IRAQ - Iraqi families who were displaced by the ongoing operation by Iraqi forces against IS are seen gathering near Qayyarah. By @Kilicbil: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
IRAQ - Iraqi families who were displaced by the ongoing operation by Iraqi forces against IS are seen gathering near Qayyarah. By @Kilicbil: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
IRAQ - Iraqi families who were displaced by the ongoing operation by Iraqi forces against IS are seen gathering near Qayyarah. By @Kilicbil: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
IRAQ - Iraqi families who were displaced by the ongoing operation by Iraqi forces against IS are seen gathering near Qayyarah. By @Kilicbil: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
IRAQ - An operation to retake Mosul from IS takes place as displaced families flee areas of unrest at east of Mosul. By Ahmad Al-Rubaye #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 22 October 2016
Displaced families flee areas of unrest during an operation to retake #Mosul #AFP from the IS Photo By Ahmad Al-Rubaye: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 23 October 2016
Displaced Iraqis near #Qayyarah, south of #Mosul, #food distribution @afphoto by @Kilicbil: image via Jean-Marc Mojon @mojobaghdad, 24 October 2016
Displaced Iraqis near #Qayyarah, south of #Mosul, #food distribution @afphoto by @Kilicbil: image via Jean-Marc Mojon @mojobaghdad, 24 October 2016
Displaced Iraqis near #Qayyarah, south of #Mosul, #food distribution @afphoto by @Kilicbil: image via Jean-Marc Mojon @mojobaghdad, 24 October 2016
Displaced Iraqis near #Qayyarah, south of #Mosul, #food distribution @afphoto by @Kilicbil: image via Jean-Marc Mojon @mojobaghdad, 24 October 2016
SYRIA - Iraqi refugees who fled Mosul due to government forces offensive arrive in desert area of Rajam al-Saliba. By @Delilsouleman #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
SYRIA - Iraqi refugees who fled Mosul due to government forces offensive arrive in desert area of Rajam al-Saliba. By @Delilsouleman #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
SYRIA - Iraqi refugees who fled Mosul due to government forces offensive arrive in desert area of Rajam al-Saliba. By @Delilsouleman #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
#Iraq Displaced families arrive to a refugee camp in #Qarayyah during an operation to retake #Mosul from the IS #AFP Photo By @Kilicbil: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 23 October 2016
#Iraq A displaced boy holds a pigeon at refugee camp in #Qarayyah during an operation to retake #Mosul from the IS #AFP Photo By @Kilicbil: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 23 October 2016
IRAQ - Iraqi forces stand on an infantry fighting vehicle loaded on a truck driving through the Al-Shura area. By Ahmad Al-Rubaye #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
A member of the Iraqi government forces smokes a cigarette as they rest in the village of al-Khuwayn, south of Mosul, after recapturing it from Islamic State (IS) in part of an ongoing operation to tighten the noose around Mosul and reclaim the last major Iraqi city under IS control.: photo by Ahmad Al-Rubaye/AFP, 24 October 2016
![A member of the Iraqi government forces smokes a cigarette as they rest in the village of al-Khuwayn, south of Mosul, after recapturing it from Islamic State (IS) group jihadists on October 23, 2016, in part of an ongoing operation to tighten the noose around Mosul and reclaim the last major Iraqi city under IS control. / AFP PHOTO / AHMAD AL-RUBAYEAHMAD AL-RUBAYE/AFP/Getty Images]()
IRAQ - A member of the Iraqi government forces rests in the village of al-Khuwayn after they recapture it from IS. By Ahmad Al-Rubaye #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
SYRIA - The shoes of a victim filled with personal belongings are seen at a make-shift hospital in Douma near Damascus. By @AbdDoumany #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
SYRIA - The body of a child is seen at a make-shift morgue following a cluster bomb attack on the rebel-held town of Douma. By @AbdDoumany #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
More than 150 #refugees and #migrants float in a rubber boat as they try to cross to #europe some 12 miles off shore #libya: image via Aris Messinis @ArisMessinis. 23 October 2016
More than 200 #refugees and #migrants float in a rubber boat as they try to cross to #europe some 12 miles off shore #libya: image via Aris Messinis @ArisMessinis. 23 October 2016
