This #Mosul baby made it out. Mother takes him back after introducing to relatives in a camp for #displaced @AFPphoto by @Kilibil: image via Jean-Marc Mojon @mojobaghdad, 6 November 2016
TURKEY - A man runs as Turkish riot police uses water cannon to disperse demonstrators on November 5 in Istanbul. By @yasinnakgul #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @AFP, 6 November 2016
SYRIA - The body of a girl lies on a bed at a makeshift hospital following reported shelling on a kindergarten in Harasta. By @SameerAlDoumy: image via Frédérique Geffard @AFP, 6 November 2016
Children in an underground shelter in Douma by Mohammed Badra @badramamet: image via Joe English @JoeEEnglish, 5 November 2016
An underground shelter in #Douma, Syria. Abu Omar added some pieces of decoration to comfort those afraid of the airstrikes: image via Mohammed Badra @badramamet, 1 November 2016
MutlulukFırsatı... Ateşkes'teki Çocuklar, Duma, Suriye (Mohammed Badra/European Pressphoto): image via Bizsiziz @Bizsiziz, 16 September 2016
epa editor's choice: 23 August 2016: #Douma by Mohammed Badra: image via epa photos @epaphotos, 23 August 2016
Una imagen. Bombardeo en Siria. Trágico abrazo de un padre a su hija sin vida. Foto d Mohammed Badra/EFE #Fotografia: image via uly martin @UlyMartin, 23 August 2016
epa editor's choice: 12 September 2016: #Syria by Mohammed Badra: image via epa photos @epaphotos, 12 September 2016
War through #Syrian eyes | Photo: Mohammed Badra—EPA #Syria: image via TIME LightBox @timepictures, 2 October 2016
American soldiers at a barricade north of Raqqa, Syria, on Sunday: photo by Rodi Said/Reuters, 6 November 2016
American soldiers at a barricade north of Raqqa, Syria, on Sunday: photo by Rodi Said/Reuters, 6 November 2016
A truck carries the belongings of a repatriated Afghan refugee family across the border with Pakistan into Afghanistan in September: photo by A Majeed/Agence France-Presse, 4 November 2016
Afghans arriving at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees repatriation center in Torkham, as they cross back into Afghanistan: photo by Noorullah Shirzada/Agence France-Presse, 4 November 2016
Afghans arriving at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees repatriation center in Torkham, as they cross back into Afghanistan: photo by Noorullah Shirzada/Agence France-Presse, 4 November 2016
#Pollution - A Pakistani man watches his camels on a smoggy day in Lahore. By Arif Ali #AFP: imagevia Sophie Chauveau @s_chauveauAFP, 2 November 2016
Russie: Le porte-avions russe Admiral #Kuznetsov sur son chemin vers la #Syrie, un moment de détente avant la bataille: image via Nagel Kuehne @net_hiti, 27 October 2016
National Unity Day Moscow: biker gangs here to express unity with Mother Russia: image via alex thomson @alextomo, 4 November 2016
Power and projection - Moscow style: image via alex thomson @alextomo, 3 November 2016
Report from @alextomo on the closure of Amnesty's Moscow office: image via kristyan benedict @KreaseChan, 3 November 2016
Met Lenin at the Kremlin. He said Ukraine needs a new President so it can look to Russia once more.: image via alex thomson @alextomo, 2 November 2016
Syrian soldier tells @krishgm that they are ready for the battle for East #Aleppo. Tonight on #c4news at 18:30 #Syria #Insidealeppo: image via alex thomson @alextomo, 5 November 2016
![The old mill | by efo]()
The old mill (Rockbridge, Virginia): photo by efo, 28 April 2016

Girls this age should be with friends. This one in Gogjali, eastern edge of Mosul, holds a white flag as her family leaves for an IDP camp Photo by Bulent Kilic: image via Andrew Katz @katz, 5 November 2016

This #Mosul baby made it out. Mother takes him back after introducing to relatives in a camp for #displaced @AFPphoto by @Kilibil: image via Jean-Marc Mojon @mojobaghdad, 6 November 2016

TURKEY - A man runs as Turkish riot police uses water cannon to disperse demonstrators on November 5 in Istanbul. By @yasinnakgul #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @AFP, 6 November 2016

SYRIA - The body of a girl lies on a bed at a makeshift hospital following reported shelling on a kindergarten in Harasta. By @SameerAlDoumy: image via Frédérique Geffard @AFP, 6 November 2016

SYRIA - A blood stained floor of a kindergarten following reported shelling in Harasta outskirts of Damascus. By @SameerAlDoumy: image via Frédérique Geffard @AFP, 6 November 2016

Children in an underground shelter in Douma by Mohammed Badra @badramamet: image via Joe English @JoeEEnglish, 5 November 2016

An underground shelter in #Douma, Syria. Abu Omar added some pieces of decoration to comfort those afraid of the airstrikes: image via Mohammed Badra @badramamet, 1 November 2016

MutlulukFırsatı... Ateşkes'teki Çocuklar, Duma, Suriye (Mohammed Badra/European Pressphoto): image via Bizsiziz @Bizsiziz, 16 September 2016

epa editor's choice: 23 August 2016: #Douma by Mohammed Badra: image via epa photos @epaphotos, 23 August 2016

Una imagen. Bombardeo en Siria. Trágico abrazo de un padre a su hija sin vida. Foto d Mohammed Badra/EFE #Fotografia: image via uly martin @UlyMartin, 23 August 2016

epa editor's choice: 12 September 2016: #Syria by Mohammed Badra: image via epa photos @epaphotos, 12 September 2016

War through #Syrian eyes | Photo: Mohammed Badra—EPA #Syria: image via TIME LightBox @timepictures, 2 October 2016

