BiologistDan, 21 November 2016
Please call and let your voice be heard!!! #StandingRock #NoDAPL: image via Tee Marie Hanible @The RealTeeMarie, 21 November 2016
Pepper sprayed, tear gassed, hosed down, shot with rubber bullets... solidarity with the #NoDAPL water protectors. #StandingRock: image via Tim Bednar @The Mighty Bednar, 21 November 2016
This is what an Oligarchy in war with its people looks like. #StandingRock: image via Amir @amiraminiMD, 21 November 2016
Let's be clear: the acts of brutality by ND police against Peaceful Protectors are acts of utter COWARDICE #standingrock #NoDAPL #Love: image via Josh Fox Verified account @joshfoxfilm, 21 November 2016
#Athens A man is seen following a demo. to commemorate a student uprising that helped bring down a US-backed junta in '74 By @ArisMessinis: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 21 November 2016
Des #pompiers irakiens en guerre contre les puits de #petrole incendiés par l'EI #Daech près de Qayyara, #Irak @AFP: image via Jean-Marc Mojon @mojobaghdad, 21 November 2016
Riyad Jaffar, 27, from Baghdad, Iraqi army sniper, at a checkpoint on the outskirts of Qayara, south of #Mosul, #Iraq [By Marko Drobnjakovic] @xmd @AP_Images: image via L'Instant-ParisMatch @instantmatch, 21 November 2016
A car bomb explodes next to armored vehicles belonging to Iraqi Special Forces as they advance toward ISIS-held territory in Mosul. Troops have established a foothold in the city's east from where they are driving northward into the Tahrir neighborhood.: photo by Felipe Dana/AP, 16 November 2016
. A car bomb explodes next to armored vehicles belonging to Iraqi Special Forces as they advance toward ISIS-held territory in Mosul. Troops have established a foothold in the city's east from where they are driving northward into the Tahrir neighborhood.: photo by Felipe Dana/AP, 16 November 2016

Police officers near Cannon Ball, N.D., confront protesters with rubber bullet guns on Sunday night near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation: photo by Stephanie Keith/Reuters, 21 November 2016

Can we start calling them the Dakota Access Oil Police? They are serving and protecting the oil companies not the people. #standingrock #noda: image via Josh Fox Verified account @joshfoxfilm, 21 November 2016

Can we start calling them the Dakota Access Oil Police? They are serving and protecting the oil companies not the people. #standingrock #noda: image via Josh Fox Verified account @joshfoxfilm, 21 November 2016

Can we start calling them the Dakota Access Oil Police? They are serving and protecting the oil companies not the people. #standingrock #noda: image via Josh Fox Verified account @joshfoxfilm, 21 November 2016

Can we start calling them the Dakota Access Oil Police? They are serving and protecting the oil companies not the people. #standingrock #noda: image via Josh Fox Verified account @joshfoxfilm, 21 November 2016

Police near Cannon Ball, N.D., on Sunday fire tear gas at protesters opposed to plans that would run the Dakota Access pipeline near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation: photo byStephanie Keith/Reuters, 21 November 2016

Police near Cannon Ball, N.D., on Sunday fire tear gas at protesters opposed to plans that would run the Dakota Access pipeline near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation: photo byStephanie Keith/Reuters, 21 November 2016
As in that grey exurban wasteland in Gatsby
When the white sky darkens over the city
Of ashes, far from the once happy valley,
This daze spreads across the blank faces
Of the inhabitants, suddenly deprived
Of the kingdom’s original promised gift.
Did I say kingdom when I meant place
Of worship? Original when I meant
Damaged in handling? Promised when
I meant stolen? Gift when I meant
Trick? Inhabitants when I meant slaves?
Slaves when I meant clowns
Who have wandered into test sites? Test
Sites when I meant contagious hospitals?
Contagious hospitals when I meant clouds
Of laughing gas? Laughing gas
When I meant tears?
When the white sky darkens over the city
Of ashes, far from the once happy valley,
This daze spreads across the blank faces
Of the inhabitants, suddenly deprived
Of the kingdom’s original promised gift.
Did I say kingdom when I meant place
Of worship? Original when I meant
Damaged in handling? Promised when
I meant stolen? Gift when I meant
Trick? Inhabitants when I meant slaves?
Slaves when I meant clowns
Who have wandered into test sites? Test
Sites when I meant contagious hospitals?
Contagious hospitals when I meant clouds
Of laughing gas? Laughing gas
When I meant tears?