![File:Melospiza melodia crataegus.jpg]()
Song-sparrow (Melospiza melodia) in a hawthorn (Crataegus), Léon-Provancher marsh, Québec, Canada: photo by Cephas, 2009
HAITI - Leolien prepares food next to what remains of her house destroyed by Hurricane Matthew in Jeremie. By @hectorretamal#AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 23 October 2016
#Haiti Damage after #HurricaneMatthew while the rain falls during a tropical storm #AFP Photo by @hectorretamal: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 22 October 2016
#Haiti Damage after #HurricaneMatthew while the rain falls during a tropical storm #AFP Photo by @hectorretamal: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 22 October 2016
#Haiti Damage after #HurricaneMatthew while the rain falls during a tropical storm #AFP Photo by @hectorretamal: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 22 October 2016
#Haiti Damage after #HurricaneMatthew while the rain falls during a tropical storm #AFP Photo by @hectorretamal: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 22 October 2016
#Hongkong during a signal eight warning for #TyphoonHaima #AFP Photo by @AntAFP: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 21 October 2016
#haveaniceday #sunset over the western city of Saint-Nazaire on October 20 #AFP Photo by @LoicVenance: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 21 October 2016
Hillary Clinton after her arrival in Cleveland for campaign appearances on Friday: photo by Carlos Barria/Reuters, 21 October 2016
Hillary Clinton after her arrival in Cleveland for campaign appearances on Friday: photo by Carlos Barria/Reuters, 21 October 2016
Photo on left is from 13 days ago when USS Mount Whitney was going northwards. Photo of right is from today. Spot the difference. :-): image via Bosphorus Naval News @Saturn5, 23 October 2016
F930 Leopold I, deeluitmakend van Standing Nato Maritime Group 1 volgt met argusogen de doortocht van de Kuznetzov-groep door de Noordzee: image via Belgian Navy @TheBelgianNavy, 20 October 2016
TN Preveze (209/1200) completes her journey thru Bosphorus. Spotted by #alperboler @Saturn5 @YorukIsik @KerimBozkurt: image via Serhat Güvenç @SerhatGuvenc, 23 October 2016
Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 departs the Black Sea and transits Bosphorus #ForwardDeployed: image via Yöruk Isik @YorukIsik, 22 October 2016
Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 departs the Black Sea and transits Bosphorus #ForwardDeployed: image via Yöruk Isik @YorukIsik, 22 October 2016
Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 departs the Black Sea and transits Bosphorus #ForwardDeployed: image via Yöruk Isik @YorukIsik, 22 October 2016
Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 departs the Black Sea and transits Bosphorus #ForwardDeployed: image via Yöruk Isik @YorukIsik, 22 October 2016
US Navy's Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 transiting southbound on the Bosphorus after 13 days in Black Sea: image via alper böler @alperboler, 22 October 2016
US Navy's Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 transiting southbound on the Bosphorus after 13 days in Black Sea: image via alper böler @alperboler, 22 October 2016
US Navy's Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 transiting southbound on the Bosphorus after 13 days in Black Sea: image via alper böler @alperboler, 22 October 2016
US Navy's Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 transiting southbound on the Bosphorus after 13 days in Black Sea: image via alper böler @alperboler, 22 October 2016
Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 hoisted US, Turkish Q and maritime pilot on board flags: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 22 October 2016
Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 hoisted US, Turkish Q and maritime pilot on board flags: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 22 October 2016
Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 hoisted US, Turkish Q and maritime pilot on board flags: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 22 October 2016
Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 hoisted US, Turkish Q and maritime pilot on board flags: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 22 October 2016![]()