American soldiers at a barricade north of Raqqa, Syria, on Sunday: photo by Rodi Said/Reuters, 6 November 2016

American soldiers at a barricade north of Raqqa, Syria, on Sunday: photo by Rodi Said/Reuters, 6 November 2016

Islamic State hits back in Mosul but faces new Raqqa front: image via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 6 November 2016
As a child refugee, her photo on #NatGeo symbolized beauty and suffering of the #Afghan people. Now she's jailed in #Pakistan #FreeSharbatGula: image via shafi @ShafiSharifi, 2 November 2016
Afghan men gather around the bodies of civilians, including children who were killed by Islamic State militants in Ghor province #AFP: image via shahmarai @shahmarai, 26 October 2016
Kunduz, Afghanistan: Funeral of recent US air strike victims. Current status: At least 36 civilians killed, still many women and children.: image via Emran Feroz @Emran_Feroz, 5 November 2016
A truck carries the belongings of a repatriated Afghan refugee family across the border with Pakistan into Afghanistan in September: photo by A Majeed/Agence France-Presse, 4 November 2016

As a child refugee, her photo on #NatGeo symbolized beauty and suffering of the #Afghan people. Now she's jailed in #Pakistan #FreeSharbatGula: image via shafi @ShafiSharifi, 2 November 2016

Afghan men gather around the bodies of civilians, including children who were killed by Islamic State militants in Ghor province #AFP: image via shahmarai @shahmarai, 26 October 2016

Kunduz, Afghanistan: Funeral of recent US air strike victims. Current status: At least 36 civilians killed, still many women and children.: image via Emran Feroz @Emran_Feroz, 5 November 2016

Afghan Civilians outraged by #NATO airstrikes on #Kunduz region that killed 30+ civilians including many small Children they want revenge: image via Maurice Schleppen @MauriceSchleepe, 5 November 2016

A truck carries the belongings of a repatriated Afghan refugee family across the border with Pakistan into Afghanistan in September: photo by A Majeed/Agence France-Presse, 4 November 2016

A truck carries the belongings of a repatriated Afghan refugee family across the border with Pakistan into Afghanistan in September: photo by A Majeed/Agence France-Presse, 4 November 2016

Afghans arriving at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees repatriation center in Torkham, as they cross back into Afghanistan: photo by Noorullah Shirzada/Agence France-Presse, 4 November 2016

Afghans arriving at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees repatriation center in Torkham, as they cross back into Afghanistan: photo by Noorullah Shirzada/Agence France-Presse, 4 November 2016

#Pollution - A Pakistani man watches his camels on a smoggy day in Lahore. By Arif Ali #AFP: imagevia Sophie Chauveau @s_chauveauAFP, 2 November 2016
Frontline dog

Russie: Le porte-avions russe Admiral #Kuznetsov sur son chemin vers la #Syrie, un moment de détente avant la bataille: image via Nagel Kuehne @net_hiti, 27 October 2016

One sailor forgot the social media rules. His ship likely is the Pyotr Velikiy cruiser, part of the #Kuznetsov battle group. #Echosec: image via Hans deVreij @hdevreij, 4 November 2016

Echosec strikes again. Russian sailor geolocated, some 30 nm SE of Crete. #Kuznetsov task force: image via Hans deVreij @hdevreij, 4 November 2016

Echosec strikes again. Russian sailor geolocated, some 30 nm SE of Crete. #Kuznetsov task force: image via Hans deVreij @hdevreij, 4 November 2016
Today's Moscow Times on yesterday's unveiling of Vlad by Vlad: image via alex thomson @alextomo, 5 November 2016

Today's Moscow Times on yesterday's unveiling of Vlad by Vlad: image via alex thomson @alextomo, 5 November 2016

National Unity Day Moscow: biker gangs here to express unity with Mother Russia: image via alex thomson @alextomo, 4 November 2016

Power and projection - Moscow style: image via alex thomson @alextomo, 3 November 2016

Report from @alextomo on the closure of Amnesty's Moscow office: image via kristyan benedict @KreaseChan, 3 November 2016

"We are homeless." Moscow Amnesty director in a cafe near to their shut-down office today: image via alex thomson @alextomo, 2 November 2016

Met Lenin at the Kremlin. He said Ukraine needs a new President so it can look to Russia once more.: image via alex thomson @alextomo, 2 November 2016

Syrian soldier tells @krishgm that they are ready for the battle for East #Aleppo. Tonight on #c4news at 18:30 #Syria #Insidealeppo: image via alex thomson @alextomo, 5 November 2016

Frontline dog. Spooky eyes. #aleppo: image via Krishnan Guru-Murthy @krishgm, 5 November 2016
![The outhouse | by efo]()
The outhouse. Boutetort County, Virginia.: photo by efo, 3 November 2016
![Ring bell for service | by efo]()
Ring bell for service. Natural Bridge, Virginia. Professor Cline's workshop.: photo by efo, 5 November 2016
![Ring bell for service | by efo]()
Ring bell for service. Natural Bridge, Virginia. Professor Cline's workshop.: photo by efo, 5 November 2016
![Ring bell for service | by efo]()
Ring bell for service. Natural Bridge, Virginia. Professor Cline's workshop.: photo by efo, 5 November 2016
A great reckoning in a little room

The outhouse. Boutetort County, Virginia.: photo by efo, 3 November 2016

Ring bell for service. Natural Bridge, Virginia. Professor Cline's workshop.: photo by efo, 5 November 2016

Ring bell for service. Natural Bridge, Virginia. Professor Cline's workshop.: photo by efo, 5 November 2016

Ring bell for service. Natural Bridge, Virginia. Professor Cline's workshop.: photo by efo, 5 November 2016

The old mill (Rockbridge, Virginia): photo by efo, 28 April 2016