The Battle of #StandingRock began at 10:32 EST when Govt troops opened fire on peaceful water Protectors w/ rubber bullets and water cannon: image via Daniel Schneider @BiologistDan, 21 November 2016

This is not from a History book. This was today, in America, in 2016 #NoDAPL #standingrock #WaterIsLife #northdakota #ourworld: image via Amy @CocoGemsBlog, 21 November 2016

The Battle of #StandingRock began at 10:32 EST when Govt troops opened fire on peaceful water Protectors w/ rubber bullets and water cannon: image via Daniel Schneider @BiologistDan, 21 November 2016

Please call and let your voice be heard!!! #StandingRock #NoDAPL: image via Tee Marie Hanible @The RealTeeMarie, 21 November 2016

Pepper sprayed, tear gassed, hosed down, shot with rubber bullets... solidarity with the #NoDAPL water protectors. #StandingRock: image via Tim Bednar @The Mighty Bednar, 21 November 2016

This is what an Oligarchy in war with its people looks like. #StandingRock: image via Amir @amiraminiMD, 21 November 2016
Let's be clear: the acts of brutality by ND police against Peaceful Protectors are acts of utter COWARDICE #standingrock #NoDAPL #Love: image via Josh Fox Verified account @joshfoxfilm, 21 November 2016

#Athens A man is seen following a demo. to commemorate a student uprising that helped bring down a US-backed junta in '74 By @ArisMessinis: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 21 November 2016

Des #pompiers irakiens en guerre contre les puits de #petrole incendiés par l'EI #Daech près de Qayyara, #Irak @AFP: image via Jean-Marc Mojon @mojobaghdad, 21 November 2016

Riyad Jaffar, 27, from Baghdad, Iraqi army sniper, at a checkpoint on the outskirts of Qayara, south of #Mosul, #Iraq [By Marko Drobnjakovic] @xmd @AP_Images: image via L'Instant-ParisMatch @instantmatch, 21 November 2016

I made a series of portraits of fighters against IS with my phone while on assignment for AP in northern Iraq: image via Marko Drobnjakovic @xmd101, 21 November 2016

#Mosul @AP_Images photographer @felipedana recounts a hellish scene in the offensive against Daesh: image via Photojournalism @photojournalink, 21 November 2016
![A car bomb explodes next to armored vehicles belonging to Iraqi Special Forces as they advance toward ISIS-held territory in Mosul on Nov. 16, 2016. Troops have established a foothold in the city's east from where they are driving northward into the Tahrir neighborhood.]()

Blackened sheep graze as oil wells, set ablaze by retreating Islamic State jihadists, burn in the background, in the town of Qayyarah, Iraq: photo by Odd Andersen/AFP, 21 November 2016
Blackened sheep graze as oil wells, set ablaze by retreating Islamic State jihadists, burn in the background, in the town of Qayyarah, Iraq: photo by Odd Andersen/AFP, 21 November 2016
Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe toasts during a lunch at the government house in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Abe is on an official visit to Argentina after attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Peru.: photo by Natacha Pisarenko/AP, 21 November 2016

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe toasts during a lunch at the government house in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Abe is on an official visit to Argentina after attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Peru.: photo by Natacha Pisarenko/AP, 21 November 2016
A Trump Tower worker cleans the waterfall at Trump Tower on another day of meetings scheduled for President-elect Donald Trump in New York: photo by Timothy A. Clary/AFP, 21 November 2016

A Trump Tower worker cleans the waterfall at Trump Tower on another day of meetings scheduled for President-elect Donald Trump in New York: photo by Timothy A. Clary/AFP, 21 November 2016
A newborn reticulated giraffe is seen for the first time at the Savannah in Artis Zoo in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The calf is a week old.: photo by Koen Van Weel/EPA, 12 November 2016
![A newborn reticulated giraffe is seen for the first time at the Savannah in Artis Zoo in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 21 November 2016. The calf is a week old. EPA/KOEN VAN WEEL]()
A newborn reticulated giraffe is seen for the first time at the Savannah in Artis Zoo in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The calf is a week old.: photo by Koen Van Weel/EPA, 12 November 2016

A newborn reticulated giraffe is seen for the first time at the Savannah in Artis Zoo in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The calf is a week old.: photo by Koen Van Weel/EPA, 12 November 2016
A bird dries its feathers on top of a tree as storm clouds gather on a wet day in Colombo, Sri Lanka: photo by Dinuka Liyanawatte/Reuters, 21 November 2016
![A bird dries its feathers on top of a tree as storm clouds gather on a wet day in Colombo, Sri Lanka November 21, 2016.]()
A bird dries its feathers on top of a tree as storm clouds gather on a wet day in Colombo, Sri Lanka: photo by Dinuka Liyanawatte/Reuters, 21 November 2016

A bird dries its feathers on top of a tree as storm clouds gather on a wet day in Colombo, Sri Lanka: photo by Dinuka Liyanawatte/Reuters, 21 November 2016
A vendor reads a newspaper as he waits for customers at a wholesale onion market in Kolkata, India: photo by Rupak De Chowdhuri/Reuters, 21 November 2016

A vendor reads a newspaper as he waits for customers at a wholesale onion market in Kolkata, India: photo by Rupak De Chowdhuri/Reuters, 21 November 2016