Project861M #ВМФ #ЧФBSF Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman has small structures aft for ELINT gear and a NEW radome similar to Kildin's: image via: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 21 October 2016
Project861M #ВМФ #ЧФ BSF Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman has small structures aft for ELINT gear and a NEW radome similar to Kildin's: image via: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 21 October 2016
Coming from #Tartus #Syria, Togo flag cargo vessel Lily-Ha transits Bosphorus en route to Varna: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 20 October 2016
Coming from #Tartus #Syria, Togo flag cargo vessel Lily-Ha transits Bosphorus en route to Varna: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 20 October 2016
#ВМФ #4Ф BSF Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman #Лиман transits southbound Bosphorus en route to Mediterranean: image via Yöruk Isik @YorukIsik, 21 October 2016
#ВМФ #4Ф BSF Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman #Лиман transits southbound Bosphorus en route to Mediterranean: image via Yöruk Isik @YorukIsik, 21 October 2016
#ВМФ #4Ф BSF Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman #Лиман transits southbound Bosphorus en route to Mediterranean: image via Yöruk Isik @YorukIsik, 21 October 2016
A few more shots of Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman on Bosphorus Strait: image via alper böler @alperboler, 21 October 2016
A few more shots of Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman on Bosphorus Strait: image via alper böler @alperboler, 21 October 2016
A few more shots of Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman on Bosphorus Strait: image via alper böler @alperboler, 21 October 2016
A few more shots of Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman on Bosphorus Strait: image via alper böler @alperboler, 21 October 2016
Destroyer #USSCarney belongs @USNavyEurope Destroyer Squadron Sixty, 1 of 3 squadrons permanently based outside the U.S. in @NAVSTA_Rota: image via Yörük Isik @Yorukisik, 24 October 2016
Destroyer #USSCarney belongs @USNavyEurope Destroyer Squadron Sixty, 1 of 3 squadrons permanently based outside the U.S. in @NAVSTA_Rota: image via Yörük Isik @Yorukisik, 24 October 2016
Destroyer #USSCarney belongs @USNavyEurope Destroyer Squadron Sixty, 1 of 3 squadrons permanently based outside the U.S. in @NAVSTA_Rota: image via Yörük Isik @Yorukisik, 24 October 2016
Destroyer #USSCarney belongs @USNavyEurope Destroyer Squadron Sixty, 1 of 3 squadrons permanently based outside the U.S. in @NAVSTA_Rota: image via Yörük Isik @Yorukisik, 24 October 2016
Arleigh Burke-class @USNavyEurope guided missile destroyer USS Carney DDG64 transits towards Black Sea #ForwardDeployed #PresenceMatters: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik, 24 October 2016
Arleigh Burke-class @USNavyEurope guided missile destroyer USS Carney DDG64 transits towards Black Sea #ForwardDeployed #PresenceMatters: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik, 24 October 2016
Arleigh Burke-class @USNavyEurope guided missile destroyer USS Carney DDG64 transits towards Black Sea #ForwardDeployed #PresenceMatters: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik, 24 October 2016
US Navy's Arleigh-Burke Class Destroyer "USS CARNEY" DDG 64 northbound on the İstanbul Strait towards Black Sea (4:00 pm local): image via Leucothea @Leucothea_ra, 24 October 2016
Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Carney DDG64 hoisted US, courtesy Turkish, 'maritime pilot on board" flags during its Bosphorus transit: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik, 24 October 2016
#Bosphorus: Arleigh Burke-class destroyer @USNavyEurope USS Carney DDG64 makes 45°turn in heavy currents at Kandilli Point, Edib Efendi yalı: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik, 24 October 2016
US Navy's ArleighBurke Class Destroyer USS Carney 64 northbound on the Bosphorus towards BlackSea: image via alper böler @alperboler, 24 October 2016
US Navy's ArleighBurke Class Destroyer USS Carney 64 northbound on the Bosphorus towards BlackSea: image via alper böler @alperboler, 24 October 2016
US Navy's ArleighBurke Class Destroyer USS Carney 64 northbound on the Bosphorus towards BlackSea: image via alper böler @alperboler, 24 October 2016
A sad love story from my office window in Beyoğlu. They are countries apart, that house is on French soil. Seriously.: image via alper böler @alperboler, 19 October 2016

IRAQ - Iraqi families who were displaced by the ongoing operation by Iraqi forces against IS are seen gathering near Qayyarah. By @Kilicbil: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016

IRAQ - Iraqi families who were displaced by the ongoing operation by Iraqi forces against IS are seen gathering near Qayyarah. By @Kilicbil: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016

IRAQ - Iraqi families who were displaced by the ongoing operation by Iraqi forces against IS are seen gathering near Qayyarah. By @Kilicbil: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016

IRAQ - Iraqi families who were displaced by the ongoing operation by Iraqi forces against IS are seen gathering near Qayyarah. By @Kilicbil: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016

IRAQ - An operation to retake Mosul from IS takes place as displaced families flee areas of unrest at east of Mosul. By Ahmad Al-Rubaye #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 22 October 2016

Displaced families flee areas of unrest during an operation to retake #Mosul #AFP from the IS Photo By Ahmad Al-Rubaye: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 23 October 2016

Displaced Iraqis near #Qayyarah, south of #Mosul, #food distribution @afphoto by @Kilicbil: image via Jean-Marc Mojon @mojobaghdad, 24 October 2016

Displaced Iraqis near #Qayyarah, south of #Mosul, #food distribution @afphoto by @Kilicbil: image via Jean-Marc Mojon @mojobaghdad, 24 October 2016

Displaced Iraqis near #Qayyarah, south of #Mosul, #food distribution @afphoto by @Kilicbil: image via Jean-Marc Mojon @mojobaghdad, 24 October 2016

Displaced Iraqis near #Qayyarah, south of #Mosul, #food distribution @afphoto by @Kilicbil: image via Jean-Marc Mojon @mojobaghdad, 24 October 2016

SYRIA - Iraqi refugees who fled Mosul due to government forces offensive arrive in desert area of Rajam al-Saliba. By @Delilsouleman #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016

SYRIA - Iraqi refugees who fled Mosul due to government forces offensive arrive in desert area of Rajam al-Saliba. By @Delilsouleman #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016

SYRIA - Iraqi refugees who fled Mosul due to government forces offensive arrive in desert area of Rajam al-Saliba. By @Delilsouleman #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016

#Iraq Displaced families arrive to a refugee camp in #Qarayyah during an operation to retake #Mosul from the IS #AFP Photo By @Kilicbil: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 23 October 2016

#Iraq A displaced boy holds a pigeon at refugee camp in #Qarayyah during an operation to retake #Mosul from the IS #AFP Photo By @Kilicbil: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 23 October 2016

IRAQ - Iraqi forces stand on an infantry fighting vehicle loaded on a truck driving through the Al-Shura area. By Ahmad Al-Rubaye #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
A member of the Iraqi government forces smokes a cigarette as they rest in the village of al-Khuwayn, south of Mosul, after recapturing it from Islamic State (IS) in part of an ongoing operation to tighten the noose around Mosul and reclaim the last major Iraqi city under IS control.: photo by Ahmad Al-Rubaye/AFP, 24 October 2016

A member of the Iraqi government forces smokes a cigarette as they rest in the village of al-Khuwayn, south of Mosul, after recapturing it from Islamic State (IS) in part of an ongoing operation to tighten the noose around Mosul and reclaim the last major Iraqi city under IS control.: photo by Ahmad Al-Rubaye/AFP, 24 October 2016

IRAQ - A member of the Iraqi government forces rests in the village of al-Khuwayn after they recapture it from IS. By Ahmad Al-Rubaye #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016

SYRIA - The shoes of a victim filled with personal belongings are seen at a make-shift hospital in Douma near Damascus. By @AbdDoumany #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016

SYRIA - The body of a child is seen at a make-shift morgue following a cluster bomb attack on the rebel-held town of Douma. By @AbdDoumany #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
A woman walks past semi-finished clay idols of the Hindu mythological characters ‘Dakinis’ and ‘Yoginis’, who will be worshipped along with the Hindu goddess Kali, at a roadside workshop ahead of the Kali Puja festival in Kolkata, India: photo by Rupak De Chowdhuri/Reuters, 24 October 2016
![A woman walks past semi-finished clay idols of the Hindu mythological characters 'Dakinis' and 'Yoginis', who will be worshipped along with the Hindu goddess Kali, at a roadside workshop ahead of the Kali Puja festival in Kolkata, India October 24, 2016. REUTERS/Rupak De Chowdhuri]()
A woman walks past semi-finished clay idols of the Hindu mythological characters ‘Dakinis’ and ‘Yoginis’, who will be worshipped along with the Hindu goddess Kali, at a roadside workshop ahead of the Kali Puja festival in Kolkata, India: photo by Rupak De Chowdhuri/Reuters, 24 October 2016

A woman walks past semi-finished clay idols of the Hindu mythological characters ‘Dakinis’ and ‘Yoginis’, who will be worshipped along with the Hindu goddess Kali, at a roadside workshop ahead of the Kali Puja festival in Kolkata, India: photo by Rupak De Chowdhuri/Reuters, 24 October 2016
An Afghan refugee girl stands on the debris of a demolished house in Khazana refugee camp on the outskirts of Peshawar: photo by AFP, 24 October 2016
![An Afghan refugee girl stands on the debris of a demolish house in khazana refugees camp outskirts of Peshawar on October 24, 2016. More than 350,000 Afghan refugees have returned to their war-torn homeland from Pakistan this year, UN data show, with the torrent of people crossing the border expected to continue / AFP PHOTO / A MAJEEDA MAJEED/AFP/Getty Images]()
An Afghan refugee girl stands on the debris of a demolished house in Khazana refugee camp on the outskirts of Peshawar: photo by AFP, 24 October 2016
PAKISTAN - An Afghan refugee in khazana refugee camp near peshawar shifts bricks after demolishing his house before returning to his home land. By A Majeed: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
AFGHANISTAN - A drug addict rests after smoking opium at a park in Kabul. By @shahmarai #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 22 October 2016

An Afghan refugee girl stands on the debris of a demolished house in Khazana refugee camp on the outskirts of Peshawar: photo by AFP, 24 October 2016

PAKISTAN - An Afghan refugee in khazana refugee camp near peshawar shifts bricks after demolishing his house before returning to his home land. By A Majeed: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016

AFGHANISTAN - A drug addict rests after smoking opium at a park in Kabul. By @shahmarai #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 22 October 2016
Police officers stand by as migrants lineup to register at a processing centre in the makeshift migrant camp known as “the jungle” near Calais, northern France, on Monday: photo by Emilio Morenatti/AP, 24 October 2016
![APTOPIX France Migrants]()
Police officers stand by as migrants lineup to register at a processing centre in the makeshift migrant camp known as “the jungle” near Calais, northern France, on Monday: photo by Emilio Morenatti/AP, 24 October 2016
FRANCE - A migrant looks on at "Jungle" migrant camp in Calais as a major 3 day operation is planned to clear the camp. By Philippe Huguen: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
FRANCE - Migrants queue for transportation by bus to reception centres across France from the "Jungle" camp in Calais. By Philippe Huguen: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016
#Migrants around a #bonfire in the #JungleCamp in #Calais today as #evacuation has begun @AFPphoto by Philippe Huguen: image via Isabelle Wirth @Isa_Wirth_Roux, 24 October 2016
#France #migrants walk past a makeshift church in the "Jungle" camp in #Calais on the eve of its demolition #AFP Photo by Francois Lo Presti: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 23 October 2016
#France #migrants walk past a makeshift church in the "Jungle" camp in #Calais on the eve of its demolition #AFP Photo by Francois Lo Presti: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 23 October 2016
#France Building the 'Great Wall of #Calais aimed at preventing #migrants and #refugees from reaching #Britain #AFP Photo by @DenisCharlet: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 21 October 2016
Migrants waiting to be processed in Calais, France, on Monday, before boarding buses to reception centers around the country: photo by Jack Taylor, 24 October 2016
Migrants waiting to be processed in Calais, France, on Monday, before boarding buses to reception centers around the country: photo by Jack Taylor, 24 October 2016

Police officers stand by as migrants lineup to register at a processing centre in the makeshift migrant camp known as “the jungle” near Calais, northern France, on Monday: photo by Emilio Morenatti/AP, 24 October 2016

FRANCE - A migrant looks on at "Jungle" migrant camp in Calais as a major 3 day operation is planned to clear the camp. By Philippe Huguen: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016

FRANCE - Migrants queue for transportation by bus to reception centres across France from the "Jungle" camp in Calais. By Philippe Huguen: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 24 October 2016

#Migrants around a #bonfire in the #JungleCamp in #Calais today as #evacuation has begun @AFPphoto by Philippe Huguen: image via Isabelle Wirth @Isa_Wirth_Roux, 24 October 2016

#France #migrants walk past a makeshift church in the "Jungle" camp in #Calais on the eve of its demolition #AFP Photo by Francois Lo Presti: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 23 October 2016

#France #migrants walk past a makeshift church in the "Jungle" camp in #Calais on the eve of its demolition #AFP Photo by Francois Lo Presti: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 23 October 2016

Migrants waiting to be processed in Calais, France, on Monday, before boarding buses to reception centers around the country: photo by Jack Taylor, 24 October 2016

Migrants waiting to be processed in Calais, France, on Monday, before boarding buses to reception centers around the country: photo by Jack Taylor, 24 October 2016

More than 150 #refugees and #migrants float in a rubber boat as they try to cross to #europe some 12 miles off shore #libya: image via Aris Messinis @ArisMessinis. 23 October 2016

More than 200 #refugees and #migrants float in a rubber boat as they try to cross to #europe some 12 miles off shore #libya: image via Aris Messinis @ArisMessinis. 23 October 2016

Song-sparrow (Melospiza melodia) in a hawthorn (Crataegus), Léon-Provancher marsh, Québec, Canada: photo by Cephas, 2009
Giuseppe Ungaretti: Pellegrinaggio
In agguato
in queste budella
di macerie
ore e ore
ho strascicato
la mia carcassa
usata dal fango
come una suola
o come un seme
di spinalba
uomo di pena
ti basta un'illusione
per farti coraggio
Un riflettore
di là
mette un mare
nella nebbia
Valloncello dell'Albero Isolato il 16 agosto 1916
In agguato
in queste budella
di macerie
ore e ore
ho strascicato
la mia carcassa
usata dal fango
come una suola
o come un seme
di spinalba
uomo di pena
ti basta un'illusione
per farti coraggio
Un riflettore
di là
mette un mare
nella nebbia
Searchlight beams, Malta: photo via Imperial War Museum
Valley of the Isolated Tree 16 August 1916
Crouched in ambush
in these twisted
internal passages
among broken things
hour on hour
I've dragged
a husk
through the mud
an old shoe sole or
a seed of spiny whitethorn
Ungaretti man
of pain
an illusion
is enough to give you heart
Out there
in the fog
a searchlight
creates a sea
Giuseppe Ungaretti (1888-1970): Pellegrinaggio (Pilgrimage) from Allegria di naufragi, 1919; English TC

HAITI - Leolien prepares food next to what remains of her house destroyed by Hurricane Matthew in Jeremie. By @hectorretamal#AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 23 October 2016

#Haiti Damage after #HurricaneMatthew while the rain falls during a tropical storm #AFP Photo by @hectorretamal: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 22 October 2016

#Haiti Damage after #HurricaneMatthew while the rain falls during a tropical storm #AFP Photo by @hectorretamal: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 22 October 2016

#Haiti Damage after #HurricaneMatthew while the rain falls during a tropical storm #AFP Photo by @hectorretamal: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 22 October 2016

#Haiti Damage after #HurricaneMatthew while the rain falls during a tropical storm #AFP Photo by @hectorretamal: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 22 October 2016

#Hongkong during a signal eight warning for #TyphoonHaima #AFP Photo by @AntAFP: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 21 October 2016

#haveaniceday #sunset over the western city of Saint-Nazaire on October 20 #AFP Photo by @LoicVenance: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 21 October 2016
Under Gunmetal Gray Skies

Hillary Clinton after her arrival in Cleveland for campaign appearances on Friday: photo by Carlos Barria/Reuters, 21 October 2016

Hillary Clinton after her arrival in Cleveland for campaign appearances on Friday: photo by Carlos Barria/Reuters, 21 October 2016
AstroTurfing the Brand

A kiss on the cheek while she's sticking a knife in the back" -- Clinton advisor Doug Band on Chelsea Clinton: image via WikiLeaks @wikileaks, 22 October 2016
16 days: image via Hillary Clinton @Hillary Clinton, 23 October 2016

Shipspotting (Order of Battle)

Photo on left is from 13 days ago when USS Mount Whitney was going northwards. Photo of right is from today. Spot the difference. :-): image via Bosphorus Naval News @Saturn5, 23 October 2016

I love how the press decries #AdmiralKuznetsov as being unreliable, then forgets just how bad Type 45 serviceability actually is...: image via Tony Osborne @Rotorfocus, 22 October 2016 Edinburgh, Scotland

Uau...! Have SPS Juan de Borbon and HNoMS Fridtjof Nansen joined to Russian fleet, @steffanwatkins @LukeDCoffey @YorukIsik @Saturn5...?: image via Gibraltar Español @decolonize_gib, 22 October 2016

F930 Leopold I, deeluitmakend van Standing Nato Maritime Group 1 volgt met argusogen de doortocht van de Kuznetzov-groep door de Noordzee: image via Belgian Navy @TheBelgianNavy, 20 October 2016

F930 Leopold I, deeluitmakend van Standing Nato Maritime Group 1 volgt met argusogen de doortocht van de Kuznetzov-groep door de Noordzee: image via Belgian Navy @TheBelgianNavy, 20 October 2016
#ForwardDeployed (Closely Watched Straits)

TN Preveze (209/1200) completes her journey thru Bosphorus. Spotted by #alperboler @Saturn5 @YorukIsik @KerimBozkurt: image via Serhat Güvenç @SerhatGuvenc, 23 October 2016

Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 departs the Black Sea and transits Bosphorus #ForwardDeployed: image via Yöruk Isik @YorukIsik, 22 October 2016

Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 departs the Black Sea and transits Bosphorus #ForwardDeployed: image via Yöruk Isik @YorukIsik, 22 October 2016

Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 departs the Black Sea and transits Bosphorus #ForwardDeployed: image via Yöruk Isik @YorukIsik, 22 October 2016

Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 departs the Black Sea and transits Bosphorus #ForwardDeployed: image via Yöruk Isik @YorukIsik, 22 October 2016

US Navy's Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 transiting southbound on the Bosphorus after 13 days in Black Sea: image via alper böler @alperboler, 22 October 2016

US Navy's Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 transiting southbound on the Bosphorus after 13 days in Black Sea: image via alper böler @alperboler, 22 October 2016

US Navy's Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 transiting southbound on the Bosphorus after 13 days in Black Sea: image via alper böler @alperboler, 22 October 2016

US Navy's Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 transiting southbound on the Bosphorus after 13 days in Black Sea: image via alper böler @alperboler, 22 October 2016

Flagship of USNavyEurope USS Mount Whitney, finished her Black Sea deployment and passed through Istanbul in a grey dull winter morning: image via Bosphorus Naval News @Saturn5, 23 October 2016

#USSMountWhitney enters the #BosphorusStrait Oct. 23: image via Naval Forces Europe @USNavyEurope, 23 October 2016

Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 transited Bosphorus 05:00GMT @USNATO: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 23 October 2016

Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 transited Bosphorus 05:00GMT @USNATO: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 23 October 2016

Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 transited Bosphorus 05:00GMT @USNATO: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 23 October 2016

Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 transited Bosphorus 05:00GMT @USNATO: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 23 October 2016

Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 hoisted US, Turkish Q and maritime pilot on board flags: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 22 October 2016

Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 hoisted US, Turkish Q and maritime pilot on board flags: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 22 October 2016

Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 hoisted US, Turkish Q and maritime pilot on board flags: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 22 October 2016

Flagship of @USNavyEurope, Blue Ridge class commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 hoisted US, Turkish Q and maritime pilot on board flags: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 22 October 2016

Blue Ridge class @USNavy commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 departed BlackSea after 13 days, transited Bosphorus and entered Marmara: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 22 October 2016

Blue Ridge class @USNavy commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 departed BlackSea after 13 days, transited Bosphorus and entered Marmara: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 22 October 2016
Blue Ridge class @USNavy commandship USS Mount Whitney LCC20 departed BlackSea after 13 days, transited Bosphorus and entered Marmara: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 22 October 2016

Project861M #ВМФ #ЧФBSF Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman has small structures aft for ELINT gear and a NEW radome similar to Kildin's: image via: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 21 October 2016

Project861M #ВМФ #ЧФ BSF Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman has small structures aft for ELINT gear and a NEW radome similar to Kildin's: image via: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 21 October 2016

Coming from #Tartus #Syria, Togo flag cargo vessel Lily-Ha transits Bosphorus en route to Varna: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 20 October 2016

Coming from #Tartus #Syria, Togo flag cargo vessel Lily-Ha transits Bosphorus en route to Varna: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 20 October 2016

Coming from #Tartus #Syria, Togo flag cargo vessel Lily-Ha transits Bosphorus en route to Varna: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik. 20 October 2016

#ВМФ #4Ф BSF Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman #Лиман transits southbound Bosphorus en route to Mediterranean: image via Yöruk Isik @YorukIsik, 21 October 2016

#ВМФ #4Ф BSF Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman #Лиман transits southbound Bosphorus en route to Mediterranean: image via Yöruk Isik @YorukIsik, 21 October 2016

#ВМФ #4Ф BSF Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman #Лиман transits southbound Bosphorus en route to Mediterranean: image via Yöruk Isik @YorukIsik, 21 October 2016

A few more shots of Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman on Bosphorus Strait: image via alper böler @alperboler, 21 October 2016

A few more shots of Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman on Bosphorus Strait: image via alper böler @alperboler, 21 October 2016

A few more shots of Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman on Bosphorus Strait: image via alper böler @alperboler, 21 October 2016

A few more shots of Moma-class AIG intelligence ship Liman on Bosphorus Strait: image via alper böler @alperboler, 21 October 2016
The U.S. Navy destroyer USS Carney sets sail in the Bosphorus, on its way to the Black Sea, in Istanbul, Turkey: photo by Murad Sezer/Reuters, 24 October 2016

Destroyer #USSCarney belongs @USNavyEurope Destroyer Squadron Sixty, 1 of 3 squadrons permanently based outside the U.S. in @NAVSTA_Rota: image via Yörük Isik @Yorukisik, 24 October 2016

Destroyer #USSCarney belongs @USNavyEurope Destroyer Squadron Sixty, 1 of 3 squadrons permanently based outside the U.S. in @NAVSTA_Rota: image via Yörük Isik @Yorukisik, 24 October 2016

Destroyer #USSCarney belongs @USNavyEurope Destroyer Squadron Sixty, 1 of 3 squadrons permanently based outside the U.S. in @NAVSTA_Rota: image via Yörük Isik @Yorukisik, 24 October 2016

Destroyer #USSCarney belongs @USNavyEurope Destroyer Squadron Sixty, 1 of 3 squadrons permanently based outside the U.S. in @NAVSTA_Rota: image via Yörük Isik @Yorukisik, 24 October 2016

Arleigh Burke-class @USNavyEurope guided missile destroyer USS Carney DDG64 transited Bosphorus and entered the Black Sea 13:40GMT @USNATO: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik, 24 October 2016

Arleigh Burke-class @USNavyEurope guided missile destroyer USS Carney DDG64 transits towards Black Sea #ForwardDeployed #PresenceMatters: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik, 24 October 2016

Arleigh Burke-class @USNavyEurope guided missile destroyer USS Carney DDG64 transits towards Black Sea #ForwardDeployed #PresenceMatters: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik, 24 October 2016

Arleigh Burke-class @USNavyEurope guided missile destroyer USS Carney DDG64 transits towards Black Sea #ForwardDeployed #PresenceMatters: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik, 24 October 2016

US Navy's Arleigh-Burke Class Destroyer "USS CARNEY" DDG 64 northbound on the İstanbul Strait towards Black Sea (4:00 pm local): image via Leucothea @Leucothea_ra, 24 October 2016

US Navy's Arleigh-Burke Class Destroyer "USS CARNEY" DDG 64 northbound on the İstanbul Strait towards Black Sea (4:00 pm local): image via Leucothea @Leucothea_ra, 24 October 2016

Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Carney DDG64 hoisted US, courtesy Turkish, 'maritime pilot on board" flags during its Bosphorus transit: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik, 24 October 2016

#Bosphorus: Arleigh Burke-class destroyer @USNavyEurope USS Carney DDG64 makes 45°turn in heavy currents at Kandilli Point, Edib Efendi yalı: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik, 24 October 2016

#Bosphorus: Arleigh Burke-class destroyer @USNavyEurope USS Carney DDG64 makes 45°turn in heavy currents at Kandilli Point, Edib Efendi yalı: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik, 24 October 2016

#Bosphorus: Arleigh Burke-class destroyer @USNavyEurope USS Carney DDG64 makes 45°turn in heavy currents at Kandilli Point, Edib Efendi yalı: image via Yörük Isik @YorukIsik, 24 October 2016

US Navy's ArleighBurke Class Destroyer USS Carney 64 northbound on the Bosphorus towards BlackSea: image via alper böler @alperboler, 24 October 2016

US Navy's ArleighBurke Class Destroyer USS Carney 64 northbound on the Bosphorus towards BlackSea: image via alper böler @alperboler, 24 October 2016

US Navy's ArleighBurke Class Destroyer USS Carney 64 northbound on the Bosphorus towards BlackSea: image via alper böler @alperboler, 24 October 2016

US Navy's ArleighBurke Class Destroyer USS Carney 64 northbound on the Bosphorus towards BlackSea: image via alper böler @alperboler, 24 October 2016

Les "chasseurs de navires" du Bosphore à l'affût de la Marine russe par @FulyaOzerkan: image via Agence France-Presse @afpfr, 23 October 2016

A sad love story from my office window in Beyoğlu. They are countries apart, that house is on French soil. Seriously.: image via alper böler @alperboler, 19 October 2016